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105   Ceffer   2024 Feb 20, 6:24pm  

mell says

Just look at the national debt and inflation, which is always paid by future generations.

You are talking about the Fed's Babylonian Debt Slavery, emanating from the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC and the Euro bankers from Jekyll Island. It's an ancient Ponzi scheme and the BoomFucks aren't the ones that voted it in. In fact, NOBODY voted it in.
It's baked in and the Boomers are just as victimized. Their retirement checks just lost at least 25 percent purchasing power in the last two years, and they don't have the work opportunities to make up for it.
106   mell   2024 Feb 20, 6:34pm  

Ceffer says

mell says

Just look at the national debt and inflation, which is always paid by future generations.

You are talking about the Fed's Babylonian Debt Slavery, emanating from the foreign occupied foreign city state of Washington DC and the Euro bankers from Jekyll Island. It's an ancient Ponzi scheme and the BoomFucks aren't the ones that voted it in. In fact, NOBODY voted it in.
It's baked in and the Boomers are just as victimized. Their retirement checks just lost at least 25 percent purchasing power in the last two years, and they don't have the work opportunities to make up for it.

Recently yes, but many services they take their cost for them is capped, plus their assets (stocks, houses) rise with the inflation. Look no further than the meteoric rise.of debt to gdp since 1980, when boomers entered their prime years, until now. Brutal. Before that it was actually quite balanced. It's called kicking the can down the road to pick up for future generations
107   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 20, 9:46pm  

Earlier I wrote: our contributions into Social Security over a lifetime exceed the amount that we will ever receive when we retire. To correct this we need to stop the theft and the fraud in Social Security.

mell says
"That's not true if you factor in healthcare costs and Medicare. Today's seniors get medical care at a steep discount..."

On the contrary. The Europeans pay $3,000/yr for healthcare and receive more healthcare than we do and we pay over $15,000/yr.

Yes, in Europe, $3,000/yr pays for doctors, hospitals and medications and in the US $15,000/yr is not enough!

Having to pay 4 plus times the going rate for a vital service is extortion, robbery and theft. Only under the systemic rule of a kleptocracy and a criminal establishment can such blatant scheme survive unchallenged. And with President Trump the end of this abomination is in sight.
108   mell   2024 Feb 21, 7:28am  

The_Deplorable says

On the contrary. The Europeans pay $3,000/yr for healthcare and receive more healthcare than we do and we pay over $15,000/yr.

Yes, in Europe, $3,000/yr pays for doctors, hospitals and medications and in the US $15,000/yr is not enough!

Having to pay 4 plus times the going rate for a vital service is extortion, robbery and theft. Only under the systemic rule of a kleptocracy and a criminal establishment can such blatant scheme survive unchallenged. And with President Trump the end of this abomination is in sight.

You may have misunderstood the point. Yes I agree that the services are often better elsewhere, at least in Northern European countries, but that doesn't change the fact that boomers receive more than they paid in in nominal Dollars! Why? Because US healthcare is a racket, and they contributed to this with their votes. Medical "care" in the US has been so expensive that it outpaced general inflation amd wage growth and everything for many decades now. Under the boomers prime years the national debt exploded and so did the medical costs. There is no contradiction in what we're both saying except for that I tell you that if they simply got what they paid in and had to pay actual prices for medical care (instead of getting medicare more or less for free or at least at a steep discount) today they would have less (unless they are very healthy and don't need to use the racket)
109   mell   2024 Feb 21, 7:31am  

A US "doctor" comes into the room and stays for a minute, and your bill (or that of your insurance) immediately increases by $300 at the minimum. That's extortion and Medicare does not have the funds to pay for it so it's funded via natiomal debt on the promise of forward work of future/younger generations.
110   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Feb 21, 8:02am  

The_Deplorable says

On the contrary. The Europeans pay $3,000/yr for healthcare and receive more healthcare than we do and we pay over $15,000/yr.

Yes, in Europe, $3,000/yr pays for doctors, hospitals and medications and in the US $15,000/yr is not enough!

