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idarthor said, on August 16, 2021 at 10:46 pm
Re: 2.4 – Lab Leak: This suddenly got a lot more acceptable to talk about after Biden’s election and it wasn’t just a Trump Issue. Several Dem-leaning commentators/media suddenly started talking about how we needed to take the possibility seriously some months ago, US intelligence was instructed to look into it etc, but it seems to have died down a bit for whatever reason.
Personally, I was convinced to not really care about this by a @dsquareddigest twitter take:
“an investigation into a totalitarian state which lies all the time, carried out by an intelligence service which lies all the time is simply not going to give an answer. you can’t develop a better algorithm to find the true value of one divided by zero.”
Biden Admin Recommends COVID-19 Booster Shots, Will Start Wide Distribution on Sept. 20
BY JACK PHILLIPS August 18, 2021
The United States will begin widely distributing COVID-19 booster shots next month and will recommend them for most Americans who received the vaccine, according to several top federal health officials.
CDC Director: ‘Concerning Evidence’ Shows COVID-19 Vaccine Effectiveness ‘Waning’ Against Delta Variant
BY JACK PHILLIPS August 18, 2021
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, the head of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), said that data sourced from Israel on COVID-19 vaccines show that the efficacy of the shots has dropped among individuals who received their vaccines early on.
You need another injection!
And another!
And another!
Injections without end, for the profit of Pfizer!
Fauci is 80 years old…. Most 80 year olds I know don’t really care about money anymore if they can go on vacations, spend time with family and pay for their meds to live a pain free existence.
Big Pharma is no different than the cartels or mafia. You don't do government work and not get sucked into shady shit over 40+ years.
Top Spenders
Lobbying Client Total Spent
US Chamber of Commerce $29,630,000
National Assn of Realtors $18,133,428
Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America $15,218,000
American Hospital Assn $12,121,176
Blue Cross/Blue Shield $12,018,300
American Medical Assn $10,880,000
Amazon.com $10,190,000
Facebook Inc $9,560,000
Business Roundtable $8,840,000
Raytheon Technologies $8,230,000
National Assn of Manufacturers $7,710,000
Lockheed Martin $7,467,350
Comcast Corp $6,720,000
Northrop Grumman $6,690,000
Pfizer Inc $6,670,000
NCTA The Internet & Television Assn $6,570,000
Biotechnology Innovation Organization $6,560,000
America's Health Insurance Plans $6,410,000
Boeing Co $6,170,000
CTIA (cellular) $5,930,000
He's been bought and paid for and likely has threat of death over him and his family if he doesn't comply. Big Pharma is likely looking for a replacement given his age.
Dr. Fauci On GOP Criticism: ‘Attacks On Me, Quite Frankly, Are Attacks On Science’
Alex Berenson
Aug 18
What if, work with me here, it's The Science (TM) that's attacking Fauci?
What’s the point then If any of this is true… no one is immune to bribery or death threats then, so no one can be trusted. That’s some pretty dark Ozark style storyline. I don’t doubt there’s a lot of corruption… but you make it sound like it’s futile to ever do anything to buck the system, because the pharmaceutical mafia will kill your grandkids. I would think there’s a very powerful ying and yang of corrupt and anti corrupt forces. They threaten to kill Fauci, he makes a call to someone he trusts and has that person killed first.
In August 2020, President Trump named Dr. Scott Atlas as a special adviser on coronavirus. Like Fauci, Atlas is a physician, although he comes from outside the public health establishment. Unlike Fauci, Atlas did not support lockdowns.
Within weeks, Fauci attacked Atlas, telling CNN that Atlas was giving Trump information that was “either taken out of context or actually incorrect.” But Fauci hoped he and Atlas could find common scientific ground, he said:
If I have an issue with someone, I'll try and sit down with them and let them know why I differ with them and see if we can come to some sort of resolution. I mean my differences with Dr. Atlas, I'm always willing to sit down and talk with him.
