Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   910,834 views  8,522 comments

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Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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3056   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 4:36pm  


Ames orchestra director Mary Kay Polashek has died
November 21, 2022

Ames, IA - A 63-year-old high school orchestra teacher of 40 years has died of rapid progression Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Lou Gehrig disease). Mary Polashek, 63, was only diagnosed with ALS last year. While the average lifespan for living with ALS is three years, in less than a year, Mrs. Polashek was forced to retire. She had expected to work through the rest of 2022 but was unable to due to the rapid progression of the disease. She passed away in her sleep at home.


On February 5, 2022, the Ames School District started a weekly “vaccine clinic” to provide injections to school staff. That day they gave 100 shots, pledging to give the same number every Friday, until all 675 school district employees could be vaccinated:
'Like I'd won the lottery': Ames school district staff begins receiving COVID-19 vaccine
3057   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 4:37pm  

California state correctional officer, 57, died suddenly after falling ill on duty
November 17, 2022

A California state correctional officer died suddenly on Wednesday after he fell ill on duty at San Quentin State Prison, according to the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. Officer Daniel Chrystaline, 57, became ill at about 5:30 a.m. and died at about 6:30 after he was transported to an outside hospital. The corrections department did not provide any more information. “We are deeply saddened by the sudden and unexpected passing of Officer Daniel J. Chrystaline,” spokeswoman Terri Harding said in an email.


A judge in September 2021 ordered the prison system to implement a mandatory vaccine policy for all prison staff:
3058   Patrick   2022 Nov 25, 4:38pm  

Manhattan Attorney Who Represented “We Build the Wall” Associate Tim Shea Dies Unexpectedly
November 17, 2022

A Manhattan defense attorney famous for thwarting prosecutors in cases against the Mafia, Rico and narcotics cases has passed away unexpectedly. John Meringolo, a longtime Manhattan defense attorney who earned a reputation for besting federal prosecutors in high-profile cases, died Thursday. He was 48. He leaves behind two one-year-old twins. John Meringolo was also renowned for his defense of Timothy Shea who was accused of misusing donations for the “Build The Wall” for personal enrichment. The first trial ended in mistrial but Shea was convicted last month. No cause of death was listed for Meringolo, but his father, Richard Maringolo, confirmed the “[the death] was unexpected”.


The New York court system implemented a system where only vaccinated attorneys were eligible to remove their mask. The courts restricted areas where the unvaccinated could go and forced them to wear a color orange or green on their badge indicating if they were vaccinated:
3060   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 11:54am  

Malone objects to some inaccuracies in "Died Suddenly":

3061   GNL   2022 Nov 26, 1:50pm  

Patrick says

Malone objects to some inaccuracies in "Died Suddenly":


From the article...

"Furthermore, the truth will eventually come out. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, and maybe in some cases (JFK and RFK senior assassination?) it can be hidden for a long time. But it will come out."

Here's the problem as I see it...they (whoever "they" are) have hacked the timeline of this and other events. How so? They know the truth of what they do will eventually come out. So what, whatever they want to achieve will have been achieved by that time. Win.
3062   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 2:16pm  

@GNL I think you're right.

The goal, whether it's dictatorial control or simply depopulation, probably will have been achieved by the time the whole truth is out.
3063   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 2:18pm  


Why is the University of California trying to KILL its students, faculty and staff?

Is that why its top managers want EVERYBODY boosted? Or are they just corrupted by Big Pharma's revenues, and therefore in denial of the risks? Some well-informed (and brave) professors want to know.

On October 2, William I. Robinson, Distinguished Professor of Sociology at UC Santa Barbara, sent a detailed letter to UCSB administrators, protesting their booster mandate for all students, faculty and staff.

Having got no reply, Prof. Robinson posted his letter on NoCollegeMandates, and also sent it to some colleagues on his campus. That led to a larger group of faculty within the UC system to attempt to reach a wider readership, since that mandate is in force at all the UC schools; and, since it affects not just the faculty (and staff) but all the students, too, they contacted the editors of UC’s nine student papers, to see if they might want to run the letter. Certain of those editors were most receptive, asking only for a shorter version of the letter Robinson had written; and so the signatories cut it to 900 words, and sent that in.

