American journalism is officially dead. "Reporters" are now activists, overtly biased.

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2021 Apr 10, 10:02pm   135,955 views  1,368 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


The CBS scandal you may have missed because of the 60 Minutes hit job on Ron DeSantis

The news network has published an article advising major companies on ways to "fight" Republican-backed voting laws. The report’s original headline read, “3 ways companies can help fight Georgia's restrictive new voting law.” Naturally, the story itself contains several tips on how businesses can protest Georgia-style legislation.

This is not journalism. This is political advocacy, and it’s all done in service of a traditional beneficiary of the press’s ethical lapses.

Imagine, for a moment, if one of the three major networks published a story advising businesses on how to “fight” ultra-permissive abortion laws. It’d be unthinkable. Yet, here, is CBS doing exactly that sort of politicking, but for bills such as the one passed recently in Georgia.

Perhaps realizing it had strayed headfirst into political advocacy, CBS amended the report’s headline eventually, softening its tone into something decidedly less partisan.

The headline as it appears online now reads, “Activists are calling on big companies to challenge new voting laws. Here's what they're asking for.”

In a way, this is actually worse than the original. At least in the original, CBS had the guts to declare its allegiance outright. The amended version chooses instead to hide behind “activists” to push an obvious political position.

As for the report itself, it remains unchanged. It still outlines various ways in which businesses can “fight” voting laws championed by Republican legislatures. It is still just as partisan as the day it first published.

“Do not donate," the report recommends. "Activists said companies should immediately stop making donations to Barry Fleming and Michael Dugan, the Georgia Republicans who co-sponsored the voting changes."

It continues, naming and shaming major businesses such as Delta and Home Depot for donating to Fleming and Dugan.

"Ending political donations is one of the most immediately impactful steps a company can take to sway lawmakers," the article reads.

The article also says companies can help fight Georgia-style voting laws by producing ads that "help stamp out efforts nationwide to pass voting laws similar to Georgia's," including in Arizona and Texas.

"Activists say it isn't enough for companies to issue tepid public statements in defense of voting rights," the CBS report reads. "Instead, companies should launch television and social media ads that oppose efforts in Georgia, Arizona, Texas and other states considering voter restrictions."

Companies, the story continues, can also support the coercive monstrosity known as the “For the People Act."

"If passed,” the CBS report reads, “the act would create same-day and online voter registration nationwide. It would also require states to overhaul their registration systems. The act seeks to expand absentee voting, limit the states' ability to remove people from voter rolls, increase federal funds for election security and reform the redistricting process.”

Though the CBS article is several days old, you likely missed it amid the network’s other major ethical lapse, when it promoted the lie that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rewarded a grocery chain with an “exclusive” deal to distribute coronavirus vaccines as part of a “pay for play” scheme involving political contributions.

If you missed all of this voting law boycott business when it happened, you can be forgiven. After all, CBS’s “report” on DeSantis is possibly the worst political hit job since Dan Rather went on-air with forgeries of former President George W. Bush's National Guard service record.

It’s obviously not a great situation when one media scandal is obscured by a concurrent scandal and all by the same newsroom. If there are adults still left at CBS, now would be a good time to take back control.

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348   richwicks   2022 Feb 21, 9:29am  

Patrick says
How does anyone fall for such obvious gaslighting?

It's quite simple:

"We have journalistic freedom - it isn't possible they could ALL be lying to me".

Well, we don't have journalistic freedom. That's just in the Constitution - but it's just a goddamned piece of paper.

People can't believe our "mainstream media" is ALL propaganda. ALL of it is. They can't accept that as being true, but it is.
349   Patrick   2022 Feb 22, 11:43am  


When it comes to distant and adversarial countries, we are taught to recognize tyranny through the use of telltale tactics of repression. Dissent from orthodoxies is censored. Protests against the state are outlawed. Dissenters are harshly punished with no due process. Long prison terms are doled out for political transgressions rather than crimes of violence. Journalists are treated as criminals and spies. Opposition to the policies of political leaders are recast as crimes against the state.