Which made an interview Fauci gave to Politico in January 2021, after Biden took over, particularly interesting. Asked about Atlas, Fauci responded, “He didn’t undermine me, because I didn’t give a shit about him. I didn’t really care what he said.”
I didn’t give a shit about him.
So much for a sitting down and talking. Or a reasoned conversation about the pros and cons of lockdowns. With the public health establishment and the media on his side, Fauci was untouchable, and he knew it.
Occasionally, if Fauci were challenged hard, his mask would slip even in public. Tennessee senator Rand Paul found this out when he pushed Fauci on whether the NIH had funded “gain-of-function” research in China - research designed to make viruses more dangerous.
“Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about, quite frankly,” Fauci answered.
Quite frankly became a Fauci catchphrase of sorts.
Asked in October 2020 about the possibility of reaching widespread immunity against the coronavirus without waiting for a vaccine, he answered, “Quite frankly that is nonsense, and anybody who knows anything about epidemiology will tell you that that is nonsense and very dangerous.”
Anybody who knows anything about epidemiology apparently did not include the epidemiologists who had suggested the possibility.
But Fauci’s most stunning comment came two months ago, in an interview with MSNBC.
“Quite frankly, the attacks on me are attacks on science,” he said. “If you are trying to, you know, get at me as a public health official and a scientist, you're really attacking not only Dr. Anthony Fauci, you're attacking science...”
This level of arrogance would seem almost absurd if the stakes were not so high.
But they are.
The United States desperately needs a full and independent investigation into what Fauci and other officials knew about the risks of gain of function research and whether they worked to steer scientists and reporters away from examining the origins of the virus in 2020. Such an inquiry may turn out to be embarrassing for Fauci, but it should have happened already.
Even more importantly, data from Israel and increasingly the United States show that the mRNA vaccines Fauci championed are far less effective than they seemed months ago.
A rational response to their plunging effectiveness would be - at the least - to stop encouraging their use while scientists investigate why they have stopped working so quickly. Instead Fauci is pressing Americans to take a third mRNA dose in the hope it will work better and longer than the original two.
But no clinical trial data shows a third dose will reduce infections, much less hospitalizations or deaths. And a research preprint released Monday (Aug. 23) in Japan suggests the Delta variant could evolve in a way that could produce vaccine antibody-dependent enhancement, a nightmare scenario.
Figuring out whether this risk is real - and what to do if it is - will require open debate that may include uncomfortable moments for the public health advocates who have pressed these vaccines.
Instead, Tony Fauci has taken the position that questioning him is attacking science.
Unless he changes - or is forced to change - his attitude - we may have a hard time finding the answers we need.
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
Are these the same agencies that said the Taliban wouldn’t defeat the Afghan military?
D Morris
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
Good thing there is no business relationships between Jeff Bezos and the CIA to cloud their judgement.
Oh wait...
I Am Not A Number
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
It might not have been created as a bio weapon, but it certainly works well as one. What a happy accident eh Dr Fauci?
Henry Tuesday
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
Right, like they think we believe 'intelligence experts'? Those are professional liars paid by oligarchs to control the masses. lol
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
The same people that said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Totally credible people.
A new poll shows that more than half of Americans have had it with Dr. Anthony Fauci, allegedly the nation’s leading infectious disease expert.
Drew Holden
Jul 28
We’ve all seen the various flip-flops of the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci over the last 18 months.
To help keep track, I present “Fauci vs. Fauci,” chronicling the twists, turns, contradictions and backtracks from the man and his agency.⤵️
Latest US Intel Report Helps China Hinder Probe Into COVID-19 Origin
No mention of US-funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology
Lloyd Billingsley
September 1, 2021
The U.S. Intelligence Community (IC) “remains divided on the most likely origin of COVID-19,” according to an unclassified report released on Aug...
Newly-Released Documents Detail US-Funded Coronavirus Research at Wuhan Institute of Virology: Report
BY KATABELLA ROBERTS September 7, 2021
New documents have been released detailing U.S.-funded research on various types of coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in Wuhan, China, where the first outbreak of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus occurred.
