American journalism is officially dead. "Reporters" are now activists, overtly biased.

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2021 Apr 10, 10:02pm   127,139 views  1,259 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


The CBS scandal you may have missed because of the 60 Minutes hit job on Ron DeSantis

The news network has published an article advising major companies on ways to "fight" Republican-backed voting laws. The report’s original headline read, “3 ways companies can help fight Georgia's restrictive new voting law.” Naturally, the story itself contains several tips on how businesses can protest Georgia-style legislation.

This is not journalism. This is political advocacy, and it’s all done in service of a traditional beneficiary of the press’s ethical lapses.

Imagine, for a moment, if one of the three major networks published a story advising businesses on how to “fight” ultra-permissive abortion laws. It’d be unthinkable. Yet, here, is CBS doing exactly that sort of politicking, but for bills such as the one passed recently in Georgia.

Perhaps realizing it had strayed headfirst into political advocacy, CBS amended the report’s headline eventually, softening its tone into something decidedly less partisan.

The headline as it appears online now reads, “Activists are calling on big companies to challenge new voting laws. Here's what they're asking for.”

In a way, this is actually worse than the original. At least in the original, CBS had the guts to declare its allegiance outright. The amended version chooses instead to hide behind “activists” to push an obvious political position.

As for the report itself, it remains unchanged. It still outlines various ways in which businesses can “fight” voting laws championed by Republican legislatures. It is still just as partisan as the day it first published.

“Do not donate," the report recommends. "Activists said companies should immediately stop making donations to Barry Fleming and Michael Dugan, the Georgia Republicans who co-sponsored the voting changes."

It continues, naming and shaming major businesses such as Delta and Home Depot for donating to Fleming and Dugan.

"Ending political donations is one of the most immediately impactful steps a company can take to sway lawmakers," the article reads.

The article also says companies can help fight Georgia-style voting laws by producing ads that "help stamp out efforts nationwide to pass voting laws similar to Georgia's," including in Arizona and Texas.

"Activists say it isn't enough for companies to issue tepid public statements in defense of voting rights," the CBS report reads. "Instead, companies should launch television and social media ads that oppose efforts in Georgia, Arizona, Texas and other states considering voter restrictions."

Companies, the story continues, can also support the coercive monstrosity known as the “For the People Act."

"If passed,” the CBS report reads, “the act would create same-day and online voter registration nationwide. It would also require states to overhaul their registration systems. The act seeks to expand absentee voting, limit the states' ability to remove people from voter rolls, increase federal funds for election security and reform the redistricting process.”

Though the CBS article is several days old, you likely missed it amid the network’s other major ethical lapse, when it promoted the lie that Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis rewarded a grocery chain with an “exclusive” deal to distribute coronavirus vaccines as part of a “pay for play” scheme involving political contributions.

If you missed all of this voting law boycott business when it happened, you can be forgiven. After all, CBS’s “report” on DeSantis is possibly the worst political hit job since Dan Rather went on-air with forgeries of former President George W. Bush's National Guard service record.

It’s obviously not a great situation when one media scandal is obscured by a concurrent scandal and all by the same newsroom. If there are adults still left at CBS, now would be a good time to take back control.

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941   Patrick   2023 Nov 8, 2:56pm  

Patrick says

Someone whacked him on the head with a megaphone.

So, it was obviously climate change and Wuhan Virus.


College professor Loay Alnaji is named as the pro-Palestinian 'who killed Jewish protestor Paul Kessler' when rival rallies clashed in Thousand Oaks, California
Computer science professor Loay Alnaji, 50, has been identified as the man who allegedly hit Paul Kessler with a megaphone knocking him to the ground
The incident occurred when pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian rallies clashed in Thousand Oaks, California, on Sunday afternoon
Kessler died in the hospital the following day from an injury sustained when his head hit the pavement
942   Ceffer   2023 Nov 8, 3:52pm  

Patrick says

widely considered a “pathological liar” by classmates who know him personally — and say he has previously lied about building a Syrian refugee camp with bitcoin money, turning down a massive acquisition offer from Google for his startup, and having cancer (supposedly in order to get homework help).

Sounds perfect for the Biden Actor Administration. Just bypass the Soros middle man.
943   Misc   2023 Nov 9, 6:31am  

I know this is Shocking, just Shocking...but CNN, Reuters, the NYT had reporters embedded with the Hamas terrorists when they conducted their operations on October 7. So...the mainstream media knew what was going to happen.

And they are now complaining about journalists getting killed.

