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2021 Apr 26, 10:23pm   6,237 views  60 comments

by GreaterNYCDude   ➕follow (2)   💰tip   ignore  

How much do you all drink and how often? Just curious, as I'm making a concerted effort to back off the sauce.

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55   Ceffer   2022 May 16, 12:34pm  

Guy staggers into emergency room with a bloody nose, a black eye, and a broken jaw, wobbles around, reeks of alcohol: "Sir, have you been drinking." Answer: "No, well, just two beers. Some dude snuck up from behind and hit me."
"Do you think you should drink so much?" "Just two beers, it's good for me." The 'just two beers' mantra is so common as to be a joke in itself.

I also have a brother in law and sister in law, heavy smokers, one early 60's and one late 50's, diagnosed with the lung cancer they never thought they'd get, both diagnosed within weeks of each other. SIL has bilateral adenoma cancer, BIL just had lung resection for squamous cell. SIL is receiving some kind of quasi experimental immune therapy, but likely has about a year to live.

Shit doesn't come home to roost usually until you are older and it's too late. Both my parents smoked, and I am glad I never started because I'd probably be smoking to this day.

Certainly, in days of yore, low alcohol beverages were preferable to non-potable water. Ale served as nutrition on long boat voyages, or during long, cold winters. So, who doesn't have access to potable water or nutrition that doesn't involve alcohol these days? It could be possible that the anti-coagulation effect of alcohol could be helpful with people suffering from vaccine coagulopathy, but I doubt that could be proven one way or another, especially with all the rampant medical fraud these days. However, the inflammatory effects of alcohol and aldehydes could exacerbate vaccine related pathology.

People drink for the short term sedation and mild, pleasurable hallucinosis, not because of the promoted 'health benefits'. It's also addicting to various degrees, in varying amounts, depending on susceptibility in individuals. That addiction, whether mild or severe, creates its own justifications.
56   WookieMan   2022 May 16, 12:46pm  

Ceffer says
"Do you think you should drink so much?" "Just two beers, it's good for me." The 'just two beers' mantra is so common as to be a joke in itself.

Usually lying of course. Rarely are people honest about their consumption which I get is the joke. My rock bottom was 20 beers a day. Not a typo. Not a joke. Not proud of it, will always struggle with it, but I'm in a substantially better place.

For me it was anxiety and being an introvert. Always thought people were judging me. I've learned to give zero shits. Not gonna lie patnet has helped with that. I can say anything to you fuckers and not worry about it. Why not do that in real life? I do now. It's uplifting. Pretty much everyone is broken at some level mentally.
57   Ceffer   2022 May 16, 1:02pm  

I don't really care if people drink or not, as long as I don't. I'm always around drinking people, and that's fine. I come from drinking people. Just don't try to convince me it is good for mental or physical health, it's just something that people do in spite of.
58   Hircus   2022 May 16, 1:14pm  

I hardly ever drink in recent years. Sometimes if I'm out and being social with others who drink I will too. I drank a ton from my early teens to 20s, but I have headache problems now and alcohol tends to make me feel like shit the next day, so I just don't drink often. Just no longer worth the good feeling, and I dont party much anymore. A beer or glass of wine is ok unless I immediately goto sleep, but if I drink a few I feel bad the next day.
59   Ceffer   2022 May 16, 1:35pm  

My wife drinks, albeit somewhat comically and infrequently. I would never dream of telling her not to, but, then, she never says it is good for her. It's more like when she does it, she pays a price and that price is somewhat worth it to her once in a while.
60   BayArea   2022 May 16, 1:37pm  

I drank way more than I should from early college to about my early 30s. I was outgoing, played sports, looked for opportunities to meet new people, was a member of a fraternity at one of the big So Cal UCs.

That all dropped by 90%+ after having kids. I can’t be the dad I should be if I’m drinking enough to result in an irritable hangover. Of course, hangovers come a hell of a lot easier and more intense than they used to.

These days, I may have a couple drinks on a weekend, and not even every weekend.

Once in a while, at social functions like weddings or get together with old friends is the only time I have more than I should. That happens 2-3 times per year now.

Bottom line… there was a time when I wasn’t as busy, had less to lose, and also spent some of my energy pursuing women. I don’t do those things anymore and between work, kids, wife, and investments, I’m stretched and have no room for hangovers unless Im ready to compromise one more more of those things.

Another way to put it is that when I was younger, I was always trying to get into more things… travel, meet new friends, party, take on new hobbies, or spend time with old friends. These days I have WAY too many things to do and look for opportunities to do less because I’m stretched. Alcohol consumption only amplifies the problem when you already have too much on the plate.

Lastly, if I’m at a social function and hosts/friends are having drinks, I will partake. Let’s be honest, being that person that declines social drinks is a buzzkill.

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