Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   888,601 views  8,279 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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2398   WookieMan   2022 Sep 18, 9:47am  

GNL says

What does "fully vaccinated" mean now?

There's no fully vaccinated for a flu bug. That's what covid is. You're going to get the flu. Covid is actually pretty minor. My mom has it now. All shots/vaccines as well. Would she have died without them? Highly unlikely.

I took a Puerto Rican history class as History was my major and it seemed intriguing. Most people don't know about this... https://www.history.com/news/birth-control-pill-history-puerto-rico-enovid

We've fucked around with medicine for centuries. Fake oversight. I don't trust any of it anymore besides stuff with 30-40 years proven efficacy. Most disease and viral issues were sanitary related. Water specifically. Then food. Then sex to be honest. Consumption and contact. Going to a grocery store will rarely, if ever get you infected with anything. It's generally lack of hygiene on the persons end.

Now we just throw drugs and vaccines at it. We already solved the worst part of early death and that's quality food and water.
2399   mell   2022 Sep 18, 9:53am  

jykiodfgr says

mell says

yet nobody dies

Not yet. wink

One thing I forgot to mention is that the mrna shots also weaken the immune system (through mechanisms unrelated to the s protein itself), the novavax shot doesn't (again doesn't mean one should take any jab since covid is a mild illness). So there is a vaids component that will be responsible for future deaths in the mrna jabbed. The s protein by itself gets flushed out during covid and is of little consequence. There will be no long term deaths from covid if you didn't get myocarditis during the acute phase. In fact one may want to acquire natural immunity in case there is another "accidental release" of an improved sars cov variant.
2400   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 10:23am  

jykiodfgr says


Here's the live link for people to click:

2401   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Sep 18, 10:31am  

mell says

the novavax shot

The Novavax vaccine consists of multimeric spike protein nanoparticles. The spike protein in and of itself is toxic. Even the FDA called out the myocarditis and pericarditis risk of the Novavax vaccine. Of course, that may be due to Pfizer and Moderna payola money. Pay up, Novavax, you lame fucks!
2402   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 10:33am  

mell says

The problem with the mrna shots is that while they are aimed to be injected outside of the blood stream like every other jab, the mrna gets integrated into cells of critical organs and may produce s proteins in large quantities indefinitely, which eventually will be deadly for some.

I'm not sure any injection can completely avoid the bloodstream.

Blood vessels branch down to capillaries everywhere in the body, so I think it's just a matter of how large a blood vessel you will hit.
2403   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Sep 18, 10:41am  

But this tunnel vision focus on the spike protein is just bad science, driven by a centuries old assay technology - the neutralization assay. GIGO.
2404   Hircus   2022 Sep 18, 10:41am  

jykiodfgr says

What is dangerous is the spike protein

Ya, I cant be the only one who noticed that the jab and covid happen to have a large intersection of common negative side effects.
2405   mell   2022 Sep 18, 10:43am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

mell says

the novavax shot

The Novavax vaccine consists of multimeric spike protein nanoparticles. The spike protein in and of itself is toxic. Even the FDA called out the myocarditis and pericarditis risk of the Novavax vaccine. Of course, that may be due to Pfizer and Moderna payola money. Pay up, Novavax, you lame fucks!

agreed on both, you should not inject the spike protein for a mild illness where the risk of developing myocarditis/clotting is lesser than the jab. The warning labels though - while justified - are pfister and murderna driven, I have no doubt their jabs are 100 to 1000 times deadlier.

Patrick says

mell says

The problem with the mrna shots is that while they are aimed to be injected outside of the blood stream like every other jab, the mrna gets integrated into cells of critical organs and may produce s proteins in large quantities indefinitely, which eventually will be deadly for some.

I'm not sure any injection can completely avoid the bloodstream.

Blood vessels branch down to capillaries everywhere in the body, so I think it's just a matter of how large a blood vessel you will hit.

agreed, that's why the best course is not to inject spike protein at all, if you happen to get covid at least you will acquire long lasting immunity for a short time of s protein in your body, mostly confined to the respiratory tract. But mrna is far worse at the ability to produce them in mass quantities gets transported into critical organs whereas a one time injection will immediately start the process of flushing them out.
2406   RWSGFY   2022 Sep 18, 10:47am  

jykiodfgr says

mell says

yet nobody dies

Not yet. wink

Putin killing Ukrainian draftees.

Yeah, 'bout that: are you going to show your homework on the numbers you posted in the relevant thread or we shall agree that you pulled them out of Konashenkov's ass?

We look with a jaundiced eye on any kind of state propaganda here.
2408   mell   2022 Sep 18, 2:38pm  

jykiodfgr says

"Protein" shot.

You shouldn't take any shot if you have preexisting heart problems, esp. not s protein containing ones. As mentioned, if you do, you will experience SAEs right away if it's a non mrna and non-viral-vector-dna shot. There is no lasting damage beyond that of any other vaccine from non mrna, non viral vector shots. In that respect the nvax shot is much safer than mrna/viral-vector dna

jykiodfgr says

ALL vaccines must be banned.

