Fauci Created The Virus To Sell The Murderous "Vaccine", Then Blocked Cheap Lifesaving Drugs

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2021 May 23, 12:00pm   120,207 views  834 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

How come this fact is not at the top of "alternative" press? The corporate press is of course part of Fauci's murderous corruption.

This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.


There should be nothing else in the headlines, only this.

Fauci has a long history of funding gain-of-function research to facilitate the creation of viruses which can be used to sell vaccines for large profits.

Anyone who has read a decent mystery novel will see the means, motive, and opportunity were all there. It's obvious in retrospect.

Until Fauci is in jail, we are all in danger of his doing it again, and again, and again, or having some minion like Daszak do it. Why is there no official investigation going on?

As RFK Jr. put it: "A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid." https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly/status/1685830247139168256

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151   WookieMan   2021 Jul 4, 7:31am  

HeadSet says
Karloff says
Another theory:

"Was Coronavirus a Biowarfare Attack Against China?"


Looks like a propaganda attempt to make China the "victim" and not the perp. Now that the "wet market" lie is getting exposed, here is an attempt to say the West developed the bug and hit Wuhan with it.

Every country is going to spin it the way they want. Which makes it even more difficult for the average person to find out the truth. Our top doctors have either lied or failed with this whole ordeal. No mask then mask. Wet market then Wuhan lab. 15 days to stop the spread then 500 days to stop the spread. Vaccine won't be ready until 2022 then it's ready and safe in record time.

The obvious BS going on is staggering. I'm at the point where I've lost trust and faith in my fellow humans. I basically don't trust anything at this point.
152   Patrick   2021 Jul 4, 11:15am  

We now seem to be run directly by corporations who can simply tell the CDC/NIH to relentlessly push the jab for profit, no matter how many people it kills.

Or maybe killing people is the goal. I hope it's just greed and lust for power instead. Either way, it's not good.

Their one weakness is that we the people could band together to refuse. That are far more of us than there are of them.

Their answer to that is to divide us in as many ways as they can think of, so that we fight each other instead of fighting them.
153   Onvacation   2021 Jul 5, 9:50pm  

Spokesman for Fauci admits that lab leak is "highly likely".
155   Onvacation   2021 Jul 5, 9:53pm  

Apparently you can't embed a BitCHUTE video that originally came from Rumble.
156   Patrick   2021 Jul 6, 12:38pm  


Therefore, it usually takes several years to design a vaccine prototype and then develop new vaccines. However, China seemed to be very familiar with the development of this vaccine.

It is common knowledge that vaccine prototypes used in clinical trials must first be developed over a lengthy time. The Pfizer vaccine began research and development on March 20, 2020 and it took them at least four months to produce a feasible prototype; Chinese state media reported the Sinopharm vaccine began its R&D on Jan. 19, 2020, and started clinical trials on April 12 in the same year.

Sinopharm was faster at creating a vaccine than Pfizer, which implies that the CCP was prepared for a pandemic before it all began, including getting a head start on the vaccine.

Fauci and Daszak created the virus specifically to sell the "vaccine".
157   Patrick   2021 Jul 14, 8:51pm  


Later that morning, at 11:47 a.m., Dr. Auchincloss replied to Dr. Fauci:

The paper you sent me says the experiments were performed before the gain-of-function pause but have since been reviewed and approved by NIH. Not sure what this means since [we are] sure that no coronavirus work has gone through the P3 framework. [We] will try to determine if we have any distant ties to this work abroad.

Wow! Dr. Auchincloss’ email confirms Dr. Fauci’s worst fear. American tax dollars funded gain of function research at the WIV and that research didn’t go through proper oversight (the P3 framework).

Dr. Fauci already knew there was a lethal virus on the loose in Wuhan, China. In just 13 hours, between 10:32 p.m. January 31, 2020, and 11:47 a.m. February 1, 2020, Dr. Fauci learned three additional facts.

First, Dr. Fauci knew that American taxpayers had helped to fund dangerous gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China.

Second, Dr. Fauci knew this research funding did not go through the government’s required safety review process — a process known as the P3 framework.

Third, Dr. Fauci knew that the virus “looked…engineered” and seemed to be “inconsistent with evolutionary theory.”

Of course Fauci knew the virus looked engineered, because he paid for it.
158   PeopleUnited   2021 Jul 15, 2:30am  

Patrick says
Fauci and Daszak created the virus specifically to sell the "vaccine".

Don’t forget that they created it first to sell fear. And fear is used to solidify control.
159   Patrick   2021 Jul 15, 7:46am  


Make people afraid, and they will instantly give up not only their rights, but your rights too.
160   Patrick   2021 Jul 15, 9:35pm  


M-CAM International Innovation Risk Management Chairman Dr. David Martin gives a deposition to attorney Reiner Fuellmich after scrutinizing thousands of patents since the early 2000’s for the SarsCov spike protein injections, naming companies, universities, and major players, including DARPA and government entities.

