Fauci Created The Virus To Sell The Murderous "Vaccine", Then Blocked Cheap Lifesaving Drugs

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2021 May 23, 12:00pm   127,787 views  947 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

How come this fact is not at the top of "alternative" press? The corporate press is of course part of Fauci's murderous corruption.

This is perhaps the greatest crime against humanity ever committed by a small group of people: Fauci, Daszak, and the Bat-lady in Wuhan.


There should be nothing else in the headlines, only this.

Fauci has a long history of funding gain-of-function research to facilitate the creation of viruses which can be used to sell vaccines for large profits.

Anyone who has read a decent mystery novel will see the means, motive, and opportunity were all there. It's obvious in retrospect.

Until Fauci is in jail, we are all in danger of his doing it again, and again, and again, or having some minion like Daszak do it. Why is there no official investigation going on?

As RFK Jr. put it: "A $200 billion enterprise would’ve collapsed if Fauci had admitted that Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin were effective against covid." https://twitter.com/DiedSuddenly/status/1685830247139168256

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866   Patrick   2025 Jan 20, 10:48pm  


Will “Joe Biden” wave his pardon wand over Tony Fauci, Francis Collins, Scott Gottlieb, Deborah Birx, Rochelle Walensky, and dozens of other public health officials who sprung the Covid-19 operation and the deadly vaccinations on the country? Or Ralph Baric, hunkered out of sight in his Carolina lab? You realize, of course, that the orgy of illness and death from that is hardly over. For four years under “JB” the truth has been obfuscated and buried, because none of those characters has really had to answer for anything.
867   RC2006   2025 Jan 21, 5:44am  

Isn't his security details paid by government, if so pull that. This guy should be looking over his shoulder hiding in fear for the rest of his life.
868   Patrick   2025 Jan 21, 9:30am  

Good point. Trump could do that.

I bet he won't though. Trump consistently supports more mRNA development and never even gives a hint that he might be aware of its extreme danger.
869   Patrick   2025 Jan 21, 10:53am  


Fauci’s pardon cleared the way for something arguably more important.

Listen carefully: Fauci did not work alone. For years, Fauci has covered for a small army of co-conspirators, fellow scientists at the NIH and elsewhere, Fauci’s arms and legs, who carried out his evil schemes (and who aren’t 84 years old).

And who did not get pardons.

Consider all the NIH scientists who made millions from covid shot patents and who have never disclosed that conflict of interest. Think about UNC Professor Ralph Baric, who helped design the spike protein. Think about treasonous EcoHealth CEO Peter Daszak and everyone else on EcoHealth’s board, who all helped engineer the disastrous bioweapon in lockstep with the Communist Chinese military.

None of those people got pardons. And they all need jail cells. In a perverse way, Fauci’s pardon clears him off the deck, exposing the next crime layer down, a layer including the people who actually did the dirty work. With the human cockroach out of the picture, rightly or wrongly, we can now pursue Fauci’s many co-conspirators, who are just as guilty than he is, if not more so. And there are a lot of them.
870   Patrick   2025 Jan 21, 11:20am  


Rand Paul: Fauci Pardon "Seals the Deal" That He Was Behind COVID

Sen. Rand Paul says President Biden giving the doctor immunity shows he was responsible for the pandemic.

Ever since the COVID-19 pandemic broke out worldwide in early 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci has been at the center of it.

Five years later, with 20 million dead worldwide, with so many questions unanswered officially about the origins of the virus, who might have been behind it, who might have funded it, who got it right and who got it wrong during the massive shutdowns and lockdowns of American society and beyond…

No one has been held accountable.

Senator Rand Paul has said it has been Fauci who must be held accountable. ...

Preemptive pardons - pardoning people who haven’t even been charged with or found guilty of a crime yet - is unprecedented in American politics.

Unprecedented and unconstitiutional.
871   Patrick   2025 Jan 21, 11:22am  


Anthony Fauci, the country's highest-paid and most corrupt federal employee, is at the center of the massive deep-state corruption of the 2020s.

He has had the gall to lie to Congress and gaslight the US population, in his last-ditch efforts to clear his name of all of his wrongdoings. Fauci’s repetitive lies have resulted in many deaths. No faction of the US government should be strong enough to protect a criminal like this.

If Fauci is not arrested for his crimes, this will send a dangerous message to the world. All of the actions that governments committed under the guise of public health were atrocious and pseudoscientific, and we need to send a very clear message that our constitution and medical freedoms will never be violated in the future. If not, then we can only expect worse things in the future.
872   HeadSet   2025 Jan 21, 12:55pm  

Patrick says

Unprecedented and unconstitiutional.

