Who exactly is pulling the strings?

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2021 May 15, 8:29pm   125,475 views  1,037 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

OK, as soon as it starts to become apparent to everyone that Fauci is responsible for creating the CCP/Wuhan virus then suddenly the whole world is dropping mask mandates.


How can global policy and media across the world be so coordinated?

Kind of makes one tempted to believe in "conspiracy theories".

I really do think there is a cabal of billionaires who own the media and the government and which shifts course when things start to get hot, like right now. They are not "the Jews" but a collection of billionaires from many countries. Many of them are Jewish, but many are not.

Can we identify them by name? Bezos and Gates for sure, but what are the other names? I would especially like to know the names of the ones that desperately want to remain hidden. Klaus Schwab? Top leaders in China like Xi Jinping?


Multivariate analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial
independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no
independent influence.

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274   Patrick   2023 Jan 6, 10:29am  


For the last 49 years of the Roman Republic, the fate of the citizenry was determined not by laws and institutions, but by the decisions and actions of competing, ambitious men. First Julius Caesar challenged the authority of the Senate by leading his army across the Rubicon River and into the Italian peninsula, which inaugurated twenty years of civil war. This period of strife ended when Octavian—the nephew and adopted son of Julius Caesar—defeated Mark Antony and Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium in 30 BC. Three years later, the Senate gave Octavian the titles Augustus and Princeps, along with greatly augmented powers, thereby ending the Republic and inaugurating rule by Emperors with direct authority over the army (the final instrument of power over unruly human beings).

Since President George W. Bush invaded Iraq under false pretenses in 2003, the United States of America has increasingly resembled the last twenty years of the Roman Republic. We, the People, seem increasingly at the whim of competing oligarchs and their friends in the Administrative State. The Bushes, Clintons, Trumps, and Bidens resemble the powerful Roman families of the 1st Century BC—sometimes quarreling, sometimes uniting, always primarily serving their own interests and those of their friends. In recent years, the FBI has come to resemble the Roman Praetorian Guard during the waning days of the Republic, whose loyalty to a particular man was more a matter of preference and perceived promise of gain than law.

The success of America’s baleful, competing oligarchs depends on how well they co-opt financial, industrial, media, and institutional actors. Their relationship with the citizenry is mostly a matter of propaganda, manipulation, virtue signaling, and flattery by pretending to endorse the (faddish) ideological preferences of their constituencies.

Thankfully there is one enormous difference between the United States now and the final decades of the Roman Republic—namely, the use of U.S. military units on American soil still seems to be off limits. To be sure, the Department of Defense has played a strong role in developing, manufacturing, and distributing the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines. We are now seeing increasing evidence that the DOD holds final authority over the entire program.

The above reflections have been percolating through my mind for some time, causing me to wonder if we are no longer a Republic in which all of us—including our august billionaires, political dynasties, federal police and intelligence agencies—are governed by our United States Constitution. This morning I saw that Victor Davis Hanson—Senior Fellow in Classics at the Hoover Institution—has been having similar thoughts.

His essay, The Coup We Never Knew, is well worth reading.

277   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jan 24, 9:48am  

Not a Musk fan, but read that last tweet again. The market is rigged. It's not an investment, it's a Ponzi scheme.
278   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 24, 10:14am  

Patrick says

His essay, The Coup We Never Knew, is well worth reading.

Just wait until you drill down into the history of Livia and Julia with Octavian, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero.

The gaslighting and lies and manipulation...
279   AmericanKulak   2023 Jan 24, 10:18am  

AmericanKulak says

Patrick says

His essay, The Coup We Never Knew, is well worth reading.

Just wait until you drill down into the history of Livia and Julia with Octavian, Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero.

The gaslighting and lies and manipulation...

How else could there be more short interest than shares outstanding?

How can you lend more shares than shares existing?

How else could it be that when you own 100% of a share, you notice trading volume in the thousands daily?
282   Patrick   2023 Feb 24, 6:02pm  


I think Vivek Ramaswamy has offered up the clearest explanation to the bigger picture of how things changed and why they changed, at least from the top down. He calls it the Great Reset vs. the Great Uprising. His book, Woke, Inc explains how corporations have evolved since the Wall Street bailout of 2008. The idea is that, in order to take the heat off of themselves they began pivoting toward the identity-focused politics of the Left. Now, all they have to do is virtue signal and that gives them unlimited power. ...