One cannot patent something found in nature, so they created computer-generated genome sequences claimed to be coronaviruses, patented those man-made sequences, allowing patenting the PCR test sequence to detect their contrived sequence, then allowing patenting the jab, comprised of synthetic lab-made proteins to “treat” the contrived, patented coronavirus, detected by the patented test, to detect the make-believe virus, “and then they poison you.”

According to him, “outbreaks” are merely PCR test fraud looking for made-up patented sequences using the name coronavirus, SARS, etc. They only exist on paper for patent reasons; the real bioweapon is in the jab, not an actual virus circulating the public.
161   mell   2021 Jul 15, 9:48pm  

Patrick says

M-CAM International Innovation Risk Management Chairman Dr. David Martin gives a deposition to attorney Reiner Fuellmich after scrutinizing thousands of patents since the early 2000’s for the SarsCov spike protein injections, naming companies, universities, and major players, including DARPA and government entities.

One cannot patent something found in nature, so they created computer-generated genome sequences claimed to be coronaviruses, patented those man-made sequences, allowing patenting the PCR test sequence to detect their contrived sequence, then allowing patenting the jab, comprised of synthetic lab-made proteins to “treat” the con...

To verify this it would be good to know how many people who tested positive were asymptomatic or had others symptoms not related to covid. Never seen a statistic about this. My guess is many.
163   Patrick   2021 Jul 24, 9:51am  


Sen. Paul began by reminding the ubiquitous doctor of Section 1001 of the US Criminal Code, which makes it a felony, carrying a prison term of up to five years, for lying to Congress. He then reminded Dr Fauci that on his last testimony before Congress, on May 11, he stated that the National Institutes of Health, where Dr Fauci is employed, ‘has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology’.

Oh dear.

Let me introduce you to Dr Shi Zhengli, the infamous ‘Bat Lady’, whom Sen. Paul referred to in his presentation.

Dr Shi is a researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. She and her colleagues have been engaged in gain-of-function research there for years.

What is ‘gain-of-function’ research? It is experimenting with virus to make them more communicable, more virulent, or transmissible from animals to humans.

Why would one do this? To create biological weapons is one reason. Another, claimed by Dr Shi and her colleagues in 2015, is to investigate ‘the potential to prepare for and mitigate future outbreaks’.

The trouble is, as the science reporter Nicholas Wade points out in Where COVID Came From, ‘The benefits of the research in preventing future epidemics have so far been nil, the risks vast.

I think Wade is right. Given what we know now, ‘it seems clear that the NIH did not intend its funds to be used for gain-of-function’. ‘Intend.’ But it is undeniable — no, that’s not quite right, because Fauci did deny it — let me say then that it is simply the case that ‘researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology were doing gain-of-function experiments designed to make coronaviruses infect human cells and humanized mice.’ At least some of that research was funded by US taxpayers via grants made through agencies of the NIH.
164   Blue   2021 Jul 24, 10:27am  

Is it reasonable to suspect that hospitals may be "neglecting" unvaccinated to add to the death count to prove to their owners. That's very scary if it was true, its better to stay away from the doctors unless in emergency.
165   Patrick   2021 Jul 24, 10:57am  

Yes, if they are still getting paid $30,000 or similar for each Fauci Flu death.
166   Patrick   2021 Jul 26, 10:15am  


Will Dr Fauci ever take responsibility for COVID’s emergence?
St Anthony was raked over hot coals by Sen. Rand Paul again this week
167   WookieMan   2021 Jul 26, 11:12am  

Blue says
That's very scary if it was true, its better to stay away from the doctors unless in emergency.

There are some sneaky diseases that could be found via blood tests, but I tend to agree with this. Sometimes the treatment is the cause of a new disease if that makes sense. Doctors are not in the business of fixing people. They need you sick. No different than people thinking a Realtor has your best interests financially as a motivating factor. It's their financial interest because they don't get paychecks.

I just don't take anything besides vitamins. When the body barks I'll get it looked at. In most cases you're your own best doctor. Don't mask it with pain killers and take care of yourself the best you can. Eat food you trust that isn't highly processed. My neighbors kid died from a bacterial infection. Docs couldn't stop it. Big Pharma couldn't help. Sometimes it's just your time. Live life and have fun.
168   Patrick   2021 Jul 26, 11:15am  

WookieMan says
Sometimes the treatment is the cause of a new disease if that makes sense.

Sure, that's called an "iatrogenic" disease, meaning a disease caused by doctors.

Happens all the time.

There was a study comparing Minnesota to Florida because Florida has twice the doctors per person that Minnesota does. Life expectancy was higher in Minnesota, where there were far fewer doctors around.
169   Patrick   2021 Jul 26, 11:40am  


Watch CNN Personalities Squirm As They're Being Roasted Live On Air For Their Sycophantic "Fangirling" Over Dr. Fauci
170   WookieMan   2021 Jul 26, 12:44pm  

Patrick says
There was a study comparing Minnesota to Florida because Florida has twice the doctors per person that Minnesota does. Life expectancy was higher in Minnesota, where there were far fewer doctors around.