Doctors in Sweden get paid less than $100k on average, too. Good luck trying that here.
112   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 21, 12:51pm  

mell says
"Yes I agree that the services are often better elsewhere, at least in Northern European countries, but that doesn't change the fact that boomers receive more than they paid in in nominal Dollars!"

Your logic fails here because we have a criminal activity of gargantuan proportions and you want to charge the victims even more money! No! The correct course of action is to arrest and get rid of the crooks and not to claim that the boomers are not paying enough!
113   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 21, 12:57pm  

UkraineIsFucked says
"Doctors in Sweden get paid less than $100k on average, too. Good luck trying that here."

It is not the doctors who are overcharging. It is the health insurance companies that own the hospitals and employ the doctors. These are the real crooks that need to be kicked out.
114   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Feb 21, 1:11pm  

The_Deplorable says

It is not the doctors who are overcharging. It is the health insurance companies that own the hospitals and employ the doctors. These are the real crooks that need to be kicked out.

Doctor owned providers do the same damn thing.

Every country but us institutes health national budget price controls. Even Singapore with its HSA+Catastrophic Insurance system. Even Germany and Switzerland that have private sector delivery systems similar to ours. But when it comes to budgeting, they impose controls just as countries with socialized systems like Sweden and Canada do, one way or another.
115   mell   2024 Feb 21, 1:12pm  

The_Deplorable says

mell says

"Yes I agree that the services are often better elsewhere, at least in Northern European countries, but that doesn't change the fact that boomers receive more than they paid in in nominal Dollars!"

Your logic fails here because we have a criminal activity of gargantuan proportions and you want to charge the victims even more money! No! The correct course of action is to arrest and get rid of the crooks and not to claim that the boomers are not paying enough!

The boomers mainly voted in all of these crooks and their crooked changes, hoping they will not have to pay for it in their lifetime.
The_Deplorable says

UkraineIsFucked says

"Doctors in Sweden get paid less than $100k on average, too. Good luck trying that here."

It is not the doctors who are overcharging. It is the health insurance companies that own the hospitals and employ the doctors. These are the real crooks that need to be kicked out.

Agreed, but it's not just the insurances, the MDs that most regular Joe's can afford and have access to don't care much for you, provide crappy (dis)service (push pills or even worse, the clot shots) and charge and arm and a leg to pay for med school knowledge from 30 years ago. If you have a lot of money you can have access to top notch MDs, as they don't take most insurances. In fact many aided in the clot shot / covid "treatments" genocides. Those who got serious covid and went into a hospital had a not so small chance of being killed. Not to mention the cash for clot shot schemes
116   HeadSet   2024 Feb 21, 1:21pm  

I think Nikki Haley's strategy is to be the only one left standing if Trump is taken out by lawfare or murder. Then she will run as an establishment candidate.
117   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 21, 1:22pm  

mell says
"The boomers mainly voted in all of these crooks and their crooked changes,"

No they did not. Back then tens of thousands of boomers got killed and injured fighting the useless war in Vietnam and at the same time fought the establishment to stop that war. And the war in Vietnam started with the assassination of JFK in 1963.
118   Ceffer   2024 Feb 21, 2:03pm  

mell says

The boomers mainly voted in all of these crooks and their crooked changes, hoping they will not have to pay for it in their lifetime.

This is a non sequitur verging on assertion fallacy. Maybe you get satisfaction demonizing BoomFucks, but you are deep in the Globalist trap of misdirected blame game and social division. The world is a bit more complex than that. The BoomFucks didn't have some kind of nefarious scheme because they had an advantaged period after WWII. They were just people taking advantage of a temporary environmental and governmental situation not of their own making. A lot of them squandered it, as do winners and losers of every generation, a few rode the wheel of fortune and did well.

Maybe your kids will be happy to shove you into the euthanasia ovens to get your shit. Or, they will remind you constantly what a flaming shitbird you are through some misbegotten guilt trip because they didn't have your opportunities and it's all your fault because of the way you voted.
119   stereotomy   2024 Feb 21, 2:23pm  

I blame the boomers not for the conventional things, but because they gave the game plan away to the deep state. Sure, they were high on drugs and naive as hell, but they scared the deep state enough to create, over the course of the next 70 years, the censorship/propaganda nightmare that we are all living though.

