Who exactly is pulling the strings?

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2021 May 15, 8:29pm   125,467 views  1,037 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

OK, as soon as it starts to become apparent to everyone that Fauci is responsible for creating the CCP/Wuhan virus then suddenly the whole world is dropping mask mandates.


How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?

Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".

I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.

Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?


Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial
independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no
independent influence.

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414   Ceffer   2023 Oct 16, 11:38am  

We are dead chattels to the law. Corporations have standing, we as individuals are considered 'dead' until we hire a lawyer to 'represent' us (British Maritime Law). Corporations literally have more standing than living persons.

The legal system is a heavy and inordinate taxation on disputes by design, so that only those who can pay the legal tolls have a chance of winning. It is designed to be as expensive and slow as possible. All of the garnish about speedy trials and expeditious behaviors and compensation is pure bullshit, since these things take time and money to achieve. Most lawyerly skill is getting clients wrapped up in the most lengthy possible tar babies for assessing legal fees.

All that justice is a grand set of theories and decisions that are inaccessible to all but a small percentage of the population, otherwise, it is the arbitrary impositions of the Sheriffs of Nottingham. The theater of justice is kept in the media to beguile the sheep.

Most legal disputes are resolved through this taxation. One party can't afford, the other party is richer, or both parties are impoverished until the dispute fizzles.
415   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 17, 9:39am  

ad says

It takes two parties to make peace. You could keep begging for mercy and peace, and will only get ignored, slapped in the face, or killed.

The question is this, out of the ~2 million Palestinians that voted for Hamas, how many can be reasoned with and be not violent ? How much civility do they have on a scale of 0 to 100 ?

Can they "de-Nazifiy" the people who voted for or supported Hamas ?

Israeli government didn't beg, didn't even ask, simply refused communication. Your example is exaggerated to justify your position, and you know it.

And you've also pulled invoked Goodwin, the favorite weapon of closed minded bigots, commonly used by Antifa and BLM to justify violence. Nice company you're keeping.

The irony is the group that's engaged in forced experimentation on Jews, requiring "papers" for them to travel, and allowed radicals easily infiltrate and shoot them in the streets is the Israeli government. Seems like you don't understand the definition of the word Nazi...
417   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 11:48am  

NuttBoxer says

If you refuse to communicate with a democratically elected government, regardless of your opinion on that government, you don't leave many avenues for peaceful resolutions.

What if that government openly declares and pursues policy of extermination of your people and your country? What's there to talk about?

If that "goverment" has the following paragraphs in their charter:

'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will
obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' (Preamble)

'The land of Palestine is an Islamic Waqf [Holy Possession]
consecrated for future Moslem generations until Judgment Day. No one
can renounce it or any part, or abandon it or any part of it.'
(Article 11)

'[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and
international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of
the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than
a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of
Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by
Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a
waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)

, what's there to talk about? Discuss how to provide them with more means to their goals?

Besides, after that electoral victory they abandoned any modicum of democracy and basically exterminated all their political opposition, so whatever Soros called a "democratic government" in 2007 is not that anymore and hasn't been that for a long time.
418   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 19, 12:38pm  

From Hamas Charter:

'The enemies have been scheming for a long time ... and have

accumulated huge and influential material wealth. With their money,

they took control of the world media... With their money they stirred

revolutions in various parts of the globe... They stood behind the

French Revolution, the Communist Revolution and most of the

revolutions we hear about... With their money they formed secret

organizations - such as the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs and the Lions -

which are spreading around the world, in order to destroy societies

and carry out Zionist interests... They stood behind World War I ...

and formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the

world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge

financial gains... There is no war going on anywhere without them

having their finger in it.' (Article 22)
419   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 12:55pm  

I don't think our enemies are all that secret. They are the bankers behind the creation of the Federal Reserve and the elimination of physical silver coins. They are heavily but not entirely Jewish. Maybe a third or half. Anti-semitism is itself a trap.

The bankers don't just have huge wealth, they have ALL the money, because they can print it at will.

A return to physical silver coins would cripple them, so we must simply start using silver by weight with each other once again, ignoring them as much as possible. Again, by weight and not by dollars or other bullshit units that they can manipulate.
420   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 1:10pm  

Patrick says

Anti-semitism is itself a trap.

^^^ THIS ^^^

I think the FACE of it is Jewish, because they are the hardest group to criticize at this point.
421   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 1:19pm  

The answer is to just not play that game, but instead talk about specific people and their specific actions.
422   richwicks   2023 Oct 19, 1:33pm  

Patrick says

The answer is to just not play that game, but instead talk about specific people and their specific actions.

Let me point something out. Jeffrey Epstein is Jewish, as is Jamie Dimon, Bernie Madoff, Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Fauci, Alan Greenspan, Janet Yellen, Dr. Hotez, Alan Bourla, the Rothschilds...

A lot of bad people in that group. Can you do something similar with Christians (even include atheists) - look at how much damage they've done.
423   Patrick   2023 Oct 19, 2:10pm  

Fauci is not Jewish.

