Masks Control People, Not Viruses

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2021 Apr 20, 8:45am   129,934 views  1,006 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Published online 2020 Nov 22.

Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis
Baruch Vainshelboim⁎

Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing facemasks in the COVID-19 era, providing prosper information for public health and decisions making. ...

The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

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587   Patrick   2022 Jul 30, 6:20pm  


Study finds plastics found in masks present in patients’ lungs

Microplastic fibres were found deep in the lower lungs of living human beings in almost every person sampled in a recent UK study.

The study from Great Britain discovered microplastic particles — present in many COVID-19 masks — in the lung tissue of 11 out of 13 patients undergoing surgery.

Polypropylene (PP) and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) were the most prevalent substances present in the lungs.

The microscopic plastic fragments and fibres were discovered by scientists at Hull York Medical School in the UK. Some of the filaments were two millimetres long in patients undergoing surgery whose lung tissue they sampled.

The plastic dust and microscopic debris comprises the same plastics used to manufacture the ubiquitous surgical masks worn by hundreds of millions of people around the world as mandated by governments in an attempt to halt the spread of COVID-19.
589   Patrick   2022 Aug 5, 9:29am  


Bernie's Tweets
CANADA - Trudeau arrives in Costa Rica by private plane and without a mask. The Covid Climate change theatre doesn’t affect the leading actors, just the audience.


Keean Bexte 🇳🇱
Video has emerged of dirtbag Trudeau and his family getting off a private airforce jet not wearing any masks. The entitlement of Trudeau and his family is un-fuckung-real. Meanwhile, moms in Canada are thrown off planes because their kid won't mask up.
591   richwicks   2022 Aug 6, 2:25pm  

Patrick says


I think it's pretty obvious that masks don't work, and it's been obvious for a long time.

I almost think we've REALLY been put through an obedience test, but there's a plus to this, I think people are less willing to be obedient the next time around. I believe many people are realizing they were bamboozled.
593   richwicks   2022 Aug 7, 12:08pm  

Booger says

Where's the paper?

Go find the paper, and do a text search for "mask".

We now know that masks do contribute to disease for the wearer now, but there was no conclusion drawn that I can find where that was the conclusion of the 1917 flu epidemic. It's true that bacterial pneumonia was thought to be the main killer of that pandemic, but there's no published work I can find that associates it with masks.

The "Spanish flu" was thought to have caused serious damage to the bronchial system, and as a result made people much more susceptible to bacterial infection.

Probably masks DID contribute to the deaths, but I can't find a published paper that investigates that.
594   Onvacation   2022 Aug 7, 7:03pm  

Don't forget the mask!

original link
596   Patrick   2022 Aug 11, 11:04am  


These images are from the so-called Spanish Flu days (1918). People then were against compulsion, just as today.

The difference today is that we know the public health officials should know better.
597   Patrick   2022 Aug 12, 1:47pm  

In NYC across from Met.
603   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Aug 14, 9:31am  

- An object marked with magic signs and believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection.
- Something that apparently has magic power.
606   GNL   2022 Aug 16, 8:48am  

Patrick says

Certainly one of my favorites.
607   Hugh_Mongous   2022 Aug 16, 10:08am  

Russian blogger (google-translated):

Rospotrebnadzor recommends returning the mask regime in public places in regions where more than 50 people per 100,000 get sick per week

50 cases per 100 thousand is 0.05 percent. Despite the fact that the epidemic threat occurs when there are 5 percent of the sick of the population. Roskomnadzor does not explain the difference by two orders of magnitude. Such measures are not provided for in any regulatory documents, as they are absolutely absurd.

608   HeadSet   2022 Aug 16, 12:03pm  

Booger says

Interesting - the old Fascist countries of Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco.
609   Eric Holder   2022 Aug 16, 12:12pm  

HeadSet says

Booger says

Interesting - the old Fascist countries of Hitler, Mussolini, and Franco.

