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Lol! "Urged" Google to reverse its Stalinist policies? Would that have worked with Stalin?
WASHINGTON, D.C.—After a brief temporal anomaly occurred in Washington, D.C., causing a version of Dr. Fauci from just two weeks ago to materialize in the city, the current Dr. Fauci got in a heated debate with the manifestation of himself from the past.
"The virus was created in a lab!" present-day Fauci said indignantly, causing past Fauci to wag his finger and shake his head emphatically.
"No, no, no, that's a deranged conspiracy theory!" past Fauci said. "It's practically alt-right! Didn't you check Snopes? Anyway, at least we can agree we should wear double masks forever."
"No, masks aren't necessary anymore!" said current Fauci. "We just wear them for political theater."
"That's insulting! They're absolutely not theater!" said early May Fauci.
At that moment, another version of Fauci suddenly appeared from March 2020, agreeing with current Fauci but taking it a step further, saying, "Masks are useless. They just make people feel better!"
Both of the other Faucis then ganged up on March 2020 Fauci, calling him an "anti-science mask denier."
They are willing to lie, and even to let millions die, as long as they don't have to admit that Trump was right.
Senate Passes Hawley, Braun Bill for Biden Admin to Declassify Intel on Wuhan Lab
The U.S. Senate has unanimously passed a bill that seeks to require President Joe Biden’s administration declassify all intelligence relating to the origin of COVID-19, including information about what happened at the Wuhan laboratory at the start of the pandemic.
Fauci Says It Would Have Been a ‘Dereliction of Our Duty’ Not to Work With China on Coronavirus Research
Oh, right, now that it's becoming obvious to everyone that Fauci created the virus
Trump didn't fire him.
After protecting China, Facebook will now allow people to talk about lab leak theory after Biden opened probe
Arbiters of truth change their mind.
Hmmm, OK, it's been more than a year and the evidence is getting to be overwhelming, so now he wants to look more open-minded about his crime.
Trump didn't fire him.
My greatest disappointment in Trump is that his first visit was to The Islamic Dictatorship of Saudi Arabia to cozy up with the very people who murdered thousands of Americans on 9/11.
WookieMan saysTrump didn't fire him.
If Fauci was fired by Trump could you imagine the backlash in the press Trump would have received before an election?
Understood and I agree. But it takes balls to be a leader. The second he flipped on mask after saying they don't work for a month should have been enough to can his ass. Trump would have lost no supporters. Probably gained some. It was a Trump failure. It most likely cost him the election.
Saudi Arabia is a valuable ally in the middle east.
He's a fucking serial killer at this point.
Do we have principles or not?
I bet the US will try to blame China, and then China will turn around and expose more about Fauci's overwhelming guilt.
Lab Leak Wars: China changes its own COVID-19 origin story, blames U.S. for outbreak
Beijing now claims that U.S. lab leak is responsible for pandemic.
... without Trump in the White House, the old narrative is no longer useful. Denying the plausibility of a lab escape is an idea that has lost its selective advantage. Now that it needs be neither shield nor lance ‘gainst the dread orange dragon, the lie is just a sharp, heavy piece of metal. People will do it—but no one likes to carry a lie.
Therefore, in the marketplace of ideas, the playing field has turned almost level. And if not perfectly level, it is level enough for truth to prevail—or at least have a chance. Once the battle is won within virology by a few brave, stubborn virologists, the rest of the opinion-forming insiders have no choice but to listen to them...
Dr. Daszak tweeted in November 2019:
We’ve made great progress with bat SARS-related CoVs, ID’ing >50 novel strains, sequencing spike protein genes, ID’ing ones that bind to human cells, using recombinant virus/humanized mice to see SARS-like signs, and showing some don’t respond to MAbs, vaccines…
By “ID’ing ones that bind to human cells,” Dr. Daszak means “evolving ones that bind to human cells.” It is not clear whether he also means “engineering.” It can’t be clear, until his Chinese friends stop hiding their files—which, in any case, they’ve had time to forge.
What was the purpose of this research? What has it been used for? What could it be used for? I know what it wasn’t used for—stopping the pandemic.
These questions are actually easy to answer. This was publicly funded science, paid for by the US taxpayer. (Yes, Chinese scientists in China can receive US grant money—what’s wrong with that? What are you, some kind of bigot?)
