FedEx Shooting: No country for Sikhs.

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2021 Apr 16, 2:22pm   2,286 views  60 comments

by TechBrosWon   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

Sikhs are safe nowhere, From Genocide in India to random killings in USA.
So Sad!

This was a racially motivated and targeted HATE crime, an act of domestic TERRORISM against SIKHS
I know everyone knows how many Sikh hate crimes have happened since 2001, this is a product of hateful racism in America 2021
#Indianapolis #Sikh

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22   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 16, 6:43pm  

WineHorror1 says
farmer2021 says
The solution to this is not "banning weapons", But for every Sikh to be armed at all times.
Bad people can get weapons no matter what.

If Sikhs feel this way, I accept you as my countrymen.

Sikhs are equally divided like whites.
50% liberal and 50% conservative.
23   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 16, 6:46pm  

KgK one says
I have known enough Sikhs, all were cool n collaborated at all levels with every culture ,sects of Hinduism, many sects of Indian religions consider themselves separate religion. Big offshoots are buddhism, jain, sikhs... n many small ones.

There isn't any hate towards them in india. They are in almost every city in india. Sikhs created from various hindu type religion, india helped migrant Sikhs from Pakistan. U have fake fear from hindu type religions.. most velieve in ahimsa n peace.. You should visit to see how many religions live together there. Only one creating issue is Islam .

Instead of kalistani propaganda , which can get more people killed by civil war, n rest of sikh killed by Muslim on other side, find peaceful method .

Here is usa , lot of open minded people but there are always few people who hate non white people.
Irony is 2 world wars where white Europeans tried to kill all other white people, yet still some think they are m...

It is nothing to do with Khalistani.
Khalistan is created by Hindooo Govt to destroy Sikh resistance to Hindooo tyranny and justify Hindooo Rashtra.

Bharat control by Hindooo cult is full of injustice and cruelty and it is responsibility of true Sikh to fight it.

Most of Khalistan promoters in west are intelligence agents of India.
Educate yourself and don’t be dumb.
Here is current head of Punjab state and ex Indian military commander promoting “Khalistan”. Why don’t you ask Indian government to arrest him first.

24   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 16, 10:22pm  

We're not banning guns.

Another mass shooter "The FBI was aware of" but was too busy going around the country interviewing Jan 6th protesters.
25   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 16, 11:06pm  

Sikhs will say the truth directly on face of tyrant.
Hindoooo like @kgk can’t fool us anymore with “ We love Sikhs” lie and then backstabbing.


This perfectly describes @kgk and soulless people from Hindooooo cult:
26   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 17, 8:02am  

Sikhs have been taking the frontal attack of tyranny and hate since birth of Sikhi.

"Right after 911, we made a decision as a community that we're not gonna say we're not Muslim. Because that really means don't attack us, but it is ok to attack them."
27   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 17, 8:56am  

farmer2021 says
There were lot of Sikhs work in this facility.As mostly they do hourly jobs with limited language skills

People going postal has been a thing for as long as humans have been sorting mail and delivering it.
Even in all white towns, nobody ever got to pull the race card. If that facility had been predominately Korean, then 4 out of 8 would have been Korean.

If the facility was predominately Sikhs, then they were the first people he saw when he entered the facility. Are there any reports of him passing anyone over?

Nobody is more persecuted than a White Fucking male in America right now, and there's just no fucking way in hell I'm going to have a pity party with anyone that decries racism in America. Especially from anyone that does not have a track record for defending all of the white hate and bashing.
I find it unnerving every time Whites are bashed in the news, wrongfully hunted down by the DOJ and taken down like a Serial killer in front of their kids, for exercising their first amendment right to attend the Jan 6th rally that the Left turned into a ANTIFA Shitshow so Christopher Wray could blame White Supremacist, while ignoring the BLM and ANTIFA violent riots and riots on Federal and local government institutions. Every time more reports like these happen, a certain so and so, likes to rear his racist race baiting head and start deriding White Americans and Every Indian on the Country of India that isn't a Sikhi.

Put your Big boy pants on and shut the fuck up already.
28   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 17, 9:31am  

Tenpoundbass says
farmer2021 says
There were lot of Sikhs work in this facility.As mostly they do hourly jobs with limited language skills

People going postal has been a thing for as long as humans have been sorting mail and delivering it.
Even in all white towns, nobody ever got to pull the race card. If that facility had been predominately Korean, then 4 out of 8 would have been Korean.