But now the students wouldn’t run it—a change of heart induced (no doubt) by pressure from on high, where the interests of Big Pharma, and its all-powerful affiliates, matter far more than the welfare of the students, faculty and staff who keep those schools afloat as schools.

Here, then. is the letter that UC’s administrators wouldn’t answer, and that those student editors (a different breed from those who flourished in the days of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement) decided not to run. ...


We write to register deep dismay over UC’s September 22, 2022 memorandum mandating a fall 2022 COVID-19 booster for all students, staff, and faculty. Our concerns are driven by the scientific information on the virus and on the vaccines that we have now accumulated nearly three years into the outbreak.

Our concerns in brief:

First, University of California Office of the President justified the original mandate on the assumption that vaccination would protect against COVID-19 infection and prevent transmission. We now know it does neither, a fact acknowledged by the CDC, the FDA, the HHS, the WHO, health ministries and medical researchers around the world, and now, by Pfizer itself. Moreover, more than 150 peer-reviewed studies demonstrate that natural immunity acquired by recovering from a COVID-19 infection is equal to if not superior to vaccination, and that paradoxically, over time, COVID-19 shots increase rather than decrease the risk of contracting and spreading the virus. One May 2022 article in the high-impact British Medical Journal has warned that “mandatory vaccine policies are scientifically questionable and are likely to cause more societal harm than good.” The CDC has “recommended” and not mandated the new booster. The University’s decision to mandate boosters at this time is therefore not in accordance with CDC guidelines. Moreover, the CDC recently greatly relaxed its COVID-19 guidelines and no longer recommends making distinctions based on a person’s vaccination status.

Second, mounting evidence demonstrates serious risks associated with vaccination, especially for healthy males 18-39, where risks may outweigh benefits. A Florida Department of Health analysis of mortality following mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, to cite one study, reported an 84 percent increase in death for men 18-39 within 28 days of vaccination. Also, well documented is the elevated risk of myocarditis, pericarditis, and emergency cardiovascular events among those under 40, a demographic that includes the vast majority of our student body and large portions of staff and faculty. The Florida study also showed that males over 60 had a 10 percent increased risk of cardiac-related death in the same 28-day period, and that non-mRNA vaccines did not have those increased risks in any population. Multiple data sources show that young healthy people who contract COVID-19 have a recovery rate of 99.995 percent.

In March 2022, a court order compelled Pfizer to release 55,000 pages of internal reports on vaccine effectiveness and side effects. Among the 1,246 different adverse effects in Pfizer’s own documents were cardiac arrest, deep vein thrombosis, immune-mediated hepatitis, myocarditis, brain stem embolism and thrombosis, interstitial lung disease, juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, liver injury, and multisystem inflammatory syndrome. Another study by medical researchers, including one of our colleagues at UCSF, found that 22,000-30,000 previously uninfected adults aged 18-29 must be boosted with an mRNA vaccine to prevent just one COVID-19 hospitalization, and that “booster mandates may cause a net expected harm: per COVID-19 hospitalization prevented in previously uninfected young adults, we anticipate 18 to 98 serious adverse events, including 1.7 to 3.0 booster-associated myocarditis cases in males, and 1,373 to 3,234 cases of grade ≥3 reactogenicity.”

Data from CDC’s official Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) released on July 15, 2022, show 1,350,950 reports of adverse events for all age groups following COVID-19 vaccines, including 29,635 deaths and 246,676 serious injuries. It is well documented that fewer than one percent of all vaccine-associated adverse events are ever reported to the CDC’s VAERS. This means that actual morbidity or mortality is many times greater, as pointed out, among other sources, by a recent HHS-funded Harvard Medical School vaccine injury study. Another study published by UCLA Professors Sander Greenland and Patrick Whelan and others in the high-impact journal Vaccine in September, 2022 lamented the lack of “full transparency of the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial data” and called for a harm-benefit analysis of the vaccines.

