Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   911,794 views  8,535 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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2462   Ceffer   2022 Sep 24, 11:07am  

We would expect nothing less from our democidal medical executioners.
2464   Patrick   2022 Sep 24, 1:19pm  


Maybe posted before, but always being updated.
2465   Patrick   2022 Sep 24, 6:18pm  


Is Demi Lovato hanging up those touring shoes? The singer announced Tuesday in a since-deleted social media post that she was sick and that “this next tour” would be her last.

“I’m so f— sick I can’t get out of bed,” the 30-year-old wrote in her Instagram Stories over a series of photos looking out a window.


Lovato was pro-"vaccination":
Always a convinced vaccinist, she was among the first to undergo the inoculation, in this regard she had declared: "For me, getting the vaccine was reduced to a thought process, I would simply prefer to risk potential side effects of a vaccine rather than risking lives, capturing or spreading the covid".

Has she been satisfied?
2466   Patrick   2022 Sep 24, 6:32pm  


A lifelong promoter of vaccines suspects he might be the rare, unfortunate exception.

Rare my ass.
2467   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Sep 24, 6:46pm  

Patrick says

A lifelong promoter of vaccines suspects he might be the rare, unfortunate exception.

It's an ingenious positive feedback loop - the first two shots give you cancer, and so you need to follow up with a booster to protect you when you are undergoing chemotherapy.
2468   Patrick   2022 Sep 24, 6:47pm  

Some say that the vaxx was always intended to create widespread illness to boost medical industry profits.
2469   mell   2022 Sep 25, 7:50am  

Rin says

mell says

If you inject a finite amount of s proteins it is similar to a forced covid infection. That being said, if you don't aspire the needle and hit a blood vessel you're in trouble immediately. The side effects of the novavax shot will mimic the mrna ones for the first days/weeks, then it will be as safe as other traditional jabs.

Here's the thing with the Novavax ... one can use my protocol, loading up on Quercetin Phytosome (3000+ mg/day) alongside Aspirin, and in effect, make that dosage of spiked protein less effective (read: less nefarious) during those first few days and weeks.

In contrast, with the mRNA, one will need to take it in high dosages for months, if not a year or more, to keep things at bay, hoping for one's body to flush out the trash.

@Rin how about dosage adjustment for an adolescent, say 12 years, with lesser s protein injected. How would the regimen be adjusted, maybe 2/3 or 1/2, also since lesser body weight.
2470   Onvacation   2022 Sep 25, 8:11am  

mell says

dosage adjustment for an adolescent, say 12 years,

Whip their parents until they promise to never vax their kid.
2471   mell   2022 Sep 25, 8:45am  

Onvacation says

mell says

dosage adjustment for an adolescent, say 12 years,

Whip their parents until they promise to never vax their kid.

It's most likely not going to happen, but it's good to have contingency plans
2473   richwicks   2022 Sep 26, 12:25am  

mell says

@Rin how about dosage adjustment for an adolescent, say 12 years, with lesser s protein injected. How would the regimen be adjusted, maybe 2/3 or 1/2, also since lesser body weight.

Do not vax your kid. Your kid has less than a 2 in a million chance of dying from the coronavirus. The only children that died from it had serious cormorbidities. Your child has 0 chance of dying from it.

There's nothing but risk with it for kids. Nothing. Stand up. I know it's not easy but it's the right thing to do. If EVERYBODY stood up, there would be no requirement. Stand up.

If it's said they are risking grandma and so on, they have lived their life. If somebody gives you a gun and demands either you kill me or a 12 year old kid under threat of killing both of us, don't hesitate, and shoot me. I'm 51. The old protect the young, not the other way around, ever.
2474   stereotomy   2022 Sep 26, 2:52am  

richwicks says

There's nothing but risk with it for kids. Nothing. Stand up. I know it's not easy but it's the right thing to do. If EVERYBODY stood up, there would be no requirement. Stand up.

This is where the rubber meets the road when you're a parent. Stand the fuck up and protect your children. Yes it's super freaking hard sometimes, but that's what we've signed on for.
2475   mell   2022 Sep 26, 6:04am  

richwicks says

mell says

@Rin how about dosage adjustment for an adolescent, say 12 years, with lesser s protein injected. How would the regimen be adjusted, maybe 2/3 or 1/2, also since lesser body weight.

Do not vax your kid. Your kid has less than a 2 in a million chance of dying from the coronavirus. The only children that died from it had serious cormorbidities. Your child has 0 chance of dying from it.

There's nothing but risk with it for kids. Nothing. Stand up. I know it's not easy but it's the right thing to do. If EVERYBODY stood up, there would be no requirement. Stand up.

If it's said they are risking grandma and so on, they have lived their life. If somebody gives you a gun and demands either you kill me or a 12 year old kid under threat of killing both of us, don't hesitate, and shoot me. I'm 51. The old protect the young, not the other way around, ever.