WaPo Admits It Ignored 'Tin-Hat Nonsense' of COVID Lab-Leak Possibility Because ... Trump
It was LAST YEAR that Wuhan lab leak theory was "virtually impossible," racist, and/or required a tin-foil hat. Also it would get you banned from Facebook. This year, a Wuhan lab leak is "suddenly credible." That's what it means to follow The Science™.
So Cruz, of course, like any red-blooded American male should, took to Twitter for a victory lap by clowning the clowns that clowned him last year. With receipts and four clown emojis, for good measure:
U.S.—World-renowned fact-checking website Snopes has unveiled a brand new fact check rating called "False For Now." This will allow them to provide a rating for claims that are just conspiracy theories uttered by deranged far-right people until they later turn out to be true.
"At Snopes, it's important for us to keep up with the undulating, ever-changing ocean of truth claims as they fluctuate across different official narratives we approve of," said Snopes founder David Mikkelson.
"Did COVID escape from a Wuhan lab? Well, it depends! Did a Republican say it? Does it serve the official narrative of trusted sources like CNN? We have to keep all these important questions in mind as we continue to live our truth, which is what Snopes is all about."
To save time, Snopes will just attach this rating to everything said by someone on the Right until a mainstream, unbiased source like The New York Times approves it to be upgraded to "Mixture".
Snopes also announced they will be attaching a rating of "Not Funny" to all Babylon Bee articles.
Remember: The lab leak theory isn’t new. Many on the right—including Trump administration officials, GOP congressmen, and conservative outlets—have been discussing it for over a year. Last week, House Republicans released a report detailing evidence that suggests a leak from the massive virus lab in Wuhan, where the pandemic first emerged.
But liberals have denied and dismissed this idea from the start: The mainstream media, Anthony Fauci, and Big Tech companies have refused to even consider the possibility. One New York Times reporter called the theory “racist” as recently as Wednesday.
We can’t trust Communist China: It has long lied about the coronavirus. For weeks, China told everyone that the virus wasn’t contagious. Beijing pressured doctors to lie about the severity of the virus. It repeatedly denied the world access to critical data—including information about the first confirmed cases and data from Wuhan’s lab logs. And the Chinese Communist Party has denied all possibility of a lab leak while circulating claims that the U.S. military started the pandemic.
We also can’t trust the United Nations: Last March, as the pandemic raced across the world, the Trump administration pushed for the UN Security Council to recognize that the virus started in China. But the UN body caved to pressure from China and refused to do so. Then the WHO helped China hide the truth. It let the Communist regime control and distort its “investigation” into the virus’s origins by withholding crucial data, resulting in a biased report that dismissed a lab leak as “extremely unlikely.”
What changed? This week, the Wall Street Journal shed more light on the lab-leak theory and caused many on the far left to reverse course in their denial of it. The report revealed that three researchers from a Wuhan lab got sick with COVID-like symptoms in November of 2019—a month before China claims the first coronavirus case arose. The Wuhan lab has a long history of studying coronaviruses, including the closest known relative to the current strain.
Even Joe Biden is now backtracking: In January, Biden’s team reportedly shut down a Trump-initiated inquiry into how the virus began, despite the fact that it had produced telling details about a potential lab leak. But now that taboo over the theory has lifted, Biden’s trying to cover his tracks by calling for another investigation.
Republicans are demanding answers: On Wednesday, the Senate passed a GOP-led bill requiring Biden to declassify coronavirus information. In March, Representatives Cathy Rodgers (R-WA), Brett Guthrie (R-KY), and Morgan Griffith (R-VA) sent a letter to the National Institutes of Health requesting documents that detail the agency’s work with Wuhan labs. Earlier this month, these leaders asked the Biden administration to release documents concerning the origins of the virus. And Representative Mike Gallagher (R-WI) called on Dr. Fauci to answer how much federal funding has gone to the Wuhan lab, and whether it has supported dangerous research. As his letter states:
“Understanding the cause of this pandemic—and ensuring that something like it never happens again—is the most important question facing the world today. Given the stakes, we cannot afford to settle for a limited, blinkered, or politicized understanding of the origin of this terrible disease.” – Representative Mike Gallagher
It’s time to get to the bottom of where the coronavirus came from, and why. That means Biden needs to stop letting his obsession with reversing Trump’s policies get in the way of making smart decisions that could save lives.
