Trans activists are evil

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2021 Apr 6, 7:37pm   235,330 views  2,363 comments

by FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   ➕follow (3)   💰tip   ignore  


So Arkansas overrode the veto from beta cuck governor. But no one is asking why the leftist tran activists trying to fuck kids up before they grow normal since puberty tends to fix this shit. Such murderous jealous fucks, trying to drag kids down with them since they fucked up their own lives.

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2235   Patrick   2024 Nov 25, 12:59pm  

There is a certain look to them, but it's not perfectly consistent.

Some places have a lot of them because they move there, like Sacramento.

I've heard that they often watch gay male movies.
2237   Patrick   2024 Nov 26, 4:19pm  

Patrick says

CA Judge Juhas Seeks Contempt of Court Charges Against Jeff Younger
If James Younger is to be turned into a girl, Juhas can't have anyone talking about it.

by National File News August 6, 2024

Los Angeles, California — Having failed to imprison Jeff Younger last week, Judge Mark Juhas is convening his court today in an effort to hold Jeff Younger in contempt of court in Los Angeles.

Juhas is upset over the release of information associated with Anne Georgulas’s efforts to transition 12 year old boy James Younger into a female.


2238   Patrick   2024 Nov 28, 1:45pm  

Patrick says

CA Judge Juhas Seeks Contempt of Court Charges Against Jeff Younger
If James Younger is to be turned into a girl, Juhas can't have anyone talking about it.

by National File News August 6, 2024

Los Angeles, California — Having failed to imprison Jeff Younger last week, Judge Mark Juhas is convening his court today in an effort to hold Jeff Younger in contempt of court in Los Angeles.

2239   Ceffer   2024 Nov 28, 7:57pm  

It seems likely that these 'chain of command' pervert authorities will get some long term karma and litigation backlash from the mutilated children themselves a they gain majority. Of course, that never seems to stop the pervert authorities who somehow believe that their handlers will actually protect them instead of throw them to the dogs.
2255   Patrick   2024 Dec 7, 9:22am  


Dr. Olson-Kennedy will never be accused of being an intellectual superstar. Listening to one of Dr. Olson’s lectures, one is most reminded of an over-excited woman in a bar after her third Cosmopolitan. Yet she is considered one of the “elite,” a trans “thought leader.” She somehow graduated from medical school, wrung millions in grants out of the U.S. government, became a large-hospital medical director, yet argues with the strength of a tipsy drunk. ...

The lawsuit’s plaintiff, Clementine Breen, 20, first saw Dr. Olson-Kennedy when she was 12. After a short, 30-minute intake, Dr. Olson-Kennedy took Clementine’s parents aside and privately, off the record, informed them the poor girl was suicidal, and the only thing that could save her life was to immediately begin aggressively transitioning. A year of testosterone later, Dr. Olson-Kennedy referred Clementine for her irreversible double mastectomy.

In her lawsuit, Clementine says she was not suicidal. Indeed, there is nothing in her voluminous medical record that even hints the girl ever considered taking her own life. To the contrary, she was often described as happy, “smiling,” and outgoing. In short, Dr. Olson-Kennedy lied —the worst, most despicable kind of lie— to Clem’s parents to terrify them into medically savaging their daughter’s healthy body.

Clem stopped taking testosterone about a year ago and began detransitioning in March. She now says she is much happier, even with the permanent side-effects of her unneeded treatments. This week she sued Dr. Olson-Kennedy and the surgeon who performed the double mastectomy, along with the gender therapist who rubber-stamped Dr. Dash’s recommendations, and twenty as-yet-unnamed “Doe Defendants” who conspired with the doctors to defraud Clementine. ...

The threat to the trans establishment is not the potential for a large money judgment. Presumably, Children’s Hospital would cover it. More threatening is the potential discovery. As stone-dumb and mixed-up as she is, Dr. Olson-Kennedy is somehow a cornerstone of the transgender high-rise. Discredit her, and the whole horrific edifice might soon topple over.

The lawsuit’s timing is remarkably prescient. It appeared both in court and in the media the same week the Supreme Court heard oral arguments over Tennessee’s ban on the very same medical procedures Dr. Olson-Kennedy prescribed for Clementine. The Economist’s tone was subtly sympathetic to Clementine.

Clementine and her parents gave the Economist a long interview and tons of documents to review. Dr. Dash and Children’s Hospital refused to comment. So.

