Trans activists are evil

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2021 Apr 6, 7:37pm   235,402 views  2,363 comments

by FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.

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57   Misc   2022 Feb 20, 6:47pm  

Patrick says

Sure you do. You get a few idiot women trying to become combat soldiers. --- the fuck
58   HeadSet   2022 Feb 20, 7:05pm  

Patrick says

Actually, at least one has: Transgender University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas was crushed twice in a women's swim meet by another transgender competitor who is transitioning from female to male - first in the 100-yard freestyle, where she placed fifth, and then again in the 400-yard freestyle relay.

And yes, those are scars from the boobectomy. And U of Penn teammates say Lia Thomas lost on purpose.

59   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Feb 20, 7:59pm  

They target children online and manipulate them to screw up. Those people are really fucked up and mentally ill.

IMO every last one should be in mental institution. They are fucking insane.
63   HeadSet   2022 Feb 22, 7:34am  

Imagine being the father of a female athlete and just sitting there passively and watching while a male athlete makes a mockery of your daughter and her sport. Where are the fathers? Mothers? Does anyone have even the slightest bit of courage anymore? It’s pathetic.

What could the parent really do? Pull the daughter off the team and lose the scholarship? All they can really do is know that their daughter really won the race. This is U of Penn. Remember how long that blatant pedophile football coach got away with his crimes since no one at the college wanted to lose their job by reporting it? Even today, they cannot keep that trans athlete who still has a penis out of the woman's locker room.
64   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 22, 7:46am  

Patrick says

This could have been fixed anytime in the past 20 years; simply cut off any and all federal LEO/Park&Rec Funding to states that do this. Or for cities/counties/states that refuse to require Sex Offender registry. Or start a federal one. And/Or threaten School funding for bathrooms.

But the GOPe was too worried about tax cuts and allowing Hedge Funds to be taxed at a lower rate.
65   Reality   2022 Feb 22, 7:53am  

Shall we have a Short-People Basketball League? After all, a tall person has "unfair advantage" playing basket ball. If a retiring man can easily beat the top women in a sport event, perhaps that particular "women's event" shouldn't exist? Just like a "Short-People Basketball League" shouldn't exist. Women can have more events like figure-skating, diving, gymnastics, dancing, etc.. If we want to see the beauty in sports like women's tennis, the criteria should be changed to boob-size, butt-cuteness under the skirt and total body weight limit and minimum body-fat requirement (so as to limit bone and muscle mass driving the ball to high speed, like in men's tennis, which is boring to watch due to too high ball speed) . . . otherwise, the rule of having a vagina is only inviting hormonal cheating and the breeding of male-like freaks in those speed-and-power-dominated events even before the trans queens got involved. Allowing trans into events like women's boxing and women's rugby seems to be a great way of steering women away from those sports and towards other sport events where femininity naturally excels. Do we really want more man-like woman like the US woman's soccer team captain speaking from a podium as an entitled fool when an average high school soccer team can easily defeat them?

I do not at all encourage boys (or girls) to become trans in normal civilian life (including which bathroom to use). However, when it comes to sports and avoiding draft(=slavery), claiming trans seems to be an effective way of breaking down artificial barriers.
66   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 22, 8:24am  

Just end welfare for single moms.
67   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Feb 22, 8:51pm  

HeadSet says
Imagine being the father of a female athlete and just sitting there passively and watching while a male athlete makes a mockery of your daughter and her sport. Where are the fathers? Mothers? Does anyone have even the slightest bit of courage anymore? It’s pathetic.

What could the parent really do? Pull the daughter off the team and lose the scholarship? All they can really do is know that their daughter really won the race. This is U of Penn. Remember how long that blatant pedophile football coach got away with his crimes since no one at the college wanted to lose their job by reporting it? Even today, they cannot keep that trans athlete who still has a penis out of the woman's locker room.

Believe it or not there was a tranny employee in our local hospital. Dude or woman don’t know, but fucking asshole abd aggressive to boot. Fired his ass after nurses went ape shit with HR department.

It can be done. Most people are conditioned to basically obey tranny bullshit so they cower.
68   HeadSet   2022 Feb 23, 7:09am  

Fortwaynemobile says
It can be done.

Big difference between getting a jerk fired who happened to be trans, and a whole team of female swimmers who risk losing their scholarships if they take action like boycott a swim meet.
69   Patrick   2022 Feb 23, 11:44am  

I agree with Putin on this.

Why do we have to look to Russia for sanity on the protection of children?
70   richwicks   2022 Feb 23, 12:47pm  

Patrick says
Why do we have to look to Russia for sanity on the protection of children?

Have you noticed that "the left" was once pushing for "peace at any cost" back in the 1980's (something I actually sympathized with, but not ANY cost), and now that Russia is no longer communist, they are itching to start a war with Russia?
71   HeadSet   2022 Feb 23, 6:24pm  

richwicks says
Russia is no longer communist,

True, but how odd that the Russian recognized Ukrainian breakaway republics are called Donetsk "People's" Republic and Luhansk "People's" Republic. "People Republic" is what hard line commie dictators called their fiefs.
72   Patrick   2022 Mar 2, 11:53am  


Dakota Wood, a Marine Corps veteran who specializes in defense issues at the Heritage Foundation think tank, said the Army presentation employs language primarily used by those on the progressive left.

"A telling phrase in the presentation—'assigned (male or female) at birth'—reveals that whoever developed the presentation material, and the policy being implemented, accepts the argument that gender is an artificial construct rather than a biological reality," Wood said. "This is a highly controversial argument promoted by the progressive left and rejected by the conservative right."