Meanwhile, other boomers were creating Darpanet, which was used in the 90's to topple foreign governments in "color revolutions." Tucker had a great interview about this.

I and my wife have been victims of the promotions passover strategy of boomers in preference for their children, the so-called "millenials."

You reap what you sow, and for the boomers, the harvest is meager in the extreme, at least if I have anything to say about it.
120   mell   2024 Feb 21, 2:59pm  

Ceffer says

Maybe you get satisfaction demonizing BoomFucks, but you are deep in the Globalist trap of misdirected blame game and social division

It's not social division, at least not by class or race or gender, and it's not about demonizing. Also it goes without saying that this is a generalization, but we are not helpless against whatever people think the enemy is, we are part of it if we vote for it. This notion that nobody is at fault for evil is bs. Sure everybody has their comfort zones they don't want to step out of, and that's fine. But you're not blameless if you let them inject your kids with the clot shot, and you're not blameless if you voted for a disastrous financial policy kicking the can down the road and burdening your children with debt you shouldn't have spent in the first place. You know why facetwat is making so much money and its stock is soaring? It's because boomers and Gen x ers are almost exclusively using it now and spending money on it cause they have it. I'm not saying go protest and land yourself in jail, but at the minimum vote for financial prudence (even if it means you will have less if it's the right thing to do, i.e. don't take money from others or future generations), and educate others during talks. After all, most of the most powerful who are supposedly running the world are all boomers
121   Ceffer   2024 Feb 21, 4:34pm  

Don't be victims of fake pity pot imposed social divisions. These are projections, media imposed phantoms. Even around here, there is probably enough education about cause and effect relationships in government and society to know that these are wedges that play into the hands of the propagandists. They just have to divide and hear the chorus of whining amongst those who should be united.

It's fake victimization, not much different from the LGBQT and trannies, but on a different target group.

Everybody has shit they can cry about in their poor lives. I watched opportunities that previous guys had collapse like cheap sets as soon as I finished my education to presumably take advantage of them. I barely got into the education because of all the equal opportunity baloney with women and minorities, and watched many morons create catastrophe.

So what. You need to grow up and take responsibility for what you can instead of some false delusion about a fake intergenerational enemy.
122   mell   2024 Feb 21, 4:52pm  

Ceffer says

So what. You need to grow up and take responsibility for what you can instead of some false delusion about a fake intergenerational enemy.

Yeah like voting not to increase national debt to pay for already bankrupt programs and put the burden onto future generations, that's taking responsibility. They're not enemies, but grifters The_Deplorable says

mell says

"The boomers mainly voted in all of these crooks and their crooked changes,"

No they did not. Back then tens of thousands of boomers got killed and injured fighting the useless war in Vietnam and at the same time fought the establishment to stop that war. And the war in Vietnam started with the assassination of JFK in 1963.

Unfortunately they did vote for those crooked changes. Vietnam has nothing to do with it. However they did have more reservations against military action in Iraq which is likely due to Vietnam, while the younger generations were easier exploited by the so called war on terror.
123   mell   2024 Feb 21, 4:56pm  


Worth a read on how Medicare and SS are bankrupting the US and screwing over future generations.

124   richwicks   2024 Feb 21, 5:05pm  

The_Deplorable says

No they did not. Back then tens of thousands of boomers got killed and injured fighting the useless war in Vietnam and at the same time fought the establishment to stop that war.

About 60,000 Americans were killed in action. World War II had 290,000 Americans killed in action.

The people who were PROPERLY opposed to the Vietnam war, were more than eager to shove Generation X and Y into endless wars, from Operation Dessert Storm on up. The generation that knew the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag and never happened, were happy to go along with a bunch of lies that put this nation into over 30 years of war.

They are the ones that should have known best. Total hypocrite generation.

As soon as THEY weren't being killed, it was FINE to shovel in their children and grand children into bullshit wars.

They are happy to support lies for wars, PROVIDED they aren't the victims of it. That's the reality of the boomers.
125   SoTex   2024 Feb 21, 5:14pm  

mell says

Worth a read on how Medicare and SS are bankrupting the US and screwing over future generations.

