The best way to fight wokeness: Take your children out of government schools

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2021 Jun 9, 5:36pm   115,457 views  807 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


The most frequent question people pose to me is: What can I/we do to fight back against the nihilistic anti-American destruction of virtually all the country’s major institutions?

There is an answer.

The single best thing Americans can do to counter the left-wing attack on America—against its freedoms, its schools, its families, its children, its governmental institutions, its sports, its news and entertainment media, its medical establishment, the CIA, the FBI, the State Department, and the military—is to take their children out of America’s schools.

Other than in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), the vast majority of America’s elementary schools, high schools, colleges, and universities teach your child or grandchild almost nothing important; prematurely sexualize them, thereby robbing them of their innocence; and harm them intellectually and morally. They rarely teach them, for example, art or music because they are too busy teaching them race-centered hatred of whites, of America, and of America’s values.

Sending your children to most American schools is playing Russian roulette with their values—but unlike the gun in Russian roulette, which has a bullet in only one of its six chambers, the schools’ guns hold four or five bullets.

In many elementary schools, your child is taught that gender is chosen and that there is no difference between boys and girls (in a growing number of schools, the teachers are told not to call their students “boys and girls”); they are taught about masturbation; and many children from first grade on attend “Drag Queen Story Hour,” wherein an obvious man wearing women’s clothing, garish makeup, and a wig entertains them.

Given that all this is well-known, why do any non-left—meaning, liberal or conservative—parents send their children to American schools?

One reason is they are in denial. Many parents don’t want to know what their children are being taught and the consequent damage done to them. They don’t really believe schools will ruin their children, let alone their children’s relationship with them.

These parents should speak to any of the millions—yes, millions—of Americans whose children have contempt for America, for free speech, and for their parents as a result of attending an American college or even high school. I meet such people at every speech I give, and I speak to them regularly on my radio show. Ask these parents, if they could redo their lives, whether they would keep their child in school.

A second reason is they feel they have no choice. If they remove their child from the local public or private school (most private schools are just as committed to anti-American indoctrination over education as public schools), what will they do with their child? They often can’t find a local school that doesn’t harm their child. They can’t necessarily even rely on Christian or Jewish schools. Most of them are as “woke” as most secular schools. And if they do find a school that teaches rather than poisons, they may not be able to afford the tuition.

The only other option, then, is to homeschool one’s child. The problem is that many parents assume this is essentially impossible. For one thing, they assume that one of the parents would have to leave his or her work, which would mean a serious reduction in the family’s income. In addition, homeschooling strikes most people as simply too daunting a task, even if they could afford to take it on.

Neither fear is entirely justified. It’s true that, at least at the outset, a working parent may have to cut back from full-time work, and it’s true that no matter what the family’s financial condition, there are challenges to taking one’s children out of school and homeschooling them.

But given the low intellectual state of most American schools, the damage they do to young children’s innocence, and the anti-American, anti-white, anti-Western indoctrination in most schools, if you are a parent of school-age children, what is your choice?

Other than a) finding a good school that b) you can afford, you have no other choice. You are fooling yourself if you think the odds are that after attending American schools from kindergarten through college (not to mention through graduate school), your child will turn out well-educated, intellectually alive, rational, kind, happy, well-adjusted, grateful to be American, and respectful of you and your values.

While there are some wonderful young Americans who recently attended American schools, and there are some lost souls who were homeschooled, American schools are largely producing the following:

Poorly educated students. Ask your college son or daughter to diagram a sentence; identify Joseph Stalin, “The Gulag Archipelago,” or the Soviet Union; name the branches of the American government; identify—or just spell—Beethoven; date the Civil War; identify the Holocaust; and name which sentence is correct—“He gave the book to my friend and me” or “He gave the book to my friend and I.”

Angry young people. Why wouldn’t they be? First, they graduate college with a huge load of debt, having received almost nothing useful for their money. Second, if they are anything other than a white heterosexual Christian male, they have been taught to regard themselves as victims of oppression. Third, their future is so bleak they may not even have one: They are threatened with extinction by climate change.

The single best thing Americans can do to fight the left-wing destruction of the country is to withdraw from the “educational” system that is actively and deliberately miseducating them by the tens of millions. If millions of American parents did so, the country would turn around as fast as you could say “teachers unions.” If they don’t, their children will continue being used as guinea pigs in the left’s sick and dystopian experiment.

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201   Patrick   2022 Jan 17, 8:08pm  


How to Reign In Rogue School Districts
It's time put the education system in its place

Bill Hennessy

... I didn’t read the story and didn’t have to. Neither do you. If you’re a parent or a taxpayer, you know that most public school districts are out of control. They are run by boards that do little for education but a lot of the education industry.