Third, while we are not against vaccination for those who choose it, we are deeply concerned about the coercive nature of this medical procedure. Any medical treatment must be an individual choice and should be made in consultation with one’s physician. Never before in medical history has an entire population been required to receive a vaccine approved only for emergency use, for which there are no long-term data, and without informed consent, that, as a matter of law and ethics, requires that no one be coerced into a medical treatment. The shift in UC policy from fully vaccinated to up-to-date signals anticipation of an open-ended process of continuous vaccinations and boosters that goes far beyond addressing a temporary emergency.

The LAUSD (among others) suspended its vaccine mandate for students and staff in September 2022, after a Superior Court judge ruled that the school district did not have the authority to mandate vaccination. The State of California has not mandated boosters for anyone except health workers. Nationwide, the trend is toward eliminating all mandates. The rate of hospitalizations is radically down and COVID-19 related deaths now appear to be about on par with annual deaths from the flu. In contrast, “excess,” sudden, unexpected unexplained deaths have skyrocketed since the rollout of the experimental vaccines. Even Bill Gates, who helped finance and promote the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, has now acknowledged: “We didn’t understand that it’s a fairly low fatality rate and that it’s a disease mainly in the elderly, kind of like flu.”

If UC leadership continues to insist on this ill-advised action, are they ready to accept full personal responsibility and legal liability for the multitude of harms certain to result?

Carole H. Browner
Professor of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science
University of California, Los Angeles

William I. Robinson
Distinguished Professor of Sociology
University of California, Santa Barbara

Roberto Strongman
Associate Professor of Black Studies
University of California, Santa Barbara

Arvind Thomas
Associate Professor of English
University of California, Los Angeles

Anton Van Der Ven
Professor of Engineering
University of California, Santa Barbara

Hugo Loaiciga
Professor of Geography
University of California, Santa Barbara

Aaron Kheriaty, MD
Former Professor, School of Medicine
Former Director of Medical Ethics Program
University of California, Irvine

Gabriel Vorobiof
Associate Professor of Medicine
University of California, Los Angeles

Lazlo Boros
Assistant Adjunct Professor of Pediatrics, Endocrinology and Metabolism (retired)
University of California, Los Angeles

Patrick Whelan
Associate Clinical Professor of Pediatrics
University of California, Los Angeles

3064   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 2:26pm  


COVID Deaths, 5 to 24 Year Olds, England
Death rate is 65% higher since the mRNA experiment - in the summer!! IT'S NOT WORKING. IT'S NOT SAFE OR EFFECTIVE.

3065   HeadSet   2022 Nov 26, 6:31pm  

Patrick says

Why is the University of California trying to KILL its students, faculty and staff?

I suspect Pfizer et al funds research at that school along with other bribes.
3066   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 6:56pm  

Patrick says

The goal, whether it's dictatorial control or simply depopulation, probably will have been achieved by the time the whole truth is out.

Ah, here's one way they can achieve the depopulation goal without being hanged immediately: by making the children of the vaxx recipients sterile.


3067   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 6:58pm  


3070   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 7:00pm  

Singing in the Dark
Writes Singing in the Dark
2 hr ago
Liked by Malignant
It’s brilliant. Remember the old meme? “Before you insult somebody, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you insult them, you’re a mile away, and you have their shoes.”

So to dramatically reduce a population of vexing humanity, get everyone to take a shot, except the limited progeny you want to keep. The shot will give the populace cancer, but not before they have maybe had a child or two (out of eight or eleven miscarriages) who will grow up to be infertile themselves. Live long enough after the cancer shot to raise the children through the night-feedings, potty training, and language-learning stages, then kindly die from said cancer far enough down the road no one can be sure it was the shot and take mitigating measures to save their own lives; then hand your angry, hurting orphans over to the state to finish raising them into a militant army motivated by blind pain. Who is this army supposed to fight? I’m not sure. Perhaps the resistors.