When a government that is adverse to the West engages in such conduct, it is not just easy but obligatory to malign it as despotic. Thus can one find, on a virtually daily basis, articles in the Western press citing the government's use of those tactics in Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and whatever other countries the West has an interest in disparaging (articles about identical tactics from regimes supported by the West — from Riyadh to Cairo — are much rarer). That the use of these repressive tactics render these countries and their populations subject to autocratic regimes is considered undebatable.

But when these weapons are wielded by Western governments, the precise opposite framework is imposed: describing them as despotic is no longer obligatory but virtually prohibited. That tyranny exists only in Western adversaries but never in the West itself is treated as a permanent axiom of international affairs, as if Western democracies are divinely shielded from the temptations of genuine repression. Indeed, to suggest that a Western democracy has descended to the same level of authoritarian repression as the West's official enemies is to assert a proposition deemed intrinsically absurd or even vaguely treasonous.
350   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 22, 11:48am  

richwicks says
Well, we don't have journalistic freedom. That's just in the Constitution - but it's just a goddamned piece of paper.

Yes we do. And they're free to Propagandize, which is what they do.

Imagine if we had Equal Time laws for newscasts. That they had to devote 1/3rd of an opinion segment to the other side (not just uniparty members agreeing across the aisle, but actual people who disagreed with the opinions).
351   richwicks   2022 Feb 22, 2:09pm  

AmericanKulak says

Imagine if we had Equal Time laws for newscasts. That they had to devote 1/3rd of an opinion segment to the other side (not just uniparty members agreeing across the aisle, but actual people who disagreed with the opinions).

No I don't think this is a good idea actually. You just end up with a false dichotomy instead. To give "balance" the argument could be centered around WHY we should go to war with country X, and whether we should wouldn't even be considered for example. That's our two parties.

I've experienced direct censorship myself. Google cut off my account. THAT'S how they engage in censorship now, and you know why they are doing this?

It's because they are losing. Posts are deleted, they are shadowbanned, people and organizations are removed from search engines, propagandists like CNN, Fox, MSNBC etc are promoted as "most popular" on Youtube even though they aren't, people are unsubscribed without their knowledge and consent from news feeds, email doesn't show up because it's been blocked...

And they just get weaker and weaker and weaker. ALL they had to do, is not be such fucking pieces of shit. I don't care if somebody has a billion dollars, or really even care how they got it - that would be a pain in the ass to have, but even though they have enough money for anything they could possibly imagine, they have to fuck with everybody else. They need to start wars, they have to create culture wars, they have to control thinking, they have dumb down education, they have to promote propaganda - it's not that they HAVE to do this to retain their positions - but they do. They're just psychopathic assholes.

People aren't pissed off that they are rich and power, they're pissed off because they purposely fuck with everybody else and the more they fuck with people paradoxically, the weaker their position becomes. I mean, Bill Gates is trying to get everybody to get a worthless (at best) vaccine. There goes his reputation for running a charity and why is he doing this? He's just an asshole, that's why.
352   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 22, 4:11pm  

richwicks says
People aren't pissed off that they are rich and power, they're pissed off because they purposely fuck with everybody else and the more they fuck with people paradoxically, the weaker their position becomes. I mean, Bill Gates is trying to get everybody to get a worthless (at best) vaccine. There goes his reputation for running a charity and why is he doing this? He's just an asshole, that's why.

Dark Truth I've realized from the History of Byzantium, Russia, France, Venice, etc: Rich Fucks want their way in all things. Byzantium lasted so long because of the Emperors who put the rich in their place, esp. since they were often Magnates who knew how their own colleagues thought.

We need to get the rich to hate and fuck with each other, a balance of power, if you will.
353   Patrick   2022 Feb 22, 8:00pm  


Parallel narrative structures

First principles: there is no such thing as an organic “news” story these days. If a story appears in the NY Times or in the mainstream media it’s because the story was packaged and placed there by a PR firm, organized campaign, or government body.

So it’s more than a little weird that the mainstream media is now focused on the major themes that we have raised — censorship, the disenfranchisement of huge sections of the population, the rise of fascism, and the possibility of civil war — but they live in this bizarro opposite world and so they project all of the things that they are doing onto us.

