Canada is run by hypocrite globalists

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2021 Jul 12, 7:23am   3,393 views  149 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


It came as no surprise to me to see activists ‘celebrating’ Canada Day by setting fire to churches and toppling statues of Queen Elizabeth and Queen Victoria, while chanting, ‘No pride in genocide.’ ...

But calls to cancel Canada Day seem wholly misguided and typically Canadian, as did Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s response to the protests.

Trudeau dutifully said the word ‘accountability’ and commended Canadians for their bravery over the past year, participating in Zoom cocktail hours, ordering take out, and banging on pots and pans from the safety of their condos. ‘If we all pledge ourselves to doing the work,’ he said, ‘we can achieve reconciliation. We can build a better country for everyone.’

Everyone? I’m not so sure about that.

As part of their effort to build this better country for all, the Liberal party is working to push through a number of bills suppressing free speech for those who don’t identify as members of certain politicized minority groups or who are not fully on board with positions our government has deemed progressive.

Bill C-36, introduced last month, aims to tackle ‘online hate’ by amending Canada’s Criminal Code and Canadian Human Rights Act. The bill would make it a ‘discriminatory practice’ to communicate hate speech online...

The bill seems like a great way to allow unhinged people with too much time on their hands to tie up the system with endless complaints about things other people say on the internet. Kind of like the way Twitter allows aggrieved activists whose beliefs and politics represent a tiny minority of the population to determine who may say what on the platform. And kind of like the way Jonathan/Jessica Yaniv was permitted to drag a bunch of Vancouver area estheticians to the BC Human Rights Tribunal, charging women with ‘discrimination’ for their unwillingness to wax his ‘female’ balls. Giving oversensitive individuals the power to use the courts to bully others into toeing their party lines is exactly the wrong direction for Canada, especially given the institutional and cultural capture we have already witnessed in North America, where even journalists are afraid to report accurately, for fear of cancellation. ...

But ‘hate speech’ — which is a relative term — does not limit participation in debate, whereas laws against ‘hate speech’ do. Indeed, the whole point of this kind of legislation is to ensure people cannot speak freely about certain issues, groups, and ideas. ....

In The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt, wrote:

‘In a fully developed bureaucracy there is nobody left with whom one can argue, to whom one can present grievances, on whom the pressures of power can be exerted. Bureaucracy is the form of government in which everybody is deprived of political freedom, of the power to act; for the rule by Nobody is not no-rule, and where all are equally powerless, we have a tyranny without a tyrant.’ ...

Trudeau could be considered a ‘joiner’ which is how Arendt described Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi lieutenant colonel responsible for transporting countless Jews to concentration camps and their deaths. Canada’s do-good leader is not doing good — he is ruled by a desire to be viewed as ‘good’. ...

Our sex-based rights have been nullified that now a man who says he’s a woman must be accepted as such, regardless of how this identification impacts women and girls, their safe spaces, or their ability to compete in sport. A man can rape a woman yet claim to be female, and the media will report it as such, and our government will place him in a woman’s prison. Women’s reality (material, that is) no longer matters because it has been deemed hateful.

Lametti is the same man currently pushing Bill C-6 through the system, overriding the concerns of those who worry that such legislation will rush kids down the path to medical transition before they can possibly understand the long-term consequences.

Another Liberal bill, looking to be passed very soon, is Bill C-10, the Broadcasting Act reform bill, which would require social media platforms to take down content the Liberals determine to be ‘hateful’, meaning those who challenge government orthodoxy are likely to face censorship.

None of these bills aims to build a better country for all. In fact, they are incredibly harmful. This government has proven time and time again that it doesn’t care what the actual impact of its policies are, so long as they appear woke.

I am not a person who is proud to be Canadian. Not anymore, anyway. This country is run by cowards and imbeciles, and is populated by a complacent people that values its own personal comfort over the truth or doing what’s right. So excuse me for thinking that the act of canceling Canada Day is just as pointless and as narcissistic as participating in the BLM marches in Vancouver. In both cases, you are glomming on to another corporate-sponsored American movement, disconnected from Canadian practices and realities, for photo ops — all the while ignoring the dangerous laws being passed that harm women and girls. I am tired of superficial, performative activism and empty words taking center stage as fundamental rights are stolen right under our noses.

