Delta variant is caused and spread by vaccines

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2021 Jul 23, 2:48pm   2,602 views  98 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


New report stuns the world: The vast majority of those now dying with covid are people who were VACCINATED against it

Public Health England just released a new report showing that at least 62 percent of all deaths associated with the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) are occurring in people who were already “vaccinated.”

The news just so happened to come out the same day that the mainstream media ran a distraction story about British politician Matt Hancock having a secret affair with his aide Gina Coladangelo. Many people missed it the day it broke, in other words, but now it is circulating the web and causing many to question whether the jabs are truly safe and effective as the government claims.

Fresh data out of the U.K. shows that injected people are three times more likely to die from the so-called “delta variant” than people who left their immune systems and DNA alone by just saying no, as Nancy Reagan once said, to dangerous drugs.

Titled, “SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern and variants under investigation in England,” the paper, which is the 17th technical briefing to be released thus far on the matter, is highly telling as to what is in store for the jabbed later on down the road.

A table in the report shows that between Feb. 1, 2021, and June 21, 2021, there have been 9,571 confirmed cases of the “delta variant” in British people over the age of 50. Of these, 8,025 were confirmed just within the past 28 days alone.

This sudden spike in new cases directly coincides with the U.K.’s vaccine push, showing that the more people are getting vaccinated, the higher the rate of infections.

The data clearly shows that a mere 10 percent of all new alleged confirmed cases of the Chinese Virus within this age group are unvaccinated people. Upwards of 37 percent of new cases are in people who got both of their injections in obedience to the government.

Another 40 percent of cases, it is important to note, occurred in people who received at least one dose of a Chinese Virus injection at least 21 days prior to testing “positive.” This means that 77 percent of new Wuhan Flu cases are occurring in people who had either one or both doses of the injection.

Delta variant is caused and spread by vaccines

Based on the figures presented by Public Health England, the number of confirmed cases of delta variant among fully vaccinated people over the age of 50 is three times higher compared to the number among the unvaccinated. And in 50-and-over partially vaccinated people, the ratio is nine to one.

What this means, of course, is that the vaccines are dangerous and ineffective at preventing the spread of Chinese Germs, despite having received emergency use authorization (EUA) at “warp speed” from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Very limited trials were conducted beforehand that of course showed that the jabs “work.” Anyone who has been paying attention knows that Big Pharma has refined the art of tampering with “science” to produce the desired outcome, which is exactly what happened with these “Operation Warp Speed” abomination injections.

“Unfortunately, it looks like Mr. Hancock has been lying again and instead of the Covid-19 vaccines being our route back to normal they are instead quite the opposite,” reports Humans Are Free, noting that the only people who are falling for all the lies are people who religiously watch mainstream “news” and trust everything the government tells them.

“Because the data published by Public Health England shows us that the number of alleged deaths due to the Delta variant are highest among those who have received two doses of the vaccine.”

Dr. Naomi Wolf

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45   WookieMan   2021 Jul 26, 7:02pm  

TC45 says
In this day and age yes. Have you had a CT scan? Been to a hospital? Lots of people relying on computers for their health. Usually it's the human who programs or buils the computer that causes the error.

Yup, have had human error operating these machines almost cost me my life or at least deteriorate my liver at an exponential rate. Biopsy came back clean assuming you can even trust that.

I have zero, and I legit mean that, zero faith in the medical field. To do so would be suicidal. Have a legit medical issue and get back to us. It's a business. They need sales. Until you realize that you'll be blind to reality. Medicine has always been a business, you just bought into the morality of it. Medical field has quite the lobbying effort if you haven't noticed. There's no incentive to fix you. If this isn't obvious, you're out of touch.
46   Patrick   2021 Jul 26, 7:06pm  

TC45 says
I understand money motivates. All I'm saying is that The op does not support your hypothesis.

Back to my point: Why do you trust Fauci given that you agree that money motivates? (Power motivates too, and pride.)

Doesn't the whole thing seem even a bit shady to you? I know you're pretty smart, so I'd think you would put the pieces together quickly.

Maybe it leads down a worrisome path, so you don't want to go there. Understandable.
47   WookieMan   2021 Jul 26, 7:06pm  

Patrick says
Granted, it would be a large and uncomfortable shift in thinking to begin to suspect Fauci.