If the facility was predominately Sikhs, then they were the first people he saw when he entered the facility. Are there any reports of him passing anyone over?

Nobody is more persecuted than a White Fucking male in America right now, and there's just no fucking way in hell I'm going to have a pity party with anyone that decries racism in America. Especially from anyone that does not have a track record for defending all of the white hate and bashing.
I find it unnerving every time Whites are bashed in the news...

I don't dispute that "White male" is persecuted .
We all are, There is a war between "elites" who want to control and divide VS common man/woman like us of all races.
(I bring up Farmer's of India often, Because their oppressors are same as the one who are oppressing us here)
This is new for you, As a Sikh we have seen both "British colonials and Hindooo" do to our community.

But what did a "white male" get by killing "Sikh grandmothers/grandfathers" with limited skills and working for pay check, It only made white's case weak.
The anger needs to be directed towards the ones who are oppressing not innocent people and avoiding vigilante justice.(Unless elites decides to do #WhiteGenocide)

Understand the enemy. I never blame Bhartis(for Hindoo cult crimes) OR Whites for crimes of divisive elites.
I do understand that "globalists" have wrecked middle class whites livelihood(especially non-college whites) and they are angry.

29   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 17, 9:56am  

farmer2021 says
But what did a "white male" get by killing "Sikh grandmothers/grandfathers" with limited skills and working for pay check, It only made white's case weak.

A white male did not kill those people. A person with a family history of mental illness and was no stranger to law enforcement or the FBI over red flag statements he made in the past, killed them. His uncle and sister said he's been off since his father died of suicide in early 2000's. He said at one point he wanted to die by suicide by cops.

I don't blame black people when some homeless black guy with mental illness goes on stabbing spree. Vs say a follower of a Mosque where the Iman encouraged Jihad.
30   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 17, 10:33am  

Tenpoundbass says
farmer2021 says
But what did a "white male" get by killing "Sikh grandmothers/grandfathers" with limited skills and working for pay check, It only made white's case weak.

A white male did not kill those people. A person with a family history of mental illness and was no stranger to law enforcement or the FBI over red flag statements he made in the past, killed them. His uncle and sister said he's been off since his father died of suicide in early 2000's. He said at one point he wanted to die by suicide by cops.

I don't blame black people when some homeless black guy with mental illness goes on stabbing spree. Vs say a follower of a Mosque where the Iman encouraged Jihad.

Did “white male” killed innocent:
Yes,No point in denying it.

Can you blame all whites:

Can you blame Nazi/Hindoo/ISIS cult for violence:
Heck yes, But not whites, Bhartis or Muslims
31   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 17, 10:55am  

farmer2021 says
Can you blame Nazi/Hindoo/ISIS cult for violence:

Fuck that! I now challenge you to find a viable recruitment and fund raising mechanism for Nazism, KKK, or any White Supremacist organization, that fits in the scope and narrative as described by the Left and your hyperbole.

Without membership, or funds there is no organized effort. I'll even accept you finding just one example of Nazi's or KKK espousing those views, unopposed, that is not pure Liberal LARP'ery(Live Action Role Playing).

Does BLM have open membership drives that can be plainly seen on the internet and local print as well as encouraged by Munis, and Coroprate financing? FUCK YES!!!!

Does ANTIFA have open membership, training on voilence, and organizations that openly organize and fund their Voilent excurssions? You God Damned right they DO!

OK Genuis! Just how in the Fuck do you reckon these White Supremacist Nazis and KKK Fuckers operate if they can't communicate, organize, or finance their movements?
Do you reckon they are some higher advanced subspecies of Humans, that can communicate via ESP, and can you point out any of their handy work, because they don't seem to be doing much as a group, and don't seem to garner any recognition for their handiwork. Yet, it doesn't stop the dishonest left as seen on Project Veritas Expose on CNN's dishonest race bating hustle, and Idiots like a certain you know who, just eats it up without fucking question.

Now answer my fucking question with honest intent, (Since you stepped so fucking deep in it), and address what I have said, or apologize for spreading the hate and admit you've been duped.

If you can't, don't or wont then you have exposed yourself as another Left agitating Race baiting propaganda spreading commie Schill. and I will say, that YOU Most definitely are NOT what you claim, or how you are representing yourself.

