Fauci Created The Virus To Sell The Murderous "Vaccine", Then Blocked Cheap Lifesaving Drugs

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2021 May 23, 12:00pm   111,992 views  820 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

How come this fact is not at the top of "alternative" press? The corporate press is of course part of Fauci's murderous corruption.

This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.


There should be nothing else in the headlines, only this.

Fauci has a long history of funding gain-of-function research to facilitate the creation of viruses which can be used to sell vaccines for large profits.

Anyone who has read a decent mystery novel will see the means, motive, and opportunity were all there. It's obvious in retrospect.

Until Fauci is in jail, we are all in danger of his doing it again, and again, and again, or having some minion like Daszak do it. Why is there no official investigation going on?

As RFK Jr. put it: "A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid." https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly/status/1685830247139168256

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168   Patrick   2021 Jul 26, 11:15am  

WookieMan says
Sometimes the treatment is the cause of a new disease if that makes sense.

Sure, that's called an "iatrogenic" disease, meaning a disease caused by doctors.

Happens all the time.

There was a study comparing Minnesota to Florida because Florida has twice the doctors per person that Minnesota does. Life expectancy was higher in Minnesota, where there were far fewer doctors around.
169   Patrick   2021 Jul 26, 11:40am  


Watch CNN Personalities Squirm As They're Being Roasted Live On Air For Their Sycophantic "Fangirling" Over Dr. Fauci
170   WookieMan   2021 Jul 26, 12:44pm  

Patrick says
There was a study comparing Minnesota to Florida because Florida has twice the doctors per person that Minnesota does. Life expectancy was higher in Minnesota, where there were far fewer doctors around.

Big Pharma is probably the biggest factor. But docs are getting blowjobs and cash to put shit into patients bodies. Make you feel fine/good in the moment, but what they gave you hurt something else. There's zero doubt about this. This is 100% fact. Just listen to a drug commercial where 98% of it is about the massive side effects as some chick is playing in the lawn with a dog. Oh that's cute as I'm gonna get you to ask your doc for poison as you it's poison.

Unhealthy weight is probably the biggest issue that results in all these drugs. Also people being pussies to an extent. There are legit injuries, but people popping pills or a minor headache once a week is the norm. Yes, 2 Tylenol is worse on your liver than a handle of vodka.
171   HeadSet   2021 Jul 27, 8:07am  

WookieMan says
Tylenol is worse on your liver than a handle of vodka.

Really bad news for those who swallow the Tylenol with a shot of vodka.
172   Ceffer   2021 Jul 27, 8:08am  

They are now calling it the 'Jim Jones Memorial Vaccine'.
173   Ceffer   2021 Jul 27, 8:17am  

Benjamin Fulford says that the more the Globalist Cabal feels itself on the ropes, the more it just wants to kill everybody and take them down too. Like Germany in WWII, when Hitler declared all Germans must commit suicide if the war was lost.
174   Ceffer   2021 Jul 27, 8:20am  

More propaganda ticker tape from the Deep (Shallow) State:
176   Eric Holder   2021 Jul 27, 10:12am  

Ceffer says
More propaganda ticker tape from the Deep (Shallow) State:

They want to keep the circus going until 2022 midterms.
177   Ceffer   2021 Jul 27, 1:57pm  

Even more centralized Mockingbird ticker tape fake testimonials:
179   Patrick   2021 Jul 31, 12:27am  

They literally created the virus to sell the "vaccine".
180   Patrick   2021 Aug 3, 12:38am  


Database Proving How Fauci Funded Wuhan Lab Has Been Taken Offline.