He's lied or been wrong at every step of this game. You'd be a moron not to question the guy. He's now getting angry at Sen. Paul who approaches his questioning level headed and chill and Fauci is about to have a heart attack and gets massively defensive. These things matter. There's zero reason to get defensive if you know you're right. Present the evidence. He hasn't. And won't.
48   Patrick   2021 Jul 26, 7:10pm  

WookieMan says
There's zero reason to get defensive if you know you're right.


I'm pretty damn sure that Fauci created the virus by funding Peter Daszak and the Bat Lady in Wuhan, and I'm pretty damn sure the motives were profit and the glory of being the "rescuer" of mankind with the "vaccine" that they planned from the beginning.

Kind of like some people set forest fires in order to be the hero that called attention to the forest fire first.
49   Patrick   2021 Jul 26, 7:49pm  

TC45 says
When did I say I trusted Fauci?

Do you trust Fauci?
50   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Jul 26, 8:09pm  

TC45 says
Your op was posted to prove your point. Does it? It doesn't, That's my point.

Agreed. With 0.03% variation, talking about a "dangerous" variant is fucking pointless. A more accurate hypothesis would be that vaccinated people suffer from medical conditions un-vaccinated people do not. Now you've got something worth discussing!
51   RWSGFY   2021 Jul 26, 8:26pm  

Is that "delta" really a natural mutation of the original China virus or was it tweaked in the CCP/PLA lab when it was became apparent that it was't working on their second biggest adversary - India?
52   PeopleUnited   2021 Jul 26, 8:36pm  

When they run these numbers by stating that unvaxxinated are 90 times more likely to die than the lab rats, do the so called COVID deaths include those that supposedly died of COVID before the jabs were even available? If so the data doesn’t prove anything, just introducing more variables. And by the way, why is there no data comparing outcomes between the two groups? Overall morbidly and mortality data between the unvaxxed and lab rats is all that matters, deaths from wuflu is only a minuscule part of the whole picture. Also what is the likelihood of any individual person having death or morbidity from the virus regardless of jab status? If that number is small (it is) then the risk of the jab better be even lower. That I’m not sure is even remotely possible.
53   WookieMan   2021 Jul 26, 8:54pm  

NuttBoxer says
Robert Sproul says
If you are not over 70 or have serious co-morbidities you really have to torture some numbers to justify taking a novel "vaccine".

Fuck age, that's only a factor for the sick, and that's what co-morbidities means, people who are fucking sick. Unfortunately we have a large group of people now days who think there should be a pill or shot, or surgery for everything. A miracle solution so their lazy ass can continue to vegetate on the couch for eight hours a day.

If you're healthy, your immune system will keep you that way. If you aren't, maybe you should try putting in the hard work for once in your life instead of taking yet another shortcut...

Can't like this enough. There are some ailments out of your control, most you have control of though. I fractured my heel, gained weight. Guess what, I've lost almost all of it at this point and then some. You don't need a vaccine for this or the flu. Take care of yourself. Have some decent hygiene and you'll be fine. No mask. No vaccine.

Basically don't be a fat ass deadbeat. That's where the adverse reactions are occurring from the virus or the vax. If you cannot do that and need a shot, maybe you should die. Maybe Gates and their ilk are on to something.
54   mell   2021 Jul 26, 9:47pm  

None of these studies have longevity so they aren't worth much, there's a reason to you have to follow patients 5-10 years to get a vaccine approved, and this is an experimental gene therapy which has no benefit and only risks for the vast majority of the population. There's also a reason why they don't make traditional cold vaccines, because rhino and cv mutate way too much.
55   richwicks   2021 Jul 26, 10:01pm  

TC45 says
Robert Sproul says
TC45 says
You do realize that a faster computer can crunch numbers faster. So it would seem logical that things that rely heavily on computing power can be done quicker. Such as creating vaccines.

Or viruses for that matter.


We're not even CLOSE to being able to do biological simulation in computers. About 15 years ago, IBM made a super computer JUST to fold a protein. For 6 months, they ran a simulation, and all the protein did was wiggle the entire time. That's JUST a protein. We can fold proteins now with SUPER COMPUTERS, but that's just a protein. Do you have any concept of the complexity of a cell? We can't simulate that.

We don't understand DNA - we're not even close to it. We know that if you remove this portion or change this genome this is LIKELY to happen, but there's complex interactions all over the place.

We are NOWHERE close to making a machine that can simulate the complexities of the interactions of a drug on a human being. It won't be possible in my lifetime, and probably never. These are tools, that might help you get closer there, do some hypothesis, best guesses, but ultimately, it has to be tested on an animal model, then a human being.