It's a contingency plan for those who have circumstances they cannot 100% control. Most kids already had the coof so it's highly unlikely, but never impossible. Better to be prepared. Novavax is the first traditional jab with a safety profile comparable to other traditional protein jabs such as the flu jab. You can make the same argument for mmr, chickenpox etc. We're always spacing out the jabs as much as we can and refuse roughly 40% on the schedule based on research and practicality - unless you plan to homeschooling your kid all thei adolescent life they will have to get some jabs.
2476   GNL   2022 Sep 26, 7:12am  

stereotomy says

Yes it's super freaking hard sometimes, but that's what we've signed on for.

No doubt about it. I'm a grandparent now and my wife and I dedicate as much time to our grandchildren as we possibly can, often by giving up other things/activities because it is the most important thing we can do with our lives. Even without being the day to day parents it's exhausting. I feel for trapped parents. Move if you have to. The globalist want is all dead eventually anyway.

People should stop chasing the big house and expensive cars. Homeschooling and have at least 1 parent's time, 24/7, dedicated to raising their children. What are we living and working for it not for our families?

Most of society serves Mammon. This makes it very difficult, financially, to raise a family for most people.
2477   Shaman   2022 Sep 26, 7:21am  

Moloch worshippers mask, isolate, and vax their children for the same reasons they sacrificed children to Moloch 5,000 years ago. Power, money, social credit.
Humanity has not progressed in any moral sense. If anything, and with the decreased reliance on moral authority of religion, we as humans have regressed. Take away our comforts of modern civilization, and people are more willing now to cut your throat for a small advantage.
2478   stereotomy   2022 Sep 26, 9:27am  

Shaman says

Moloch worshippers mask, isolate, and vax their children for the same reasons they sacrificed children to Moloch 5,000 years ago. Power, money, social credit.
Humanity has not progressed in any moral sense. If anything, and with the decreased reliance on moral authority of religion, we as humans have regressed. Take away our comforts of modern civilization, and people are more willing now to cut your throat for a small advantage.

That's the rub. Quackcinnation is the new religion, since we have no religion and morality is relative. I agree - civilization is a thin veneer that masks primal human/animal motivations. As long as people can satisfy their needs within society, then they will play along with society. Once society fails, it's tooth and claw all the way down to savagery.
2479   mell   2022 Sep 26, 9:29am  

jykiodfgr says

Novavax is not traditional vaccine, it too will kill you. Only Sinovac and another Indian one are traditional but don't take those either.

You're wrong, it's one thing to be jab skeptic but blanket tinfoil hat stories do not help the cause. Protein subunit vaccines are as traditional as inactive virus vaccines, 30+ years old.
2480   Ceffer   2022 Sep 26, 9:39am  

All of this end of the world doom has had a pretty negative ESP effect on the kinders. Lady that does my hair raises her grand child, and says the psychologic effect on him has been very bad with the gloom, isolation and projected Covid terror.

One of my wife's oldest friends daughter in New Mexico were total Covid phobics, relayed it to their daughter, daughter recently was hospitalized (suicide attempt?) and has been in hospital for a couple of weeks getting psych medicines stabilized. She's 19.
2481   zzyzzx   2022 Sep 26, 10:46am  


Zack Estrin, the respected writer-producer and showrunner known for his work on Fox’s “Prison Break” and Netflix’s recent revival of “Lost in Space,” died Sept. 23 in Hermosa Beach, Calif. He was 51.

Estrin’s death was confirmed Sunday by his longtime talent agency, WME. Estrin was remembered by friends and family as a versatile writer and producer who was a generous mentor to others.

Estrin’s death has come as a shock to family and friends as he was known to have been in good physical health. The circumstances of Estrin’s death were not immediately clear but it is believed he suffered a form of cardiac arrest while jogging on the beach.
2483   Patrick   2022 Sep 26, 1:31pm  


Nurse from Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego unloads on the County Board. She emotionally describes having to revive kids who nearly died from the #vaccine. #SafeAndEffective
2484   Ceffer   2022 Sep 28, 6:01pm  

Imagine how many unattributed peons have gone down if there are this many celebrity and athlete consequences.
2485   Patrick   2022 Sep 28, 7:21pm  


ASU mourning death of student
September 26, 2022

Albany, Ga. - The death of an Albany State University (ASU) student is under investigation, according to the college. Yasmine Durham, 21, of Atlanta, was found dead in her dorm room on Sunday. Durham’s official cause of death is still under investigation pending an autopsy by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation’s (GBI) medical examiner, ASU confirmed.


ASU’s “vaccination” policy:
Vaccines are not mandatory; however, we strongly encourage all students, faculty, and staff to get vaccinated for COVID-19. ASU will continue to ensure vaccine availability to students, faculty, and staff, through vaccination opportunities on campus or in partnership with local providers.

2486   Patrick   2022 Sep 28, 7:22pm  

Bradley professor dies unexpectedly Monday
September 27, 2022

Peoria, Ill. — Dr. Edward “Ed” Bond, Professor of Marketing and Director of the Supply Chain Institute at Bradley University, passed away unexpectedly on Monday, the school announced. Bond was a part of the Bradley marketing department since 1997 and served as its chair from 2007 to 2020. According to an email from the university, Bond came to campus Monday morning but was later taken to a local hospital where he died. “Ed was beloved by faculty, staff, and students,” read the email. “Ed believed students should have a sense of both discovery and contribution as they learn and be able to do something they couldn’t have otherwise done. He was passionate and had a zest for teaching.”