When searched, the database, which itemizes the billions of taxpayer-funded grants distributed by various National Institutes of Health (NIH) agencies, yields no results and prompts users with an error message. Among the agencies included in the registry is the Fauci-led National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which has come under scrutiny for funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

The website also previously revealed NIAID-directed funds for joint research between disgrace COVID-19 investigator Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance and the Chinese government-run lab under the auspices of a nearly $3.7 million grant entitled “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.”
181   Patrick   2021 Aug 3, 10:18am  


Splitting hairs on the definition of “gain of function” research is not productive (“Anthony Fauci, Rand Paul and Wuhan,” Review & Outlook, July 26). Despite the federal government’s 2014 definition, genetically modifying a pathogen to increase its transmissivity to human cells—as the Wuhan Institute of Virology was doing—must count. Sen. Paul is correct and Dr. Fauci demonstrated that he is a political, not medical, animal.

What was the purpose of funding research at the Wuhan lab given its collaboration with the People’s Liberation Army? I beg to differ with your statement that “the reality is complicated.”
183   WookieMan   2021 Aug 3, 3:17pm  

Got 3 more anecdotal stories over the weekend of people who had covid. Reaching almost 40 now. One was sick for a week, 69 and 290lbs for a 6' dude (my wife's uncle). He said it sucked, but wasn't all that bad.

Went to Michigan this weekend to see an old friend from childhood and high school. Him and his wife got it. Nothing.

I'm convinced at this point the test is close to 80% wrong and that those that are sick just have the flu. I've yet to see evidence I'm wrong out of about 40 people now.
184   Patrick   2021 Aug 3, 5:43pm  

The test is very wrong, and designed to conflate Fauci Flu and regular flu:


Seems that was part of the plan, but now that it's become so obvious, they need to find a new test to fake.
185   Patrick   2021 Aug 4, 8:22pm  


Dr. Anthony Fauci is back in sales mode, again representing his pharmaceutical patrons. After spending many billions already on what in many cases have become throw-away monoclonal antibodies and several questionable therapies in the pipeline, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and chief medical advisor to POTUS spent lots of time minimizing the mounting evidence associated with many generic early COVID-19 treatment options, from fluvoxamine and ivermectin to even hydroxychloroquine used in select scenarios. Now Fauci will deliver to the market the perfect pill and help the industry monetize the massive market for early-onset COVID-19 mild-to-moderate cases—the 90%+ of total cases that fit in that category.
187   mell   2021 Aug 4, 10:21pm  

lol wtf
188   Patrick   2021 Aug 4, 10:24pm  

It's like they're just mocking the poor plebes who still believe them and are dying.
189   SoTex   2021 Aug 4, 10:27pm  

mell says
lol wtf

Sure. If nearly everyone has been vaccinated of course.
191   Patrick   2021 Aug 11, 10:41am  


Former CDC director Robert Redfield: I was “sidelined” & “threatened” for taking the lab leak theory seriously

Of course he was.

Fraudulent Fauci does not want to hang for his crime against humanity.
193   Onvacation   2021 Aug 13, 6:04pm  

Patrick says

Former CDC director Robert Redfield: I was “sidelined” & “threatened” for taking the lab leak theory seriously

Of course he was.

Fraudulent Fauci does not want to hang for his crime against humanity.

They finally got their story straight.

Patient zero was a Wuhan lab worker who was hanging out in a cave and caught the disease from a bat.

I read it on the Internet.

That explains it. Nothing to see here. Move along. Wear your mask. And for grandma's sake get the jab!
195   Patrick   2021 Aug 18, 12:20am  

idarthor said, on August 16, 2021 at 10:46 pm
Re: 2.4 – Lab Leak: This suddenly got a lot more acceptable to talk about after Biden’s election and it wasn’t just a Trump Issue. Several Dem-leaning commentators/media suddenly started talking about how we needed to take the possibility seriously some months ago, US intelligence was instructed to look into it etc, but it seems to have died down a bit for whatever reason.

Personally, I was convinced to not really care about this by a @dsquareddigest twitter take:

“an investigation into a totalitarian state which lies all the time, carried out by an intelligence service which lies all the time is simply not going to give an answer. you can’t develop a better algorithm to find the true value of one divided by zero.”

