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Chris Hedges
"Chris Hedges... might be right on Assange..."
AmericanKulak says
"Chris Hedges... might be right on Assange..."
That is good enough given the topic. He is calling for the immediate release of Julian Assange!
WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange declined to publish thousands of Russian government documents in 2016, according to a report Thursday.
The organization, which brands itself specializing in "censored or otherwise restricted official materials involving war, spying and corruption," declined Russian government data that would have amounted to thousands of pages.
WikiLeaks has been lauded for publishing troves of U.S. government information, ranging from diplomatic cables to apparent CIA cyber-weapons.
"They do not care about the causes of the people they claim to represent," he (Pompeo) said. "If they did, they would focus instead on autocratic regimes in this world that actually suppress free speech and dissent. Instead, they choose to exploit the legitimate secrets of democratic governments, which has — so far — proven to be a much safer approach than provoking a tyrant."
He worked for every Establishment and Wealth-funded Leftoid Newpaper and Foundation in the USA, from NYT to the Nation. Thinks the Christian Right is the biggest threat.
Nah, let that FSB/KGB asset rot.
"WikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange declined to publish thousands of Russian government documents in 2016, according to a report Thursday."
Oh bullshit. He worked for the NY Times for a long time until he quit because they wouldn't allow him to report honestly on the Iraq War. He's an ordained minister of the Presbyterian Christian Church.
Give me a list of "every Establishment and Wealth-funded Leftoid Newpaper and Foundation in the USA"? I hate exaggeration.
Hedges is kind of a moron in terms of economics, but he's not moral scum at least. He's kind of like Jimmy Dore, in that he's kind of stupid about certain things, but he's not a fucking monster. He's no Rachael Maddow or Cenk Uygur. He just doesn't understand economics, he's as childish about economics as Noam Chomsky is. It's a disease of the educated.
Truthdig, NYT, NPR, and Type Media Center (a foundation set up by the Nation magazine, a prog rag) for starters. He's also worked for Salon, Globalresearch.ca, Commondreams, and of course RT which is Russian propaganda (but should be watched to get a different POV)
Truthdig, NYT, NPR, and Type Media Center (a foundation set up by the Nation magazine, a prog rag) for starters. He's also worked for Salon, Globalresearch.ca, Commondreams, and of course RT which is Russian propaganda (but should be watched to get a different POV)
He's also a Zero Population Growth nutcase, believes in just about every single Global Warming/Climate Change Bullshit story, and you can verify this yourself by browsing through his articles.
Just because somebody is "Banished from the Mainstream" doesn't make them good people.
Nah, let that FSB/KGB asset rot.
Nah, let that FSB/KGB asset rot.
You make some good points, then you shoot yourself in the foot with obvious emotion based comments like this.
Tucker Carlson Went To See Julian Assange At Belmarsh Prison
Will This Be The Interview Of The Century?
"Nah, let him rot. He refused to publish any dirt on CCP and USSR leaders when given the opportunity..."
Tucker Carlson told Roseanne Barr that former CIA Director Mike Pompeo tried to have Wikileaks founder Julian Assange murdered.
“They are torturing him to death in front of all of us...Mike Pompeo tried to have him murdered and that’s a criminal act. He's not even charged with a crime in the United States…He tried to have Julian Assange murdered, poisoned in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and that’s a fact.”
So why would the Pompeo and the CIA want Assange dead?
Epstein met with Joe Biden’s current CIA Chief, William Burns, after his child sex crime conviction. Also, when Epstein was serving his first jail sentence, which started in 2006, he sent his bodyguard to CIA headquarters for an alleged special training course. The bodyguard was given a book with a message to be delivered to Epstein, according to Bradley Edwards’ book Relentless Pursuit. Edwards is an attorney who has represented dozens of Epstein victims.
Furthermore, Assange released the Podesta E-mails exposing Pizzagate.
Jeffrey Epstein is Pizzagate!
"The video that really got Julian Assange in trouble with the USA's establishment... Massacre Caught on Tape: US Military Confirms Authenticity of Their Own Chilling Video Showing Killing of Journalists
H.Res.934 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that regular journalistic activities are protected under the First Amendment, and that the United States ought to drop all charges against and attempts to extradite Julian Assange.
118th Congress (2023-2024)
Sponsor: Rep. Gosar, Paul A. [R-AZ-9] (Introduced 12/13/2023)
Committees: House - Judiciary
Latest Action: House - 12/13/2023 Referred to the House Committee on the Judiciary.
Whereas the disclosure of this information promoted public transparency through the exposure of the hiring of child prostitutes by Defense Department contractors, friendly fire incidents, human rights abuses, civilian killings, and United States use of psychological warfare;
Whereas, in 2018, Mr. Assange was charged with one count under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) for alleged conspiracy to help a United States Army intelligence analyst access Defense Department computers without authorization;
Whereas the charge under the CFAA was despite the fact that said intelligence analyst already had access to the mentioned computer, that the purported breaching of the Defense Department computers was impossible, and that there was no proof Mr. Assange had any contact with said intelligence analyst;
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This is one of Trump's failings as well. He should have pardoned both Assange and Snowden.