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Never in my wildest dreams or more precisely my nightmares did I expect that I would find myself where I am today, instead of touring and being interviewed for my latest show, track or album, I am receiving daily media invitations to talk about my fight to regain my health after being injured and paralyzed by the Moderna vaccine.
It is important to know that I am pro-evidence-based science and thought the vaccine was safe for me. I believed whole heartedly that I was doing “the right thing” by getting vaccinated. I had complete faith and trust in my country’s (Australia) leadership and medical system – that is until I suffered a severe adverse reaction that left me helpless, paralyzed, and with no help from doctors or my government.
Before the pandemic hit, I lived in California for ten years, and like many others in 2021, I soon found my life came to a standstill and I had to move back to Australia. In October that same year I received my first vaccination. Within days I started to feel severe and unbearable shooting pain and paralysis in my hands and feet. I contacted a globally well-respected spinal surgeon for advice, and his reply scared me like nothing before: “This can only be evidence of a catastrophic Neurological failure”.
Shortly afterward, I was rushed to hospital where I stayed for 2 weeks. I was in disbelief and became depressed because I couldn’t believe the vaccine could do this to me, especially when we were all told it was safe and effective and if there was a reaction it would be minor. If this was not enough, whilst in hospital, I was under the care of a highly rude, and dismissive neurologist who repeatedly told me “There is no way this is the vaccine”. ...
Before I was released from hospital the neurologist strongly advised me to get a second vaccine and said, “if you don’t get the second one, the first will be redundant.” I acted on the neurologist’s advice and ended up taking the second vaccine only a month after my first one, in hindsight I cannot believe I listened to her as I have always thought of myself as a critical thinker...
Shortly after the second shot my injuries were further exacerbated and I was unable to move, my hands felt like they were on fire, and I struggled to get through the day. I was rushed to hospital once again...
Never in my wildest dreams or more precisely my nightmares did I expect that I would find myself where I am today, instead of touring and being interviewed for my latest show, track or album, I am receiving daily media invitations to talk about my fight to regain my health after being injured and paralyzed by the Moderna vaccine.
It is important to know that I am pro-evidence-based science and thought the vaccine was safe for me. I believed whole heartedly that I was doing “the right thing” by getting vaccinated. I had complete faith and trust in my country’s (Australia) leadership and medical system – that is until I suffered a severe adverse reaction that left me helpless, paralyzed, and with no help from doctors or my government.
Before the pandemic hit, I l...
Some of these stories are just too crazy to believe.
Choi et al.: "Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea: Case Report on Histopathological Findings"; present autopsy findings of 22-year-old man who developed
chest pain 5 days after first dose of Pfizer mRNA vaccine & died 7 hours later. Histological examination of the heart revealed isolated atrial myocarditis, with neutrophil & histiocyte predominance
We present autopsy findings of a 22-year-old man who developed chest pain 5 days after the first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine and died 7 hours later. Histological examination of the heart revealed isolated atrial myocarditis, with neutrophil and histiocyte predominance. Immunohistochemical C4d staining revealed scattered single-cell necrosis of myocytes which was not accompanied by inflammatory infiltrates. Extensive contraction band necrosis was observed in the atria and ventricles. There was no evidence of microthrombosis or infection in the heart and other organs. The primary cause of death was determined to be myocarditis, causally-associated with the BNT162b2 vaccine.
He took the second one and damaged himself further? Good lord.
Choi et al.: "Myocarditis-induced Sudden Death after BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Korea: Case Report on Histopathological Findings"; present autopsy findings of 22-year-old man who developed
chest pain 5 days after first dose of Pfizer mRNA vaccine & died 7 hours later. Histological examination of the heart revealed isolated atrial myocarditis, with neutrophil & histiocyte predominance
We present autopsy findings of a 22-year-old man who developed chest pain 5 days after the first dose of the BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine and died 7 hours later. Histological examination of the heart revealed isolated atrial myocarditis, with neutrophil and histiocyte predominance. Immunohistochemical C4d staining revealed scattered single-cell necrosis of m...