Mainstream media, now embarrassingly forced to follow President Biden’s policy and abruptly reverse course on the Wuhan lab leak theory – after branding and ridiculing it as a conspiracy theory for months – are working to downplay the importance of censorship around the topic that was enforced until just a few days ago.
One would think it would be hard to find a single person who has been through more than a year of lockdowns and myriads of restrictions who would not be interested to learn what the virus is and where it came from...
While briefly paying lip service to the importance of discovering the origin of the virus, the article’s real goal is to convince its readers to change the topic. Forced to eat their own words, this class of media are no longer calling the Wuhan theory a fringe conspiracy, but “an extraordinary claim” that is “technically possible.”
But discussing the topic is discouraged as no less than “a distraction from the rest of the urgent work governments and health agencies around the world need to do in order to end this pandemic and prepare for the next one” – while at the same time calling for vaccination efforts to be doubled.
And as scientists who have tried to study the origin of coronavirus, including the possibility that it was artificially created, are finally getting a chance to speak after being censored and ostracized for a long time – mainstream media are scrambling to adjust to the new reality around the topic.
The New York Times has already done its U-turn, reporting on Friday that US intelligence agencies have a large amount of evidence concerning the Wuhan lab – but one of its reporters, Apoorva Mandavilli, didn’t get the memo immediately.
On the same day President Biden announced an investigation, Mandavilli tweeted, “Someday we will stop talking about the lab leak theory and maybe even admit its racist roots. But alas, that day is not yet here” – only to quickly delete the post after receiving backlash for making the claim that it was “racist” to consider the possibility that the virus was engineered by humans.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology – now believed by many to be a potential source for COVID-19 – collaborated on scientific research with the premier Xinjiang paramilitary force sanctioned by the U.S. government for “serious human rights abuses” against Uyghurs.
The revelation follows increased scrutiny over Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) for funding research on bat coronaviruses at the controversial lab and sending scientists to advise on risky gain-of-function research. In addition to funneling taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, whose website previously listed the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a research partner, Fauci’s agency can now be linked to funding an entity collaborating with the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC).
EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 'has NO credible natural ancestor' and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with 'retro-engineering' to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims
An explosive new study claims researchers found 'unique fingerprints' in COVID-19 samples that they say could only have arisen from manipulation in a laboratory
DailyMail.com exclusively obtained the new 22-page paper authored by British Professor Angus Dalgleish and Norwegian scientist Dr. Birger Sørensen set to be published in the Quarterly Review of Biophysics Discovery
The study showed there's evidence to suggest Chinese scientists created the virus while working on a Gain of Function project in a Wuhan lab
Gain of Function research, which was temporarily outlawed in the US, involves altering naturally-occurring viruses to make them more infectious in order to study their potential effects on humans
According to the paper, Chinese scientists took a natural coronavirus 'backbone' found in Chinese cave bats and spliced onto it a new 'spike', turning it into the deadly and highly transmissible COVID-19
The researchers, who concluded that COVID-19 'has no credible natural ancestor', also believe scientists reverse-engineered versions of the virus to cover up their tracks
'We think that there have been retro-engineered viruses created,' Dalgleish told DailyMail.com. 'They've changed the virus, then tried to make out it was in a sequence years ago.'
The study also points to 'deliberate destruction, concealment or contamination of data' in Chinese labs and notes that 'scientists who wished to share their findings haven't been able to do so or have disappeared'
Until recently, most experts had staunchly denied the origins of the virus were anything other than a natural infection leaping from animals to humans
Earlier this week, Dr. Anthony Fauci defended US funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, saying the $600,000 grant was not approved for Gain of Function research
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This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.
There should be nothing else in the headlines, only this.
Fauci has a long history of funding gain-of-function research to facilitate the creation of viruses which can be used to sell vaccines for large profits.
Anyone who has read a decent mystery novel will see the means, motive, and opportunity were all there. It's obvious in retrospect.
Until Fauci is in jail, we are all in danger of his doing it again, and again, and again, or having some minion like Daszak do it. Why is there no official investigation going on?
As RFK Jr. put it: "A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid." https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly/status/1685830247139168256