Ramaswamy’s focus is more on “Woke Capitalism,” the massive monopolies are using the new religion of the Left to amass more power by appealing to Generation Z and, in effect, taking us to global totalitarianism.
284   Patrick   2023 Mar 4, 7:54pm  


The Powerful LGBT Group Behind California's Most Radical Laws Is Setting Its Sights on Washington
Bolstered by corporate cash and Democratic allies, Equality California rose from obscurity to dominate Sacramento

Founded 20 years ago as an LGBT advocacy group, Equality California has since grown to become a major player in California politics. Fueled by millions of dollars in donations from corporations like AT&T and Comcast to advocacy groups like Planned Parenthood, the progressive group has emerged as the savviest user of Sacramento’s legislative system. Together with its Democratic allies, Equality California helps set the legislative agenda and has pushed all manner of "woke" policies that help minors get sex changes in secret and let men into women’s prisons.

The group now wants to make its mark on the rest of the country. From its Washington, D.C., office, the group lobbies for federal legislation to legalize abortion, grant amnesty to illegal immigrants, and ban guns. Donors who give $50,000 or more to the group are given access to Equality California’s highest donor tier, "National Trailblazer." ...

Still, some Californians are fighting to dismantle Equality California’s legislative record. Mothers are suing school districts whose employees, they say, pressured their children to undergo sex changes. Female inmates have mobilized against a law that lets biological men into women’s prisons, and cops are speaking out against a 2022 law that allows prostitutes to loiter with impunity, which they encourages sex trafficking.
286   Patrick   2023 Mar 5, 12:00pm  


Isabel Oakeshott is a journalist and critic of pandemic containment policies who was unaccountably hired by disgraced former UK health minister Matt Hancock to write the Pandemic Diaries: The Inside Story of Britain’s Battle Against Covid. Hancock hoped that this exercise in autohagiography would rehabilitate his reputation after revelations of an extramarital affair forced him out of office. The joke, it turns out, is on him. Apparently, he gave Oakeshott an archive of over 100,000 WhatsApp messages to assist in her writing. She’s now leaked that archive to the Telegraph, who are gleefully and selectively publishing them in an ongoing series they call The Lockdown Files. ...

Since the very beginnings of this plague chronicle, I’ve said that lockdowns flowed directly from China, through the WHO, to the West, where they rapidly became a self-reinforcing phenomenon in their own right. They were driven by autonomous political and institutional forces rather than nebulous globalist conspirators, and we have now had multiple leaks, from Germany, the United Kingdom and the US, which everywhere paint the same picture:

1) The earliest pressure for lockdowns came from within public health institutions, government-adjacent scientific advisors, and the bureaucracy more broadly – not the political arm.

2) Western governments feared non-compliance with lockdown measures and took very deliberate steps to terrorise their citizenries to ensure their cooperation. In this they enjoyed the wholesale collaboration of the press.

3) Cabinet officials and other politicians channeled bureaucratic pressure and growing popular alarm (in which they were complicit) to seize initiative and power from rival governmental actors. They regarded public panic as a resource and an opportunity to be exploited accordingly.

4) Measures were determined not by Science, or even by educated guesses or coin tosses – but by the limits of what was practically and politically possible at any given moment. Maximum masking, maximum lockdowns, maximum vaccination, everywhere and always.

5) Every slight uptick in infections set off a self-reinforcing cascade of messaging and restrictions. Bureaucrats and politicians struggled to satisfy what they perceived as near-bottomless public appetite for restrictions by issuing new rules, which required still more propaganda to enforce, and radicalised public sentiment still further.

6) The formulators of lockdown policy were increasingly disabused of SARS-2 risk after the first wave, but continued to press for all possible closures, above all because they feared the political consequences of failing to contain infections.

7) This entails that they had some measure of faith in their policies, in part because they were not immune to their own propaganda. Measures like masking, introduced because they were “effectively free” and have “a very visible impact” came to be trusted as genuine infection-controlling interventions.

It always irritates some people when I say this, but it’s just the truth: The people responsible for the last three years of economic destruction, psychological injury and mass pharmaceutical experimentation are callous and evil, but they’re also just really dumb. None of this meant anything, none of this was for anything, and that’s the bitterest pill of all. Every last person in these text messages, from Johnson to Hancock to other ministers to random experts and everyone else, has absolutely no idea what they’re doing or what the purposes of their restrictions even are. Lockdowns were every inch the crazy illogical senseless chaotic policies they appear to be. They are the fruit of shallow low-wattage government functionaries who have a planning horizon extending no more than two weeks, who judge their own success or failure via press coverage, and who regard the public as dimwitted cattle to be herded in expedient directions.