944   Patrick   2023 Nov 9, 9:19am  


Passengers aboard the Titanic accidentally drink a little too much water
Citizens of Pompeii experience sudden heat wave
Abraham Lincoln dies after hitting head on a bullet
Millions of Soviet Union residents receive free housing, work opportunities in Siberia
Roman leader killed after knife accident
Malaysian flight delayed indefinitely
Joan of Arc dies after rapid onset of heat exhaustion
Jeffrey Epstein kills himself
945   Patrick   2023 Nov 9, 10:45am  

I'd like to see proof of this.
947   Patrick   2023 Nov 10, 9:30am  

Patrick says

College professor Loay Alnaji is named as the pro-Palestinian 'who killed Jewish protestor Paul Kessler' when rival rallies clashed in Thousand Oaks, California
Computer science professor Loay Alnaji, 50, has been identified as the man who allegedly hit Paul Kessler with a megaphone knocking him to the ground


Who is Loay Alnaji?

Alnaji teaches computer science at Ventura Community College. Originally born Shannon Morris, Alnaji converted to Islam from Catholicism.

The Daily Mail reported that this was not the first time Alnaji had been suspected of murder. Alnaji was sentenced to death in Dubai for murder, which was later ruled manslaughter after he paid monetary compensation to the family of the victim. He was subsequently released from prison.

Ah, the guy had already killed someone else.
949   Patrick   2023 Nov 25, 11:19am  


Media distortions of public figures have always been a thing

Clickbait from 1941

You probably already know how unreliable the media can be. But imagine the press purposefully distorting someone’s suicide for the purpose of generating clickbait.

It happened to someone you’ve probably heard of: Virginia Woolf.

Virginia Woolf was a writer, best known for works like Mrs. Dalloway, To the Lighthouse, and Orlando. In 1941, she filled her coat pockets with stones and drowned herself in the river Ouse near her home. She was 59 years old.

It is illustrative to see how some members of the British press distorted Woolf’s suicide letter, which had been left for her husband Leonard Woolf. ...

How the media distorted Woolf’s suicide note

According to Woolf’s husband, her statements, “I feel certain I am going mad again. I feel we can’t go through another of those terrible times,” referred to Woolf’s earlier bouts of depression. But the press changed “those terrible,” to “these terrible times,” to make it sound like she was referring to World War II. ...

Notice how the title said “Can’t go on these times.” Moreover, they said that the coroner said: “Woolf was undoubtedly of an extremely sensitive nature, and was much more responsive than were most people to the general beastliness of things happening in this world to-day.”

In other words, Woolf killed herself because she was so sensitive to the world events of the day. ...

Again, she was quoted as saying “I cannot go on any longer in these terrible times,” and the article states that “She was undoubtedly of an extremely sensitive nature, and was much more responsive than were most people to the general beastliness of things happening in this world to-day.”

Woolf’s husband, Leonard Woolf, tried to fact-check newspapers with the following:

I feel that I should not silently allow to remain on record that Virginia Woolf committed suicide because she could not face the “terrible times” through which all of us are going. For this is not true… Then newspapers give her words as:

“I feel that I am going mad again. I feel we can’t go through another of those terrible times.”

... But the damage had been done, and Woolf’s suicide was spun as an act of unpatriotic cowardice. Apparently, the attacks continued in the press for more than a year.

... Before she died, Woolf’s circle of friends and acquaintances had been under attack by the media because they had opposed the First World War. These were writers, artists, and intellectuals who had warned of the dangers of the Versailles Treaty, the rise of extremism and militarism, and the risks of appeasing Hitler.

In other words, they were anti-war dissidents. Does any of this sound familiar?

The media has always been full of distortions. Remember that now, whenever inconvenient people are excoriated or painted as racist or misogynistic or anti-science or whatever. It’s not that these labels never apply to anyone—of course they do. But the media’s spin on them cannot be relied upon.
956   HeadSet   2023 Dec 3, 11:51am  

Patrick says

I wish public awareness was growing.
958   Patrick   2023 Dec 7, 12:30pm  


Washington Post Staff Go on Strike amid Mass Layoffs as Outlet Suffers Major Losses

As the Washington Post suffers eye-watering losses, the embattled newspaper’s employees have just launched a major strike.

On Thursday, over 750 Washington Post employees launched a 24-hour strike.

The strike is one of the largest labor protests in decades.

The walkout comes as the Post is anticipating a loss of around $100 million in 2023.

Two individuals familiar with the Post’s finances reportedly told The New York Times in July that the outlet plans to eliminate roughly 240 jobs.

According to a Tuesday letter about the strike by The Washington Post Newspaper Guild, the company’s staff has struggled to achieve its objectives in negotiations with management on pay, flexibility, mental health, and layoffs.

It is always excellent news when propaganda outlets have difficulty.
964   Patrick   2023 Dec 15, 11:00am  


Yesterday, Iowa ABC affiliate KCRG-9 ran a viral story headlined, “Satanic display at Iowa Capitol vandalized ‘beyond repair’; arrest made.” ...

Mr. Cassidy’s vandalism was widely reported in U.S. media. But left completely out of the clearly-coordinated mainstream stories were: Cassidy’s military background, any photos of the pushed-over statue, any quotes from Cassidy — a public figure who’s run for Congress twice — explaining his motives, nor even any picture of Cassidy! Not even his mugshot!

