Trans activists are evil

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2021 Apr 6, 7:37pm   220,890 views  2,169 comments

by FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.

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1232   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 1:13am  

apex says

richwicks says

Oh god, I hope this isn't true.

Why? If they were given PB at age 12-13, they are already victims of medical malpractice, and by age 30, they have wasted more than half their lives suffering from the consequences. What, really, would such a pitiful soul have to live for, at that point?

I don't think just because somebody cut off their tits and sewn on a part of their leg as a penis, OR somebody that castrated themselves, got breast implants, and inverted their dick should have a life end at 30.

I don't think they ALL suffer, but I think the VAST MAJORITY are making a mistake. I don't have ill will toward them. I honestly feel badly for these people.
1233   HeadSet   2023 Jun 13, 7:44am  

The_Deplorable says

The biker babe would not be able to loosen the lug nuts.
1238   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 5:41pm  


Failed Surgical Creation of Phalli in Women
Transgender Misadventure Leads to Frequent, Serious Complications ...

Robinson et al, reported on 129 women who underwent attempted surgery to either create a penis or make a sensitive phallus structure for sexual pleasure. ... Patients reported 281 complications requiring 142 revisions. The most common complications were urethrocutaneous fistula (n = 51, 40 percent), urethral stricture (n = 41, 32 percent), and worsened mental health (n = 25, 19 percent). The average erect neophallus after phalloplasty was 14.1 cm long vs 5.5 cm after metoidioplasty (P < .00001). Metoidioplasty patients report 4.8 out of 5 erogenous sensation, compared to 3.4 out of 5 for phalloplasty patients (P < .00001).

In summary these surgical complications are far to frequent and very serious. Genital reconstruction surgery in women attempting to create phalli and take on the appearance of a man should be abandoned.
1240   Patrick   2023 Jun 13, 6:24pm  


70% of people who identified as trans or Q+Whatever in the first wave of the study STOPPED identifying as such and began identifying as heterosexual by the second wave of the study just 6 years later!

This study was done on people of all different ages, income levels, and socio-economic backgrounds. And in the follow-ups, a trans person was more likely to have dropped the rainbow identity and returned to straight than to not have done so.

Good thing we aren't letting little kids pick their gender and get life-changing surgeries and hormone treatments, right? Right?
1241   apex   2023 Jun 13, 8:39pm  

richwicks says
I don't have ill will toward them.

My comment wasn't motivated by ill-will either -- I was just wondering whether suicide was really a bad option for someone who had irreversibly ruined his/her life in such a fundamental way. Imagine going on puberty blockers at age 12, and then realizing at age 30 the horror of what you had done to yourself.
1242   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 9:26pm  

apex says

My comment wasn't motivated by ill-will either -- I was just wondering whether suicide was really a bad option for someone who had irreversibly ruined his/her life in such a fundamental way. Imagine going on puberty blockers at age 12, and then realizing at age 30 the horror of what you had done to yourself.

You live with your consequences. No matter how bad the past is, the future can always be better.

If I'm every truly suicidal, the world will by my oyster - I can do anything with no consequence, because what's the worst that will happen? I'll be killed?

I'm not a sociopath - take heart in that. I was a vegetarian for 25 years, I couldn't even stand to harm an animal for 1/2 my life - but I would be very dangerous an unstoppable if I truly become suicidal, however, there is nobody worth killing in my opinion. Won't change a thing.
1243   richwicks   2023 Jun 13, 9:28pm  

Patrick says

Good fucking lord.

I know that phallus has little to no sensation, but still.
1249   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 14, 5:47pm  

Patrick says


Every poll on this issue is going anti-Tranny.

Sometimes people have to see the outcome of their own stupidity, and even then...
1251   Patrick   2023 Jun 16, 10:56am  


Too many transgender activists are sadistic bullies
By Debra Soh
June 15, 2023

If you’ve ever wondered why so many scientists have remained silent as gender ideology overtakes the universe, here's another example to contemplate.

A new study was recently released on the subject of rapid-onset gender dysphoria , or ROGD. ROGD refers to the epidemic of predominantly young women and teenage girls who transition to male or a so-called "third" gender, often suddenly and without any previous history of gender problems. Twenty-six states have banned therapeutic approaches that are not gender affirmation, and an increasing number, including California and Minnesota, have become sanctuary states for minors seeking transition services. Unsatisfied at stopping there, transgender activists have taken to warping research findings to promote their agenda, censoring all others, and embarking on witch hunts, harassing dissenting scientists for decades of their careers.

