Trans activists are evil

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2021 Apr 6, 7:37pm   220,895 views  2,169 comments

by FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.

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1490   HeadSet   2023 Oct 1, 8:05am  

Patrick says

It is rare that you would need a dog to tell.
1491   Misc   2023 Oct 1, 9:57am  

richwicks says

Patrick says


This trans student beat the snot out of multiple girls at an Oregon middle school

It should just be prosecuted as assault and battery. There, problem fixed!

The problem is that the law isn't being enforced.

Nope it was arrested for assault.
1494   Patrick   2023 Oct 3, 2:23am  


I've fully exited what I thought was an anarchist movement that pretty much turned out to be anything but... I also have no intention of attending any anarchist events such as bookfairs, protests, etc. I'm even avoiding events in the region I live in where there may be an anarchist presence. The reason being that I want to be free to say what I actually think rather than have to adhere to the self censorship that's required of anyone attending an anarchist event such as the Anarchist Bookfair in London 2023 who issued this: Anti-Oppression Statement*. Suffice to say, saying what I want and then subsequently attending events where there's an anarchist presence would lead to a certain amount of 'friction' that I really can do without!

One of the main causes of friction between me and what I thought was an anarchist movement where ideas could be freely debated (how wrong I was!) concerns the issue of gender ideology. One that, despite denials from some elements, is fully part and parcel of the transhumanist agenda. I've selected a couple of readings which among other issues, explain the way gender ideology is inextricably linked with transhumanism:

Eugenics, Propaganda & Transgenderism - Dustin Broadbery | OffGuardian | 30.9.23

And what’s really under attack here is not, woe betide, people’s feelings, delusions of identity or, indeed, right to immoral debauchery, but the fundamentals of our humanity.

The rainbow flag hangs from every public institution, the NHS is erasing the word ‘women’, schools teach 11-year-olds – manythat have just started menstruating – that if they feel uncomfortable in their bodies they’re probably transgender, according to Wikipedia there are 107 gender identities and counting, and ask Google if a man can get pregnant and the answer is unequivocally “yes”.

If the lessons from history are anything to go by, systems of authoritarianism usually begin with people’s attempts to strong-arm the population into the kind of collectivist wrong-think rife throughout trans-ideology; and typically accompany people’s attempts to hijack science and values, language, and culture.

Battling The Hydra Of Gender Ideology - Jennifer Bilek | The 11th Hour | 9.4.23

As a species, we are part of, and in relationship with, a complex biological system that is a continuous process of death and regeneration via sexual reproduction. We don’t live in isolated bubbles in space where we can individually opt out of this reality but inside an entire biological community. Our sex is our tether to this natural world. This is true even if we are not having sex. It is true even if some individuals don’t or can’t reproduce. ... We are still, as a species, sexually dimorphic mammals and are rooted in the material world by this fact. We must hold fast to this root when battling the hydra of gender ideology.

Gender ideology was corporately constructed to break this bond, to introduce us to new ways of reproducing our species. The ideology was seeded everywhere before it was dropped on our societies, promoting a human rights movement. It is deeply entrenched in all our institutions, corporations, media, and the market. More problematic is its solidification in our minds. Even those attempting to resist this anti-human agenda want to hold fast to the concept of beings outside our species’ boundaries.

Then there's this piece from Paul Cudenec about what can best be termed as ideological capture. It looks at both the environmental movement which has been captured by the climate change agenda and also, the way anarchism and other radical movements have been captured by gender ideology. More importantly, it looks at the web of funding from and links between the organisations orchestrating this capture:

Shining light on the climate of manipulation - Paul Cudenec | Winter Oak | 31.7.23

In this debased modern world we often find ourselves in the dark.

Ours is a society built entirely from artifice and illusion, and so in this labyrinth of lies, this demonic hall of mirrors, it has become extraordinarily difficult to distinguish fact from fake, reality from spin.

Indeed, we have pretty much now arrived at a stage of complete inversion.

The best indication of something or somebody’s integrity is that they are denounced as criminals by the system and the strongest warning sign of misinformation is when a certain proposition is presented as sacred truth, protected from contradiction by a special taboo status.

So there you have it, three readings which I hope will shed more light on why we're in the weird situation we're in at this point in time.
1496   Patrick   2023 Oct 3, 8:58am  

(paywall, in spite of what they say)
1497   Patrick   2023 Oct 3, 9:20am  


Asking someone their ‘pronouns’ at the start of a conversation is the moral equivalent of asking them to recite a religious prayer.
1499   Patrick   2023 Oct 4, 4:40pm  


Tucker interviews Chris Moritz on "Gender Affirming Care"

Ep. 28 Trans, Inc: genital mutilation is not just a fad. It’s a full-blown industry. How did something this demented happen so quickly? Chris Moritz has been following the money.
1500   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2023 Oct 4, 9:27pm  

Patrick says


Tucker interviews Chris Moritz on "Gender Affirming Care"

Ep. 28 Trans, Inc: genital mutilation is not just a fad. It’s a full-blown industry. How did something this demented happen so quickly? Chris Moritz has been following the money.

watched it on X, it was informative. fuck man we too passive as society. only reason this shit exists is because americans will put up with everything and anything, too busy cowarding by turning the other cheek. blow some fucking doctors away, they’ll rethink that shit quick. just opinion.
1501   richwicks   2023 Oct 4, 9:34pm  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

this shit exists is because americans will put up with everything and anything, too busy cowarding by turning the other cheek. blow some fucking doctors away, they’ll rethink that shit quick. just opinion.