Did I ever mention I have impeccable Commiedar? I can smell the shit a hundred miles away! I will challenge it when I see it, and rip the arms and legs off and shove it so far back up their asses, they wont shit for a month. Ask around about me!

BLM and ANTIFA are the closest analog to Nazi, Fascism and the KKK since 1945. If you don't know that, then you're a shitty History student, or a brainwashed Liberal Hack!
32   Patrick   2021 Apr 17, 11:03am  

The shooter was identified as Brandon Scott Hole of Indianapolis

I have a theory that names influence people's lives quite a lot.

To grow up with the last name "Hole" probably cause this guy no end of embarrassment. He was only 19, not that far removed from middle school and high school where cruel jokes abound.

A lot of gays also seem to have last names like "Dick" (not kidding). They probably also get relentlessly taunted about having such a gay name and maybe this somehow drives them into gayness.
33   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 17, 11:15am  

Tenpoundbass says
farmer2021 says
Can you blame Nazi/Hindoo/ISIS cult for violence:

Fuck that! I now challenge you to find a viable recruitment and fund raising mechanism for Nazism, KKK, or any White Supremacist organization, that fits in the scope and narrative as described by the Left and your hyperbole.

Without membership, or funds there is no organized effort. I'll even accept you finding just one example of Nazi's or KKK espousing those views, unopposed, that is not pure Liberal LARP'ery(Live Action Role Playing).

Does BLM have open membership drives that can be plainly seen on the internet and local print as well as encouraged by Munis, and Coroprate financing? FUCK YES!!!!

Does ANTIFA have open membership, training on voilence, and organizations that openly organize and fund their Voilent excurssions? You God Damned right they DO!

OK Genuis! Just how in the Fuck do you reckon ...

The examples were general context.
If a cult promotes hatred of group of innocent people based on appearance or other differences and someone knowingly joins that cult, He can be held responsible for crimes committed by cult members.

Now you saying he was not white is incorrect.
My position to always identify the race/background of perpetrator and not blame the whole group unless it is crime organised by group.

Also you need to calm down a bit.
34   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 17, 11:30am  

farmer2021 says
If a cult promotes hatred of group of innocent people based on appearance or other differences and someone knowingly joins that cult

That is the BLM and ANTIFA, you still owe me a Bigoted Conservative movement that can be described as the KKK or Nazis.

farmer2021 says
Now you saying he was not white is incorrect.

He didn't shoot them as a white person he shot them as a mentally unstable person who was on the law enforcement's purview.

An example of the difference in what I'm saying is, remember that father and son team that saw a black guy casing a house in a rural area, then they gave chase and ended up shooting him with a shotgun? Terrible execution of their intent which was give chase and hold him until the cops showed up.
The thing you wont see, and I challenge you to find me one example within the last 40 years. Where a Sikh or even a Black person for that matter was chased down for minding his own business walking through a neighborhood,(Not peeking in windows and casing out construction sites) where the people gave chase and called him racist names, and by their words not actions it was clearly obvious the only reason he was accosted was because of race or color. It happens every day to White people and it even has video and there's no outcry about it. Blacks can chase a white guy out of a neighborhood while bashing him in the head with rocks, and to date there has never been one single God Damned Hate Crime filed over it.

Another example the other day, that white Army Sargant was telling that strange black guy nobody ever seen before to get from the front of his house. The guy refused to just go, he wasn't being threatened, other than to keep going. It turned into another episode for hatestream media to promote as another fine example of White supremacy.

Where as if I were walking through a black neighborhood and had a similar experience, the media would say I was being the KKK trying to intimidate those people, and I had no business there.

And one more thing when we see the hate and violence spurred on by BLM and ANTIFA we don't blame all black people I hold Jews and privleged white people who have been fed through our Marxist education system for exploiting the black hustle more than a blanketly blame black people.
35   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 17, 11:36am  

Tenpoundbass says
farmer2021 says
If a cult promotes hatred of group of innocent people based on appearance or other differences and someone knowingly joins that cult

That is the BLM and ANTIFA, you still owe me a Bigoted Conservative movement that can be described as the KKK or Nazis.

farmer2021 says
Now you saying he was not white is incorrect.

He didn't shoot them as a white person he shot them as a mentally unstable person who was on the law enforcement's purview.