So the real pandemic was the stupidity of officials and the public, according to this analysis.
287   HeadSet   2023 Mar 5, 12:15pm  

Patrick says

So the real pandemic was the stupidity of officials and the public, according to this analysis.

I dunno. Maybe this is a play for the guilty to be called "stupid" for their actions, rather than crooks who betrayed the public while taking bribes.
288   Patrick   2023 Mar 5, 12:15pm  

Good point. Can we find money from Pfizer influencing these idiots?
293   Ceffer   2023 Mar 5, 11:02pm  

HeadSet says

I dunno. Maybe this is a play for the guilty to be called "stupid" for their actions, rather than crooks who betrayed the public while taking bribes.

The thing is, don't stop with the punishment of the patsys, useful idiots etc. It needs to go all the way up to the Globalist puppeteers, don't let the cut the strings and flee to plot another day.

By all counts, people who know the governance of Britain say the politicians and their Caligulan excesses are the most depraved in recent memory.
294   AmericanKulak   2023 Mar 5, 11:08pm  

Queen Elizabeth II was shocked when she found out what Edward was up to, so who knows.
295   richwicks   2023 Mar 5, 11:19pm  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

So the real pandemic was the stupidity of officials and the public, according to this analysis.

I dunno. Maybe this is a play for the guilty to be called "stupid" for their actions, rather than crooks who betrayed the public while taking bribes.

They always hide behind incompetence.

Iraq didn't have a WMD program? OOPS! Qaddafi wasn't causing a humanitarian crisis and the US bombed them and caused a humanitarian crisis? OOPS! Assad wasn't gassing his own people and the Douma chemical attacks were faked? OOPS! Trump WASN'T a Putin puppet and 50 intelligence officials lied about Hunter Biden's laptops being Russian "disinformation"? OOPS! The vaccines are worthless and were imposed for a minor disease that was never an emergency? OOPS!

Never attribute to malice what can be explained by stupidity, UNLESS it is the government. They always hide behind stupidity, without exception.

If stupidity explained the last 20 years, we would have seen people fired and prosecuted, but we never do. What is Victoria Nuland doing in government still, if she was just incompetent?
296   Patrick   2023 Mar 9, 12:49pm  


Here is the clarification of my position:

The mass injuries and deaths by the mRNA/DNA injections are intentional. They should be investigated as a crime of mass murder and attempted mass murder by poisoning.

The lack of any enforcement action by HHS on the injuries and deaths is also intentional. This is demonstrated by the now very obvious refusal of the officialdom to stop them or limit in any way, despite clear evidence of their harm.

HHS is following the orders of the National Security Council and the DOD as the Chief Operating Officer of the Operation Warp Speed, i.e. the HHS is operating under the military command structure. Debbie Lerman has identified NSC in charge of covid policy in her past writing, and I am grateful to her for pointing me in that direction.

The organizational structure that is responsible for the execution of this crime in the US can be described as follows: POTUS=>NSC=>DOD=>HHS=>state and local health authorities => owners/administrators of health delivery settings=>local vaccinators.

All men and women in positions of authority in the above organizational structure operate treasonously and under the color of law.

What organization is above the treasonous US officials, I can only guess. I do not believe it’s the “market forces” of investors wanting returns and new marvelous tech of the “mRNA platform”. I have familiarity with both, market forces, and with central command-control structures and I am convinced that there is a centralized global control of this operation due to the perfectly implemented global lockstep procedures and control of ALL governments. US alone cannot do this.

The DOD is in charge of funding and ordering the injections from complicit pharmaceutical manufacturers, bypassing pharmaceutical regulations, and utilizing opaque defense purchasing systems typically used for weapons manufacture. DOD is in charge of the distribution of injections to the intended targets - the people of the United States. The intended targets also include military service members, government workers and even expendable employees of the pharma companies.

The pseudo-legal statutory framework that the treasonous men and women are utilizing to commit these crimes has been described in detail by Katherine Watt.
297   Patrick   2023 Mar 20, 8:29pm  


Bill Gates is becoming a menace.

He will not leave us alone.

And he’s learned all the wrong lessons from Covid.

At this point he is worse than merely clueless. As one of the world’s 10 richest men and controller of a $50 billion charitable honeypot, Gates has the power to drive public health policy in dangerous directions.

He appears hellbent on doing so. ...

The key fact of Covid is this: the elites were wrong about everything.



