Masks Control People, Not Viruses

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2021 Apr 20, 8:45am   129,905 views  1,006 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Published online 2020 Nov 22.

Facemasks in the COVID-19 era: A health hypothesis
Baruch Vainshelboim⁎

Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks’ efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing facemasks in the COVID-19 era, providing prosper information for public health and decisions making. ...

The existing scientific evidences challenge the safety and efficacy of wearing facemask as preventive intervention for COVID-19. The data suggest that both medical and non-medical facemasks are ineffective to block human-to-human transmission of viral and infectious disease such SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, supporting against the usage of facemasks. Wearing facemasks has been demonstrated to have substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects. These include hypoxia, hypercapnia, shortness of breath, increased acidity and toxicity, activation of fear and stress response, rise in stress hormones, immunosuppression, fatigue, headaches, decline in cognitive performance, predisposition for viral and infectious illnesses, chronic stress, anxiety and depression. Long-term consequences of wearing facemask can cause health deterioration, developing and progression of chronic diseases and premature death. Governments, policy makers and health organizations should utilize prosper and scientific evidence-based approach with respect to wearing facemasks, when the latter is considered as preventive intervention for public health.

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81   Booger   2021 May 14, 5:53pm  


No more mask requirements in Maryland, except in Baltimore City.
83   Booger   2021 May 15, 6:50am  

It's going to be useless to try to get businesses to verify vaccination status. Like at a grocery store--would everyone que up for a store employee to check their papers? And what would stop me from going in with a mask (bypassing the vaccine verification line) and then take it off and blend in with the pre-checked people?
88   Booger   2021 May 15, 7:27am  

Typical liberal:
95   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 May 15, 11:50am  

richwicks says
I readily admit that I don't know the intricacies of such a pipeline, but the physics of it is interesting. It must require a HUGE amount of energy to start up the flow.

I don't either but seem to recall that a lot of our national pipelines are multi-use. Sometimes they are moving liquids and sometimes gases and they swap directions as well. So it may not be as difficult as you're thinking.
97   WookieMan   2021 May 16, 6:32am  

just_passing_through says
richwicks says
I readily admit that I don't know the intricacies of such a pipeline, but the physics of it is interesting. It must require a HUGE amount of energy to start up the flow.

I don't either but seem to recall that a lot of our national pipelines are multi-use. Sometimes they are moving liquids and sometimes gases and they swap directions as well. So it may not be as difficult as you're thinking.

Having a pool I'd actually think it would be pretty basic. Problems arise if you cannot remotely open/close valves that shut off flow and therefore pressure. There has to be a manual override though. I'd be shocked if there wasn't.

We have electric transformers blow a couple times a year in my town (old infrastructure). ComEd is here and has it fixed in 2 hours or less. Really hard to believe a pipeline company could not manually operate the system within 12 hours or less. Expensive, yes. But the slight increase in prices won't cover not selling your product for days. Whole situation seems weird.
98   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2021 May 16, 10:25am  

Many are bi-directional but I was wrong about liquids and gases same line apparently:


Natural gas is moved through pipelines as a result of a series of compressors creating pressure differentials – the gas flows from an area of high pressure to an area of relatively lower pressure. Compressors
are powered by electric or natural gas fired engines that compress or squeeze incoming gas and push it
out at a higher pressure. As one would expect compressor stations for large transmission lines are much
bigger than the compressors used to move the gas through the small distribution lines to our homes.
Some gathering systems do not need compressors because the pressure of the gas coming out of the
wells is enough to move the gas through the gathering lines.
Natural gas is compressed in transmission pipelines to pressures typically ranging from 500 to 1400
pounds of pressure per square inch. Compressor stations on transmission pipelines are generally built
every 50 to 100 miles along the length of a transmission pipeline, allowing pressure to be increased as
needed to keep the gas moving. Some gas transmission pipelines are bi-directional meaning gas can
be coming from both ends of the pipeline, and depending on where gas is removed and where the
compressors create the pressure differential, gas may flow either direction. One example is William’s
Northwest Pipeline that comes past us here in Bellingham. It accepts gas from Canada to the north
and from the Rocky Mountain region to the south. These bi-directional pipelines boast of greater flexibility in both supply and price to customers.
101   Karloff   2021 May 17, 1:29pm  