197   Patrick   2021 Aug 18, 10:43am  


Biden Admin Recommends COVID-19 Booster Shots, Will Start Wide Distribution on Sept. 20

BY JACK PHILLIPS August 18, 2021

The United States will begin widely distributing COVID-19 booster shots next month and will recommend them for most Americans who received the vaccine, according to several top federal health officials.

It's all about the Benjamins.
198   Patrick   2021 Aug 18, 1:49pm  


CDC Director: ‘Concerning Evidence’ Shows COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness ‘Waning’ Against Delta Variant
BY JACK PHILLIPS August 18, 2021

Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said that data sourced from Israel on COVID-19 vaccines show that the efficacy of the shots has dropped among individuals who received their vaccines early on.

You need another injection!

And another!

And another!

Injections without end, for the profit of Pfizer!
199   WookieMan   2021 Aug 18, 3:13pm  

Patrick says
You need another injection!

And another!

And another!

Injections without end, for the profit of Pfizer!

They don't work. At all. The evidence is all there. So now they say it lessens symptoms. Bull shit. No proof is provided because they never had to prove the vaccine worked in the first place.

It appears on the face of it that the vaccine has helped to morph the vaccine into a more infectious virus. We'll see if that's ever provable, but it seems likely at this point. We messed with bats and now it's a domino effect into humans and how we treat them. I wouldn't touch a fucking thing with covid. I'd honestly rather be homeless in a tent city in LA than dabble in any of this bull shit vaccination crap.

I'd actually inject heroin before getting vaccinated. At least I'd likely have some fun and feel good (joking).
200   BoomAndBustCycle   2021 Aug 19, 6:06pm  

Fauci is 80 years old…. Most 80 year olds I know don’t really care about money anymore if they can go on vacations, spend time with family and pay for their meds to live a pain free existence. They can’t take money with them when they die. Unless he’s purely driven by narcissism like Trump, then why would more money make him happier? If he truly had evil intentions he has to know the truth will come out when he is dead and his name and image would be worse than Hitler in the history books? Who wants that as a legacy?
201   WookieMan   2021 Aug 19, 6:27pm  

BoomAndBustCycle says
Fauci is 80 years old…. Most 80 year olds I know don’t really care about money anymore if they can go on vacations, spend time with family and pay for their meds to live a pain free existence.

You're missing the point. It's not about money for Fauci. It's likely about living or dying for himself and/or his family. Big Pharma is no different than the cartels or mafia. You don't do government work and not get sucked into shady shit over 40+ years.

An average citizen found a solution to AIDS treatment. We have solutions to Covid treatment. He's been bought and paid for and likely has threat of death over him and his family if he doesn't comply. Big Pharma is likely looking for a replacement given his age.

My wife is in the upper levels of industry (infrastructure) on the private sector. You don't understand how the game works with the government. I do. Fauci is top dog in a billion and long term trillion dollar industry. Until you've met those people, you have no clue what you're talking about. Zilch. I know and vacation with the people that approve close to $100M in government contracts annually. Add a couple zeros and that's Fauci. No corruption, bribing or death threats to see here... lol.
202   Patrick   2021 Aug 19, 8:31pm  

WookieMan says
Big Pharma is no different than the cartels or mafia. You don't do government work and not get sucked into shady shit over 40+ years.

I think the mafia has literally moved into Big Pharma, because that's where the money is. They're not gone, they've just moved up.

I saw the people running Nextel (an old cellular company) when they visited Motorola back when I worked there, and boy were they sleazy looking, greased hair, gold chains. It was quite a surprise for me.