They buy unproven learning systems from big publishers at extremely high cost

They hire consultants who make things worse

They hire superintendents with political agendas to impose the community

They act like the teachers’ unions are their bosses

That Fox News headline says it all: Democrats say parents and taxpayers should give them their money and shut up.

No more.

It’s time to start a two-pronged attack to take back the schools.

Take Over School Boards

First, make your local school board election the most important race in your life. Stop trying to fix Washington DC before you fix the school down the street. It’s much easier to get a few thousand neighbors to show up and vote than to get a few million people in states you’ve never visited to vote.

Many of my readers live in Rockwood School District, which is a national disaster. Two candidates for Rockwood Schools stand out:

Izzy Imig, a true war hero originally from Iraq who understands the threats the current board’s policies pose. She is a natural fighter who will put parents and taxpayers back in charge.


Jessica Clark is a fearless fighter for American values rooted in strong families and great schools. She has seen Rockwood drift away from the community’s values and will use the power you give her to restore order and decency to Rockwood.


I have met both of these women. They are fighting to win and go out of their way to meet the voters. But they can’t do it alone.

Great candidates need great support. Conservatives have a history of ignoring April elections and ignoring school board elections. That’s exactly how we got into the mess we’re in.

Tell your friends and neighbors Rockwood needs Izzy and Jessica. We need them now. And they need you on April 5.

Property Tax Rollbacks

The second prong to the battle is property tax rollbacks.

School districts gone bad used your money to do it. They use your money to stock pornography in school libraries. They use your money to buy bad, theoretical, and unproven learning systems with which to miseducate your kids.

Worse, they use your money to fund campaigns to raise your taxes.


Taxpayers need to start initiative campaigns to roll back property taxes. Starve the beast.

Taxpayers have every right to impose their will on the schools they commissioned and fund. Don’t let Democrats tell you otherwise.

Putting a property tax rollback initiative on a future ballot will consume 100% of the district’s staff’s attention. Just getting enough petition signatures to put a rollback on the ballot will do wonders. You won’t hear superintendents saying parents should have no voice in education with 20% pay cut headed his way.

I know it sounds harsh to impose one’s will on another, but every employee of a school district is serving at the leisure of the taxpayers. When a district gets out of line, it is the right and the duty of the people to smack it back into shape, and nothing gets an education administrator’s attention like a loss of funds. They’re coin-operated.

Start Today

Find out the date of your next school board election.

Meet the candidates.

Pick one excellent candidate for each open position.

Fund that candidate.

Tell your neighbors.

Put up yard signs.

202   Patrick   2022 Jan 19, 6:20am  


Why we pulled our kids out of public school
And you should too
203   Patrick   2022 Jan 20, 10:06am  


Systemic child abuse in the age of Covid

We’ve instilled a constant, low-grade fear into children that will affect them for the rest of their lives ...

It’s particularly hard to justify this one: the Ronald McDonald House in Vancouver, Canada is soon to evict all unvaccinated patients and visitors over five years old and up, including cancer patients. In Massachusetts, police dogs have recently been employed to sniff out Covid inside schools in order to locate the “diseased” children. At another school, a woman said her daughter got detention after being “caught” with her mask pulled to her chin in the bathroom. No breaks allowed for the mask mafia. ...

Scientific American reports masks are detrimental barriers to babies’ speech and language development and the National Institute of Health reports that masks hinder emotional development as well. On top of that, dentists are reporting a downturn in dental hygiene thanks to “mask mouth” — and just imagine the impact masks have had on the deaf community at large, not to mention deaf children who need to learn to read lips to survive and thrive in life. All of this data comes with the 2022 confirmation from the scientific community that “cloth masks are not effective” in fighting Covid. Yet schools continue to require them and people keep wearing them as if such barriers are doing anything more than marinading in kid spit and causing adult acne. ...

If you want to talk about systemic oppression, talk about this: the systemic abuse of children in the name of Covid-19. The consequences will haunt us for a lifetime.
204   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 20, 6:05pm  

Another way is to create a comprehensive, pro-American history and culture class.

Then have the STATE make it required to get a Teaching Certificate. Teachers must then send in Fingerprints and sign an affidavit promising to keep to the principles and curriculum outlined in the Pro-American course as a condition of being licensed.