Nor did the U.S. stories mention anything about all his online support, which proves the story has clear public interest.

And, if they still ran Twitter, we’d be watching a metric ton of censorship landing on everybody. Of course, for safety (of papier maché dolls). And to stop misinformation — about the Satanic Temple. (Cue painfully-extreme eye roll.)

But … why? What about this story triggered the media-industrial complex so badly? They fully covered the earlier “Iowa Satan Statute” story, they couldn’t get enough of it, but when somebody finally pushed the damnable thing over, the deep state immediately strangled the media, right down to the local affiliate level.

I think it must be because the media’s original narrative was: haha, Christians, you have to sit there and take this disgusting, offensive statue in your state Capitol building. There’s nothing you can do about it. No lawsuit could even get before a judge before the display runs it two-week course. So it’s hopeless. Enjoy having your minds raped.

That’s what they wanted us to think.

But then the narrative spun wildly out of their control. One normal guy, a guy who’s nearly impossible to character assassinate as a ‘kook,’ stood up in the back and said, wait a minute. There is something I can do. It’s not hopeless. I can civilly disobey. Michael thought, I accept the consequences. I’ll be damned if that abomination stands upright in the Capitol for one more minute. I’ll go to jail or pay the fine or whatever, but I’m not putting up with that.

What the media and its deep state controllers wish to avoid more than anything is for people to wake up to their options for mild, non-violent civil disobedience. So they’ve turned the media’s shrinking machines onto this story and now they are trying to sweep it off into collective amnesia. Nothing to see here! Just a minor act of vandalism. Move along.
965   Patrick   2023 Dec 18, 7:51pm  

The morons at Snopes literally "fact-checked" this:

I got this from https://sashastone.substack.com/p/tucker-talks-to-seth-dillon-of-the

Tucker interviewed Seth Dillon of the Babylon Bee. Seth had a great line:

"The fact checkers are not protecting truth, they are protecting The Narrative."

He points out that they are very selective in what they "fact-check" and that they deliberately include false information in their own fact-checks.
970   Patrick   2023 Dec 29, 11:33am  


Can we agree that citing Santa Clara’s old order as a “return of mask mandates” is kind of fake news? The closest thing to a legit new mandate Newsweek cited in the article were vague, hand-wavy references to a short list of birdbrained hospital masking requirements. For example, Newsweek reported that “UW Health says it requires masks at many of its sites.” Um.

That foggy reference to “many sites” did not specify which ones, say for whom, link to any websites, clarify the source, or give any further information about the alleged “requirement.” I’m not saying I don’t trust them, but … your factual mileage may vary. Consume at your own risk.

Second, I caught them faking again! Twice in one story, and I wasn’t even trying. Newsweek included a powerful photo evidencing the “return of mask mandates,” an image either terrifying or hope-inspiring, depending on which end of the neuroticism spectrum you’re on:

But when you squinted at the greyed-out, 6-point font caption, it turned out the picture was a stock photo from 2020...

Stupid reporters. Misleaders! Why not use a current photo if mask mandates are back in three states? This misleading photo reminded me of all the fake photos they terrified Covidians with back in 2020, passing off old stock footage of bloody gurneys from some backwater Italian clinic from 2014 to evidence New York City’s “overwhelmed hospitals” in 2020.
975   Patrick   2024 Jan 3, 10:18am  


AP news is not news, it's paid for marketing

pay the piper, call the tune. see how AP sings for its supper. ...

many had simply assumed that the “AP” in “AP news” simply stood for “Always Partisan.”

what if, instead, it stands for “Affordable Propaganda”?

because that appears to be the stronger case:

this is not how a news service functions. this is how a marketing department functions.

climate activists pumped $8 million into AP and got a couple dozen new reporters led by peter prengaman who rapidly amassed a team of climate zealots to engage in one sided reporting on this topic.

oh how the money rolled in.

and oh how the marketing copy masquerading as news rolled out.
976   Patrick   2024 Jan 3, 1:36pm  


I have paid hardly any attention to Jan 6 issues over the last 3 years. Coming to terms with studying the stolen election was exhausting and I lost interest in Jan 6.

But I had no doubt that whatever was being said in the mainstream about it would be distortions and untruths. I didn’t need to allocate any effort to reach that conclusion.

If you can steal a US election in broad daylight…

If you can have 1m people march in London during lockdowns without the BBC reporting on it…

If you can live in Melbourne and not know that rubber bullets were fired at peaceful protesters in Melbourne because the media didn’t report on it (as was the case when I discussed the rubber bullets with a work contact who lived in Melbourne who had no idea what I was talking about)…

Then you know that the media, local and global media, lies and they lie ALL THE TIME about anything of significance.

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