Fun quiz where you guess on the case-rate graph when mask orders went into place in various countries:

102   WookieMan   2021 May 17, 2:38pm  

Karloff says
Fun quiz where you guess on the case-rate graph when mask orders went into place in various countries:


Still convinced masks made it worse. Viral load sticking to your face and the constant touching/adjusting of the mask. Really don't think there's a counter argument. The graphs in that quiz prove as much once you get past the high UV period (summer) in the countries listed.
103   porkchopXpress   2021 May 17, 3:09pm  

ThreeBays says
So now that mask mandates are gone and the guidance is wear a mask if you're not fully vaccinated, people will go around shops and restaurants maskless, pretending to have been vaccinated, i.e. act like scum against society.

One wonders what CDC's game plan was here. Perhaps they are waiting for large breakouts in communities of unvaccinated Trumpists, so they can then turn around and say "get your vaxxes or mask up you fucking cunts!".
Or, perhaps Fauci got caught creating this virus and needed a massive diversion.
104   mell   2021 May 17, 6:11pm  

WookieMan says
Karloff says
Fun quiz where you guess on the case-rate graph when mask orders went into place in various countries:


Still convinced masks made it worse. Viral load sticking to your face and the constant touching/adjusting of the mask. Really don't think there's a counter argument. The graphs in that quiz prove as much once you get past the high UV period (summer) in the countries listed.

Masks definitely make your overall well being worse, no matter whether they filter any covid at all or not.
105   Patrick   2021 May 17, 6:15pm  

Fauci created the virus in Wuhan, via Peter Daszak and the "Bat-lady".

The motive was obviously power and profit. Maybe also simple hubris.

Masks were always bullshit, helpful for instilling fear and then giving people a motive to get a very profitable but dangerous injection.
106   Booger   2021 May 18, 6:29pm  

Went shopping in WalMart without a mask. Felt great, but very few went maskless. At least at work half aren't wearing masks any more.
You are supposed to wear the mask if you are not vaxxed, but according to the email, you aren't allowed to ask if anyone is, are so for the purposes of masking, I identify as vaccinated. I am relatively new so nobody is going to know any better. The GF loves working from home, and is going to use that as an excuse to continue doing that as long as she can get away with it.
108   WookieMan   2021 May 18, 8:30pm  

Booger says
I identify as vaccinated.

lol!!!!! That's awesome. Not sure if original, but funny a fuck either way. I do too. Ain't touching any of that shit.
109   BoomAndBustCycle   2021 May 18, 8:36pm  

mell says
Masks definitely make your overall well being worse, no matter whether they filter any covid at all or not.

Love the confidence with which you spew non-factual information. Masks may work, they may not... but for 99% of people they are harmless if used properly. Nurses and doctors and fast food workers would all be epidemically sick from prolonged mask wearing. Unless you count some facial acne and sore ears from a tight mask... I’ll give you that much.
110   WookieMan   2021 May 18, 8:40pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
mell says
Masks definitely make your overall well being worse, no matter whether they filter any covid at all or not.

Love the confidence with which you spew non-factual information.

Look at any graph of cases of any country that mandated masks. Report back. You'll be surprised.

There are side effects of wearing them too long as well. Raises my BP for sure and anxiety as an anecdotal fact. Who knows what else. We've never studied massive amounts of people wearing masks for long periods of time. You're not on the high ground on this one.

You also presented no factual information yourself. I've barely worn a mask this whole pandemic and I'm not dead. I'll go with that.
111   🎂 AmericanKulak   2021 May 18, 8:44pm  

People are dropping like flies here in Florida. They have carts with a guy yelling "Bring outcha dead, Bring Outcha dead".