...we are ... limiting freedom of speech and expression, and encouraging activists who believe censorship, bullying, and destruction are an appropriate way to get their message across. We have a government that fears the wrath of a small number of individuals and abandons rationality and fundamental rights in order to maintain Canada’s reputation as being one of the most progressive countries in the world. Who cares about reality?

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27   Patrick   2021 Sep 7, 10:27am  


September 5, 2021
Canada’s Conservatives announce vaccine passports if they win the election
All major parties now support vaccine passports.
28   Karloff   2021 Sep 7, 10:50am  

Trudeau, in his reelection campaign a few weeks ago, promised a $1 billion COVID-19 proof-of-vaccination fund to assist provinces in developing and implementing their own systems.

But no money towards increasing hospital capacity, which has been overloaded and referred to as "hallway medicine" for 30 years now since there's insufficient rooms to keep patients in.

Lie after lie after lie. And the public doesn't question it or even notice it..

We're doomed.
29   mell   2021 Sep 7, 11:04am  

Glad we enjoyed Canada back then. No need to go there as long as they oppress their citizens and visitors
30   zzyzzx   2021 Sep 8, 8:55am  

I guess Trudeau now identifies as a black woman:

31   Karloff   2021 Sep 8, 3:26pm  

Engineer gathers Canadian hospital occupancy data through FOI request (Ontario yet to send the data, Quebec outright refuses).


I struggle to understand how across Canada we have been repeatedly told about overwhelmed hospitals, and yet there is not a single province or health region that has demonstrated a meaningful increase in hospital occupancy above historical norms.

This article doesn't even start to touch on how Provinces and Territories have had 18 months to increase hospital capacity, yet in most cases have added an insignificant number of Acute Care and ICU beds, and in some cases (I'm looking at you Alberta) they have even fewer hospital beds now than they did 5 years ago! But I'll leave that topic for another day.
32   Patrick   2021 Sep 8, 3:32pm  

This is great. That engineer should publicize this to kingdom come.

And someone should do it for America as well, as I'm sure the fraud is quite similar.
34   Patrick   2021 Sep 9, 4:26pm  


September 9, 2021
People’s Party of Canada is the only federal election candidate that opposes vaccine passports
All the other candidates either support COVID passports or haven't made a definitive statement on the issue.
35   Karloff   2021 Sep 9, 5:06pm  

Even Bernier will probably support them if he wins and they drive a dumptruck full of money up to his house. If he says no to that, he gets "the talk" and goes along.
37   Patrick   2021 Sep 14, 10:03am  


Open Letter to Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, and Premier John Horgan

We are a group of extremely concerned health professionals in the Okanagan Valley, B.C. We have some critical questions regarding COVID-19, specifically about the current reporting of case numbers, statistics, and testing, and the restrictions imposed by your health orders. While discussion of adjunctive and alternative safe and effective treatments is being stifled, the policies of mandatory experimental vaccines and vaccine passports are being forced upon our province, our country, and many other countries worldwide.

Addressing Dr. Henry, Mr. Dix and Mr. Horgan: We—as healthcare practitioners and citizens—expect and deserve answers that address these concerns directly. Proclaiming that vaccine therapies are “safe and effective” is misleading and sloganistic. The reports of vaccine injuries are increasing every day, yet are being ignored. We are witnessing an increase in Covid illness occurring in fully vaccinated individuals and, irrationally, that is being followed by a promise of mandated boosters.1 The lack of answers and the vague information being provided over the past 18+ months do not instill confidence in British Columbians.