Ford pardoned Nixon with a “full, free and absolute” pardon for any crimes Nixon committed while in office.
873   Patrick   2025 Jan 21, 1:45pm  

The lack of specificity still seems unconstitutional to me.
874   Patrick   2025 Jan 21, 1:55pm  


Almost immediately after Biden signed the pardons, conservatives vowed to haul Fauci in to Congress to answer questions about his response to the pandemic.

'If there was ever any doubt as to who bears responsibility for the COVID pandemic, Biden's pardon of Fauci forever seals the deal,' said Sen. Rand Paul, who previously referred the doctor to the DOJ for prosecution.

'As Chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee I will not rest until the entire truth of the coverup is exposed,' the Kentucky Republican continued. 'Fauci's pardon will only serve as an accelerant to pierce the veil of deception.'

'Ignominious! Anthony Fauci will go down in history as the first government scientist to be preemptively pardoned for a crime.'

Many X users also accused Fauci of murder as they raged against the pardon.

'Anthony Fauci was pardoned by Joe Biden because he's guilty of murder,' anti-transgender advocate Riley Gaines posted. 'That's it. That's the tweet.'
875   HeadSet   2025 Jan 21, 2:21pm  

Patrick says

The lack of specificity still seems unconstitutional to me.

I agree, but Ford set the precedence with his blanket pardon of Nixon for "any" crimes committed for the "entire time" Nixon was in office.
878   Patrick   2025 Jan 22, 3:25pm  


First came the ‘vaccine solution’…
…then came the disease

The ‘vaccine solution’ was in the pipeline in mid-January 2020… when there was no ‘pandemic declaration’ in sight.
Here’s an admission from Trump in mid-March 2020, during 15-Days-to-Slow-the-Spread.

The genetic sequence of the virus was first published in January… we've reached human trials for the vaccine just eight weeks later. ...

“… I repeat January 13th, 2020.”
The President’s Moderna start date - January 13, 2020 - was later confirmed by none other than Ivanka Trump, ahead of the rollout…

Here’s the SEC link for Moderna’s timeline…

On January 13, 2020, the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Moderna’s infectious disease research team finalized the sequence for mRNA-1273, the Company’s vaccine against the novel coronavirus.

It’s astounding that a ‘vaccine solution’ for 7 billion people was being developed after a handful of purported ‘cases’ in China — and months before a ‘pandemic’ was declared.

Looking at it another way…

Operation Warp Speed was actually underway (but unannounced) on 13 January 2020 - a week before the first ‘case’ was reported in the United States!

“… a low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine”
Also at the Pentagon media event on 5 March 2020 - in contrast to all the tough talk about “products that'll protect the citizens of the world” - US Army infectious disease specialist, Nelson Michael, reassured the American public that they were dealing with “a low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine”!

So… why was a ‘vaccine solution’ being developed for 7 billion people by experts for something they classified as “a low risk infection… even in the absence of a vaccine”?

“… a military project from the very beginning.”
President Trump’s pick for Secretary of Health and Human Services this time round was very definite about the COVID biodefense-industrial racket in an interview in May 2023.

They were manufactured by military contractors.

And basically, Pfizer and Moderna were paid to put their stamps on those vaccines as if they came from the pharmaceutical industry. But, you know, that's not what they were doing.

They were coming from, you know… this was a military project from the beginning.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr - May 2023

Time for transparency from Trump…
With Trump’s second term underway, it’s time to drill down and demand answers about the US-led COVID Op.
879   Ceffer   2025 Jan 22, 4:08pm  

Strange how all these promised 'vaccines' for artificially lab generated pathogens and 'cancer cures' turn into democides by vaccines and turbo cancers.

882   Patrick   2025 Jan 23, 11:18am  


Notably, the pardon was backdated to 2014—years before SARS-CoV-2 first emerged.

This effectively shields Fauci all they way back to the very beginning of COVID, when, as director of the NIH, he oversaw a grant awarded to EcoHealth Alliance, a U.S.-based nonprofit research group led by Peter Daszak. The grant funded research on bat coronaviruses, including gain-of-function experiments with Shi Zheng-Li, a virologist at the Wuhan Institute, despite a federal moratorium on such research at the time. ...

Fauci’s NIH supported gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2017 and 2018—despite a federal ban on funding such experiments from 2014 to 2017.
884   Patrick   2025 Jan 24, 1:19pm  


Schulz said he could understand Biden wanted to protect his family members, many of whom have been accused of corruption, fraud, bribery, and influence peddling.

However, he noted that it was alarming to discover that Fauci, who claims he did nothing wrong while he served as Biden’s White House chief medical advisor during the Covid pandemic, would take a pardon as one of the former president’s final acts.

As Schulz noted, if Fauci is innocent and has nothing to hide, he could have refused the controversial pardon.