205   Patrick   2022 Jan 20, 11:03pm  

I like it.
206   Patrick   2022 Jan 21, 8:01am  


Unjabbed students at the New West Charter school in Los Angeles are separated from the rest of the school with tape.
208   Patrick   2022 Jan 24, 8:13am  


Jordan Peterson has left his professorial post at the University of Toronto. He announced his departure with characteristic blunt honesty in Canada’s National Post.

Peterson first came to my attention in 2016, as he did for many, for his refusal to bow to demands to use novel pronouns preferred by the transgendered. For this, he was denounced as a bigot, his university threatened his career, his speaking events were disrupted, all done under the cloak of civility: all transgender people wanted was respect, to be addressed as who they were. How dare Peterson be so uncivil?

Lost in the shrieking winds that enveloped him was his basic point: it’s no longer civility when it’s backed up by the force of law. Civility is no longer on the table when you can be thrown in jail for an opinion. The proliferation of pronouns at the bottom of email signatures everywhere is silent testimony to the iron fist inside the velvet glove.
209   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 24, 9:30am  

The same people who wear "Jesus is a C&&T" shirts, demand you address people by their pronouns in the name of Civility.
210   Patrick   2022 Jan 25, 9:34pm  


in praise of lawn darts
the basis for a civilization of free people resides in the skills that children learn from the benign neglect of unsupervised play in an un-nerfed world

I don't know if it was overprotective mothers or greedy lawyers. Probably both sets sucked all the fun out of America.
211   Patrick   2022 Jan 26, 8:15am  


Banning critical race theory in schools isn’t enough
Just as conservatives changed the courts, so too do they need to overhaul the education system
213   Patrick   2022 Jan 26, 5:15pm  


Stop Teachers Unions from Pushing the Covid Vaccine Mandate.

Did you know the Teachers Union donates millions of dollars to political campaigns and is a prime driver in the vaccine mandates for school aged children? This campaign is aimed to urge the heads of Teacher’s Unions in CA and across the country to say NO to vaccine mandates for K-12 children.

There’s no doubt that you or someone you love has been affected by the Covid-19 vaccine mandates. The pandemic has many living in a state of fear. Lockdowns, masks, and vaccines are a pervasive part of everyday life. But, what about our children? What about how this all affects them?

According to the CDC children are at a statistically 0% risk of serious illness or death from Covid. The CDC also acknowledges, the vaccines do not prevent infection or transmission of the virus. Vaccine efficacy against Omicron is down to 27%, far below the 50% threshold required for FDA approval. Therefore, there is no need to vaccinate children against Covid.

On the other hand, there have been 41 reported deaths after COVID-19 vaccine among children aged 0 to 17. There have also been 602 reports of myocarditis and pericarditis among and 51 reported cases of blood clotting disorders among children. It is evident that these vaccines carry serious risks for children.

Vaccine mandates override the right to provide informed consent for this medical intervention by not allowing patients or parents to make their own decisions. Considering the low Covid-related risks for healthy children, the risks associated with the vaccine, declining vaccine efficacy against new variants, the protection from any liability for vaccine manufacturers, it should absolutely be the right of every parent to decide whether to vaccinate their child.

Many school districts are requiring the Covid-19 vaccines and soon will likely mandate boosters for in person learning. Children in CA have already been forced out of schools due to mandates.

This is a crucial time in our Nation’s history. People across the globe are raising their voices and fighting for individual rights and freedoms and are mounting resistance to vaccine mandates and other coercive and ineffective pandemic measures. With less than a minute of your time you can take a single step and make a powerful impact! Join us in the fight against the k-12 student Covid Vaccine Mandate.


215   Misc   2022 Jan 28, 9:47pm  

Yes, looks like a job at McDonalds is in the future for those college graduates.
216   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 29, 11:01am  

Replace an Ed Week Subscriber on your School Board, with an Epoch Times Subscriber.
217   Onvacation   2022 Jan 29, 11:17am  

Patrick says
I don't know if it was overprotective mothers or greedy lawyers.

Those lawn darts were deadly! Much worse than the BB guns, boomerangs, and Bows and arrows we also played with.
218   Patrick   2022 Jan 30, 8:43pm  


by Romo1979
Posted onJanuary 30, 2022

Man, what is it about Jewish lesbians? It’s a triple whammy: The wokery of Jews, the wokery of women, and the wokery of homosexuals. This week’s Sapphic insanity belongs to Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

Often at this point I would translate stuff from Latin about harpies and furies and Stygian beasts, but sometimes a picture is indeed a thousand words:

There she is: All about Covidianism, all about BLM, all about the cult of St. George.