That is why all shit exists.

I would have been happy if George W. Bush was blown away, along with Dick Cheney, and Colin Powell.
1502   BigSky   2023 Oct 5, 7:55am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

we too passive as society. only reason this shit exists is because americans will put up with everything and anything, too busy cowarding by turning the other cheek. blow some fucking doctors away, they’ll rethink that shit quick. just opinion.

Have you and richwicks, with your obvious anger at gross government and big Pharma injustices, exercised any Second Amendments rights? No? Then count yourselves among the Americans "too busy cowarding and turning the other cheek."
1503   richwicks   2023 Oct 5, 6:44pm  

BigSky says

Have you and richwicks, with your obvious anger at gross government and big Pharma injustices, exercised any Second Amendments rights? No? Then count yourselves among the Americans "too busy cowarding and turning the other cheek."

I actually recognize what the problem is. I'll talk about it, I'm not afraid to point it out. Our government overthrew Ukraine, cased that war. Our government murdered Kennedy, through the CIA, that's what there's still classified files - they're protecting the CIA. The WTC bombing was done with the cooperation of the FBI - Emad Salem was the mole in the group, he tried to war them and stop the bombing, the FBI made certain it happened. There's a GREAT deal of evidence the US was involved with 9/11, Israel certainly was, and so was Saudi Arabia.

Now, what I just said, 99% of Americans will roll their eyes. That's how ignorant and dumb people are. I have spent the last 3 years deciding if I just want to be a predator on this society. It's easy to do it's just immoral to do.

People don't recognize problems, they deny them when they are pointed out to them. It's maddening. I live in a world where 90% of the population will gaslight me, because these people aren't people. They really are NPCs. I object to wars because they are wasteful and harm this nation, I no longer care about the morality of it, there is no utility to it. I think it's fine that a bunch of people got poisoned with an injection. Do you know how much SHIT I've taken from people because I had doubts? I really have any sympathy for the people being injured or killed, even if they were FORCED to take the vaccine.

They allow themselves to be slaves, so... Whatever.
1504   Patrick   2023 Oct 7, 4:28pm  


The study revealed that all transgender people — regardless of the sex they were born with or the gender they were transitioning to — were at “significantly increased risk” from deadly conditions like heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure and high blood fat and cholesterol levels. Trans women (i.e., men) taking estrogen were 93% more likely to have cardiovascular disease than biological men, and 73% more likely than biological women. Trans men (i.e., women) taking testosterone were 63% more likely to have some form of heart disease than biological women, and more than twice as likely than biological men.
1505   Patrick   2023 Oct 7, 5:02pm  


LGBTQ Public School Groomer: ‘You Have to Catch Kids When They’re Starting Puberty’

Project Veritas today released additional undercover footage of HiTOPS employees revealing their efforts to offer sexual and gender identity trainings to elementary aged children. In a recording obtained by Project Veritas, HiTOPS’ Director of Education and Administration, Stacy Robustelli, shared that five students “came out” as LGBTQ as a result of HiTOPS’ training of students in grades three, four, and five.
1507   richwicks   2023 Oct 7, 5:56pm  

Patrick says

Wow. That's:


There's more "trans" sexual molesters in the UK than there were people who supposedly died of sars-cov2-19.
1508   Patrick   2023 Oct 7, 6:19pm  


The GOP Might be Chaotic, but at Least They Aren't Sterilizing Children

The Democrats are on the wrong side of history once again.

I was part of a movement on the Left that endlessly softened language to avoid offending a single person we deemed marginalized. What we couldn’t say, what we had to say … The list just kept getting longer. The judgments more severe.

That Trump is an existential threat not for anything he’s ever done, but what he says is proof enough that this war we’re fighting is a war of words.

I’m not allowed to use the word “sterilize,” just like I’m not allowed to use the word “mutilate” to describe what’s happening to thousands of young people all across this country. As though the words themselves are anywhere near as bad as the deeds they describe. I’ve realized lately that soft language often masks monstrosities we could not face otherwise. ...

It’s because it’s all been neatly packaged in soft language to make us feel like we’re doing something good for the most vulnerable among us. We feel good doing something good. Our language unites us across social media, and it’s code for “we’re on the same tribe.”