An example of the difference in what I'm saying is, remember that father and son team that saw a black guy casing a house in a rural area, then they gave chase and ended up shooting him with a shotgun? Terrible execution of their intent which was give chase and hold him until the cops showed up.
The thing you wont see, and I challenge you to...

BLM has nothing to do with “welfare of blacks”, It appears to be communist group run by CCP proxies.
Yes blacks have genuine concern with system and needs to be addressed.

Nazi is not equal to Conservative.
Communist is not equal to liberal.

In true sense both liberals and conservatives promotes freedom... commie and Nazi exercise control.

Don’t play in hands of divisive elites.
Elites want to make whites condition same as blacks, I.e oppressed by system.
Smart fight needed to defeat the divide and rule elites not fight among ourselves.
36   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 17, 3:04pm  

farmer2021 says
Nazi is not equal to Conservative.
Communist is not equal to liberal.

Yes Liberalism equates to essentially "Communism" and it's their script to paint and label Conservatives as Nazis and Fascists, while they employ those tactics of Fascism and Nazis to destroy and take over America. If you don't realize that, then you're just more concerned about Sikhism in a Country that you consider nothing more than a Geographic location, and are intentionally disconnected from any politics, or ignorant to the subtle sophistication in the tactics they deploy. You should repeat buzzwords you hear in Hatestream media.
Because lets face it, there is no such thing as Nazis anymore. It's just a way to destroy poltical opposition with indefensible rhetoric.
37   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 17, 3:55pm  

Tenpoundbass says
farmer2021 says
Nazi is not equal to Conservative.
Communist is not equal to liberal.

Yes Liberalism equates to essentially "Communism" and it's their script to paint and label Conservatives as Nazis and Fascists, while they employ those tactics of Fascism and Nazis to destroy and take over America. If you don't realize that, then you're just more concerned about Sikhism in a Country that you consider nothing more than a Geographic location, and are intentionally disconnected from any politics, or ignorant to the subtle sophistication in the tactics they deploy. You should repeat buzzwords you hear in Hatestream media.
Because lets face it, there is no such thing as Nazis anymore. It's just a way to destroy poltical opposition with indefensible rhetoric.

You are mistaken.
Liberal and conservative are very close to each other.
Similar way communism and fascism/nazism are.. essentially both are totalitarian and want to climb on liberal/conservative bandwagon to make their crude motives digestible to common man.

Liberal may feel that it can free up humans more by guaranteeing healthcare etc.
Conservative like lesser role for government.

I have never seen true liberal or conservative advocating for curtailing rights of individuals for benefit of state. Conservative may see more evil in government and liberal in big corporates .
Both of the above having too much power has negatives for individual freedom.

I think you need to think more calmly the whole game. Elites like your kind of thinking to create divisions in society so that they can steal both honey and money.
38   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 17, 4:56pm  

farmer2021 says
Liberal and conservative are very close to each other.

This is all I needed to hear from you. Thanks for playing. Commies and RINOs are the same if you don't see the difference here and recognize the struggle and the fight going on between America's factions. Then it's only because in the back of your mind you know damn well, when shit hits the fan here, then you can always run back home with a new found appreciation for the Hindoos as you say. You have no idea what's going on, could you imagine if I were India weighing in on India's politics as misguided as you are?
39   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 17, 4:59pm  

You are firmly grounded in the notion that White Conservative people, well all Conservatives, are all racists. That's why you come here bitching and bemoaning Hindus you expected American conservatives to pick up a fight from it. You fool me about as much as much as the check engine light. You're just trying to lead the conversation in for an Oil Change.
40   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 17, 5:00pm  

Oh and say hello to Dear reader for me.
41   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 17, 5:50pm  

I will reply to your above messages:
: Commies and RINOs are the same if you don't see the difference here and recognize the struggle and the fight going on between America's factions
>> There are only two factions "Elites Vs Common man". If You think otherwise , You are victim of elite propaganda. Any channel which pushes and tells common sense liberal or conservatives ideas are either commie or fascists ideas, They are no friend of common man.

Then it's only because in the back of your mind you know damn well, when shit hits the fan here, then you can always run back home with a new found appreciation for the Hindoos as you say
>> No I don't think this way. This is again programmed in your mind by elites to create division in common man. I have nothing against Bhartis (Hindooo is a elite cult of divide and rule like communism/fascism/colonialism etc.). I would like "personal freedom" to rein supreme and cults to be defeated.