And Ruscia - the new Fascist country (refer to post #608).
615   Patrick   2022 Aug 23, 7:34pm  


The surprising reason why this L.A. boutique says it banned COVID masks: Crime

Wearing a mask in public should be ILLEGAL.
617   ForcedTQ   2022 Aug 24, 1:37pm  

Curious, wonder what a quick study of the environmental effects, and opportunity costs that have happened because of mask mandates would show?
618   Onvacation   2022 Sep 7, 5:36pm  

Right wing anti mask anti vaxx ideology!
619   GNL   2022 Sep 7, 6:02pm  

Onvacation says

Right wing anti mask anti vaxx ideology!

This person's view/attitude is a perfect example of why freedom must rein.

Video of insufficient air when wearing a mask via OSHA requirements...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyENddY1NbM&t=2s

PER OSHA: Human beings must breathe oxygen . . . to survive, and begin to suffer adverse health effects when the oxygen level of their breathing air drops below [19.5 percent oxygen]. Below 19.5 percent oxygen . . . , air is considered oxygen-deficient. At concentrations of 16 to 19.5 percent, workers engaged in any form of exertion can rapidly become symptomatic as their tissues fail to obtain the oxygen necessary to function properly (Rom, W., Environmental and Occupational Medicine, 2nd ed.; Little, Brown; Boston, 1992). Increased breathing rates, accelerated heartbeat, and impaired thinking or coordination occur more quickly in an oxygen-deficient environment. Even a momentary loss of coordination may be devastating to a worker if it occurs while the worker is performing a potentially dangerous activity, such as climbing a ladder. Concentrations of 12 to 16 percent oxygen cause tachypnea (increased breathing rates), tachycardia (accelerated heartbeat), and impaired attention, thinking, and coordination (e.g., Ex. 25-4), even in people who are resting.
620   Patrick   2022 Sep 8, 5:22pm  


Covid masks might make men infertile
No good evidence suggests they reduce viral infection rates, but masks shed plastics that reduce sperm count and motility in mice. There’s a good chance it’s happening to humans too.
621   Patrick   2022 Sep 12, 8:05am  

Ezra Levant 🍁🚛
Australia ends mask mandates on all flights. Why does Canada keep them? Trudeau and his cabinet minister never wear masks on a plane — that’s only for photo ops. At what point does Canadian politeness become embarrassing submissiveness?
622   Patrick   2022 Sep 14, 5:10pm  


Titanium nanoparticles in Covid masks cause cancer: researchers
Everything about masking appears harmful with no quality evidence of benefit, so why are they forcing it on you?
623   Patrick   2022 Sep 15, 5:26pm  


To many, universal public mask-wearing indoors and out is now seen as a virtue. Our social norms have been redefined by the sick. It’s time for the healthy to reclaim them. It’s time for masks to be banned. I’m not suggesting a legal ban, although that may become necessary if public shaming is not successful. A more effective and proper approach is to shun the mask-wearers—ban them from private businesses (as the unmasked were for nearly two years), disavow them from conversations, and walk away from them when they come toward you. Treat them the way they treated those around them who refused to hide their faces, but without the display of abject hysteria and bursts of physical violence they engaged in. They’ll soon learn their lesson. And they’ll comply. After all, cowardice and compliance are what define them.

It’s time to retake our public spaces. Like clearing a homeless encampment in the local public park, we need to clear the perpetual maskers from our midst, send them scurrying back to the shadows, and not invite them to return until they promise to behave as socially responsible adults. A masked priest is not a leader. A masked citizen is not a member of the local community. Anyone who wishes to be treated with respect must first show respect to those around him. That starts by showing your face.

Mark McDonald, M.D.

Psychiatrist and author of United States of Fear: How America Fell Victim to a Mass Delusional Psychosis and Freedom From Fear: A 12 Step Guide to Personal and National Recovery
624   Patrick   2022 Sep 15, 7:16pm  


Of all the many various pandemic abominations – and there is no shortage to choose from – the victimization of children stands above the rest as a uniquely horrific defilement of fundamental human virtue and conscience. It is a particularly heart- wrenching evil that has rather shockingly become endemic in society today.