Most vaccines these days likely have higher risk than benefits, so I'd mostly agree with that, except for at risk groups and less than a handful carefully selected ones, such as polio, tetanus (not more than every 15 years), and maybe measles by itself (not mmr), hep b for certain at risk groups, and that's pretty much it.
2409   mell   2022 Sep 18, 2:42pm  

jykiodfgr says

all of Western medicine will be banned.

Western medicine by itself is not bad, it did the most to better people's lives and increase longevity / life expectancy than any other medicine imo (compare middle-ages to today). It has been hi-jacked in the past 50-100 years though and therefore must be seriously reformed.
2410   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 3:03pm  

What is the main source of corruption in medicine now?

Maybe it's the centralized control of funding by psychopath mafia types like Fauci.

Or maybe it's regulatory capture of the FDA by Pfizer.
2411   mell   2022 Sep 18, 3:09pm  

Patrick says

What is the main source of corruption in medicine now?

Maybe it's the centralized control of funding by psychopath mafia types like Fauci.

Or maybe it's regulatory capture of the FDA by Pfizer.

Always greed and money. Capitalism is the best system, but far from perfect. It started much earlier when MDs practices turned from research/prevention to "drive-through" fast-food type drug dispensaries, backed by pharma incentives. You make no money from keeping a patient healthy without drugs. Insurances should rewards MDs who take more time per appointment, thoroughly study they patients ailments and research cures and prevention, with and without drugs. Laws were put in place for all sectors to prevent regulatory capture and centralized control, but once the rule of law is weakened or abolished, all sectors are prone to the negative effects of capitalism. Believe it or not, and KD often talks about this and cites the sources, there are still enough of those laws in place even today to immediately disband certain corporations and arrest the perpetrators, lobbyists and management, but without anybody acting on it these laws are toothless.
2412   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 3:18pm  

mell says

without anybody acting on it these laws are toothless

Right, even massive coordinated and provable election fraud is completely ignored by the FBI, and in fact the FBI may well have had a hand in organizing it.

How do you fight corruption that is so systemic it has infected law enforcement?
2413   stereotomy   2022 Sep 18, 3:31pm  

Outside of emergency surgery and some earlier work on critical nutrition and sanitary issues, I think most modern medical practice had done more harm than good.

Eat good food, exercise, limit stress, positively engage with family and the world. That is what humans have been designed to do. The closer we adhere to our primordial operating specifications, the better we feel.
2415   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 3:43pm  


Posted before, but worth posting again.
2416   mell   2022 Sep 18, 3:51pm  

Patrick says


stereotomy says

Outside of emergency surgery and some earlier work on critical nutrition and sanitary issues, I think most modern medical practice had done more harm than good.

Eat good food, exercise, limit stress, positively engage with family and the world. That is what humans have been designed to do. The closer we adhere to our primordial operating specifications, the better we feel.

If you take the past 50-100 years I agree. But before that we made steady advances and had a somewhat decent balance between natural care and drugs. You don't want to travel back into the 1800s, 1700s or earlier, when people died of simple bacterial infections, pretty much any cancer, essential organ shutting down (no transplant surgery available), a hip fracture meant being crippled for the rest of life, usually with a fast overall decline etc. Said it before I think there are many data points that suggest that we reached at least a long lasting local peak in quality of life when the baby boomers were around midlife or before.
2417   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 4:05pm  

stereotomy says

Outside of emergency surgery and some earlier work on critical nutrition and sanitary issues, I think most modern medical practice had done more harm than good.

It's that last 50 years I really worry about. I think that the majority of medical revenue is now made from treating people who would have been fine if left alone. The "treatments" then cause new problems which really become medical emergencies.

There is a fundamental incentive to over-treat patients because it makes money while leaving them alone does not make money. How do you resolve that profoundly bad incentive? Ethics and the law are not working these days, so we need some other way to get incentives into alignment with the public good. It's a game-theory kind of problem.
2418   GNL   2022 Sep 18, 4:08pm  

Patrick says

What is the main source of corruption in medicine now?

Maybe it's the centralized control of funding by psychopath mafia types like Fauci.

Or maybe it's regulatory capture of the FDA by Pfizer.

I think insurance companies have done the most to fuck things up.
2419   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 4:11pm  

Insurance companies have a motive to prevent over-treatment, because:

1. they don't like the cost to themselves
2. they are aware that a lot of medical treatments result in damage requiring further treatment

I'm not a big fan of insurance companies, but their motives seem correctly aligned with the public interest in these respects.
2421   mell   2022 Sep 18, 5:22pm  

Patrick says

Insurance companies have a motive to prevent over-treatment, because:

1. they don't like the cost to themselves
2. they are aware that a lot of medical treatments result in damage requiring further treatment

I'm not a big fan of insurance companies, but their motives seem correctly aligned with the public interest in these respects.