This concept may seem difficult to accept. Everything? Could public health experts - and the governments and billionaires who funded them, and the media outlets that carried water for them - really have been wrong about everything?

Yes, everything.

To take a non-exhaustive list:

They were wrong about masks, lockdowns, school closures, and ventilators. Wrong about how well the mRNA vaccines would work, and what their side effects would be. Wrong about whether kids should even be offered them, given their pathetic effectiveness for children.

Wrong to encourage censorship and stifle debate. Wrong when they predicted Covid would hit the developing world harder than wealthy countries. Most of all, wrong about the risk the coronavirus posed to anyone who was not at death’s door either because of age, other illnesses, or both.

I’m sure they were wrong about other stuff too, but that’s enough. ...

Bill Gates made a fortune as a monopolist at Microsoft and a second fortune after he quit Microsoft and Satya Nadellab fixed it for him. Unfortunately, he is too rich and too in love with himself to spend his retirement owning sports teams, and not smart enough to try something truly weird like colonizing Mars.

Instead, he’s surrounded himself with a bunch of people telling him that pandemics are a mortal threat, without bothering to notice that their salaries and careers all depend on convincing him of the mortal threat of pandemics.

It would all be a big joke, except that gain-of-function research (and even the bat expeditions) are actually dangerous.

I don’t know how we stop these people - they have all the money, all the media, and most of the politicians - but we have to try.
298   Shaman   2023 Mar 20, 8:33pm  

Freedom pills usually work against tyrants.
I like mine chambered in .300 Blackout in counts of 30.
Pew pew!
299   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 May 5, 8:37pm  

"The main mark of modern governments is that we do not know who governs, de facto any more than de jure. We see the politician and not his backer; still less the backer of the backer; or, what is most important of all, the banker of the backer."

The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien
300   richwicks   2023 May 5, 9:21pm  

Shaman says

Freedom pills usually work against tyrants.
I like mine chambered in .300 Blackout in counts of 30.
Pew pew!

The way to fix it is to refuse to comply.

Worked wonders in India, and it worked well in the civil rights movement.

It's a widespread lie that business discriminated against blacks during the civil rights movement, no, they wanted customers - government discriminated against them. Laws were passed to promote segregation.

My mother was alive at that time, when she was in New York City, black people on busses were polite, well dressed, and criminality wasn't tolerated and she never experienced criminality. Harlem was entirely black, nobody gave anybody trouble. She used to go to Harlem. She wasn't rich, and the area was cheap to go to.

Segregation was still around, however, it wasn't a bad thing really, at the time. In the 1960's black schools and districts became under-policed (a choice by our governments!), and therefore violent. Black schools had worse education, obviously worse education. It was a (purposeful) government created problem.

That's when the Black Panthers came up, all they wanted was to be able to police their own areas, and wanted school lunches for their kids, and to control the curriculum of public education. They REALLY were good people, honestly. They were concerned about their neighborhood and wanted to have authority over it. They were infiltrated and destroyed by the FBI. The Black Panthers of today have NO RELATION to the original Black Panthers.

I don't agree with segregation, I just know our government purposely made it unworkable.

Everybody is being under-policed now.

BTW - if you've ever heard of MGTOW - it started with black men, in the 1970s. Insane feminism (and there's non insane feminism) targeted black women first. In 1960, a woman couldn't get a car loan. Remember the television show "Good Times"? Esther Rolle was first cast as a single mother, she refused to do it without being cast as being married. The family was cast as a family growing up in the projects, but she didn't want to project normalcy of a single mother. She tried to reverse the trend of "a woman can do it all" - no they can't. Takes a family to raise a kid or a family.

John Amos quit the show because he believed the script was demeaning the problems of lower class families. Jimmie "Dyn-O-Mite!" Walker, he clashed with. His main complaint was "black people don't act that way". Television is propaganda, it influences behavior. It normalizes behavior. People ape what they see on the damned propaganda box, and it does. I hate that fucking thing.
301   Patrick   2023 May 28, 6:05pm  


Almost all of the supposed “leftism” that one sees today is being driven from above by capital. The people driving this agenda are:

the big investment managers (BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street);

the World Economic Forum;

the CIA; and

Big Philanthropy (the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, George Soros, Laurene Powell Jobs, the Rockefeller Foundation, Ford Foundation, etc.).

The billionaires, the oligarchs, the holders of capital, the richest people in the world, are driving the “left” agenda. They write about it in their annual letters to shareholders and they talk about it nonstop in public speeches — this is their vision for how they want to remake the world.