I’ve come to believe that the people who die shortly (within days or weeks of injection) post jab were incidents where the needle injected the mRNA directly into a vein. This can happen rarely, and can also be prevented using a needle technique called “aspiration.” This involves pulling the plunger back once the needle is inserted and checking the reservoir for blood. If blood has begun to mix with the vax, you’ve hit a vein and need to re-jab. However, this process does cause a little pain and thus was discouraged by the medical procedures developed for administration of the Covid jabs.
But ya, directly injecting into a vein means the heart gets a super dose of mRNA, often leading to myocarditis and other organ problems.
I’ve come to believe that the people who die shortly (within days or weeks of injection) post jab were incidents where the needle injected the mRNA directly into a vein.
Many thanks to Jean Rees for compiling this. This is ONLY a sample of the AEs.
11 yo female - 5 minutes post 1st dose, said she couldn't hear, said she "couldn't feel her ears" Lost consciousness, came to after ~2-5 minutes After - Had a seizure for 5 minutes Screamed for Mom to "Make it Stop"
5 yo girl - IN - 39 days post (unclear if 1st/2nd) dose Pfizer. - 6 days in hosp. Unclear if 1st/2nd - 11/16/21. C19+ on 11/29/21 (symp onset 11/25/21). C19+ 13 days post 💉MIS-C symptom onset 12/25/21. Hosp for 6 days (MIS-C) confirmed case, onset 12/25/21."
5 yo girl - AZ - 4 days post unk dose Pfizer - 5 days in hosp C19+ October Vax 4 weeks later MIS-C "Pt had acute acute COVID19 in October 2021. Got her first COVID19 vaccine on 11/12/21. Started having fever on 11/16/21 & was admitted on 11/21/21 w/MIS-C with Cardiac involvement"
10 yo girl - AR - 41 days post 1st dose Pfizer - 2 days in the hosp Ketoacidosis Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Pollakiuria "Child began deep thirst and urination on January 10. Rushed to hospital on January 11th and subsequently diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes."
7 yo boy - TN - 43 days post unk dose Pfizer - Unk days in hosp MIS-C Lymphadenitis Conjunctivitis Strawberry Tongue "On 02/15/2022 patient presented to hospital with concerns for MIS-C; developed fevers, tmax of 105F, also complained of myalgia, and abdominal pain."
5 yo boy - PR - 13 days post 2nd dose Pfizer - Lymphadenitis Movement Disorder Tic "Tic disorder Repetitive neck movements developed after 12 days of vaccine administration He had a cervical lymphadenitis developed on left anterior neck after vaccine as described by mother"
5 yo boy - IN - 19 days post 1st dose Pfizer - 2 days in hosp (would be labeled "unvaccinated" per CDC definitions) MIS-C C19+ (19 days post vax) "Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome confirmed case, onset 12/13/21" "12/20/2021 SARS-CoV-2 IgG Ab positive"
8 yo boy - NY - 33 days post unk dose Pfizer - 3 days in hosp (unclear which way he would be labeled) Immune Thrombocytopenia 1/10/22 - CBC showed platelet count of less than 1. 1/11/22 - IVIG administered CBC showed platelet count of 5 1/12/22 - CBC showed platelet count of < 1
5 yo girl - NY - 1 day post unk dose Pfizer - (10 mcgm w/Tris) 3 days in hospital Seizure Foaming at the Mouth Pineal Gland Cyst "Seizure event possibly longer than 15 minutes. Mother found her slumped over in bed w/foaming at the mouth. +postictal state. She did have a fever"
16 yo male - NY - 9 days post 1st dose Pfizer - 2 days in hosp Would be labeled "unvaxxed" per CDC definitions Tonic-Clonic Seizure Postictal State Event on 9/10/21 Reported 2/3/22
8 yo boy - 19 days post 1st dose Pfizer - (10 mcgm w/Tris) Epilepsy Intractable Seizures EEG Severely Abnormal "intractable seizures was loaded with anti seizure meds in ER and admitted to the hospital to further get seizures under control"
5 yo girl - 5 days post 1st dose Pfizer - (10 mcgm w/Tris) Seizure lasting 2 minutes 2nd Seizure 6 days later EKG Abnormal "Seizure on 11/23/21 and seizure on 11/29/21, each lasting approximately 2 minutes. EEG found abnormal . Started medication for seizures on 12/1/21"
7 yo boy - 1 day post 2nd dose Pfizer - (10 mcgm w/Tris) Seizure "he had a seizure (right hand posturing, body turned to left, emesis & turned blue, he gasped)àthis lasted 4-5 minutes. Emergency was called & in ambulance, he had a 2nd witnessed tonic clonic seizure w/eyes deviated"
6 yo girl - 7 days post 1st dose Pfizer - (10 mcgm w/Tris) 2 days in hospital Seizure Loss of Consciousness "All test results have come back normal at this time and care providers cannot identify another causal factor for the seizure." Encourage a read of all of the verbiage.