Other evil manipulators who are not Jewish:

Francis Collins
Peter Daszak
The Biden Crime Family
The Bush Crime Family
Christopher Wray
Stephane Bancel
Ron Burkle
Nikki Haley
The Squad
Jeff Bezos

And a few Muslims:

Mohammed bin Sultan
424   richwicks   2023 Oct 20, 2:35am  

Patrick says

Fauci is not Jewish.

You're correct.

The people you list after, they are just compliant puppets.

I said earlier, the make Jewish people the face of evil, but I don't know who is behind them. It might just be one or two crime families - who knows? Rothschilds figure in prominently.
425   Patrick   2023 Oct 21, 8:19am  

Patrick says

I don't think our enemies are all that secret. They are the bankers behind the creation of the Federal Reserve and the elimination of physical silver coins. They are heavily but not entirely Jewish. Maybe a third or half. Anti-semitism is itself a trap.

The bankers don't just have huge wealth, they have ALL the money, because they can print it at will.

A return to physical silver coins would cripple them, so we must simply start using silver by weight with each other once again, ignoring them as much as possible. Again, by weight and not by dollars or other bullshit units that they can manipulate.


Private, closely held control of ALL central banks, and hence of all money creation, has allowed a very few people to control all political parties and governments; the intelligence agencies and their myriad front organizations; the armed forces and the police; the major corporations and, of course, the media. These very few people are the prime movers. Their plans are executed over decades. Their control is opaque. To be clear, it is these very few people, who are hidden from you, who are behind this scheme to confiscate all assets, who are waging a hybrid war against humanity.
439   Patrick   2023 Oct 24, 1:06pm  



As CJ Hopkins points out, the Leviathan we are fighting does not have an ideology. It’s fascism, but with no racial animus, driven entirely by an unquenchable hunger for power and profit. There’s no goose stepping, no brown shirts, no snarling SS officers, no military parades, no military presence at all really. Because it’s not tied to any one nation-state it can be implemented under various guises in many countries all at once. The current crisis has all of the aspects of fascism — genocide, the quest for global domination, the goal of total control of society — with almost none of the offensive pageantry that could be used by the opposition. It’s completely horrifying and also very clever. It’s like they asked an artificial intelligence program, “How can the Third Reich succeed this time, correcting for all of the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of National Socialism?” and this is the plan that came back.

I do sometimes wonder if the world is now being run by people taking their advice from AI.
440   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 25, 12:25am  

California DMV shuts down driverless vehicles

California DMV shuts down driverless vehicles because they are unsafe.
Bottom line: If an automatic process cannot fail safe then it cannot be automated.

From the link:

"The California Department of Motor Vehicles suspended General Motors' Cruises' autonomous vehicle deployment and driverless testing permits across the state, citing safety concerns and incidents.

"When there is an unreasonable risk to public safety, the DMV can immediately suspend or revoke permits," California DMV wrote in a press release."

See https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/california-dmv-halts-cruise-robotaxi-service-due-public-safety-concerns
441   Ceffer   2023 Oct 25, 12:34am  

Patrick says

I do sometimes wonder if the world is now being run by people taking their advice from AI.

Of course they are. That small group of psychos could not begin to 'manage' the world without some form of AI. Why do they want everybody 'chipped' and electronically lobotomized, and 95 percent murdered?

It's alleged that Israel gave over more of its border surveillance to AI and less importance to human observers. Part of the assault was Hamas Uniside flac'ing the AI with all kinds of stuff that made it difficult for the AI to make sense of it. Then again, who told them how to do that?

A lot of what is happening by way of decision making are huge military gaming computers feeding in alternate scenarios, like Monte Carlo analyzers, to project moves and counter moves. The other sides do, too, which is why actions and reactions are constantly being modified on the basis of changing informations.
442   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 25, 11:56am  

Eric Holder says

What if that government openly declares and pursues policy of extermination of your people and your country? What's there to talk about?

If that "goverment" has the following paragraphs in their charter:

You can have a charter that says you'll kill me and my family, but I won't use that as justification to start bombing you tomorrow. What you do matters more than what you say. And as I'm anti-war, I would try to talk before defending myself and my family if given opportunity. Your justification doesn't play out on a human level because it's despotic government, not how real people treat each other.

Now if you're saying there's no humanity in government, and their end goal is to kill most of us, including their own citizens, that I'll agree with. It's the bullshit government worship(ANY government) I can't stomach.
444   Patrick   2023 Oct 25, 3:56pm  

Thanks @The_Deporable

But how do they know this if the vote was secret ballot?
445   The_Deplorable   2023 Oct 25, 9:01pm  

Patrick says
"But how do they know this if the vote was secret ballot?"

Pat, CBS, and CNN amongst others are naming the Republicans who opposed Jim Jordan on all three votes. The NYT and NPR are saying this was a secret ballot! My take at this point is that this was not a secret ballot.
446   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 26, 4:22am  

NuttBoxer says

Eric Holder says

What if that government openly declares and pursues policy of extermination of your people and your country? What's there to talk about?

If that "goverment" has the following paragraphs in their charter:

You can have a charter that says you'll kill me and my family, but I won't use that as justification to start bombing you tomorrow. What you do matters more than what you say.