You're working with quantum physics with this shit, and we don't understand that entirely for CHIP simulation. We do real well, we take tons of short cuts, we get decent simulations, but when you tape out and make ASIC finally, it usually comes back dead - it doesn't work. It's tweaked and played with, then it works. It's a fucking black art, and that's a computer chip. They are TRIVIAL compared to biology.

I'm an engineer. I would NEVER adopt the first generation of anything made - and you shouldn't either. We have huge teams, we're "smart", we know what the fuck we are doing, and we don't get it right. First generation is a piece of crap, second generation is decent, 3rd time is a charm. We don't find out what goes wrong until something goes wrong and making a chip, is a SHITLOAD easier than understanding something as basic as a cell or an amoeba. Errors that I see, are non obvious, hard to spot, hit corner cases, but all you need for a chip to fuck up, is have it fuck up once in 20 billion instructions. It's a 1 in 20 billion chance right? I've run more instructions in the time it took me to write this and I type at 60 WPM. To simulate this system, in a battery of machines, would take 10,000 times as long, minimum and the simulations aren't perfectly accurate.
56   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Jul 26, 10:49pm  

WookieMan says
If you cannot do that and need a shot, maybe you should die. Maybe Gates and their ilk are on to something.

I wouldn't go as far as siding with the eugenicists, but I will say that lazy people who want quick fixes for their health problems will die before their time. And there are no miracle pills or shots that can save them.
57   Karloff   2021 Jul 26, 10:56pm  

Always question the underlying basis first. You'll run around in circles trying to debate the surface-level narrative.


"Over half of those hospitalized with Covid-19 in the UK only tested positive after admission - suggesting that "vast numbers are being classed as hospitalised by Covid when they were admitted with other ailments, with the virus picked up by routine testing," according to The Telegraph, citing leaked government figures."

Sure, the patient came in with severe jaundice and a decades-long history of alcoholism, but the Covid test came back positive so put a check in this box here...
58   Shaman   2021 Jul 27, 1:14am  

Let’s weigh the risks and benefits of the vaccine.
1) short term death or debilitating injury directly from the vaccine. This is a small risk, about 0.005% die and about 0.1% have debilitating injuries. It’s still about the same risk as dying of Covid in a generalized population that you’d have one or the other.
2)ADE could happen in a year or two. This risk is substantial, although it probably wouldn’t happen to everyone. Still, if only 20% develop ADE, it would kill tens of millions. The risk of ADE developing for anyone is high for corona viruses. It’s the reason we test been vaccines for four years before administering them to the public, and the reason we have no previous vaccines for corona viruses.
3)You can still get Covid and even die. The current protective level for the delta variant is somewhere between 16% helpful and 30% helpful for preventing disease.

1) your immune system might be trained well enough to avoid an active case of Covid. Maybe.
2)you may be more likely to survive a case of Covid. Maybe.

Seems like a clear winner for declining the vax to me. The risks are much greater for taking the vax than just getting the virus and getting natural immunity. Stocking up on the supplements and drugs that help one survive Covid would be a great step to take. With the right meds, you can kick this thing in a weekend.

The real danger is the creeping totalitarianism being imposed worldwide by the powers that be.
59   WookieMan   2021 Jul 27, 4:14am  

NuttBoxer says
I wouldn't go as far as siding with the eugenicists

I was being a bit sarcastic. But if you don't have enough common sense to realize that if you're healthy and even semi-fit, you'll survive Covid. Any age. So if you want to be unhealthy, then die or take the jab.

Obesity is a massive problem. The secretary at my kids school is a land whale (280lbs probably). She'd be pretty attractive if at a healthy weight. Her 10 year old daughter is already close to 140lbs in my estimation. My kid is about 90lbs same age (tall kid). That's an exponential amount of weight difference at that age.