You are firmly grounded in the notion that White Conservative people, well all Conservatives, are all racists
>> I myself is center right and conservative but also think liberal is not enemy. Fascist or communist etc. "divide and rule" and "control cults" are not my friends.

You fool me about as much as much as the check engine light
>> I am not fooling you or anyone. You can disagree or agree with my viewpoint after evaluating it.

American media is tailored to make people fight each other.
They will push "liberal" towards communism and "conservative" towards fascism to achieve maximum division and elite controlled society.
If you understand above, You will be freed from propaganda.
42   Patrick   2021 Apr 17, 5:53pm  

farmer2021 says
Yes blacks have genuine concern with system and needs to be addressed.

Could you explain why you think that?
43   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 17, 5:55pm  

Patrick says
farmer2021 says
Yes blacks have genuine concern with system and needs to be addressed.

Could you explain why you think that?

Blacks are pawns of democratic party.
The intelligent blacks have no way to "free" themselves as powerful state interests want to keep them this way.
44   Patrick   2021 Apr 17, 5:57pm  

I agree with you there @farmer2021
46   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 18, 10:23am  

farmer2021 says

Blacks are pawns of democratic party.
The intelligent blacks have no way to "free" themselves as powerful state interests want to keep them this way.

You're a double talking back peddling dog face pony soldier boy.
Now can you explain while keeping it in the context of this thread, why it is the Conservatives that must atone for the Democrat's sins?

Because you sound like this retard.

47   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 18, 10:33am  

farmer2021 says
>> There are only two factions "Elites Vs Common man". If You think otherwise , You are victim of elite propaganda. Any channel which pushes and tells common sense liberal or conservatives ideas are either commie or fascists ideas, They are no friend of common man.

I'm nobodies Victim, not by a long shot. And that old canard that is is Elites vs Common Man, is just a dog whistle to keep people from thinking for themselves. It's pure defeatism to ware the person down, so they give up.
And I don't know if you have been following closely or not, probably NOT! But there's a national movement for local informed Voters to Join the Republican party, the only possible way one can join a political party. That is by getting elected or taking over an uncontested vacant, committee precinct chair.


"How It’s Done: Trump Voter Wins Douglas County GOP Committeeman Then Replaces ALL of the GOP Board RINOs Who Refused to Serve With Him Because He’s Pro-Trump"

And I take full credit for Steve Bannon and Dan Shultz promoting this message. As it was I that posted 7 page dissertations, in the very few Conservative news sites, that the Left hasn't deplatoformed, about hijacking and taking over the GOP using exactly this very message. And I was doing it while both of these guys were telling Trump voters to go start a New Party. Which I said would be pointless and unmitigated disaster.
48   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 18, 10:45am  

Tenpoundbass says
farmer2021 says

Blacks are pawns of democratic party.
The intelligent blacks have no way to "free" themselves as powerful state interests want to keep them this way.

You're a double talking back peddling dog face pony soldier boy.
Now can you explain while keeping it in the context of this thread, why it is the Conservatives that must atone for the Democrat's sins?

Because you sound like this retard.


Free people always sound "double talking" to propaganda victims like you.
Now you sound more like a "cult member" like many brainwashed or brainwasher Hindooos here.

I have always been clear, My thinking is exactly same forever... Pro people, Anti-Elite.
GOP/Democrats are to serve us not rule us... but they do because people like you who are easy to manipulate.
49   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 18, 10:56am  

>>And I don't know if you have been following closely or not, probably NOT! But there's a national movement for local informed Voters to Join the Republican party, the only possible way one can join a political party. That is by getting elected or taking over an uncontested vacant, committee precinct chair.

Are you a GOP politician? If yes You are doing your job for party not for citizens.
As a Citizen I will evaluate on How GOP is serving the people not the elites and decide If I support them or not.
I currently see GOP just subservient to elites as are democrats.