On Oct 07 the people we are talking about did do the equivalent of raping and killing members of your family. Would you cuck out and NOT go Medieaval on somebody who did something like that to you?
447   Reality   2023 Oct 26, 5:59am  


On Oct 07 the people we are talking about did do the equivalent of raping and killing members of your family. Would you cuck out and NOT go Medieaval on somebody who did something like that to you?

So what are you suggesting? Nuking Qatar (where the banksters provide the bulk of Hamas funding nowadays, including franctionally reserving the $6 billion from the Biden administration into tens of billions)? Nuking Tel Aviv (where the intelligence organization originally founded Hamas as a rival to PLO, and may still be providing funding and pulling the strings, referencing the topic of the thread)? Nuking the City of London and the occupied DC (where the modern crusader kingdom plan was conceived to deliberately expose millions of Jews to a sea of hostile natives, making them graze on the grass fattening up fast then slaughtering them in a new Holocaust, just like easy money in the 1920's fattened up the Jewish middle class and gay middle class in Germany before hiring Nazis to slaughter them so the banks could keep the victims' bank balances and insurance savings/asset balances; in recent years disarming Israeli civilians using the Wall which can be stood-down any time allowing civilians to be slaughtered by hired agents)? What about the civilian populations of Qatar, Tel Aviv, London (outside The Square Mile, as nuke blast and fallout radius is much greater than a mile) and DC? Do you really want to kill millions of civilians just for the shenanigans of the few dozen to a few hundred banksters in the know and a few thousand to a few tens of thousand of their Narcissistic agents?

It may well be true that the world would have been a better place without the banksters, and without either the 3% Semites (Jews) or the 97% Semites (Arabs), (the "we are God's chosen people" and "have the right to cheat, rob, rape and kill non co-religious" bullshit is really conducive to producing Narcissists and psychopaths treating other people as cattle, when in reality themselves being farmed as cattle by higher order Narcissists/psychopaths), but the given reality is that they are all existing already, and the latter two in very large numbers. Seems to me escalating conflict is very anti-semitic either way, and may well spell the end of all the civilian populations of Israel, which is what the banksters want, after 75 years of Israeli savings rate at around 30% every year must have built up an enormous claim against the banksters in the liability books of the latter.
448   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 26, 8:44am  

Oh, no, I suggest MOAR negotiations with Hamas and sending 100 sacrificial virgins to the other side of the fence every month to further demonstrate the good will.
449   Reality   2023 Oct 26, 9:47am  


Oh, no, I suggest MOAR negotiations with Hamas and sending 100 sacrificial virgins to the other side of the fence every month to further demonstrate the good will.

Instead of sending sacrificial virgins (or more likely sacrificial settlers), perhaps arming civilian Israelis and civilian Garzans, so that hired killers would not have a free-shooting zone and would therefore back off instead, perhaps even turning their guns on their financiers who had previously sacrificed their brothers and sisters (the bank accounts of the hired guns get kept by the banksters too when the killers get killed, without having to pay out; what the narcissistic/psychopathic killers think is their prize money get recycled too by the banksters when the killers get killed. Now you see why banksters encourage revenge killings by both sides. Banksters literally want both sides dead so they get to keep all the money).
450   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 26, 10:10am  


On Oct 07 the people we are talking about did do the equivalent of raping and killing members of your family. Would you cuck out and NOT go Medieaval on somebody who did something like that to you?

This is sensationalist, I never heard reliable reports of anyone being raped. The Israeli's who were returned said they were treated well.

I would absolutely defend myself, and it wouldn't matter to me if they were Hamas, or Mossad in disguise, would be same response. But I think you're really talking about afterwards. First, and most importantly I would ask what the fuck with my government not beating this attack back. What happened to our wall, our monitors, our defenses, and our military? Why were these people given carte blanche for six hours? Anyone I could find who was directly responsible for exposing me like that, I'd go for them first, especially since they are traitors to my people and country.

But I wouldn't bomb kids, or civilians, NO MATTER WHAT.
451   RWSGFY   2023 Oct 26, 10:15am  

I'm talking about cucked idiocy of negotiating with people who openly declare their will to kill you, sending them money, etc. There is nothing to negotiate about with this kind because they always come to fullfill their promise and negotiate only to lull you into complacency and lowering your guard.

But hey, it's your funeral, so negotiate away with that murderous neighbor of yours.

PS. "No evidence of rape" and "they treated 4 hostages well" somehow makes eveything else a-ok? This is cucked beyond words.
452   Patrick   2023 Oct 26, 10:57am  

NuttBoxer says

But I wouldn't bomb kids, or civilians, NO MATTER WHAT.

To be even handed you should also always condemn what Hamas did, massacring random unarmed civilians.

The lack of that condemnation sounds like tacit approval of it.
453   socal2   2023 Oct 26, 12:08pm  

Patrick says

To be even handed you should also always condemn what Hamas did, massacring random unarmed civilians.

The lack of that condemnation sounds like tacit approval of it.

I think he still isn't sure Hamas massacred thousands of Israeli civilians while he looks for the real culprit of the Gaza hospital parking lot strike.

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