Despite being Jewish, Weingarten is the complete opposite of Janusz Korczak, the magnificent teacher who could have saved himself, yet jumped into the gas chambers after his students.

Weingarten is quite another character: At any given opportunity where minor risks to teachers are weighed against the benefit to students, she chooses the former. Her choice is ever to close down schools, shut down education, and cater to the baseless fears of her hysterical union members. For instance, here.

But that’s nothing new. What is new is that Weingarten now promotes, as the official policy of the AFT, that all its members and their students receive online information through the lens of something called “NewsGuard”. Apparantly it is a browser plug-in that uses a traffic light feature to indicate what information is kosher and what is not. Or in the words of the AFT:

“For years, educators have fought battles against suspect sourcing, with their students often misled by dubious outlets and spam sites posing as “news.” NewsGuard offers a practical solution, alerting students and educators to those sites while also providing a valuable lesson in media literacy.”

Now, we know how to read through these leftist platitudes, don’t we folks? “Spam” here clearly means conservative and right-leaning information, and “media literacy” means Wokery. And indeed, a study by the Media Research Center demonstrates NewGuard to be heavily biased against right-leaning websites.

So not only is Weingarten not willing to jump after the children to the bitter end, she insists on indoctrinating them first.

And thus she wins this week’s Jews Bevaving Badly Award, and with it a generous kick from Balaam’s donkey.

How very educational.
220   Patrick   2022 Jan 31, 8:05pm  


Parents are sick and tired of schools claiming they don’t teach Critical Race Theory (CRT), and yet these schools are using its teachings as the malignant undertone in every lesson. The rallying cry is the demand for schools to be transparent in their curriculum. After all, if you’ve got nothing to hide, then why would you fight the call for honest and open knowledge of curriculum and lesson plans?

Naturally, the left-wing activists in the media, school boards, and school staff have fired back with a push for less transparency. They don’t believe parents should have a say in their children’s education. If they are teaching your kids, then the kids belong to the state. Parents who object are no better than domestic terrorists, to quote the infamous NSBA letter.
221   AmericanKulak   2022 Jan 31, 8:43pm  

For all of human history, in every culture:
"My child, if an unrelated adult speaks to you of sex, run and tell us immediately."

Teachers Unions, 2015-
"My child, as an unrelated adult, I speak to you of sex, do not run, and do not tell your parents."
222   Patrick   2022 Feb 1, 12:41pm  


The Educational Freedom Act not only allows parents to determine the school they believe is best for their kids (private, home school, parochial or public), but has language to specifically prevent mandates (like masks) that have nothing to do with good education and actually harm our kids, their future and us.

But before the Educational Freedom Act can become a reality though, we must collect more than a million signatures.

Can we count on you and your family commit to join this battle for educational freedom NOW? Will you help us put pressure on Newsom as he gears up for re-election? Click on the button below to join the fight. The next battle can only be won with your help.

225   HeadSet   2022 Feb 6, 9:33am  

Anyone know if they lifted the mask mandates now that the Superintendent no longer has the "Northam has tied my hands " excuse?
226   stereotomy   2022 Feb 6, 10:32am  

The NYS suprememe court has ruled mask mandates unconstitutional. Yah - not so fast, NYS appealed, and the decision has been stayed on appeal.

Fuck NYS (JYS)!
229   Patrick   2022 Feb 9, 7:21pm  


Sign the Petition Today
Every child deserves a choice of the school they attend—the education they receive.
We mean everyone.
And that is only possible with
“The Educational Freedom Act”
More than two years in the drafting, the Educational Freedom Act treats everyone in California equally. Parents of every Californian child have the freedom to spend $14,000 provided by the State of California at a school of their choice—no matter how much money they make.
231   Patrick   2022 Feb 10, 2:31pm  


Sign the Petition Today
Every child deserves a choice of the school they attend—the education they receive.
We mean everyone.
And that is only possible with
“The Educational Freedom Act”
More than two years in the drafting, the Educational Freedom Act treats everyone in California equally. Parents of every Californian child have the freedom to spend $14,000 provided by the State of California at a school of their choice—no matter how much money they make.
232   gabbar   2022 Feb 11, 5:29am  

Governments want efficient technicians, not human beings, because human beings become dangerous to governments and to organized religions as well. That is why governments and religious organizations seek to control education. - Jiddu Krishnamurti, Education and the Significance of Life
233   Patrick   2022 Feb 11, 11:46am  

Shannon Joy
Private Security team ASSAULTS a tax paying citizen for the Webster, NY school district at a Board of Ed meeting. Police stand by and WATCH. Absolutely insane.

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