I get the too thin model argument and unrealistic expectation of women and even guys. But we got to stop putting fat people on billboards, modeling clothes, etc. It's easier to be fat than thin, people seemingly choose fat. Obesity is one of the killing elements of Covid. We really should be shaming fat people. Harsh take, but reality. We'd probably have half the covid deaths if people weren't fat and smoked.
60   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Jul 27, 9:12am  

For sure. Obesity is linked to SO many health problems. And the younger it happens, the worse the issues. I think something people don't realize about being overweight is the most common reason isn't necessarily over-eating, but eating garbage. Non-organic dairy and meat are full of antibiotics and growth hormones. Processed foods offer no nutrition, so even though you eat an appropriate portion, you will still feel hungry because you absorbed zero nutrients. Also, the body uses fat cells to store toxins as a way to keep you alive. The more toxic your food and environment, the more need the body has for fat.
61   porkchopXpress   2021 Jul 27, 9:28am  

I don't believe the waxxeens are causing the Delta variant, but I certainly believe they're not NEARLY as effective as the media and populace have made them out to be. As a result, this should significantly alter each individual's risk-reward analysis as to whether the waxxeen is worth it.
62   Patrick   2021 Jul 27, 9:55am  

ThreeBays says
Stop spreading fake news @Patrick. This report is total BS.

Really, total BS? How do you know that?

It agrees with some predictions made by Nobel Prize winner Dr. Luc Montangier.

More from Dr. Wolf:

Despite what the fake news media is telling you, most Americans have not gotten injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And those who have, it appears, are the ones getting sick with and driving the spread of the “delta variant.”

There is zero proof to suggest that non-injected people are the ones now functioning as “viral factories” as the government claims. To the contrary, the injected have been marked with toxic chemicals that are mutating into new forms of illness that are sending people to the hospital with “covid.”

An article recently published in Quanta Magazine warns that just like how taking antibiotics breeds antibiotic-resistant “superbugs,” taking these so-called vaccines contributes to the breeding of new variants that send some people to the hospital – or worse.

The piece discusses the history of the anti-Marek’s disease vaccine for chickens, which was first introduced back in 1970. It has had to be reinvented some three different times now because the virus continues to mutate to evade the vaccine.

The reason for this, of course, is that vaccines produce fake immunity, at best – fake meaning the type of immunity that wanes over time. Real immunity, which is produced by the immune system, lasts a lifetime.

A 2015 study published in the journal PLoS Biology also looked at the anti-Marek’s disease vaccine for chickens, revealing that unvaccinated chickens are the least likely to shed more virulent strains of the virus into the wild. Vaccinated chickens, on the other hand, are basically walking disease carriers.

“The findings suggest that the Marek’s vaccine encourages more dangerous viruses to proliferate,” the Quanta Magazine article explains. “This increased virulence might then give the viruses the means to overcome birds’ vaccine-primed immune responses and sicken vaccinated flocks.”

Viruses mutate all the time, and vaccines make things worse

How does this all relate to Fauci Flu shots? The answer is simple: The jabs are causing the Chinese Virus to morph into ever-new variants, which then turn into more new variants.

Vaccinated people are walking disease factories, in other words. Their damaged immune systems are now prone to spreading more illness, typically to other vaccinated people whose disease defenses have also been degraded.

While the mainstream media wants you to believe the opposite, the fact remains that injected people are the worst off when it comes to the risks involved with variant spread.

Even partially vaccinated people “might serve as sort of a breeding ground for the virus to acquire new mutations,” warns Paul Bieniasz, a Howard Hughes investigator at The Rockefeller University.

This, of course, runs contrary to media and government claims that unvaccinated people are somehow responsible for the vaccine-induced spread of new Wuhan Flu variants.

Richard Harris, NPR‘s science correspondent, warns of much the same. He says there is intense “evolutionary pressure” at play that renders vaccines unable to “completely block infection.”

“Many vaccines, apparently, including the covid vaccines, do not completely prevent a virus from multiplying inside someone even though these vaccines do prevent serious illness,” he alleges, toting the government line about the jabs supposedly minimizing the risk of serious illness.

One thing the fearmongering media is not telling people is the fact that each new variant of the Chinese Virus is becoming increasingly less dangerous, even if some of them are allegedly more contagious.

The risks to an unvaccinated person are almost nil regardless, while those who took the vaccines are now coming down with new infections that are sending many of them back to the hospital for treatment.

Subscribe and share @naomirwolf

63   Shaman   2021 Jul 27, 10:34am  

I looked up the chicken virus and found an article on Penn State website about it. Here’s a quote I pulled from the article itself:
“ However, it is important to notice that vaccines do not prevent the infection from taking place.”


So it looks like the Marek’s Disease comparison to Covid vaccines does check out.
64   Patrick   2021 Jul 27, 10:38am  

I'm with the Nobel Prize winner on this one. The jab most likely does create new variants and ADE, along with the tens of thousands of deaths from blood clots, etc.
65   Bd6r   2021 Jul 27, 10:41am  

Patrick says
How does this all relate to Fauci Flu shots? The answer is simple: The jabs are causing the Chinese Virus to morph into ever-new variants, which then turn into more new variants.