But that's also an industry which has ridiculously large profit margins and uses them to bribe Congress outright. Top spenders on lobbying are kind of a Who's Who of organized crime in Ameirca:

Top Spenders
Lobbying Client Total Spent
US Chamber of Commerce $29,630,000
National Assn of Realtors $18,133,428
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America $15,218,000
American Hospital Assn $12,121,176
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $12,018,300
American Medical Assn $10,880,000
Amazon.com $10,190,000
Facebook Inc $9,560,000
Business Roundtable $8,840,000
Raytheon Technologies $8,230,000
National Assn of Manufacturers $7,710,000
Lockheed Martin $7,467,350
Comcast Corp $6,720,000
Northrop Grumman $6,690,000
Pfizer Inc $6,670,000
NCTA The Internet & Television Assn $6,570,000
Biotechnology Innovation Organization $6,560,000
America's Health Insurance Plans $6,410,000
Boeing Co $6,170,000
CTIA (cellular) $5,930,000


And this is all peanuts for them. Then again, those are just the officially recorded bribes.
203   WookieMan   2021 Aug 20, 6:53am  

It's beyond that though. That's just what they report. My wife is in infrastructure that government will pay her company if she lands business. She'll host dinners with 10 potential and actual clients at a steak house for $2,500. We do an annual trip on the bosses boat in the Ozarks. Between fuel, dinners, booze it's probably a $5-8k affair. All the numbers in your list need at least one addition zero and maybe 2.

None of the gifts, dinners, travel, whores, etc. get accounted for as lobbying. Not a knock, but I think most of you here are run of the mill programmers, tech, or general white collar folks. Not sales or essentially lobbying. There are honest government workers, elected or appointed, but everyone has their price. I'll just put it that way.

I'm on an elected board and we just acquired a building that needs architect work and other trades for remodeling. It will be the only time in my tenure, but I'm anxious about these firms trying to bribe for my vote on the board. It could be a million dollar deal for the company that gets voted for. Sound small for big tech or other industries, but a local company that can churn 30-40% margins on a job, it's a big deal for them. We'll see if they attempt to wine and dine me. No intention of doing so, but I've never been on the other end since our government body rarely, very rarely expands.
204   BoomAndBustCycle   2021 Aug 20, 10:05am  

WookieMan says
He's been bought and paid for and likely has threat of death over him and his family if he doesn't comply. Big Pharma is likely looking for a replacement given his age.

What’s the point then If any of this is true… no one is immune to bribery or death threats then, so no one can be trusted. That’s some pretty dark Ozark style storyline. I don’t doubt there’s a lot of corruption… but you make it sound like it’s futile to ever do anything to buck the system, because the pharmaceutical mafia will kill your grandkids. I would think there’s a very powerful ying and yang of corrupt and anti corrupt forces. They threaten to kill Fauci, he makes a call to someone he trusts and has that person killed first.
205   Patrick   2021 Aug 21, 5:32am  

Dr. Fauci On GOP Criticism: ‘Attacks On Me, Quite Frankly, Are Attacks On Science’

Alex Berenson
Aug 18
What if, work with me here, it's The Science (TM) that's attacking Fauci?

207   WookieMan   2021 Aug 23, 9:15am  

BoomAndBustCycle says
What’s the point then If any of this is true… no one is immune to bribery or death threats then, so no one can be trusted. That’s some pretty dark Ozark style storyline. I don’t doubt there’s a lot of corruption… but you make it sound like it’s futile to ever do anything to buck the system, because the pharmaceutical mafia will kill your grandkids. I would think there’s a very powerful ying and yang of corrupt and anti corrupt forces. They threaten to kill Fauci, he makes a call to someone he trusts and has that person killed first.

You don't get it. He's paid well for what he does already. He doesn't have to list other payments from companies he gets on the side. He's appointed, not elected. No disclosure needed regarding financials. He could report his bribes on his taxes and it wouldn't matter. And we can't look at his taxes anyway.

The mafioso thing is just one element of it as far as being threatened. There are secret millionaire and billionaires all over the place. A family friend I've mentioned here just died a couple weeks back. Just his stock holdings of one local bank was over $100M. Normal guy. You'd never know he was that wealthy. I'd be shocked if Fauci has a net worth less than $100M. He'd be a fucking idiot otherwise and shouldn't be in charge of Americas health.

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