by Eric Holder ➕follow (5) 💰tip ignore
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graduate schools like law, medicine and the hard sciences you get some bang for that buck
I gather that Biden managed to 'offend the Queen' by telling her she reminded him of his mother.
The new head chaplain at Harvard is ... an atheist 🤔
Harvard students who are looking around for off-campus housing should probably consider looking around for off-campus religion as well.
1. Which engineering branch has the most employment prospects?
I'm probably going to have my kids forgo college and just buy a trades business for what the cost of college would be for all 3
I hired two Harvard MBAs in LA. Absolutely zero entrepreneurial spirit. One had even been a previous CEO of a large company. Top dollar and no increase in business.
Once I interviewed few Ivies with CS major for coding monkey positions. She claims...
Every time your Ivy League employee fucks up, he shows you his SAT scores from high school, puts his feet up on the desk, and tells you "'nuff said". It's infuriating.
2. Will demand for computer science graduates remain stable for the next several years or will supply exceed demand (outsourcing being an issue)? Any comments about cybersecurity, data science, AI, cloud software, block chain....other emerging technologies?
educating the wealthy, connected, privileged
Interview ended with wrong answer to how many bits in a byte!
The math SAT is now just a collection of basic questions from standard math curriculum.
I remember the reset on the ACT around 1990 and again years later. I was told to add two points to the score before 1990 to get the equivalent score for the new ACT.
He reminded me of Neil deGrasse Tyson, full of shit in a way.
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