This all has to be funded, so the plan prevents people from dying too fast, so production from the peasant masses isn’t halted too quickly, and Amazon and Doordash can still deliver Pelosi her ice cream and vodka for lunch without a significant delay (most days anyway) inconveniencing her, until she finally dies off as well.

I guess that’s how I would do it if I were a megalomaniac globalist.
3071   Shaman   2022 Nov 26, 7:02pm  

Academics are foolish and venal.
That is the sum of what we have learned over the past two years.
3073   HeadSet   2022 Nov 26, 7:04pm  

Patrick says

So to dramatically reduce a population of vexing humanity, get everyone to take a shot, except the limited progeny you want to keep.

Essentially, that is the plot of the James Bond film Moonraker.
3074   Ceffer   2022 Nov 26, 7:04pm  

Should Patrick allow mRNA vaccinated posters to post any more on this site? After that genetic mutation incorporated into their genome, they are no longer technically human and are patented property of the Globalists. Do we really want Globalist non human chattels posting here?
3075   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 7:12pm  

I wonder if they are still able to think straight after getting the vaxx.
3076   Patrick   2022 Nov 26, 7:14pm  

Patrick says

Ah, here's one way they can achieve the depopulation goal without being hanged immediately: by making the children of the vaxx recipients sterile.

And if this is true, then I agree with @richwicks that the people who did this should be completely wiped out, including all of their progeny.
3077   Ceffer   2022 Nov 26, 7:25pm  

More karma for the useful idiots:
3078   Ceffer   2022 Nov 26, 10:29pm  

'Nother useful idiot down the chutes from own medicine. I wonder if they will bury her thirty pieces of silver with her.
3079   Ceffer   2022 Nov 26, 10:33pm  

Of course, was this vaccine, or another assassination over crypto crap?
3080   richwicks   2022 Nov 26, 10:36pm  

Patrick says

GNL I think you're right.

The goal, whether it's dictatorial control or simply depopulation, probably will have been achieved by the time the whole truth is out.

I disagree.

Truth can come out today, that wasn't possible with JFK and RFK.

You may be unaware of this Patrick, but the whole effort of the Internet was to expose government corruption. That was it's REAL purpose. It takes days, not years, to expose a government lie today.

How long did it take you to figure out that the government lied about weapons of mass destruction program in 2001, versus how long did it take you to realize that Russia didn't bomb Poland? Even though I suspected "weapons of mass destruction" was a lie at at the start, it still took me years to realize they definitely lied to start a war. How could I be certain when nobody around me wasn't?

I have faith in this system, despite the propaganda and censorship. We wouldn't have censorship if the propaganda was still working.

I don't know who killed JFK, but probably our intelligence agencies, same with RFK - and both probably with help from Israel, but I DON'T KNOW, for certain. I just have tons of evidence, but, that may be false and misleading. I do know our intelligence agencies didn't want them in power.
3081   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 27, 5:30am  

Now I hear the music,
close my eyes, I am rhythm.
In a flash it takes hold
of my heart.

Irene Cara, 'Flashdance,' 'Fame' singer, dead at 63
Irene Cara, award-winning singer, songwriter and actor won an Academy Award for 1983’s 'Flashdance… What a Feeling'
3082   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2022 Nov 27, 6:27am  

Observed versus expected rates of myocarditis after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination: a population-based cohort study.


Cannot understand how the
continues to recommend Moderna to young men/boys

I remain perplexed why US never acted on this information, which has been known for a year (see my editorial from last Dec).