No age or cause of death reported.


Bradley University's "vaccination" mandate:
Bradley University students, faculty and staff must be either fully vaccinated against COVID-19 or have an approved exemption from the vaccine. Fully vaccinated is defined by Bradley University, at this time, to be having received a second dose of a two dose COVID-19 vaccine series or a single dose COVID-19 vaccine.

2487   WookieMan   2022 Sep 28, 8:25pm  

mell says

Western medicine by itself is not bad, it did the most to better people's lives and increase longevity / life expectancy than any other medicine imo (compare middle-ages to today)

Life expectancy was due to decreases in deaths at birth or the first few years. Most of that was due to sanitary conditions in all reality. Sewer and water systems. Not a ton to do with medical advances. It helped for sure for certain diseases, mainly viral, say polio. But people still die from a burst appendix in 2022.

I'm convinced the medical field is just as much a racket as the Realtor crowd. Doctors want you sick or they don't have patients. Realtors want a sale or they don't make money. Both groups have ethics oaths. Both are bull shit. I was one of them.
2488   Shaman   2022 Sep 29, 7:37am  

They got Coolio!
Rest in that Gangster’s Paradise, homie!

2489   GNL   2022 Sep 29, 10:10am  

Shaman says

They got Coolio!
Rest in that Gangster’s Paradise, homie!


How many drugs, alcohol and hookers (think venereal disease) did this guy embibe? 59 is old in thug life years.
2490   Patrick   2022 Sep 29, 2:47pm  


A new analysis of U.S. government data has revealed that 648 nursing babies were harmed by COVID-19 shots, including three infants who died.

The report analyses data from the databases of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

It shows that the U.S. government has recorded 648 cases of side effects in breastfed infants whose mothers received the COVID-19 vaccine.

Despite the data, health authorities in the United States and several nations around the world recommended the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines for pregnant and lactating women.

The recommendations also come despite the lack of clinical studies or animal safety studies for that demographic.
2498   richwicks   2022 Sep 30, 4:04am  

mell says

jykiodfgr says

Novavax is not traditional vaccine, it too will kill you. Only Sinovac and another Indian one are traditional but don't take those either.

You're wrong, it's one thing to be jab skeptic but blanket tinfoil hat stories do not help the cause. Protein subunit vaccines are as traditional as inactive virus vaccines, 30+ years old.

Have you noticed that there was "SIDS" for decades, where "nutcases" claimed it was vaccine injury, and now we have "SADS"?

I was with you 3 years ago, "vaccines are safe and effective", but now that I realize sociopaths run our medical system, I'm not so confident anymore. I'm not at all certain that most vaccines are useful or worthwhile, and I'm not certain about their safety profile.

As a child, I was PURPOSELY exposed to measles, chickenpox, and (I think) mumps. My parents purposely exposed me to these, got me sick, and I recovered. Maybe it was an error on their part, but maybe not. I can see that I'm unusual in my skepticism, and I apologize for this, but most people are mindless sheep. I know it sounds arrogant, but I honestly don't think most people think. The NPC meme is very real for me.
2499   mell   2022 Sep 30, 11:01am  

richwicks says

mell says

jykiodfgr says

Novavax is not traditional vaccine, it too will kill you. Only Sinovac and another Indian one are traditional but don't take those either.

You're wrong, it's one thing to be jab skeptic but blanket tinfoil hat stories do not help the cause. Protein subunit vaccines are as traditional as inactive virus vaccines, 30+ years old.

Have you noticed that there was "SIDS" for decades, where "nutcases" claimed it was vaccine injury, and now we have "SADS"?

I was with you 3 years ago, "vaccines are safe and effective", but now that I realize sociopaths run our medical system, I'm not so confident anymore. I'm not at all certain that most vaccines are useful or worthwhile, and I'm not certain about their safety profile.

As a child, I wa...

You missed my point. I never said vaccines are safe, no vaccine is 100% safe, and there is always a risk benefit calculation to be done. The point in this specific post was to underline that protein subunit vaccines have roughly had the same side effect profile for 30 years as vaccines containing the whole virus. That's all. Nvax is still likely slightly more dangerous than the other protein subunit vaccines since the s protein is harmful, but that can be dealt with Rin's protocol. Note that your body is also exposed to the s protein during a covid infection, usually without any long term damage. It's important to be precise. You can already see my point proven in the long term observations in those countries that have been using nvax for quite a while, registered SAEs for Nvax are almost non existent compared to the mrna / vector dna shit. Why do you think the crooks at the fda/cdc have been slow walking the approval for nvax for so long and have still not given green light for nvax as booster? They know it's the only somewhat safe and effective jab but pfister and murderna have coopted every branch of this administration.

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