5 yo boy - 3 days post Unknown Dose Pfizer - (10 mcgm w/Tris) Seizure "The fever increased to 101, a dose of Tylenol was given, and about 10 minutes later he had a seizure lasting ~3.5 minutes at 3:45pm. An ambulance was called and he was taken to the hospital. Temp in ER was 102."
5 yo boy - 10 hours post 2nd dose Pfizer - (10 mcgm w/Tris) Seizure Gaze Palsy "No patient or family history of seizure conditions. Child was unresponsive for 1-3 minutes with eyes open and fixed, mouth open, arms and legs extended and muscles rigid and twitching."
12 yo male- 6 days post 1st dose Pfizer - (30 mcgm PBS) Seizure "He had just begun to brush his teeth when he collapsed and had a seizure. He has no medical reason to have seizures & had never had one until 6 days after getting the vaccine."
6 yo girl - 7 days post 1st dose Pfizer - (10 mcgm w/Tris) Seizure "Child had seizure (lost consciousness and stopped breathing) 1 week after 1st dose of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. Child was transported via ambulance to Hospital where she was admitted & will be spending the night."
5 yo boy - 10 hours post 2nd dose Pfizer - (10 mcgm w/Tris) Seizure "No patient or family history of seizure conditions. Child was unresponsive for 1-3 minutes with eyes open and fixed, mouth open, arms and legs extended and muscles rigid and twitching"
7 yo female - 8 days post 1st dose Pfizer - (10 mcgms w/Tris) Multiple Seizures 2 days in hospital No significant prior medical history
13 yo female - 5-6 days post 2nd dose Pfizer - 38 days in the hospital Encephalitis Prior, she had been previously healthy and developmentally normal. . . In addition to seizure, she has become nonverbal, unable to eat, and does not follow commands.
21 yo female - Right after 1st dose Pfizer - Peri Paralysis Seizure LP 7 days in hosp "I was pretty much paralyzed for hands and legs. I was brought to hospital and they treated me there for about a week and I had muscle weakness I gained feeling back in my hands but not in my feet"
18 yo female - 10 days post 2nd Pfizer - Hosp 3 days "Pt w/seizures & encephalitis 10 days after 2nd C19 vaccine No source of encephalitis was found, although workup continues Pt is recovering but still has extreme fatigue & decreased functioning including decreased mental stamina
14 yo female - 7 days post 1st dose Pfizer - Grand Mal Seizure "a generalized tonic-clonic seizure — is caused by abnormal electrical activity throughout the brain." Hospitalized for unknown days
12 yo female - NJ - 5 days post 2nd dose Pfizer - Would be labeled as "unvaccinated" in the hosp 11 days in the hospital MIS-C Pt was admit 11/30/21 because of concern for septic shock. Pt is a 12 yo female prev healthy, presenting w/a 6 day history of abdom pain & febrile illness
12 yo female - TX - 13 days post - 2nd dose Pfizer Hosp 3 times, 7-10 days each time Acute Pyelonephritis Kidney Infection UTIs Muscle Spasms Renal Disorder Encourage a read of all of the verbiage.