Big Pharma is probably the biggest factor. But docs are getting blowjobs and cash to put shit into patients bodies. Make you feel fine/good in the moment, but what they gave you hurt something else. There's zero doubt about this. This is 100% fact. Just listen to a drug commercial where 98% of it is about the massive side effects as some chick is playing in the lawn with a dog. Oh that's cute as I'm gonna get you to ask your doc for poison as you it's poison.

Unhealthy weight is probably the biggest issue that results in all these drugs. Also people being pussies to an extent. There are legit injuries, but people popping pills or a minor headache once a week is the norm. Yes, 2 Tylenol is worse on your liver than a handle of vodka.
171   HeadSet   2021 Jul 27, 8:07am  

WookieMan says
Tylenol is worse on your liver than a handle of vodka.

Really bad news for those who swallow the Tylenol with a shot of vodka.
172   Ceffer   2021 Jul 27, 8:08am  

They are now calling it the 'Jim Jones Memorial Vaccine'.
173   Ceffer   2021 Jul 27, 8:17am  

Benjamin Fulford says that the more the Globalist Cabal feels itself on the ropes, the more it just wants to kill everybody and take them down too. Like Germany in WWII, when Hitler declared all Germans must commit suicide if the war was lost.
174   Ceffer   2021 Jul 27, 8:20am  

More propaganda ticker tape from the Deep (Shallow) State:
176   Eric Holder   2021 Jul 27, 10:12am  

Ceffer says
More propaganda ticker tape from the Deep (Shallow) State:

They want to keep the circus going until 2022 midterms.
177   Ceffer   2021 Jul 27, 1:57pm  

Even more centralized Mockingbird ticker tape fake testimonials:
179   Patrick   2021 Jul 31, 12:27am  

They literally created the virus to sell the "vaccine".
180   Patrick   2021 Aug 3, 12:38am  


Database Proving How Fauci Funded Wuhan Lab Has Been Taken Offline.

When searched, the database, which itemizes the billions of taxpayer-funded grants distributed by various National Institutes of Health (NIH) agencies, yields no results and prompts users with an error message. Among the agencies included in the registry is the Fauci-led National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which has come under scrutiny for funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The website also previously revealed NIAID-directed funds for joint research between disgrace COVID-19 investigator Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Chinese government-run lab under the auspices of a nearly $3.7 million grant entitled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”
181   Patrick   2021 Aug 3, 10:18am  


Splitting hairs on the definition of “gain of function” research is not productive (“Anthony Fauci, Rand Paul and Wuhan,” Review & Outlook, July 26). Despite the federal government’s 2014 definition, genetically modifying a pathogen to increase its transmissivity to human cells—as the Wuhan Institute of Virology was doing—must count. Sen. Paul is correct and Dr. Fauci demonstrated that he is a political, not medical, animal.

What was the purpose of funding research at the Wuhan lab given its collaboration with the People’s Liberation Army? I beg to differ with your statement that “the reality is complicated.”
183   WookieMan   2021 Aug 3, 3:17pm  

Got 3 more anecdotal stories over the weekend of people who had covid. Reaching almost 40 now. One was sick for a week, 69 and 290lbs for a 6' dude (my wife's uncle). He said it sucked, but wasn't all that bad.

Went to Michigan this weekend to see an old friend from childhood and high school. Him and his wife got it. Nothing.

I'm convinced at this point the test is close to 80% wrong and that those that are sick just have the flu. I've yet to see evidence I'm wrong out of about 40 people now.
184   Patrick   2021 Aug 3, 5:43pm  

The test is very wrong, and designed to conflate Fauci Flu and regular flu:


Seems that was part of the plan, but now that it's become so obvious, they need to find a new test to fake.
185   Patrick   2021 Aug 4, 8:22pm  


Dr. Anthony Fauci is back in sales mode, again representing his pharmaceutical patrons. After spending many billions already on what in many cases have become throw-away monoclonal antibodies and several questionable therapies in the pipeline, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical advisor to POTUS spent lots of time minimizing the mounting evidence associated with many generic early COVID-19 treatment options, from fluvoxamine and ivermectin to even hydroxychloroquine used in select scenarios. Now Fauci will deliver to the market the perfect pill and help the industry monetize the massive market for early-onset COVID-19 mild-to-moderate cases—the 90%+ of total cases that fit in that category.
187   mell   2021 Aug 4, 10:21pm  

lol wtf
188   Patrick   2021 Aug 4, 10:24pm  

It's like they're just mocking the poor plebes who still believe them and are dying.
189   SoTex   2021 Aug 4, 10:27pm  

mell says
lol wtf

Sure. If nearly everyone has been vaccinated of course.

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