For example, take a look at this recent Op Ed in the NY Times

“You Just Can’t Tell the Truth About America”
I read that headline and thought — right on! Exactly! We just cannot tell the truth about how the pharmaceutical industry has taken over all aspects of government and the mainstream media!

Then I read the first paragraph and my cheers grew even louder:

There is a dangerous censoriousness pulsing through American society. In small towns and big cities alike, would-be commissars are fighting, in the name of a distinct minority of Americans, to stifle open discussion and impose their views on the community at large. Dissenters, when they speak out, are hounded, ostracized and sometimes even forced from their jobs.

And I’m thinking to myself FINALLY someone understands what we’re going through with all of the censorship of scientific information online by social media companies who are not-so-secretly working for the cartel.

Alas, as you probably already guessed, it was not to be. The article never mentions the vast Stasi network that has been set up by the Biden administration, a wide range of astroturf nonprofits, and corrupt academics to censor anyone who criticizes the cartel. The article never once mentions the fact that hundreds of thousands of conservatives are banned from Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram because they dared question the cartel. Instead the Op Ed takes issue who parents who get too involved in school board debates over textbooks about history and sex.

The headline and the emotional valence of the article were our issue — too much censorship! — flipped around, targets changed, and directed back at us.

And it’s not just that article. It’s everywhere. Take this recent article by David Remnick in the New Yorker that got a lot of attention:

Is a Civil War Ahead?
A year after the attack on the Capitol, America is suspended between democracy and autocracy.

And I’m thinking, EXACTLY! — Vaccine Apartheid in places like NY, Chicago, Boston, and SF has polarized our country; it’s causing families to have to flee Pharma slavery in blue states and move to the freedom of red states; partition seems likely, civil war is a definite possibility; Florida would have already declared independence except for the the fact that Ron DeSantis has a great chance of being elected President in 2024...

Nope, that’s not what the article is about at all. It’s all about Donald Trump, the January 6 insurrection, and how Republicans are evil.

In addition there are now heaps of stories about Republican disenfranchisement of minority voters even as Democratic mayors spent the last year setting up Vaccine Jim Crow that denied the full rights of citizenship to upwards of 75% of young Black Americans.

And there are heaps of stories about the rise in authoritarianism and fascism on the right, even as Democrats were setting up Pharma fascism and purging the police, military, education, and medical professions of their political opponents.

In all of this, even though they are stealing our themes, not once do these mainstream writers ever acknowledge that there is an equal and opposite argument on the other side where people are just as upset, if not more, and usually for valid reasons.

And if we operate from the first principles mentioned at the top of this section (that all stories are scripted to serve a larger narrative purpose) then it seems that Pharma knows exactly the issues and concerns that we are raising and they have set up a parallel narrative structure in the attempt to cancel out our voices. It’s almost like a noise cancelling machine — they are putting out the equal and opposite sound wave in the attempt to silence our message. Wild.
359   AmericanKulak   2022 Feb 27, 4:10pm  

When I was a kid, they took me to the NBC Building in NYC.

I was shocked to discover the "Washington" Desk was a few feet from the "Main News Center in NYC" desk on the set. Not in DC.

This was around 1990.
360   Ceffer   2022 Feb 27, 4:13pm  

AmericanKulak says
I was shocked to discover the "Washington" Desk was a few feet from the "Main News Center in NYC" desk on the set. Not in DC.

LOL! Kind of like Biden's luxurious Ikea desk on his little set. Some rumors state that because White House and DC are largely empty, most command decisions and guv department decisions are coming from offices unknown in NYC, not DC.
363   Patrick   2022 Feb 28, 5:30pm  


The Trusted News Initiative (TNI): Is a British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) led organization which has been actively censoring eminent doctors, academics, and those with dissenting voices that contravene the official COVID -19 narrative. Anything contrary to this narrative is considered disinformation or misinformation and will be deleted, suppressed or de-platformed. Misinformation and disinformation are considered anything not aligned with the World Health Organization and/or the regional Public Health Authority-approved “truth”. In the case of the USA – that “truth” is established by Anthony Fauci, the CDC and the FDA. The TNI uses advocacy journalism and journals to promote their causes. The Trusted News Initiative is more than this though; if you go back to Hitler’s basic principles, the members of the TNI are using these core principles to control the public. The known TNI partners include: Associated Press, AFP; BBC, CBC/Radio-Canada, European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook (whose founders fund article being written for the The Atlantic), Financial Times, First Draft, Google, The Hindu, Microsoft, New York Times, Reuters, Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, Twitter, You Tube, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post.