As reported by the College Fix, activists are now demanding that the aforementioned ROGD study be retracted and that the editor responsible for publishing it be removed from the academic journal. Over 100 clinicians and academics have signed an open letter denouncing the paper’s publication.
1252   socal2   2023 Jun 16, 12:11pm  

AmericanKulak says

Every poll on this issue is going anti-Tranny.

Sometimes people have to see the outcome of their own stupidity, and even then...

One of the few green shoots of success in the culture wars.

Just imagine if we had a competent and eloquent Republican Presidential candidate who is willing to speak out against the celebration of this mental illness?

Instead, we are going to be stuck with Trump normalizing more Trannies with visits to the White House.

Trump not any different than Paul Ryan on the culture.....
1253   Patrick   2023 Jun 16, 1:35pm  


Whistleblower exposes hospital for performing genital sex change surgeries on minors

JUN 12, 2023

Kaiser Permanente, a healthcare company with hospitals across the United States, issued a mandatory training course for all Kaiser employees in Southern California. The course covered topics on “gender-affirming care,” which included information on mastectomies, hysterectomies, vaginoplasties, and phalloplasties. Internal documents indicated that these procedures are allowed to be performed on minors. ...

The criteria for Mastectomies is minimal. Girls under the age of eighteen are eligible for the surgery, as long as they receive parental consent and one letter within twelve months. ...

Boys under eighteen years old are eligible to receive vaginoplasties if they have parental consent and have been on hormones for at least one year. Girls can get phalloplasties under the same guidelines. ...

Dr. Holly Hyokyung Kim is a transgender care physician at Kaiser Permanente’s West Los Angeles Medical Center. Although she specialized in infectious disease care, Dr. Kim is now in charge of transgender care and has no background in general surgery, urology or endocrinology. In a discussion featured on Kaiser Permanente's Instagram page, Dr. Kim admits she received no training for transgender care while in medical school but “jumped at the chance” to join Kaiser Permanente’s transgender care program when it first opened. She feels it is “truly an honor” to be alongside patients who choose to medically transition. ...

Many staff members at Kaiser Medical admit they are horrified at the surgeries performed on children, but have no choice but to keep quiet or risk losing their jobs. Some fear that they would be labeled bigots if they brought up the amount of transgender complications they have witnessed over the years. Libs of TikTok reached out to Kaiser Permanente to inquire about the mandatory training and gain clarity on why Kaiser Medical performs life-altering surgeries on children, contrary to the recommendation of many medical professionals. We did not receive a response to our request for comment.

Dr. Kim is a butcher of children.

California is attempting to eliminate parental consent to this butchery. They have already eliminated the need for both parents to consent. The ironically named CA state senator Scott Wiener seems to be leading this horrorshow.

I think the whole trans mania lately is yet one more deliberate distraction by the oligarchs running the CIA, so that we are tied up arguing trans stupidity while they continue to start new wars around the world.
1254   Ceffer   2023 Jun 16, 1:54pm  

Patrick says

I think the whole trans mania lately is yet one more deliberate distraction by the oligarchs running the CIA, so that we are tied up arguing trans stupidity while they continue to start new wars around the world.

Pretty much this. A few lunatics exchange their secondary sex characteristics for weeping wounds and scars, and tissues inappropriately and grotesquely grafted, and artificial hormones fucking up the biologic machinery. Aside from unmasking profit perfidy as a further disgrace in the medical profession, it accomplishes little and nobody will buy it in the short run or the long run.

It's a distraction during the magic act while they ponder what kind of major false flag they can foist in the age of the internet, where public suspicions are extremely twitchy compared with the good ole days of free form heinousness. We have five days to solstice, one of their sacred Satanist witching days, so gird for something or another.
1255   Ceffer   2023 Jun 16, 2:52pm  

Nothing worse than a transgender raccoon craving adrenochrome.
1257   richwicks   2023 Jun 16, 6:13pm  

Ceffer says

Nothing worse than a transgender raccoon craving adrenochrome.

This has nothing to do with transgenderism.

Once the woman had the raccoon, she should have killed it. It wasn't able to bite her, killing it wouldn't have been trivial. It probably was rabid. If she could have killed it, they could inspect the brain to see if it was rabid.

If it was rabid, that kid needs shots. If it's UNKNOWN, that kid needs shots. Rabies is fatal the second symptoms shows up and quite often before.