12 yo male - IA - 12 days post 3rd dose Pfizer - Immune Thrombocytopenia "Patient was diagnosed with Immune thrombocytopenia by local Hospital" "CBC w/dif, Reticulocytes done on 2/3/22 at local Clinic. PT, PTT, INR, CRP, Ferritin, UA, repeat CBC done 2/3/22 @ local Hosp"
12 yo female - CA - 1 day post 2nd dose - Pfizer Glossitis (Swollen Tongue) "Sore arm, Fever (103 degree), bumps on tongue (painful), tongue and cheek swelling, roof of mouth swelling, sore gum. Diagnosed with Glossitis. Prescribed steroids, pain medication, and Benedryl."
17 yo female - MN - 1 month post 2nd dose Pfizer - Immune Thrombocytopenia "(07/08/21) my platelets were at 53,000 I have had 39 blood tests to date to monitor my platelets. They have fluctuated up and down due to ongoing steroid treatment (12/21/21) my platelets were @ 66,000"
12 yo female - GA - 10 days post 2nd dose Pfizer - 8 months post vax still ongoing Papilledema "Pt was dx w/papilledema of both eyes. Prev eye exams & dilated exam do not reflect papilledema. Multiple specialists cannot uncover the cause . . . 8 months later it has not resolved."
13 yo female - 7 day - post 1st dose Pfizer Brain Natriuretic Peptide Increased PICU for potential Myocarditis Chest Pain "Came to the ER on 12/24 with intermittent chest pain that started 12/23 after she played soccer."
15 yo female - 177 post 2nd dose of Pfizer - Bilateral Pulmonary Emboli Autopsy Pending. "Patient passed away on 12/11/21 at 12:11pm from bilateral pulmonary emboli (air bubbles not DVT). Final autopsy results pending toxicology results."
12 yo female - 7 days post 2nd dose Pfizer - Went to ER Immune Thrombocytopenia Haemoglobin Decrease "Placed under hemotology care. Child was diagnosed w/iron deficiency and ITP (Immuno thrombocytopenia) We were sent to Institute.. Child platelets kept dropping"
12 yo female - 1 day post 2nd dose Pfizer - 5 days in the hosp Autoimmune Haemolytic Anemia Jaundice Platelet Count Decreased "At the er they diagnosed her w/autoimmune hemolytic anemia, which explained the jaundice She was admitted & put on steroids Her hemoglobin got as low as 5"
12 yo female - 2 days post dose. Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (usually occurs in those ~40) 5 days in hospital Leukocytosis Thrombocytopenia Leg pain and bruising. Fever right after vax, initially thought to be appendicitis.
BOOSTER -- DEATH - 17 yo male -- Foreign - 8 days post 3rd dose Pfizer - onset of symptoms Hospitalized 15 days post 3rd dose Pfizer - DEAD Agranulocytosis Sepsis Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome
16 yo male - TX - 4 days post 1st dose Pfizer - 20 days in hosp (over 4 different periods) Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy Immunoglobulin Therapy "Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy Patient hospitalized several times for IVIG treatments"
16 yo male - NY - 9 days post 1st dose Pfizer - 2 days in hosp Would be labeled "unvaxxed" per CDC definitions Tonic-Clonic Seizure Postictal State Event on 9/10/21 Reported 2/3/22
Shaman says
I’ve come to believe that the people who die shortly (within days or weeks of injection) post jab were incidents where the needle injected the mRNA directly into a vein.
Maybe, but I also remember them saying the mRNA stays in the deltoid muscle and does not circulate about. Proven false, of course.
If you die hard and fast you likely got hit in a blood vessel.