No organization which is part of the criminally fraudulent "Trusted News Initiative" should ever be trusted again. They have completely burned all of their credibility.
364   Patrick   2022 Mar 1, 6:06am  


Corporate Media’s Top Trending Ukraine Stories Turn Out To Be Complete Fakes.
The stories have also been peddled by so-called conservative representatives and news networks, none of which have issued corrections yet.
365   Patrick   2022 Mar 3, 11:33am  


See how the media lies about what happened in New Zealand yesterday. So why believe a word they say about Ukraine?
Riot cops used gas and fists to clear Parliament grounds of peaceful protesters—and "our free press" MAKES UP scenes of mob violence AGAINST the cops
368   Patrick   2022 Mar 4, 1:16pm  

For seven years the media has been lying to us about Trump and Russia. Suddenly they are telling the truth about Russia?
369   Patrick   2022 Mar 5, 5:35pm  


To insure that favorable stories about the organization and its mission were printed, the “journalist” and the marketing specialist would consult with their clients (in this case “Aeras”), and learn what story the organization wanted to be told in a major print publication. An article pushing the story would then be crafted, all of the necessary background assembled to meet whatever editorial review standards were likely to be encountered, and this pre-baked work product would be fed to some “journalist” working for the targeted publication. Free work product, no labor required, what’s not to like? My first “you are not in Kansas any more” moment concerning modern journalism was when I saw this process used to “place” an article into “The Economist”, which I had naively believed operated as an independent arbiter of truth. Silly me. ...

And now, thanks to a FOIA request from BLAZE media, we know that the US Government has paid over a billion US dollars to the legacy media to promote advertising propaganda about the COVID vaccines as safe and effective.

In response to a FOIA request filed by TheBlaze, HHS revealed that it purchased advertising from major news networks including ABC, CBS, and NBC, as well as cable TV news stations Fox News, CNN, and MSNBC, legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles Times, and the Washington Post, digital media companies like BuzzFeed News and Newsmax, and hundreds of local newspapers and TV stations. These outlets were collectively responsible for publishing countless articles and video segments regarding the vaccine that were nearly uniformly positive about the vaccine in terms of both its efficacy and safety.

Hundreds of news organizations were paid by the federal government to advertise for the vaccines as part of a "comprehensive media campaign," according to documents TheBlaze obtained from the Department of Health and Human Services. The Biden administration purchased ads on TV, radio, in print, and on social media to build vaccine confidence, timing this effort with the increasing availability of the vaccines. The government also relied on earned media featuring "influencers" from "communities hit hard by COVID-19" and "experts" like White House chief medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci and other academics to be interviewed and promote vaccination in the news.

Welcome to 21st century media warfare. Waged by our government on you.
371   Patrick   2022 Mar 7, 10:16am  


There are two things to worry about here. The first is the amazing speed with which a massive narrative can be forced into American brains in a coordinated fashion. Ukrainian propaganda sucked all of the oxygen from the room so quickly it should scare us. The second thing to fear is how quickly American partisan political forces were able to hijack the initial anti-Russian narrative and repurpose it into a slightly revised version of 2016’s “Trump is a Russian asset.” No matter that that narrative has been debunked as Clinton-made propaganda, the story line today is somehow that Trump and Putin are working together to destroy Ukraine on their way to ending American democracy.

Trump has nothing to do with Putin, or Ukraine, and the latter two have nothing to do with American democracy. As in Orwell’s world, our thoughts are no longer our own. We are told how to think, and groomed how to vote.
373   Patrick   2022 Mar 7, 9:18pm  


You got that right: Media, including Fox News, read HHS propaganda as if it were legitimate news throughout the pandemic. They were paid to read these ads but did not disclose they were ads. That’s fraud, and it’s against the law.
374   richwicks   2022 Mar 7, 10:47pm  

Patrick says
That’s fraud, and it’s against the law.