The actual rate of myocarditis post-toxxine is much higher. Many young males with symptoms of myocarditis will not seek medical care. And asymptomatic myocarditis is a real clinical thing. The right thing to do would be to measure troponin after toxxine injection. It's not rocket science. Why is this not being done?
3083   GNL   2022 Nov 27, 6:37am  

Patrick says

So to dramatically reduce a population of vexing humanity, get everyone to take a shot, except the limited progeny you want to keep. The shot will give the populace cancer, but not before they have maybe had a child or two (out of eight or eleven miscarriages) who will grow up to be infertile themselves. Live long enough after the cancer shot to raise the children through the night-feedings, potty training, and language-learning stages, then kindly die from said cancer far enough down the road no one can be sure it was the shot and take mitigating measures to save their own lives; then hand your angry, hurting orphans over to the state to finish raising them into a militant army motivated by blind pain. Who is this army supposed to fight? I’m not sure. Perhaps the resistors.

Hmm, all of this with a jab that wasn't tested? How in the world would they be able to do that with a jab with no long term trials?
3084   GNL   2022 Nov 27, 6:42am  

richwicks says

Patrick says

GNL I think you're right.

The goal, whether it's dictatorial control or simply depopulation, probably will have been achieved by the time the whole truth is out.

I disagree.

Truth can come out today, that wasn't possible with JFK and RFK.

You may be unaware of this Patrick, but the whole effort of the Internet was to expose government corruption. That was it's REAL purpose. It takes days, not years, to expose a government lie today.

How long did it take you to figure out that the government lied about weapons of mass destruction program in 2001, versus how long did it take you to realize that Russia didn't bomb Poland? Even though I suspected "weapons of mass destruction" was a lie at at the start, it still took me years to realize they definitely lied to start a war. How could I be certain when nobody around me wasn't?


The truth may have come out but it did not do so in time to stop billions from taking the jab. Once the jab is taken, whatever the result, it is too late to turn back. Suppression of the truth was indeed a thing as well. Covid is a total psyop.
3085   stereotomy   2022 Nov 27, 9:24am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Now I hear the music,
close my eyes, I am rhythm.
In a flash it takes hold
of my heart.

Irene Cara, 'Flashdance,' 'Fame' singer, dead at 63
Irene Cara, award-winning singer, songwriter and actor won an Academy Award for 1983’s 'Flashdance… What a Feeling'

Now they have jabbed me
Close my eyes, I feel woozy
In a flash, brain explodes
I grow cold . . .
3086   Patrick   2022 Nov 27, 10:25am  

GNL says

Hmm, all of this with a jab that wasn't tested? How in the world would they be able to do that with a jab with no long term trials?

I don't know whether the infertility of female children of vaxxers is true, but I think it's possible. Knowing enough about which genes are involved, mRNA could be injected to create bad proteins that interfere with he formation of fetal ovaries.
3087   Patrick   2022 Nov 27, 10:32am  

Ceffer says

Of course, was this vaccine, or another assassination over crypto crap?




Kullander “passed away unexpectedly in his sleep” on Nov. 23, Amber said in a statement on its website on Friday.

Tried to find out if he's vaxxed for sure, but his Twitter feed seems to be oddly replaced with a Saudi feed:


Speaker Intro #53: Tiantian Kullander (
) is the Founding Partner of @AmberAIGroup - provides liquidity and trade in a variety of markets and instruments, by combining machine learning with quantitative research and technology.

If you go to https://twitter.com/tzk92 you find it's some Saudi account.
3088   Patrick   2022 Nov 27, 11:54am  


Steven Lome, a cardiologist and distance runner, had never witnessed anybody experience a cardiac arrest during a road race. Nor did he expect to use his professional skills outside work.

But while running the Monterey Bay Half Marathon in California on Nov. 13, Lome saw not one, but two runners collapse on the course, and he performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on both. The two runners, men in their 50s and 60s, survived and are expected to make full recoveries, Lome recounted in a Twitter thread.

“I just thought it was such a crazy, crazy odds, random event that there were two cardiac arrests, and both happened to be right in front of me,” he said in a phone interview.
3090   Patrick   2022 Nov 27, 12:22pm  


Bruce Arians Won the Super Bowl with Tom Brady, but Is Losing to the Covid Vaccine
The Tampa Bay coach who loudly pushed for his team to get vaccinated is another victim of mRNA vaccine-induced myocarditis, a top cardiologist says.

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