Seriously. I again went shopping today at Publix, maskless. Half of the population is still wearing masks, but Orange is a Blue County in a Red State, so a lot of it is virtue signalling. The local authorities have mask mandates, but they are utterly toothless since any and all fines and punishments have been invalidated by DeSantis.

They still have the stupid table at the front and a box of masks, I've never seen it staffed at any hour in 2 trips I've made in the past 5 days, about 10AM and 9PM, FWIW.

If we ever return to a normal America, kids will ask their parents decades from now "How did this happen? Why did people believe all this stuff" and they won't be able to understand the level of propaganda blasted out from Mass Media (if it still exists), Government, Corps, etc.

Oh, and every Mask Karen will claim to have been a COVID Skeptic and never part of it. Just like the tens of thousands of Prison Camp guards in the USSR or Nazi Germany only worked in the motor pool the whole war. Who me? I shoveled shit in Lvov, then I got a job at Ford in Ohio.
112   mell   2021 May 18, 8:54pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
mell says
Masks definitely make your overall well being worse, no matter whether they filter any covid at all or not.

Love the confidence with which you spew non-factual information. Masks may work, they may not... but for 99% of people they are harmless if used properly. Nurses and doctors and fast food workers would all be epidemically sick from prolonged mask wearing. Unless you count some facial acne and sore ears from a tight mask... I’ll give you that much.

I'm not sure what there is to debate when you see an otherwise healthy young track and fielder collapse (for the first time) after the race with a mask on (for the first time). Most can't run with a mask on, for those who can it can't be healthy. People in certain professions have to wear a mask, but it's usually for a short duration with ample of break time in between. Most fast food places the workers can take their masks off unless they are handling food in very close proximity to their mouth. Surgeons and nurses wear masks during surgery and when visiting certain patients, but never in between. Some workers have to do that when working with or disposing of hazardous substances. All of these people have learned to do it properly for their professions and to take it off as soon as possible. Bottom line is wearing masks reduces your oxygen intake, increases your co2 intake, and builds up all sort of fomite points for bacteria, fungi, and viruses to thrive on. And 80% of those wearing masks don't know anything about proper use and maximum times. Wearing a mask every day for a prolonged time will shorten your lifespan on average, no doubt about it. Do it if you're sick and absolutely have to go out and mingle with others or if you're dealing with hazardous materials. Otherwise, never wear a mask unless your going to an eyes-wide-shut style party. It's not good for you.
113   Patrick   2021 May 18, 10:20pm  


Swalwell gave his non-socially distanced defense of mask-wearing when Nick Dyer, a spokesman for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), said to him, "Biden says you can take off your mask."

It's not like the staffer said something really offensive, like, "Biden says you don't have to sleep with Chinese spies anymore" (they have that covered), he was simply making a public service announcement, informing the congressman of the latest science.

You'd think he'd appreciate that.

The Democrat marched over to Dyer and shouted at him, "You don't tell me what to f—ing do!," according to an account that Dyer gave to reporter Scott Wong of The Hill, who watched the confrontation but could not hear Swalwell's words.

Exactly. Only Eric Swalwell gets to tell you what to do:

As far as Swalwell was concerned, he was the victim of a terrorist attack:

"I just frankly had enough with these marauding goons in the Marjorie Taylor Greene crowd who go around trying to terrorize my colleagues."

I picture the halls of congress overrun with Marjorie Taylor Greene goons shouting terrorist slogans many of which bear a remarkable resemblance to the latest CDC guidance.

Swalwell later remarked with the misplaced satisfaction of the impotent:

"Not surprisingly this aide of hers got quite speechless."

Because that's what you do around crazy people.

Swalwell noted that the House physician recommends that the most thoroughly tested and vaccinated people on the planet must continue to wear masks, but in fact, a far higher medical authority is making that call:

Nancy Pelosi is keeping a mask mandate on the House floor despite CDC guidance and pushback from Republicans
114   Patrick   2021 May 18, 10:52pm  


No masks for vaccinated customers
Some exceptions apply, including in states and cities that have local mandates.