An unstoppable momentum is building behind the locomotive of sanity, which is hurtling down the tracks toward a final endpoint of our long national trans nightmare. It can’t come soon enough.
2258   stereotomy   2024 Dec 8, 11:53am  

Patrick says

Not only that, but that the doctors can then take the children from their loving parents to mutilate them with impunity under the guise of "preventing them from committing suicide."
2267   Patrick   2024 Dec 11, 11:53am  


Last week, the Daily Mail ran an encouraging story headlined “NHS trust that spread 'misinformation' with claim trans women could breastfeed as well as new mothers makes U-turn under pressure.” It’s only ‘misinformation’ when you do it.

It all started in February with this absurd headline (New York Post):

Trans women's milk as good as breast milk, British health officials say
By Isabel Keane
Published Feb. 19, 2024

Mammary glands produce human breast milk. (Full disclosure: I am pro-mammary.) While both sexes are born with mammary glands and milk ducts, males’ ducts and glands never develop. On the other hand, females’ glands mature during puberty, pregnancy, and lactation. Certain problems like hormone imbalances, medication side effects, or rare cancers can cause men to produce a watery kind of pseudo-milk, which is diagnosed as galactorrhea.

Probably during a hallucinogenic episode, some crazy pro-trans doctor dreamed up the nauseating idea of medically causing hormone imbalances in cross-dressing men, thereby inducing galactorrhea, to help extend the dysphoric mens’ fantasies of being women by including a reasonable facsimile of breast feeding.

They weren’t brave enough to call it “breast feeding” though. They call it “chest feeding,” since men don’t have proper breasts, even fat men. Chest feeding is not creepy, not at all, and hearing it definitely doesn’t make some people feel like they are trapped in a horror movie, no. Well, maybe a little.

The main point is that nobody serious has ever studied how galactorrheac milk affects newborns, because nobody was ever dumb enough to think that was a good idea before about ten minutes ago.

Anyway, in February, the Sussex NHS Foundation Trust, a part of Britain’s glacial socialized medical system, excreted an awful letter guiding doctors on how to medically induce galactorrhea, so that cross-dressing men (“trans women”) can torture infants. The letter claimed, without evidence, that galactorrheac milk induced through undeveloped mammary glands and barely-existent milk ducts was “just as good” as the real thing, and claimed there were “no observable side effects.”

Infants, after all, can’t complain, now can they?

Outrage ensued. It took half a year, but last week the NHS finally “withdrew” the letter under fierce pressure from childrens’ rights activists. One is Emma Thomas, the founder of Children of Transitioners, a group that supports people whose parents change gender, and who complained about the initial NHS ‘chest feeding’ guidance. Emma correctly noted, “We have no idea how many CoT babies worldwide have been harmed as a result of this.”

Pray for Britain, which is struggling to hold onto its collective sanity right now. But at least they’ve weeded cross-dressing chest feeding out of their government-funded healthcare system. Progess.
2268   Ceffer   2024 Dec 11, 12:20pm  

LOL! The horrors of postmodernism, where any arbitrary fantasy that can be conceptualized can be propagandized and force fed to the agog as a 'new reality' dissociated from sanity. Force feeding does, however, induce a gag reflex.

Patrick says

Probably during a hallucinogenic episode, some crazy pro-trans doctor dreamed up the nauseating idea of medically causing hormone imbalances in cross-dressing men, thereby inducing galactorrhea, to help extend the dysphoric mens’ fantasies of being women by including a reasonable facsimile of breast feeding.
2274   Patrick   2024 Dec 19, 9:31pm  


Parents of volleyball player left with brain damage by trans opponent who knocked her to the ground break their silence and call for other families to 'pull your kid' from games

The parents of a volleyball player who was left with serious brain damage after she was knocked to the ground by a transgender opponent have broken their silence and have urged families to 'pull your kid' from sports games.

Payton McNabb was 17 when a ball spiked by a trans opponent with force struck her in the face, threw her to the ground and left her unconscious while she played a volleyball match in September 2022.

Payton was left with brain damage and paralysis on her right side, which ended her dreams of getting a volleyball college scholarship and has made it difficult to walk without falling.

Now, in the hopes of raising awareness about the competitive advantage from biologically male transgender athletes can have, Payton and her parents are sharing their story in the new documentary 'Kill Shot: How Payton McNabb Turned Tragedy Into Triumph'.

In a preview of the film, Payton's parents Pamela and Daniel McNabb speak for the first time of the guilt and frustration they felt as a result of their daughter's life-altering incident.

Detailing the moment she received a call informing her of her daughter's injuries, Pamela said: 'My first thought was, is she going to be ok? And then honestly my second- I was mad. I was furious, because we all knew this was going to happen. Did I think it would happen to my child? No. But we all knew. Everybody talked about it. Everybody knew something was going to happen.'

'I would never, ever let her play today if I knew what I know now,' Pamela also said in the documentary.

'Pull your kid. Don't play. It is not worth what has happened to her to happen to anybody else's child.'

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