Propaganda is no longer against the law.

Not that our government has ever followed the law anyhow.

I really have no sympathy for people still believing our "news" after it lied us into 3 fucking wars, probably 4.
376   Patrick   2022 Mar 7, 10:56pm  

Lol, "disinformation".

They need to come up with a new term for truths which damn the political left. Just calling truth "disinformation" over and over is not convincing anyone.
377   Patrick   2022 Mar 8, 11:40am  


New CNN boss Chris Licht has issued warnings to key figures at the network, including agents of the stars and reporters, according to multiple media reports.

Licht has reportedly told top CNN hosts, including Don Lemon and Jim Acosta, that they must “tone down” their “opinionated reporting.”

Since CNN is still ultimately owned by the oligarchy, it seems that nothing significant will come of this. But at least it is an admission that there is a problem.
378   Misc   2022 Mar 9, 1:47am  

US intelligence services had AT&T buy Time Warner to continue financing the Establishment Narrative. This was not only through CNN, but its other production companies as well. Even AT&T didn't have the cash flow to continue the propaganda.

CNN has no value because nobody watches it anymore.

Its ads are more believable than the reporting. --- Yes, I am talking about the ones with the successful Black husband with the happy, thin, white wife.
380   Patrick   2022 Mar 10, 2:10pm  


Did Russia bomb a maternity clinic?
A German journalist dissects the video, and finds that it's just one more propaganda fantasy (like those Iraqi soldiers dumping 300+ babies out of incubators after the invasion of Kuwait)


Moscow responds to Ukraine maternity clinic bombing accusation
The facility had not been used by civilians for some time before it was hit, Lavrov said
Moscow responds to Ukraine maternity clinic bombing accusation
Aftermath of a Russian airstrike on a maternity hospital in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol. Image via Global Look Press
Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov denied Ukrainian claims that Russian troops had shelled an operating maternity hospital in Ukraine. The building had been used as a base by the far-right Azov Battalion of the Ukrainian National Guard, the top Russian diplomat claimed on Thursday, during a press conference in Turkey.

The hospital in question has been for days under the control of a Ukrainian paramilitary group and Moscow presented evidence of this to the UN Security Council several days ago, Lavrov said.

“The Azov Battalion and other radicals kicked out all the expectant mothers, the nurses and other staff members. It was the base of the Azov ultra-radicals,” he said, speaking after meeting his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba in Turkey’s Antalya.

Lavrov added that reports coming from Ukraine that contradict this were obviously meant to “manipulate global public opinion” about what is happening in the country, and he also chastised Western media for taking part in the propaganda effort.

“I have seen reports … that were really emotional. Unfortunately, the other side of the situation, which would allow one to form an objective opinion, was not given any prominence,” Lavrov said.
381   Patrick   2022 Mar 10, 2:23pm  


In January 2021, Adam Andrzejewski, founder of OpenTheBooks.com, wrote a factual article about Dr. Anthony Fauci in which he pointed out that Fauci is the highest-paid U.S. government employee. After the National Institutes of Health complained, Forbes terminated Andrzejewski’s regular column.
383   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2022 Mar 12, 7:48pm  

Patrick says

Pot meet kettle lol
386   RC2006   2022 Mar 15, 3:21pm  

I think I just saw one of the most insane leaps of logic on the news ten minutes ago. Guest on Fox "Russia spent lots of money to stop Fracking and oil production in the US causing the high gas prices earlier", lol WTF. Are Dems really going to blame all shit from their policies on Russia. Media pushing on all sides to escalate with Russia no good can come from this, "Media" wants to wreak/weaken Europe,Russia, and US.


I found this https://www.bizpacreview.com/2022/03/15/republicans-demand-answers-on-putins-dark-money-to-enviro-groups-in-alleged-effort-to-thwart-energy-independence-1212911/

The left is funded by Russia, Dems are funded by Russia, every damn thing they said about Trump was projection.
387   AmericanKulak   2022 Mar 15, 3:46pm  

No, the Left is funded by Wall Street and China.

However, I think China is going to backstab Wall Street/The City at the exact wrong time, which may be now.

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