I feel badly for that kid. I don't know how it is now, but if you were attacked by a rabid animal when I was a kid, it was like 10 shots. You don't fuck around with it. It's an emergency medical intervention, on the day you are exposed, you go in for immediate treatment. Growing up in the sticks, we were always wary of animals that would approach you. Unless it was a dog, or a bird, or something the assumption was rabies.
1258   AmericanKulak   2023 Jun 16, 7:10pm  

At least 3000 Catholics protesting the Sisters of the Perpetual Indulgence, an obnoxious anti-Catholic group, being honored for "Community Service" by the LA Dodgers, a clear endorsement of Anti-Catholic sentiment. The announcer at the stadium announced the groups "Leader", Sister Gonorrhea

1259   Patrick   2023 Jun 17, 9:39am  

Paul Joseph Watson
Perhaps the most devastating community note ever.

Jun 16
The state of Florida never provided medically necessary gender-affirming care to Duane Owen — causing her enormous suffering and violating her right to be free from cruel and unusual punishment for the more than 30 years she was in state custody.

Readers added context they thought people might want to know

Duane stabbed 14-year-old Karen Slattery 18 times, killing her, then raped her corpse. He committed murder again years later.


1261   HeadSet   2023 Jun 17, 11:42am  

Damn, that hits home.
1262   Blue   2023 Jun 17, 12:10pm  

richwicks says

If it was rabid, that kid needs shots. If it's UNKNOWN, that kid needs shots. Rabies is fatal the second symptoms shows up and quite often before.

yes, also be careful when it comes to the billing.
I looked up online https://www.apollopharmacy.in/medicine/rabipur-vaccine-1ml it costs about $3 just for comparison though its not practical.
1263   Patrick   2023 Jun 19, 2:13pm  


The Wall Street Journal just reported the following:

As Dr. McCullough and I frequently discuss, we already knew from the COVID-19 pandemic response that many U.S. medical institutions had irrevocably lost their souls, but the increasingly widespread butchery of teenagers suggests that many of their ranking personnel are already in hell, even before their mortal lives have ended. ...

A major proponent of transgender surgery for teenagers is Dr. Eli Coleman, Chair of Standards of Care for the World Professional Association for Transgender Health and director of the University of Minnesota Medical School’s human sexuality program. As was noted in a recent AP report, Dr. Coleman assures us of the following:

Starting treatment earlier allows transgender teens to experience physical puberty changes around the same time as other teens. But he stressed that age is just one factor to be weighed. Emotional maturity, parents’ consent, longstanding gender discomfort and a careful psychological evaluation are among the others. “Certainly there are adolescents that do not have the emotional or cognitive maturity to make an informed decision,” he said. “That is why we recommend a careful multidisciplinary assessment.”

As any sane person who remembers adolescence or has spent time around adolescents knows, they do NOT have the emotional or cognitive maturity to make momentous and irrevocable decisions about ANYTHING, much less undergoing major surgery in a fantasy gambit to “transform” into the opposite sex.

As I suspected and confirmed in five seconds of research, Dr. Coleman’s department at the University of Minnesota recently received a multimillion dollar grant from Jennifer James Pritzker’s Taiwani Foundation.

Amazing what people will do for money.
1266   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 1:51pm  


Transmaxxing: the Incel-To-Transwoman Pipeline

why a community of depressed young men with nothing to lose is convinced the only way out of their misery is gender transition
1267   Patrick   2023 Jun 20, 9:04pm  


To be clear, democrats insisted the ONLY possible way to help kids is through amputations, extreme body modifications, and powerful hormone treatments.

I’ve been thinking about this and I had an idea. One way we could make sure that juvenile affirmation treatment supporters really mean what they say could be to make them test out every one of their proposed “affirming” treatments, before those treatments can be approved for kids.

We can “affirm” them. Let’s “affirm” the people who support child amputations. Let THEM go first. Choppy choppy.
1268   Onvacation   2023 Jun 20, 9:48pm  

Patrick says

why a community of depressed young men with nothing to lose is convinced the only way out of their misery is gender transition

So they can get fucked by guys???

They might as well go gay. At least it will be easier to get a blowjob.
1269   Patrick   2023 Jun 21, 9:48am  


'Cis' is ideological language, signifying belief in the unfalsifiable concept of gender identity. You have a perfect right to believe in unprovable essences that may or may not match the sexed body, but the rest of us have a right to disagree, and to refuse to adopt your jargon.

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