This lack of transparency has resulted in unprecedented divisiveness amongst citizens, families and friends. There are individuals who are angry that some concerned citizens are not complying and are comparing our current circumstances to the Holocaust. While this may seem extreme, the Holocaust also began with the small removal of freedoms2, just as we are seeing today. This historical atrocity started out as a slow and seemingly innocent removal of rights by the government, but quickly morphed into media control, divisiveness between groups of people, and limitations to what one select section of society could do. In this way, the ordinary citizen easily became an enemy of the state. Today a one-sided, politically-driven narrative, which is being fuelled by politicians and the media, is causing a similar divisiveness. When only one side of the story is made available to the public, it is easy to understand how individuals can become disgruntled toward other citizens who are fighting to maintain their freedom and bodily autonomy. A political agenda is clearly being pushed here, and the refusal to address questions and concerns of healthcare practitioners and citizens of B.C. speaks volumes. We hope all of B.C. and Canada will carefully consider the information included in this document and join us in demanding clear, direct and truthful answers.
39   Ceffer   2021 Sep 18, 5:43pm  

Trudeau assassinated his brother and they never found the body. The Castro-Force is strong in him.
40   FortWayneAsNancyPelosiHaircut   2021 Sep 18, 8:45pm  

zzyzzx says
I guess Trudeau now identifies as a black woman:

it identifies as a nonbinary person of color they/them
41   Patrick   2021 Oct 3, 9:29am  


Canadian province issues new COVID rules that let gov’t seize private property
Saskatchewan officials may 'authorize the entry into any building or on any land, without warrant, by any person in the course of implementing an emergency plan.'
42   Karloff   2021 Oct 3, 10:15am  

Saskatchewan was one of the holdouts to all this tyranny not six months ago. Both Sask and Alberta were against vaxx passports, and now... well, look how things turned out. Guess they got a visit from some of the puppeteers' goons with an offer they couldn't refuse.

Note how the order affects people and livestock. Pretty soon they'll drop the implied phrase and just start referring to us all as livestock outright.

Moe’s words against the unvaccinated also included a line that, although he never wanted to “implement” a vaccine passport, his “patience has come to an end” with the un-jabbed.

More phrases from the book of the abuser. Even though they told you they weren't going to do something, you didn't do what they wanted you to do, so it's your fault they're going to do what they said they weren't going to do.
43   Patrick   2021 Oct 3, 2:55pm  

Remarkably similar to Biden promising that he would never mandate the jab, and then turning around and doing exactly that, also stating that his “patience has come to an end” with people who defend their own basic human rights.
44   Patrick   2021 Oct 4, 2:19pm  

Some good people here:


Have you had enough and would like to break your children out of their government imposed jail?
48   Booger   2021 Oct 9, 11:21am  


Trudeau Bans the Unvaccinated from Leaving the Country and from Earning a Living
49   stereotomy   2021 Oct 9, 11:25am  

Booger says

Trudeau Bans the Unvaccinated from Leaving the Country and from Earning a Living

Considering how underpopulated Canada is, this seems like the perfect plan to completely kill all the remaing Canucks so that their CCP overlords can gain lebensraum.
50   gabbar   2021 Oct 9, 4:29pm  

Patrick says
KgK one says
Canada's Tredeu had some clip going full woke, about she-session.

I saw that. My wife could not believe that the leader of any country could be that retarded.

But then, we have Joe.

I can't believe the aszhole said what he said.
51   RWSGFY   2021 Oct 9, 4:32pm  

KgK one says
Canada's Tredeu had some clip going full woke, about she-session.

Dafuq it supposed to mean?
52   Patrick   2021 Oct 15, 11:09am  


Canadians Are Protesting a Vaccine And Mask Mandate In The Most Canadian Way Possible: Holding A Street Hockey Game

Harris Rigby

Oct 14th, 2021 2:16 pm

When you're Canadian and you want to release some unbridled rage, is there any better outlet than an old-fashioned game of street hockey?

That's what these anti-mask and anti-vax protestors did today in Canada to protest the Toronto Maple Leafs' policy of not allowing unmasked and unvaxxed people into the hockey game.
55   Patrick   2021 Nov 19, 10:42pm  


This lady has been teaching for 35 years and her district just turned her away because she won't get the vaccine or comply with rapid testing

Cardinal Pritchard
Nov 18th, 2021 10:47 am
This is one of the saddest videos I've seen come out of this whole vaccine mandate nonsense.

I'm pretty sure this is out of Edmonton, Canada: ...

So people are losing jobs that they're THIS passionate about because of some vaccine mandate for a leaky vaccine.

I'll never get over how dumb this is.