These policies threaten to erode cohesion among soldiers, Wood added.
73   richwicks   2022 Mar 2, 11:56am  

HeadSet says
richwicks says
Russia is no longer communist,

True, but how odd that the Russian recognized Ukrainian breakaway republics are called Donetsk "People's" Republic and Luhansk "People's" Republic. "People Republic" is what hard line commie dictators called their fiefs.

This is what OUR governments have named them. Look, you should be able to see through this propaganda by now.

Whose calling them "the people's republic of X"? Some asshole in the "news"? Our "elected" leaders? What do the people of Luhansk and Donetsk call them? What do the Russians call them? I have no idea.
74   HeadSet   2022 Mar 2, 3:56pm  

richwicks says
What do the people of Luhansk and Donetsk call them?

Донецкая Народная Республика
Луга́нская Наро́дная Респу́блика
75   richwicks   2022 Mar 2, 4:04pm  

HeadSet says
richwicks says
What do the people of Luhansk and Donetsk call them?

Донецкая Народная Республика
Луга́нская Наро́дная Респу́блика

And how do you know?
77   EBGuy   2022 Mar 2, 4:31pm  

HeadSet says
What could the parent really do? Pull the daughter off the team and lose the scholarship? All they can really do is know that their daughter really won the race.

Well, here's what one mother did. It included contacting the ACLU, where she was told "We will never support a cis woman against a woman". Highly recommended as told by a mom: A report from Mother of Swimmer - USA
78   HeadSet   2022 Mar 2, 6:02pm  

EBGuy says
"We will never support a cis woman against a woman"

?? A cis woman is a person who was born a woman and knows she is a woman. I guess the ACLU uses the term "woman" to includes a biological male that claims to be woman.
79   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 2, 11:40pm  

Transactivists protest in Texas over new policies:


Nuttier than fruitcakes.
80   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 11:32am  


Child abuse is real, but it also can be covered up as “compassion” when truth is jettisoned and replaced with a commitment to an ideology that eschews truth. Case in point is the so-called “transgender” culture war that has been raging across the nation the last few years. Proponents of “transgenderism,” part of the larger cult promoting sexual deviancy that we’ve termed the Rainbow Mafia, insist — contrary to scientific fact and the long history of humanity — that gender identity is merely and solely a social construct with no real connection to human biology. Based upon this false premise, these “transgender” crusaders not only demand that language rules be changed to accommodate this fantasy but that laws be passed to provide special accommodation for these gender-dysphoric individuals.

When the public first began objecting to the rise of the “transgender” crusaders, it was in response to the push for schools to affirm students’ “gender identity” rather than their biological sex. Along with bathrooms and locker rooms being targets came the pronoun police. One can hardly read a news story from a mainstream media outlet without becoming thoroughly confused as to the sex of the “transgender” subject. That’s how successful the Rainbow Mafia has been in pushing the acceptance of its ideology.

Well, like a cancer, any society-destroying movement is not content to simply target one segment of culture. It metastasizes and spreads widely across the whole of society. And, of course, the most vulnerable targets are the favored ones, which is why “transgender” crusaders have been targeting children — those most susceptible to being influenced by false “sexual identity” poison.
81   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 3, 12:50pm  

Protests against the Trans Takeover proving it's a Mental Illness with literal "REEEEEEEE!"
82   richwicks   2022 Mar 3, 1:03pm  

HeadSet says

Is that supposed to be Lea Thomas on the right? Because if it is, that's HEAVILY photoshopped.

Lea Thomas doesn't have breasts. "She" apparently hasn't even gone through hormone replacement therapy, and hasn't gone through any surgery. This is what he looks like:

83   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 3, 1:05pm  

I think it's a female teammate.

Being F2M sucks, you'll be a Peter Pan for life, with little Peter.
84   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 1:40pm  

Yes, I'm pretty sure that's a legit female on the right. Female hips, wrists, narrow shoulders.

The woman on the left is more ambiguous.
85   richwicks   2022 Mar 3, 2:24pm  

Patrick says
Yes, I'm pretty sure that's a legit female on the right. Female hips, wrists, narrow shoulders.

Photoshop does wonders.

Every celebrity you see in a magazine is photo shopped. Every model is.

If you see them moving, they are in heavy makeup.

It won't be long before all "actors" we see are just CGI rigs. We're damned close to it now.
86   Booger   2022 Mar 3, 2:29pm  

richwicks says
It won't be long before all "actors" we see are just CGI rigs.

This would be a good thing.
87   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 3, 2:35pm  

Patrick says
Yes, I'm pretty sure that's a legit female on the right. Female hips, wrists, narrow shoulders.

Less hypertrophy in the limbs.
88   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Mar 3, 5:58pm  

HeadSet says
Fortwaynemobile says
It can be done.

Big difference between getting a jerk fired who happened to be trans, and a whole team of female swimmers who risk losing their scholarships if they take action like boycott a swim meet.

I know, but to survive we have to unfuck our culture before we destroy ourselves from within.
90   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Mar 3, 9:08pm  

AmericanKulak says
She's 17, her pronouns are he/his, and she's a political science major.

All those fags are trying to take over politics to impose will. Fucking insane that we put up with this shit
91   mell   2022 Mar 3, 9:10pm  

AmericanKulak says
She's 17, her pronouns are he/his, and she's a political science major.

He/he/they lol epic
92   Eman   2022 Mar 3, 9:13pm  

A lesbian, against transgenders competing in women sports, is being called transphobic. You can’t make this stuff up folks.


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