Depends. Life insurance companies yes, they are interested in longevity and predictable death patterns. Health insurance companies not necessarily. With the rapid price inflation it becomes painful to pay out of pocket, even at a discount, which makes the health insurers the only game in town and control the MDs in collusion with big pharma. Sure they may pay inflated prices, but they always make record profits by hiking rates aggressively with the help of subsidies from the government (obummercare) and trapped employers, and they profit a lot by cutting out or capping the most expensive procedures/drugs and by people "dying suddenly" earlier than expected, saving themselves many years of having to pay for those patients elder care (the older you become the more expensive you become to the health insurance co.). They "love" the fraudci pfister and murderna death jabs. Life insurers are generally fair (of course always with calculating a small edge for profit, depending on the risks), health insurers are usually as crooked as big pharma.
2422   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 5:24pm  

jykiodfgr says

More than 250 million Americans will die shortly.

I don't think that's true.

I think it will be about 1% of those vaxxed, and that will take five years or more. Almost all will be classified as "natural causes" like clots and cancers. I'm just guessing based on reading statistics and articles all day.

But it's still an epic disaster and the largest crime against all of humanity ever committed.
2423   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 5:30pm  

mell says

they always make record profits by hiking rates aggressively with the help of subsidies from the government (obummercare) and trapped employers

This does bother me. Everyone is trapped by this mafioso cartel and forced to pay them one way or another.

Subsidizing anything always makes it more expensive.

My main suggestions for controlling prices:

All non-emergency medical prices must be agreed to in advance of treatment.
All emergency medical prices must be limited by law.

I wish these two principles were written into the Constitution.
2426   richwicks   2022 Sep 18, 8:42pm  

jykiodfgr says

More than 250 million Americans will die shortly.

Maybe in 50 years.

There's deaths with the vaccines for certain, but this crap that 250 million will be dead in say 5 or 10? It's just hyperbole.

But time will tell, but trying to create panic? It's irritating.
2427   Patrick   2022 Sep 18, 9:23pm  

@jykiodfgr Where did you get these numbers?
2428   richwicks   2022 Sep 18, 10:27pm  

jykiodfgr says

250 million Americans will be dead in under 2 years actually. And that's just in the USA. They told us what their plans are decades ago, if you took the vax, even just one shot, you are dead.

Show me these plans from decades ago.

Some screenshot of a spreadsheet is just that. I need links, and from there, I will go to archive.org. If nothing shows up there, I'll go to whois, and check the date of registration.

I'll readily engage in conspiracy theories, but 99% of the time, they are false, but there is that 1%. I need better data than you are giving me other than claims. Propagandists and liars ignore the 1% that go through the effort of verifying their claims. I'm the 0.1% here, still I get fooled from time to time.

Regardless, we'll find out in time.

If you're serious about going down the rabbit hole, you find that 1% of data, and you don't become complicit in spreading disinformation.
2430   zzyzzx   2022 Sep 19, 9:17am  

Dropped Dead during the 15 minute waiting period after the shot:

2431   richwicks   2022 Sep 19, 1:33pm  

GNL says

Patrick says

@jykiodfgr Where did you get these numbers?

I assume Deagel.


Deagel is BS. I forgot who did it, but he went to archive.org and started looking up PAST predictions of that website, and they are all over the place.

It's just a site run by either some nutcase or a FBI glowie fuck. Nobody knows who runs them, their past predictions are just as nuts as well.

Here's MY beef: This image came from somewhere:

Where did it come from @jykiodfgr ?
2432   Patrick   2022 Sep 19, 4:13pm  

zzyzzx says

Dropped Dead during the 15 minute waiting period after the shot:

Some evidence that it's true:


Stephanie Foster shared the story of her mother, Carol Pearce, who she says died just 15 minutes after receiving her booster shot.

So now we have some names we can investigate. I didn't find an obit for Carol Pearce of Saskatoon, but maybe it's not published yet.
2433   Patrick   2022 Sep 19, 5:48pm  


Watch Out! Literally - 16 Case Reports of Corneal Rejections Following the \/
If you poke your immune system in the eye with spiky proteins, its your eye on the chopping block
2434   Patrick   2022 Sep 19, 5:50pm  

Patrick says

So now we have some names we can investigate. I didn't find an obit for Carol Pearce of Saskatoon, but maybe it's not published yet.

Carol had a real page on goodreads.com, and the photo sure looks like the same person, though younger:


So she's a real person, now dead.

I think this might be the same person as well, with an even younger photo:


2435   GNL   2022 Sep 19, 7:03pm  

jykiodfgr says

The mRNA shot is the most lethal substance known to man, with a 100% eventual kill rate.

I hate to say this but, I think you might be a loon.
2436   richwicks   2022 Sep 19, 8:30pm  

Patrick says


Watch Out! Literally - 16 Case Reports of Corneal Rejections Following the \/
If you poke your immune system in the eye with spiky proteins, its your eye on the chopping block

There's been artificial corneas forever. I'm surprised they are doing cadaver transplants still. I wonder what the complications are with them? I think it's just a plastic disc.
2437   Patrick   2022 Sep 19, 9:50pm  

jykiodfgr says

Deagel is a military intelligence contractor.


I don't see that population reduction map on their site, for example not here: https://www.deagel.com/search/population

Interesting map though. If true, it looks like they mostly want to wipe out white people and the developed world.

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