Wuhan lab documents show Fauci ‘untruthful’ about gain-of-function research
Markson also noted Dr. Anthony Fauci's National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded, in part, 65 experiments at the Wuhan lab, including the dangerous gain-of-function research that many investigators believe triggered the pandemic.
Ratcliffe said that despite the denials of Fauci and the British researcher funded by NIAID, Peter Daszak, U.S. intelligence has evidence that gain-of-function research and research on live bats was going on there.
In a 2012 paper, Fauci argued the benefits of gain-of-function research outweigh the risk of a pandemic.
How in the hell is that legal?
So Daszak/Fauci did gain-of-function research to infect humanized mouse cells. How in the hell is that legal?
We know that gain-of-function research was happening in Wuhan and we know Fauci categorically denied US involvement in it. So now he’s attempting to sneak one by the audience and change the terminology, on what the definition of “gain-of-function of concern” means. So what does it mean?
It all comes down to intent. “Of concern” is the term used to differentiate studying and manipulating viruses in the scientific environments as a purposeful method to produce bioweapons. Fauci said as much in 2012 when he testified that his department worked with the Defense Department on such experiments. What Fauci is seeking to do is tweak the argument with semantics and write off his critics and the critics of gain-of-function as people accusing Fauci and the Wuhan Institute of developing bioweapons. No one has done so. It’s a game: “Sure we funded gain-of-function, but how dare you insinuate we funded bioweapon research, you kook!”
These are not the actions of a medical professional, with a serious interest in a transparent inquiry into the origins of the virus that has led to the deaths of 16 million people worldwide, including 750,000 Americans. These are the games a bureaucrat plays when they are attempting to cover their own ass, their career and their life’s work. Pulling this thread leads to one place: more discovery, more leaks and more gleam off Fauci’s armor in the media. How much more damning information needs to come out before he retires?
Since CNN is asking actual relevant questions, I wonder if Collins is being set up to be the fall guy.
Rand Paul Calls For Fauci’s Firing Over Evidence of COVID Origination
Photo of Martin Walsh Martin WalshOctober 27, 2021
Robert W Malone, MD
Oct 31
I believe that Dr. Michael Kurilla is the most likely of Anthony Fauci's lieutenants to replace Tony if/when he finally leaves.
I strongly suspect NIH politics with this abstention. I doubt that Michael did this without approval from Tony.
rEaliSTiC obJeCT
Oct 31
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
Smart move; abstain from voting when you know it won’t matter, so you have something to reference in your past saying: atleast I was cautious.
Fid Laf
Oct 31
Replying to @RWMaloneMD
And nothing is going to happen it will be business as usual. Do you think there would be the changing of the guards? Nope, nada. They would never give up their power. Just like any other mafia.
Sen. Rand Paul blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci at a Senate hearing Thursday over gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China — calling for his resignation and alleging he’s “learned nothing from this pandemic.”
Paul (R-Ky.) grilled the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, part of the National Institutes of Health, on why he repeatedly denied that the virus research was funded by the NIH prior to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Gain-of-function could cause a pandemic even worse next time,” Paul said. “[It] could endanger civilization as we know it.”
The firebrand conservative claimed NIH-funded scientists “created viruses not found in nature” and that Fauci “misled” the American public by refusing to admit it.
“Your repeated denials have worn thin and the majority of Americans, frankly, don’t believe you,” Paul said. “Your persistent denials are not just a stain on your reputation but are a clear and present danger to the country and to the world.”
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This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.
There should be nothing else in the headlines, only this.
Fauci has a long history of funding gain-of-function research to facilitate the creation of viruses which can be used to sell vaccines for large profits.
Anyone who has read a decent mystery novel will see the means, motive, and opportunity were all there. It's obvious in retrospect.
Until Fauci is in jail, we are all in danger of his doing it again, and again, and again, or having some minion like Daszak do it. Why is there no official investigation going on?
As RFK Jr. put it: "A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid." https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly/status/1685830247139168256