The ruling class uses a whole host of bougiecrats to implement the plan including:

the management consultants (McKinsey, PWC, Booz Allen);

the PR Firms (Edelman, Weber Shandwick, Hill+Knowlton, Ogilvy); and

the thoroughly corporate Democratic Party.

No actual leftists are involved in this process at all.

At first this makes no sense. The political left and the billionaires should be mortal enemies. But somehow the billionaires are playing dress up, pretend, cosplay leftism while the actual left base does not exist.

Okay so let’s think through why this might be the case. Let’s look at this from the perspective of the ruling class that is implementing this agenda:

1. If one wants to take over the world, it helps to have a movement or at least the appearance of a movement.

The political right is bad at movement politics. For conservatives, the fundamental unit of society is the individual, not the collective. Social movements make conservatives cringe. So if one wants to take over the world, one needs to embrace the aesthetics and rhetoric of the left (while excluding any actual leftists who might get in the way). The appearance of a movement gives legitimacy to this ruling class project for world domination.

2. The trillion dollar grifts of the ruling class require massive government spending.

So again, one cannot run that through the political right, they are too busy trying to shrink government (they often fail at that, but that’s their stated goal). The trillion dollar vaccine grift, the trillion dollar health insurance grift, and endless multi-trillion dollar wars all around the world require a political party that believes in Big Government. So the ruling class has to run these grifts through the Democratic Party.

3. The corporate embrace of astroturf leftism actually makes sense from a marketing perspective.

Women make up half the population, so including women doubles the size of the market.

The spending power of dual income gay and lesbian couples (who are often childless) is massive, so they are a coveted market as well.

People of color, of course, a huge market (most of the world). ...

It should be noted that none of these corporations are being forced to do anything —they are eagerly embracing the instructions from above as if they were their own ideas.

4. It’s a lot easier to oppress and enslave people if they do not realize that they are being oppressed and enslaved.

‘No sweetie, you’re not being poisoned, made a debt slave, and drained of all income and wealth — you are being saved from deadly diseases through Safe & Effective Vaccines™️!’

‘No sweetie, you’re not being chained to Central Bank Digital Currency, imprisoned in 15 minute cities, and forced to eat synthetic food — you’re saving the planet and yourself from Catastrophic Climate Change™️!’

‘No sweetie, you’re not being sterilized and castrated in order to reduce the population and enrich the ruling class — you’re being empowered to be your True Authentic Self™️!’

So the left political project now is just kitsch, a toxic mimic of its former self, deployed by the ruling class to enslave and depopulate the world.

The question is, why are so few people on the left able to see this? Naomi Klein, Noam Chomsky, and Michael Moore, to name a few, should have been able to spot the Covid psyop in about 5 minutes. Instead they became rabid cheerleaders for fascism and genocide.

I have a few attempts at an answer:

I think the left identifies with the ruling class at this point;

After losing for 150 years straight it must have felt nice to finally start winning, albeit in service of everything they once opposed; and

The modern left took to fascism like a duck to water so the authoritarian tendencies must have been there all along.

But there is no reason the rest of us have to go along with this sick and twisted charade. We must speak simple truths out loud every day:

There is no political left.

The current scheme (of endless pandemics, vaccines, lucrative treatments for vaccine harms, CBDC, fake food, 15 minute cities, 5G, internet of bodies, 24/7/365 surveillance, social credit scores, digital vaccine passports, etc.) is being run from above by the ruling class.

The ruling class seeks to enslave and depopulate the world.

They must be stopped by any means necessary.

When we prosecute the architects of the iatrogenocide, our life expectancy and standard of living will soar.

Free speech, freedom of assembly, freedom of religion, free markets, and free people produce the best outcomes for people on this planet. Let’s return to that.
303   Shaman   2023 Jul 3, 6:28pm  

This is something a friend forwarded to me. No real confidence in it.
But who knows? I’m going to Havasu on the 5th, so not being in LA for any potential nuclear war seems like a good plan. Although I did book this trip a couple weeks ago.

304   richwicks   2023 Jul 3, 6:32pm  

Shaman says

This is something a friend forwarded to me. No real confidence in it.
But who knows? I’m going to Havasu on the 5th, so not being in LA for any potential nuclear war seems like a good plan. Although I did book this trip a couple weeks ago.

Bet you a coke it doesn't happen.