Sikhs will take a last stand against tyranny as they always do(After drama of pussies is done) irrespective of country they live in. Your disenfranchising Sikhs and claiming that they will run to Hindoo land at first trouble is most baseless statement ever based not on history.
50   Shaman   2021 Apr 18, 11:47am  

farmer2021 says
Sikhs will take a last stand against tyranny

I just hope that Sikh immigrants can parse through the Leftist bullshit media and realize that the Democrats are the party of totalitarianism and hatred. It really is a pity that the right-wing nutjobs target Sikhs by mistake thinking they’re Arabs. Not that this is right if the target were Arabs, and we totally disavow any such attacks on anyone. But please don’t be distracted by the race wars the media tries to foment.
51   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 18, 12:24pm  

Shaman says
farmer2021 says
Sikhs will take a last stand against tyranny

I just hope that Sikh immigrants can parse through the Leftist bullshit media and realize that the Democrats are the party of totalitarianism and hatred. It really is a pity that the right-wing nutjobs target Sikhs by mistake thinking they’re Arabs. Not that this is right if the target were Arabs, and we totally disavow any such attacks on anyone. But please don’t be distracted by the race wars the media tries to foment.

It’s best to care for your fellow citizens without getting lost in liberal/conservative thing.
I will take liberal over fascist and conservative over communist any day.
In a normal circumstance most of Sikhs I know are center right.
Trump doesn’t have much support in Sikh circles due to his alignment with Fascist Modi,Not supporting farmers and his crude style. Before that GOP was party of choice for vast majority.

Sikhs is basically a blue collar community with farming as important as religion , To be in their good books you need to support working people especially in trades and farming.
I think Trump did good job on this but he cares less about Indian farmers and Sikhs care a lot about them.
52   WillPowers   2021 Apr 18, 2:11pm  

Remember going postal? Now we can say going Fed Ex.
53   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 18, 2:57pm  


Conservatives in Canada has lost it. They sold their reputation to Indian fascists for pennies.
54   Tenpoundbass   2021 Apr 18, 3:22pm  

I give up you haven't answered one single question, and I've remained silent and listened to your rhetoric about other cultures. You have no problem bashing every culture but yours.

farmer2021 says
Trump doesn’t have much support in Sikh circles due to his alignment with Fascist Modi,

But I'll be honest with you, I've never met a Hindu that threw shade on others, unless they were fucked with first. Do you really believe that HIndus don't read Patnet. Yet there's not one that has come here to challenge your hate and propaganda you keep posting about them. Then when we didn't get a rise out of your posts, now you're weighing in mass shootings and carrying the MSM Liberal Commie narrative hitting all of the talking points, about Conservatives, Nazis, and a White shooter. Where's your posts about Black shooters, there was one just today. Did you feel compelled to come troll Patnet with it?

You're not what you seem, you should go somewhere people are less astute and not as politically savvy to pick up agitating propagandists. Because I'll call you out on it every time.
55   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 18, 3:41pm  

Yeah Hindooo can come and defend the criminality and genocidal behaviour of their cult.
(They got #sikh and many pro Sikh commenters like me banned from Twitter)
They tried but end up exposing themselves siding with cruelty.

If you want to align with Hindooo like Canadian right wingers.. Here is one to follow:
It is a multi billion dollar business to malign Sikhs throughout world and can be profitable:

I know it is hard to take when “established views” are crashed build over years by media propaganda.
56   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 18, 11:59pm  

This is how Hindooo peddle paid propaganda against Sikhs , spending upwards of few billion dollars every year through fake media.
@Tenpoundbass peddles falsehoods like below due to his limited knowledge and mind occupied by propaganda:
>>But I'll be honest with you, I've never met a Hindu that threw shade on others, unless they were fucked with first

Now it is not like elder abuse doesn't happen. It does happen.. but is rare.Sikhs ranks probably on top in terms of joint family and taking care of their parents.
What mostly happens is that even the kids are just trying to establish in new country and the whole family works as a unit to build strong base for future.
Sikh elders don't like to sit idle. This vide shows common thinking of Sikh elders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4_XLACAuAY

I have debated ad nauseam with full statistics that Sikhs has little drug issues compared to Hindooo and even US. Showing Sikhs as drug addicts works in favor of Hindoo to break their will to fight Hindooo government injustice.