Somehow, it has become normalized not only to institutionalize grotesque child abuse, but to go so far as to exclusively target children even as the adults were largely set free from the yoke of various oppressive torments inflicted under the aegis of the Orwellian “public health” regime.

Thus the specter of New York City mandating masks exclusively for TODDLERS in preschool even as older children were allowed to go mask- free. It is difficult to conjure up a more gruesome and frightening victimization exclusively of the truly defenseless and vulnerable.

I came across the following video a few days ago, well worth watching in full, that crystallized for me one of the impediments blocking people’s realization of this as bloodcurdling child abuse. ...

A day in the life of a masked child
As the car pulled up to the school entrance, 5-year-old Mason felt the usual really strong sad feeling that he felt every day.

“Mason, put your mask on now,” said his mother.

Once upon a time, Mason used to cry and refuse to put on his mask. It was very uncomfortable for him, it was itchy, it was wet and slimy, and it smelled really bad. And when the mask was over his nose, it made breathing feel strange, and usually Mason would start to feel a little tired or weak after a few minutes because it was hard to breathe through the mask.

That was months ago though. Mason had long since stopped resisting, and now simply did as he was told by his mother, dutifully pulling the mask over his face.

Mason would feel extra sad every day when his Mommy told him to put his mask on before getting out of the car. He didn’t understand why though. Sometimes he thought to himself why Mommy made him do something that made him feel so sad and alone. Mason wanted so badly for his Mommy and Daddy to go back to how Mommy and Daddy used to be.

In fact, when Mason drew masks over a baby cow and flowers in a picture a few days ago and his teacher asked him why the flowers had masks on, Mason replied “Because they’re sad that the baby cow’s Mommy and Daddy don’t love him anymore.”

As Mason pushed open the car door, he thought about when Mommy used to kiss him goodbye with a smile and wave to him every morning as he walked up the steps to school. It made him very very sad to remember that though, because it hurt a lot, and Mason couldn’t understand why Mommy loved him less now than she used to.

Mason walked up the steps clutching his lunchbox, past the mean lady who stood outside watching all the children entering the building every morning. Mason was scared of her. She yelled at him when his mask wasn’t all the way on the top of his nose. She yelled at a lot of the other children too. She would scream at him that he made the school a bad place that would make people get very sick because he was there. She even told him in front of the whole school that he should just stay home, which made Mason want to run away and hide in the trees next to the school because he was so embarrassed.

This was the worst part of walking into school every day for Mason; he felt weak and shaky when he was around her because she made him feel so scared and hurt. ...

Mason got off the bus in front of his house. He walked slowly up the steps to the porch. Mason felt sad and tired. He felt sad every day after school because school was so sad and bad. At least he didn’t have to wear his mask when he got home.

Mason tried to open the front door of his house but it was locked. Mommy was probably talking to the people on the computer from work, and Daddy didn’t come home until later. Mason knocked on the door but nobody answered. Mason felt so alone and confused, and also hungry, so he just sat down on the step in front of the door. Then he started to cry. Mason didn’t know why he was suddenly crying, but he couldn’t stop himself. He just sat there crying. His tears soaked his mask but was too tired to care about pulling it off. He just sat and cried. ...

Imagine this happening every day.

For a week.

A month.

2 months.

3 months.

5 months.

A whole year.

What have we done to our children??? ...

A child needs to experience compassion, mercy, kindness, love and caring in order to relate to himself and to the world as fundamentally good. A child bereft of this grows up experiencing deep emotional trauma and scarring.

Parents passively allowing their children to be tormented by the mask regime (and other isolation measures) create a profound break in their children’s sense of stability generally, and sense of trust and stability in/of their parents’ love and commitment to them. They will not understand ‘Why are Mommy & Daddy letting all this horrible stuff happen to me???’


625   GNL   2022 Sep 15, 7:29pm  

I hope these people die. I truly do.
626   Shaman   2022 Sep 15, 7:34pm  

GNL says

I hope these people die. I truly do.

They will.
It’s just a matter of when.

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