“Gender-Affirming Care” sounds so positive, so nice, so kind. But it’s really the kind of ideological mandates cults require. It masks what it ultimately means - lifelong, permanent, irreversible harm to young people who do not have the maturity to make those decisions. That it’s gone this far is a failure of such epic proportions someone will eventually have to take the blame for it, and that person must be Joe Biden. This scandal should be hung around his neck like a dead cat. The entire Democratic Party owns this one.

So let’s say it plainly:

“Bottom surgery” is chemical and surgical castration.

”Top surgery” is breast amputation.

Many of those who undergo these procedures come out of it feeling mutilated.

Puberty blockers mean a strong chance for loss of sexual function.

Hormone therapy is untested medical experiments on children that often lead to sterilization.

And recently, we know it dramatically raises one’s chances of heart disease. ...

I’m tired of fence-sitters like Bill Maher, so consumed by his ego and his hatred of Trump that he can only help puncture the liferaft. Sorry, pal, all that means to me is that more children will be sterilized just because you can’t stand Trump.

If you are still voting for Democrats in 2024, you are going along with it. So shut up about it. Because you don’t care enough to put your vote where your mouth is. You want to have it both ways. You don’t want to be slammed by the cultural elite for being “far-right,” but you understand how dangerous and destructive their policies are. But you’ll still vote for Team Blue.

To them, this is a holy war to make all of us think the way they do, speak the way they do, believe what they believe. “Gender Affirming Care” is its own kind of religious cult by now. Every child involved in it is love-bombed as though they were being indoctrinated into a fundamentalist sect.

One can absolve oneself of the sins of heterosexuality, masculinity, or whiteness by proving one’s allegiance to the cult. The farther they go, the more celebrated and cared for they are.

Taking “T” or testosterone takes them one step closer to the rapture, and all accompanying problems are ways to suffer for our collective sins. The bleeding, bone loss, hair growth, and pain are all part of the ritual. Breast scars are symbols of allegiance and devotion to the cult. Show them off and be proud of taking this journey.

But for many of them, when their brains mature, the euphoria wears off, and they’re forced to live their lives as adult humans, they realize they now have to accept bodies hacked by those who should have protected them from permanent, life-altering surgeries. Counselors, teachers, doctors, parents. ...

I know how we got here. I helped get us here. I am straight out of central casting of the exact kind of person, kind of Democrat, kind of mother that got us into this mess. ...

Trump, DeSantis, Ramaswamy - even the neocons like Nikki Haley and Mike Pence are all fighting on the same side. Let’s try to remember that. This is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to save countless children from living lives of misery and regret. Let’s not blow it now. Think Patton. Think Churchill. Failure is not an option.

But at the end of the day, Democrats and Never Trumpers, you are the ones who will have to defend your cowardice in the face of this scandal. You will have to explain why you remained silent and went along with something you knew was wrong.

So go ahead and call us bigots, transphobes, TERFS, “MAGA extremists.” Viciously attack people like Matt Gaetz, Steve Bannon, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Dave Chapelle, Bill Maher, Megyn Kelly, Helen Joyce or me - call us whatever you want. Destroy our lives all you want.

At least we’re not sterilizing children.
1509   Patrick   2023 Oct 7, 7:38pm  


As the makers of "Dead Name," a new documentary film about the gender ideology targeting our children, we've taken a page from Mildred by using four two-sided digital billboards in Pennsylvania and Ohio to promote our movie through year's end.

Why? Because we want to be heard. We want to prod ordinary folks to do a double take when they see this bold question along the roadside: "Has This Happened to Your Child?" ...

1510   Patrick   2023 Oct 7, 10:49pm  

A portmanteau of 'trans' and 'goon.'
1513   Patrick   2023 Oct 11, 12:45pm  


An unidentified man who identifies as a “woman” has admitted to the brutal murder of an elderly man in the Braunau district of Austria. The assailant, a 24 year-old nurse from Slovakia, repeatedly stabbed his 82 year-old patient last week, resulting in the elderly man’s death from internal bleeding.

The murder occurred on the evening of October 5 at the victim’s home, where the nurse was providing on-call care. Due to Austria’s strict privacy laws, the identity of the victim is not known, but it has been revealed that the nurse had been working under the masculine name “Paul” and was active in LGBT groups in Vienna.

While the motive for the crime was initially unclear, it was later revealed that the nurse attacked the bedridden pensioner after the topic of the nurse’s gender identity was brought up. He went to the kitchen and retrieved multiple knives, stabbing the man five times in the chest and an unknown amount of times in the man’s head. Following the attack, “Paul” called the victim’s stepdaughter, who immediately alerted the police.

Trans is a very dangerous mental illness.
1515   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 12, 3:27pm  

Patrick says

Trans is a very dangerous mental illness.

Strongly connected with hysterical mothers, btw.
1517   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 3:56pm  

Give the trans community more sleeping pills when the hormones run out, like, a crate apiece.

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