Best Buy
BJ's Wholesale Club
Home Depot
Lowe's (Starting Wednesday, May 19)
Sam's Club
Trader Joe's

OK, I'll go to these places above any that have mask requirements.
115   Patrick   2021 May 20, 9:15am  


... the case for masks making a better than negligible difference to the spread of COVID-19 has always been crap. ... . Mask mandates were initially justified by fairytale computer modeling. But we now have hard evidence in the real world, where there’s been no clear correlation between masking and infection rates, hospitalizations or COVID deaths. In country after country and state after American state, graphs of all these metrics vividly demonstrate that the introduction of mask mandates has had no effect. After these laws are passed, those graph lines don’t ripple, notch or slump. The only slight correlation, which I’m willing to dismiss as a fluke? Masked populations have worse COVID results. A study of demographically comparable groups in super-compliant Denmark also found no significant difference in COVID metrics between those who were told to wear masks and those who weren’t. The whole masking theatre amounts to pointless, gesturing obeisance.
What explains this perverse attachment to self-smothering? In the US, masks are a badge of tribal allegiance — Biden/Harris T-shirts that you tie around your face. They confer virtue and dedication to communitarian suffering. They create the illusion of control (‘I can’t get sick! I’m wearing a MASK!’). They provide the happy opportunity to denounce the recalcitrant and to force the begrudging to do something they dislike. ...

Ubiquitous masking also perpetuates the atmosphere of emergency to which some people have grown addicted. ‘Look, we live in a special, perilous time, and we obey strict protocols with heightened moral urgency.’ The prospect of relinquishing this exhilarating sense of the exceptional could seem deflating.

It’s a cliché now that masks have become a religious symbol. The very poverty of the scientific evidence for their efficacy may help explain the fervidness of their adoption. Masking is not a matter of knowledge but faith — or superstition. One masks to ward off evil. Post-pandemic, a goodly number of folks will still cling to their polypropylene nosebags like rabbits’ feet.

But masking while fully vaccinated entails a baffling contradiction. We’re simultaneously to believe: 1) everyone must get vaccinated; 2) vaccines don’t work. Wrap your head round that. Because if your vaccination overwhelmingly prevents both transmission and disease (meaning it works), even unvaccinated people present no danger to you. So you don’t socially distance. You go to restaurants. You see your friends. And you don’t wear a mask. Yet, bizarrely, in surveys vaccinated Americans express far less willingness than the unvaccinated to resume once-normal activities like hopping on a bus, often by a factor of two. Calling that ‘cognitive dissonance’ may be too generous. Let’s go for ‘state-induced mass hysteria’ instead.

I think it makes sense that the the vaxers and maskers are the same people. The same psychotic level of fear drives both - not fear of the virus, which everyone should realize is trivial at this point - but fear of being classified as someone who does not conform.
117   WookieMan   2021 May 21, 2:12am  

In Osage Beach, MO right now (Ozarks). ZERO masks. It’s even better than FL. Haven’t even seen a token mask wearer. We’ll see today once we get out on the boat and hit up some pool bars. Covid is over down here.
118   HeadSet   2021 May 21, 6:04am  

WookieMan says
In Osage Beach, MO right now (Ozarks). ZERO masks. It’s even better than FL. Haven’t even seen a token mask wearer. We’ll see today once we get out on the boat and hit up some pool bars. Covid is over down here.

I went to a Wegmans (giant grocery store) in VA Beach yesterday, and even though masks are not required, I was virtually the only one without a mask. Folks have no common sense.
119   Shaman   2021 May 21, 6:06am  

HeadSet says

I went to a Wegmans (giant grocery store) in VA Beach yesterday, and even though masks are not required, I was virtually the only one without a mask. Folks have no common sense.

Or... lots of people be ugly and prefer to hide their faces.

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