During a recent podcast conversation, Schulz said, “I understand pardoning the family… but Fauci?”

He continued by noting that Fauci “could say he didn’t want the pardon and he didn’t do anything wrong, but he took the pardon.”

“Now you’re guilty!” Schulz said of Fauci.
892   Patrick   2025 Jan 27, 1:22pm  


Department of Health Admitted:

- Anthony Fauci was ILLEGALLY APPOINTED along with 14 other people
- Those 14 people were in large part responsible for sweeping mandates of control issued from December, 2021 to March of 2023
- These are people who were not supposed to have control, taking control and telling the whole country what they had to do during this time
- They spent $26 billion when they didn't have the legal right to

If people were adversely affected by the choices of the Department of HHS, this should open up a lot of lawsuits against the United States government. This includes businesses that had to close, people that had extreme distress, whether it be physical or emotional.

None of this should have happened, it was all ILLEGAL. We were lied to about everything, those who coordinated this need to go to prison

5:38 AM · Jan 25, 2025

Not from Barron himself I think, but still all valid points.
893   Patrick   2025 Jan 27, 7:24pm  

Tucker talking to Taibbi about how Fauci created the virus to push the mRNA death jabs.

900   Patrick   2025 Feb 2, 1:43pm  


During a press briefing, Leavitt dropped the hammer on both the media and former President Joe Biden’s administration for suppressing information on the virus’s origins.

She pointed out that when Trump initially suggested in 2020 that COVID-19 “very well may have” come from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, mainstream media outlets were quick to dismiss it.

“Many members in this very room mocked him for that, said he was spewing conspiracy theories. He was not,” Leavitt stated.

“We now know that to be the confirmable truth.

“It took many years for it to come out, but the president was right in this instance again.” ...

For years, Democrats, the media, and Big Tech actively worked to dismiss and suppress discussions on the possibility that COVID-19 originated from a lab.

Social media platforms labeled such claims as “misinformation” or “disinformation” and removed posts suggesting a lab leak, while media outlets insisted the virus had a natural origin.

As such, independent media outlets, including Slay News, who reported on the lab leak theory were smeared and accused of spreading “disinformation.”

Despite mounting evidence, whistleblower accounts, and intelligence findings pointing to a lab leak, the Biden administration remained largely silent on the issue.

OK, it's good that the truth about Fauci's creation of the virus in Wuhan is getting more press, but there is still an absolute media blackout on the millions of deaths caused by the mandated mRNA injections.
902   Patrick   2025 Feb 3, 9:46pm  


NAFO in full-on panic mode over USAID going down. Why is that?

Replying to @JackPosobiec
The real story here isn't about the USAID. This is just a smokescreen.

@DrDMartinWorld reveals the FIRE.
The real scandal is that while @elonmusk exposed that $53 million of our taxpayer dollars was sent to a Wuhan, China lab through USAID for COVID-19... a staggering $500 million of US taxpayer funds were funneled through DARPA, NIH, and NIAID to the University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, led by Ralph Baric, to create the COVID-19 biological weapon.

Let that sink in.

To clarify, here in the USA, Ralph Baric's North Carolina Chapel Hill's gain-of-function research lab led and architected the COVID-19 biological weapon.

Don't let them keep this under wraps. They don't want you to find out. They don't want you to know that COVID was created HERE in the USA with your TAXPAYER money.


It happened right here in the United States at our college campuses. And it happened WITH YOUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS!!!

Right now, 67 bioweapons labs at American Universities are actively conducting gain-of-function research. @realDonaldTrump please IMMEDIATELY place a MORATORIUM to END ALL GAIN-OF-FUNCTION research in the United States.
903   iloveCefferMemes   2025 Feb 4, 1:43am  

Patrick says

To clarify, here in the USA, Ralph Baric's North Carolina Chapel Hill's gain-of-function research lab led and architected the COVID-19 biological weapon.

Baric sent his transgenic mice with human lung receptors to Wuhan, in 2014

Ralph Baric was elected into the National Academy of Sciences in 2021. Category: Microbial Biology

National Academy of Sciences members nominate, and elect their friends, Birds of a feather.

Richard Feynman was elected, and quit their Club. He's no longer recognized by the National Academy of Sciences.
904   gabbar   2025 Feb 4, 6:28am  

Once people feel empowered and protected legally, you are going to have schools, universities and colleges are going to say, “You want to come to this college buddy? You’re going to get vaccinated. Lady, you’re going to get vaccinated.” Big corporations like Amazon and Facebook and all of those others are going to say, “You want to work for us? Get vaccinated” And it’s been proven that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit and they get vaccinated. - Anthony Fauci Testimony
905   Patrick   2025 Feb 4, 9:53am  

That testimony alone is a valid reason to hang Fauci.

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