The latest data out of the United Kingdom suggests that a growing number of fully jabbed people are losing their eyesight. The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Yellow Card system currently shows 163 cases of total blindness among people who got jabbed with the Pfizer-BioNTech needle, along with an additional six cases of central vision loss and four cases of sudden visual loss.
Twenty-one people also reportedly now suffer from “blindness transient” specifically caused by the Pfizer injection. This adverse reaction involves visual disturbance or loss of sight in one eye for a few seconds or even minutes at a time.
Another 20 people beyond that are reported to have suffered from a reaction called “unilateral blindness,” which is when a person got blind or blurred vision in just one eye (Related: Roman Abramovich recently suffered temporary blindness while attempting to broker peace talks between Russia and Ukraine; was he recently vaccinated?)
“In total, there have been 8,016 eye disorders reported as adverse reactions to the Pfizer jab as of 6th April 2022,” reported the Daily Exposé.
114 Medical Professionals in Russia Who 'Died Suddenly'
An English Translation of a Russian Language Compilation (Part 1)
A high schooler went into sudden cardiac arrest. His teammate and coach saved him
October 20, 2022
Drew Strasser, 18, had just finished his warm-up laps at tennis practice when he lurched toward the wall to brace himself before slumping down, unconscious. His teammate and friend Jake jumped into action performing CPR on him while a coach, Jesse Atkinson, rushed to get an automated external defibrillator (AED) to jolt his heart. Their quick action likely saved the teen’s life. “I never would have thought it would be my kid,” Laneia Strasser, 38, of Rochester, Indiana, told TODAY. “His friend, his 18-year-old teammate who works as a lifeguard — luckily he handled the situation right. Nobody knows how you’re going to react to a situation like that, and he did what he needed to do.”
We’ve had 25 million Covid jab deaths so far: analyst
Peter Halligan calculates massive worldwide mortality and 2 billion vaccine-related injuries based on US and European data
James Hill, MD
Peter Halligan, whom Dr. Roger Hodkinson says in the video above “is a most-experienced analyst in the financial industry and is very skilled at looking at and translating statistics into a summary statement,” estimated global deaths related to Covid vaccines at 20 million and vaccine injuries at 2.2 billion through August 2022.
Vigilant Fox wrote an October 2022 report on this.
But factoring updated VAERS data into Halligan’s numbers, we’re up to 25 million deaths.
In just the last three months, 53 performers have dropped dead, or keeled over, on stage
And how many performers can you remember ever doing anything like that, before the rollout of the COVID "vaccination" drive? Me neither.
original link
In just the last three months, 53 performers have dropped dead, or keeled over, on stage
And how many performers can you remember ever doing anything like that, before the rollout of the COVID "vaccination" drive? Me neither.
original link
Screenshots of Richard Allen Rowe's Facebook post on "anti-vaxxers" have begun circulating on Twitter. Rowe, who was a Democratic candidate for the Florida House of Representatives for District 23, passed away on October 2021 at 41 years old – just months after his alleged Pfizer shot.
Rugby player collapses, dies during East Coast centennial celebration match
NZ Herald
22 Oct, 2022
A player involved in a festival match celebrating the centenary of one of New Zealand’s smallest rugby clubs has died this morning after an on-field incident.
The player collapsed during the match between Ruatoria City's 2022 squad and a Ruatoria Centennial XV.
Despite extensive efforts to save him the player was pronounced dead at the scene with the match abandoned and a karakia sung as his body was removed from the pitch.
Anyone can make this shit up. How can I be sure this is real? We have to be sure we aren't looking like idiots.
Anyone can make this shit up. How can I be sure this is real? We have to be sure we aren't looking like idiots.
In June 2020, the Sinopharm BIBP vaccine (BBIBP-CorV) was authorized for emergency use in China. On July 22, Chinese authorities started the emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines.
China says Xi Jinping given local Covid jab as it seeks to ease vaccine safety fears
This article is more than 2 months old
Rare disclosure comes as China struggles to increase elderly immunisation rates amid online rumours of side-effects
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