Guy needs to work on his fonts a little. Not saying he's wrong but one claim:

"This is no longer a "distant" threat. It now will occur prior to the end of the next Presidential term, and any acceleration in the deficit in these programs, which will happen instantly when there is a recession, will likely bring forward that date by three to four years immediately rendering the problem both instant and catastrophic." - stated in 2018 so what, we're less than a year away?
126   SoTex   2024 Feb 21, 5:16pm  

Also I want to repeat: fuck Nimrod Haley.
127   mell   2024 Feb 21, 5:23pm  

just_passing_through says

mell says

Worth a read on how Medicare and SS are bankrupting the US and screwing over future generations.

Guy needs to work on his fonts a little. Not saying he's wrong but one claim:

"This is no longer a "distant" threat. It now will occur prior to the end of the next Presidential term, and any acceleration in the deficit in these programs, which will happen instantly when there is a recession, will likely bring forward that date by three to four years immediately rendering the problem both instant and catastrophic." - 2018 so what, we're less than a year away?

I agree that putting exact dates on such events/predictions is never a good idea, it's better to just describe trends, but the general math is sound. I am not banking on any significant returns in terms of buying power for my contributions to SS/Medicare and treating them conservatively as zero returns in any financial calculations.
128   Ceffer   2024 Feb 21, 5:47pm  

Illuminati road kill. It's just that easy to trap into emotional prisons of social division tilting at windmills instead of identifying real forces and enemies.
129   HeadSet   2024 Feb 21, 7:28pm  

just_passing_through says

Also I want to repeat: fuck Nimrod Haley.

Is her husband out of town again?
130   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 22, 11:11am  

richwicks says
"The people who were PROPERLY opposed to the Vietnam war, were more than eager to shove Generation X and Y into endless wars, from Operation Dessert Storm on up. The generation that knew the Gulf of Tonkin was a false flag and never happened, were happy to go along with a bunch of lies that put this nation into over 30 years of war."

To be more specific...
1. The people who opposed the Vietnam war were the Baby Boomers.
2. The people who started the war in Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin etc) were the same people who gave us Desert Storm...
3. The same people who assassinated JFK...
4. The same people who invaded Iraq (Weapons of Mass Destruction)...
5. The same people who started the useless war against Russia in Ukraine...
131   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Feb 22, 11:52am  

The_Deplorable says

To be more specific...
1. The people who opposed the Vietnam war were the Baby Boomers.
2. The people who started the war in Vietnam (Gulf of Tonkin etc) were the same people who gave us Desert Storm...
3. The same people who assassinated JFK...
4. The same people who invaded Iraq (Weapons of Mass Destruction)...
5. The same people who started the useless war against Russia in Ukraine...

Bush, Jr is a Boomer. I think Biden is Silent Generation
132   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 22, 11:58am  

UkraineIsFucked says

"Bush, Jr is a Boomer."

No. George "Strategery" Bush is a Globalist Nazi.
133   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 23, 12:10pm  

Nikki Nimarata Needs to Get One of these...

134   Misc   2024 Feb 24, 11:00pm  

Haley was governor of South Carolina for 8 years. - She lost

In Nevada she lost to "None of the Above".

Somebody is paying her good money to make a fool of herself.
136   HeadSet   2024 Feb 25, 7:30am  

Misc says

Haley was governor of South Carolina for 8 years. - She lost

In Nevada she lost to "None of the Above".

Somebody is paying her good money to make a fool of herself.

May not be the fool. She does not have to beat Trump, she just has to be the only choice left if Trump is taken out.
137   The_Deplorable   2024 Feb 25, 12:42pm  

What can she do? Simple... Get Lost!

We the people know that she is a Globalist Nazi and that she is not a Republican.
She is a RINO, a loser and a member of the Uniparty.
143   RC2006   2024 Feb 26, 4:07pm  

Can't believe this cunt is still in.
144   HeadSet   2024 Feb 26, 6:09pm  

RC2006 says

Can't believe this cunt is still in.

She is counting on being the last one standing when Trump is removed.

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