Honestly, I think it's funny people think they will survive a nuclear war. You'll run out of supplies in short order, and starve to death, unless you're a Mormon in a very rural area. It would mean the end of our government and basically our technological society. Power will go out, that means the end of water, food supplies will stop moving, There's really no point in trying to survive.
305   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 3, 6:58pm  

Except that the same thing will happen in a million other scenarios due to the over-centralization of everything for majority of the population. This is literally what we've prepared for, what preppers can and will survive.
306   Shaman   2023 Jul 3, 7:12pm  

NuttBoxer says

Except that the same thing will happen in a million other scenarios due to the over-centralization of everything for majority of the population. This is literally what we've prepared for, what preppers can and will survive.

I’m more of a mind with this guy. I have the knowledge and the skill to make things work and keep my family alive. It’s really about making smart choices.
But Yah most people would just lie down and die.
But the prepping I’ve done has all been knowledge, not gear or supplies. I figure any disaster would require me to get out of the city area, so stockpiling food or gear wouldn’t gain me anything.
307   richwicks   2023 Jul 3, 7:15pm  

NuttBoxer says

Except that the same thing will happen in a million other scenarios due to the over-centralization of everything for majority of the population. This is literally what we've prepared for, what preppers can and will survive.

You could survive with a lot of food, in a remote area, with plenty of weaponry and ammo, and at least 2 people that can handle a weapon. If you have a year's worth of food, you damned well better know how to farm, and know people who currently are farming. You can be a slave to them. You'll be pulling a plow with an ox or a horse, so hopefully you are handy in making an old style plow. You will be weeding, as well. Better know how to can, and have canning supplies.

It's not just merely surviving the bomb itself - fertilizer will disappear, transportation will be gone. You'll have to get a source for water, and know how to filter it (really, just sand at the bottom will do in a bucket) - you'll have to boil it as well, so you'll need to collect basically wood.

Nuclear war is kind of silly, because nobody walks out with a better life and I know psychopaths, they won't take a step back ever.

It would be like going back to 1700 for everybody. If you have stockpiles of diesel and gasoline, that's great, but you'll only be able to burn it. Both are volatile and will stop working in engines after a year or two. I'd rather just quietly contemplate my death.
308   AmericanKulak   2023 Jul 3, 8:48pm  

Slash and Burn FTW. No need to till, you'll get at least 2 years. Alot more if you incorporate green manure, let poultry run over it every few days to shit and eat bugs and aerate the soil with scratching, and do a host of things we've only understood in the past 2 centuries.

I just read a great blog piece by some hippies who brought a few acres up in Vermont. They turned to slash and burn after trying to improve the soil organically, tilling it, etc. all failed royally. They only got a 1:1.5 return on potatoes which is absolute shit. After slash and burn, they got 1:5 and they kept it up by THEN doing the green manure, organic composting stuff. The land they had wasn't exactly Central Valley California for fertility and climate, really only 1 growing season being mountainous hardscrabble (formerly) covered in pine woods.

I'll try to uh, dig it up, heh, but I didn't bookmark it or don't remember the name.

Biggest killers following a general collapse will be malaria, and water-borne diseases like typhoid, dysentery etc., along with forest fires until basic sanitation, plumbing, and basic services are restored. Most people overprepare for the Zombie Addict Biker Hordes and forget about the shits.
309   AmericanKulak   2023 Jul 3, 9:07pm  

Where There is No Doctor (2011 Edition)


This is the book to have for TEOTWAKI, and the digital copy is provided free by the author.

It goes beyond most of the popular and shitty wilderness survival books, that are basically like "Keep your broken arm as immobile as possible and walk to safety" with minimal illustrations. Illustrates the common diseases of mankind, and how to treat them with mostly 3rd world tech. This book is a must, and it's FREE. I have a hard copy to support the author.
310   stereotomy   2023 Jul 4, 6:46am  

^^^^ Outstanding!

My wife has been looking for this for a while. Thanks!
311   SoTex   2023 Jul 4, 8:12am  

Page 21 LOL!

It goes from greed to death by diarrhea haha...

I think I'll buy this too!
312   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 4, 8:23am  

AmericanKulak says

This book is a must, and it's FREE

Glowing recommendation! I'll check it out right now. If it's worthwhile I'll definitely add it to my hard copy collection. If the power goes out, my PDFs ain't worth a damn!
313   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Jul 4, 9:12am  

Shaman says

I figure any disaster would require me to get out of the city area, so stockpiling food or gear wouldn’t gain me anything.

Unless it was also done at a location outside the city...

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