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What is dangerous is the spike protein
mell says
the novavax shot
The Novavax vaccine consists of multimeric spike protein nanoparticles. The spike protein in and of itself is toxic. Even the FDA called out the myocarditis and pericarditis risk of the Novavax vaccine. Of course, that may be due to Pfizer and Moderna payola money. Pay up, Novavax, you lame fucks!
mell says
The problem with the mrna shots is that while they are aimed to be injected outside of the blood stream like every other jab, the mrna gets integrated into cells of critical organs and may produce s proteins in large quantities indefinitely, which eventually will be deadly for some.
I'm not sure any injection can completely avoid the bloodstream.
Blood vessels branch down to capillaries everywhere in the body, so I think it's just a matter of how large a blood vessel you will hit.
mell says
yet nobody dies
Not yet. wink
Putin killing Ukrainian draftees.
"Protein" shot.
ALL vaccines must be banned.
all of Western medicine will be banned.
What is the main source of corruption in medicine now?
Maybe it's the centralized control of funding by psychopath mafia types like Fauci.
Or maybe it's regulatory capture of the FDA by Pfizer.
without anybody acting on it these laws are toothless
Outside of emergency surgery and some earlier work on critical nutrition and sanitary issues, I think most modern medical practice had done more harm than good.
Eat good food, exercise, limit stress, positively engage with family and the world. That is what humans have been designed to do. The closer we adhere to our primordial operating specifications, the better we feel.
Outside of emergency surgery and some earlier work on critical nutrition and sanitary issues, I think most modern medical practice had done more harm than good.
What is the main source of corruption in medicine now?
Maybe it's the centralized control of funding by psychopath mafia types like Fauci.
Or maybe it's regulatory capture of the FDA by Pfizer.
Insurance companies have a motive to prevent over-treatment, because:
1. they don't like the cost to themselves
2. they are aware that a lot of medical treatments result in damage requiring further treatment
I'm not a big fan of insurance companies, but their motives seem correctly aligned with the public interest in these respects.
More than 250 million Americans will die shortly.
they always make record profits by hiking rates aggressively with the help of subsidies from the government (obummercare) and trapped employers
More than 250 million Americans will die shortly.
250 million Americans will be dead in under 2 years actually. And that's just in the USA. They told us what their plans are decades ago, if you took the vax, even just one shot, you are dead.
@jykiodfgr Where did you get these numbers?
Patrick says
@jykiodfgr Where did you get these numbers?
I assume Deagel.
Dropped Dead during the 15 minute waiting period after the shot:
Stephanie Foster shared the story of her mother, Carol Pearce, who she says died just 15 minutes after receiving her booster shot.
Watch Out! Literally - 16 Case Reports of Corneal Rejections Following the \/
If you poke your immune system in the eye with spiky proteins, its your eye on the chopping block
So now we have some names we can investigate. I didn't find an obit for Carol Pearce of Saskatoon, but maybe it's not published yet.
The mRNA shot is the most lethal substance known to man, with a 100% eventual kill rate.
Watch Out! Literally - 16 Case Reports of Corneal Rejections Following the \/
If you poke your immune system in the eye with spiky proteins, its your eye on the chopping block
Deagel is a military intelligence contractor.
I know all this about Dr. Becher (except the part about her Twitter) because the New York Times saw fit to write a long profile of her today, entitled “A Rural Doctor Gave Her All. Then Her Heart Broke.”
The article explains how in April 2021, Dr. Becher “suddenly felt as if she were having a heart attack. She left for the emergency room, barely able to see, her blood pressure dangerously high.”
Her tweet from April 24, 2021 offers more details: “250/125 with runs of vtach [ventricular tachycardia], troponins trending up, cath [cardiac catherization], ICU.” No wonder she wound up in intensive care - that blood pressure reading is an immediate cardiovascular emergency all by itself. ...
But what caused Dr. Becher’s heart problems?
Pilot of Boeing flight from Novokuznetsk to St. Petersburg dies suddenly on board plane
By Matthew Roscoe • 19 September 2022
The Boeing pilot died suddenly on board the plane before being able to receive medical attention after the co-pilot was forced to make an emergency landing at Omsk airport.
The tragic incident happened at around 7.40 pm (Moscow time), as reported by vm.ru.
The Russian news outlet said that an ambulance team arrived 10 minutes before the plane landed, but the pilot died on board while it was still in the air.
The man felt unwell during the flight and as a result, the co-pilot decided to make an emergency landing at the Omsk airport, located in Omsk Oblast, Russia, 5 km southwest of Omsk.
Deagel is a military intelligence contractor
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