At least 4 of the 8 victims of #Indianapolis shooting were Sikhs
Aged from 50 to 70
It exposes a dark side of #SikhCommunity
Many American #Sikh abuse elderly parents and grandparents by forcing them to take low-paid precarious employment

The same trend was recently exposed in India when Sikh land owners were reported to force drugs on migrant workers in order to boost "productivity"
Drugs and opium trade has become a core part of #SikhCommunity

Hindooo doesn't need to know about the real story, They spread "fake news" day and night to malign Sikhs to earn share from billions of dollars Hindoo government spend to malign Sikhs.
“She didn’t need to work. She just did it because she wanted to buy things for her grandkids. She didn’t need this job. She didn’t need to be there. She didn’t need to work [especially during the pandemic], but she chose to,” said Chohan.
57   KgK one   2021 Apr 19, 9:21am  

Had lunch with sikh, bangali, haryana, n gujju.
Enjoyed discussing various cooking styles etc. Most Sikhs are happy n live same life style as other Indians. Same laws, same rules, etc.

R u getting paid to spread hate?

1980s india got nuclear weapons, n was aligned with russia so CIA weaponized some Sikhs to create civil war. Before n after thatv10 yr period, Sikhs lived peacefully .

Sikhs are integral part of India. Everyone getting killed by Muslims is allowed as refuges in india, yes including Sikhs.


Under Indian law, multiple groups are generally accepted as legal refugees. These include Sri Lankan Tamils, Indians who were affected by the 1972 expulsion of Ugandans of Indian origin, and Indic-origin religious minorities. As the birthplace of many religions, most prominently Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Jainism, India accepts followers of Indic-origin religions who are persecuted in their home states as refugees, most notably victims of the Partition of India and the 1971 Bangladesh genocide.

You can react to one off incidents to prove your point but has no meaning. When kids fight with parent who are looking out for them, ultimately it ruins kids future. N then they blame parent, for their own ruin.

Even Hindus feel they have no country. Muslims are always trying to prove they are better n everyone should follow their ways.
58   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 19, 10:44am  

KgK one says
Had lunch with sikh, bangali, haryana, n gujju.
Enjoyed discussing various cooking styles etc. Most Sikhs are happy n live same life style as other Indians. Same laws, same rules, etc.

R u getting paid to spread hate?

1980s india got nuclear weapons, n was aligned with russia so CIA weaponized some Sikhs to create civil war. Before n after thatv10 yr period, Sikhs lived peacefully .

Sikhs are integral part of India. Everyone getting killed by Muslims is allowed as refuges in india, yes including Sikhs.


Under Indian law, multiple groups are generally accepted as legal refugees. These include Sri Lankan Tamils, Indians who were affected by the 1972 expulsion of Ugandans of Indian origin, and Indic-origin religious minorities. As the birthplace of many religions, most prominently Hinduism, Buddhism, ...

Please stop justifying the crimes committed against Sikhs by Hindooo government.
"Chardi Kala" is Sikh trait build over centuries and it noway suggests that Sikhs have stopped fighting "injustice".
In Sikhism, chardi kala is the Punjabi term for aspiring to maintain a mental state of eternal optimism and joy. Sikhs are ideally expected to be in this positive state of mind as a sign of their contentment with the will of God (bhana), even during the times of adversity.[1]

Highlighting the crimes of tyrants is noway hating on someone. I wish happy life to Bhartis free from Criminal Hindooo cult.
>>>R u getting paid to spread hate?
Neither I get paid by anyone or hate anyone. I just want to see destruction of Hindooo tyrannical system to avoid another #SikhGenocide in India.
This is least i can do to make people aware online that "Bhartis need to fight for freedom".

Now on separate note:
"Even Hindus feel they have no country"
Bhartis are ruled by foreign criminal Hindoo cult. Hindooo colonialism makes them feel this way.
59   AmericanKulak   2021 Apr 19, 10:45am  

One thing I learned from the "World's largest multicultural democracy" is "Not here, please"
60   TechBrosWon   2021 Apr 19, 10:55am  

MisdemeanorRebellionNoCoupForYou says
One thing I learned from the "World's largest multicultural democracy" is "Not here, please"

The biggest hate groups at loggerheads with each other are "Red whites" Vs "Blue whites" in USA.
When I hear them peacefully with each group, They sound very similar based on what they want from life.

How come they are fighting then? See the invisible hand of puppet master.
Puppet masters have "tricks up their sleeves" to create conflict anywhere when people are not looking.
(There are always differences between people)

In reality majority of member of all the non-white groups are "pawns" in hands of whites.(may be to some extent CCP)

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