Look at that lady. That's a lady I WANT teaching my kids. And that's hard to come by these days.
56   HeadSet   2021 Nov 20, 9:12am  

Patrick says
This lady has been teaching for 35 years and her district just turned her away because she won't get the vaccine or comply with rapid testing

At least she had the option for testing. We do not get that option here.
57   Patrick   2021 Nov 21, 10:21pm  


Jordan Peterson tells Canada to "man up" after the chief of the Canadian Medical Association posts a photo of her kid wearing a helmet at home in Covid isolation
59   Patrick   2021 Nov 29, 7:55pm  


In October, a lower Canadian court in Alberta ordered Pastor Artur Pawlowski, his brother Dawid, and Chris Scott, a cafe owner, to offer a “disclaimer” and include the government’s coronavirus narrative every time they criticized the government online or off. ...

The shocking original ruling was handed down by Justice Adam Germain and you can read the details here. The original judge said that, if they’re going to go against the official narrative or COVID, they have to share a disclaimer that their beliefs may not be held by medical experts when posting online.

WTF? Compelled speech?

This ridiculous violation of rights has been suspended for the moment, but I would short Canada if it were a stock.
60   RWSGFY   2021 Nov 29, 7:56pm  

Patrick says

In October, a lower Canadian court in Alberta ordered Pastor Artur Pawlowski, his brother Dawid, and Chris Scott, a cafe owner, to offer a “disclaimer” and include the government’s coronavirus narrative every time they criticized the government online or off. ...

The shocking original ruling was handed down by Justice Adam Germain and you can read the details here. The original judge said that, if they’re going to go against the official narrative or COVID, they have to share a disclaimer that their beliefs may not be held by medical experts when posting online.

WTF? Compelled speech?

This ridiculous violation of rights has been susp...

61   Patrick   2021 Dec 1, 2:04pm  


CANADA Travel Ban Orwellian Nightmare Vaccine Passport Help

Starting today, unvaccinated Canadians are not allowed to board planes or trains 😔
63   Patrick   2021 Dec 4, 7:57pm  


Malls, grocery stores, salons must enforce physical distancing or may instead require proof of vaccination from all patrons.

Denial of food for refusal to play Russian Roulette.
64   Patrick   2021 Dec 5, 8:31pm  


Children offered secret ride to vaccination clinic
5 Dec, 2021

The row began on Friday, after a Saskatchewan community organizer named Julian Wotherspoon posted a Twitter message offering to assist any 13- to 17-year-olds who wanted to get vaccinated despite opposition from their parents. “I’m your ride to the clinic,” she said. “If anyone asks, I’m taking you and my kids to a movie. Let’s do this.”

According to the Saskatchewan Health Authority, children aged 13 and older “who are able to understand the benefits and possible reactions” of a vaccine do not need a parent’s permission to be jabbed.
65   HeadSet   2021 Dec 6, 8:15am  

Patrick says
According to the Saskatchewan Health Authority, children aged 13 and older “who are able to understand the benefits and possible reactions” of a vaccine do not need a parent’s permission to be jabbed.

I wonder if they have a sheet for the kid to sign that delineates the possibility of myocarditis, etc.
66   Karloff   2021 Dec 6, 8:56am  

Patrick says

Children offered secret ride to vaccination clinic
5 Dec, 2021

The row began on Friday, after a Saskatchewan community organizer named Julian Wotherspoon posted a Twitter message offering to assist any 13- to 17-year-olds who wanted to get vaccinated despite opposition from their parents. “I’m your ride to the clinic,” she said. “If anyone asks, I’m taking you and my kids to a movie. Let’s do this.”

According to the Saskatchewan Health Authority, children aged 13 and older “who are able to understand the benefits and possible reactions” of a vaccine do not need a parent’s permission to be jabbed.

I've long wondered what happened to psychos that used to be fairly prevalent in the 70's. Serial killers, kidnappers, the kind of person that would drag a woman off the street to rape in a back alley, those kinds of people. You really don't see (or at least hear about) that happening much at all anymore. It's extremely rare. Why do those people no longer seem to exist?

Apparently they do. I think they've just morphed into people like this Julian thing.

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