Virus mutates with or without vaccines so blaming vaccines for this is not entirely correct. We can say that vaccines were not tested sufficiently for a new type of vaccine, or that the gubbermint cooks statistics and is not honest with it, but this article is kinda alarmist and clickbait-ish, even if it contains pieces of truth such as
Patrick says
the fact that each new variant of the Chinese Virus is becoming increasingly less dangerous, even if some of them are allegedly more contagious.

which is what all viruses tend to evolve to.
There is nothing wrong with vaccines, if they are properly tested and if we are not forced to get vaccinated. Big IF's for today, I know :)
66   Ceffer   2021 Jul 27, 11:05am  

Viruses attenuate because they have poor protections from naturally occurring mutations. Although it is possible they could mutate to worse varieties, it is a negligible probability.
So, anything that happens to the little fuckers is likely to alter them in some way from the point of origin. It doesn't really matter, because armed with the fake news MSM, they will just keep making stuff up as they go along as they have been doing.
67   mell   2021 Jul 27, 11:29am  

No they aren't
68   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2021 Jul 27, 11:30am  

Patrick says
“Many vaccines, apparently, including the covid vaccines, do not completely prevent a virus from multiplying inside someone even though these vaccines do prevent serious illness,”
Correct! These are not sterilizing vaccines. There are always mutants that pop up but a healthy immune system takes on all comers. It doesn't know a wild-type from a mutant.

There are a multitude of antigenic sites on any virus. But the gene therapy innoculated's immune system has been directed to react to a discreet fragment of a protein that represents a very minor antigenic component of the entire virus. This puts very focused pressure on the virus that encourages the outgrowth of variants that can evade this specific immune response caused by the gene therapy. And if the gene therapy generated antibodies still bind the mutant, but do not inactivate it, antibody dependent enhancemet (ADE) can result.

This is not fairy tale stuff. It is irresponsible to not address these possibiltiies and criminal to silence the voices that seek to discuss them.
69   Shaman   2021 Jul 27, 11:59am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
There are a multitude of antigenic sites on any virus. But the gene therapy innoculated's immune system has been directed to react to a discreet fragment of a protein that represents a very minor antigenic component of the entire virus. This puts very focused pressure on the virus that encourages the outgrowth of variants that can evade this specific immune response caused by the gene therapy. And if the gene therapy generated antibodies still bind the mutant, but do not inactivate it, antibody dependent enhancemet (ADE) can result.

THIS is SCIENCE! Listen up, you pro-vaxxers!

And here is some more science for you!
“ CNN speculated that this change in guidance is likely due to the more transmissible Delta variant, as well as evidence suggesting that viral loads found in vaccinated people are "similar" to those in unvaccinated people, meaning that fully vaccinated people may be able to spread the virus, as well.”
70   Bd6r   2021 Jul 27, 12:06pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says
It is irresponsible to not address these possibiltiies and criminal to silence the voices that seek to discuss them.

absolutely, and the silencing of people who are against official point of view makes me reflectively not trust anything that official viewpoint states. We can debate all day here if vaccine is good or bad, and we will not come to conclusion because we don't have sufficient facts; the truth should be debated out in open by specialists without silencing any viewpoint. For example, why don't Fauci discuss these vaccines with Malone, who is the inventor of mRNA vaccines (https://www.rwmalonemd.com/)? I could listen and make up my mind. Instead, Malone, who has expressed doubts about these vaccines, is being memoryholed and cancelled. Why would I trust official viewpoint after that? I want to come to my own conclusions and not get spoon-fed opinions by bureaucrats. I have enough biochem knowledge to understand this, even though I don't have enough time to read through original literature to make up my mind.

It is dangerous to make up mind before we have full evidence, and this goes for people who are both "for" or "against" these vaccines.
71   Eric Holder   2021 Jul 27, 12:07pm  

Shaman says
meaning that fully vaccinated people may be able to spread the virus, as well.”

So they are killing Nana too!
72   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Jul 27, 3:05pm  

ThreeBays says
Stop spreading fake news @Patrick. This report is total BS.

Upvoted because I thought it was a joke, still funny..

And I agree. With less than 1% variation possible, the delta variant is completely fake news, and blatant fear-mongering in order to prop-up a failed pandemic.
73   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Jul 27, 3:17pm  

ThreeBays says
One liar wrote a fake news piece. One scientist wrote an opinion. This ain't science folks.

Depends on how that report was created. A link to it would go a long way to soothing your concerns. Why haven't you asked for one, or already found it and linked to it yourself to justify your claim. I mean, as a proponent of science, wouldn't that be the scientific approach?
74   Patrick   2021 Jul 27, 4:00pm  

And suppressing fake news like the "delta variant" being anything significant is also like stopping fish from swimming.
75   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Jul 27, 4:12pm  

ThreeBays says
I know, asking @Patrick to stop spreading fake news on this forum is like stopping fish from swimming.

Funny as in if you were being sarcastic. And still funny that you weren't. Once people start using newspeak, the sincerity goes out the window, and I can't help finding pretend indignation humorous.
76   Patrick   2021 Jul 27, 4:13pm  

TC45 says
70 vaccinated people and 39 Unvaccinated died of Delta

Lol, in 25 million people? That's barely measurable either way.
77   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Jul 27, 4:25pm  

ThreeBays says

Looks super sciency to me. You've got over 60 pages of info, broken down a number of ways, links to sources, specific contributors, and they all seem to be within the scientific community. What stands out to me is the relatively low level of protection these people seem to be getting from a shot still in clinical trials. At best they improve their chances by 30%, but where it really counts, deaths, they actually fare worse.

As someone who favors science, my next question would be, if the experiment isn't showing marked benefits from the shot being administered, what are the side-affects, and when it's all added up, is there still justification to continue the experiment? We should be heavy into risk analysis when we see data like this.
79   HeadSet   2021 Jul 30, 3:52pm  

NuttBoxer says
As someone who favors science, my next question would be, if the experiment isn't showing marked benefits from the shot being administered, what are the side-affects, and when it's all added up, is there still justification to continue the experiment? We should be heavy into risk analysis when we see data like this.

When it come to medicine applied to people, there is the added concern - "Is this procedure medically necessary?" For example, children are at virtually no risk from Covid therefore the proper medical response should be no vaccines administered to those under 21. Just like how colonoscopies are not given to children because the chance of a kid having colon issues is virtually nil. Exceptions only when the rare case occurs when a specific kid has certain symptoms.
80   Eric Holder   2021 Jul 30, 4:15pm  

HeadSet says
Just like how colonoscopies are not given to children because the chance of a kid having colon issues is virtually nil.

Don't give them ideas!
81   Patrick   2021 Jul 30, 5:40pm  

NuttBoxer says
As someone who favors science, my next question would be, if the experiment isn't showing marked benefits from the shot being administered, what are the side-affects, and when it's all added up, is there still justification to continue the experiment?

Sadly, I'm sure that is not the question being asked by Fauci or Biden.

Their only question is this: "Is there still massive profit to Big Pharma in continuing the experiment?"
82   fdhfoiehfeoi   2021 Jul 30, 11:13pm  

Patrick says
Their only question is this: "Is there still massive profit to Big Pharma in continuing the experiment?"

I think that's a side hussle. Gonna sound like a broken record, but if you look into bio-digital convergence, the point is to alter people's bodies through technology. Nanoparticles have already been developed for injections. But they will disintegrate over time, hence the need for regular "boosters". They want to play creator, remaking the world in their image.
84   Patrick   2021 Aug 4, 11:04am  


Leaky Vaccines Enhance Spread of Deadlier Chicken Viruses

Over the past fifty years, Marek’s disease—an illness of fowl—has become fouler. Marek’s is caused by a highly contagious virus, related to those that cause herpes in humans. It spreads through the dust of contaminated chicken coops, and caused both paralysis and cancer. In the 1970s, new vaccines brought the disease the under control. But Marek’s didn’t go gently into that good night. Within ten years, it started evolving into more virulent strains, which now trigger more severe cancers and afflict chickens at earlier ages.

Andrew Read from Pennsylvania State University thinks that the vaccines were responsible. The Marek’s vaccine is “imperfect” or “leaky.” That is, it protects chickens from developing disease, but doesn’t stop them from becoming infected or from spreading the virus. Inadvertently, this made it easier for the most virulent strains to survive. Such strains would normally kill their hosts so quickly that they’d die out. But in an immunised flock, they can persist because their lethal nature has been neutered. That’s not a problem for vaccinated individuals. But unvaccinated birds are now in serious trouble.

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