Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   868,127 views  8,013 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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339   Ceffer   2021 Sep 12, 7:02pm  

Patrick says
This guy is good. I think he is probably right about all of it.

I think he also has information that could lead to the arrest of IHLlary, so he probably won't last long.
343   Booger   2021 Sep 13, 6:11am  

Ernesto Ramirez Jr: 16-Year-Old Boy Dies 5 Days After Receiving The Pfizer COVID-19 “Vaccine”, Father Speaks Out

344   RWSGFY   2021 Sep 13, 8:02am  

Booger says
Ernesto Ramirez Jr: 16-Year-Old Boy Dies 5 Days After Receiving The Pfizer COVID-19 “Vaccine”, Father Speaks Out


345   RWSGFY   2021 Sep 13, 8:24am  

Talking about "long covid": remember how they were towing the "at least you can't get long covid if vaxxed" line? Today on NPR they started easing into "yes, vaxxed can get long covid, but it's EXCEEDINGLY RARE!".
346   Patrick   2021 Sep 13, 11:17pm  



Nobody had informed him of the risks of the experimental covid vaccine, this is why our message is essential, keep sharing the truth everywhere!

347   Patrick   2021 Sep 13, 11:23pm  


A local ABC news station accidentally opened up Pandora’s Box with a recent and now viral Facebook post. Currently boasting 64k+ shares, the post asked for stories about people that lost a loved one because they weren’t vaccinated….what ended up happening was a massive deluge of comments from people that had lost loved ones right after the vaccine instead. The number of actual deaths and side effects from the vaccine is something many suspect the media, Big Pharma, this illegitimate administration, and the CDC are personally covering up. Apparently the CDC doesn’t consider anyone that dies within 2 weeks of the vaccine as an actual “vaccination death” and of this post is as telling as it seems to be…..a LOT more people are dying from this vaccine than anything else. The vaccine clearly doesn’t stop people from getting covid, and it’s got a lot of people wondering why they’re pushing it so hard at all. I screenshot as many comments as I could as Facebook is already targeting the post and asking people if they “really” want to share it:

354   Ceffer   2021 Sep 14, 11:58am  

"Hey, look at that big pile of corpses from vaccines!"

Liberal: "What pile? I don't see any pile. It's a mirage."
355   Patrick   2021 Sep 14, 2:18pm  

Ceffer says
"Hey, look at that big pile of corpses from vaccines!"

Liberal: "What pile? I don't see any pile. It's a mirage."

Next frame:

Liberal gets blood clot and dies, still denying that it could have anything to do with the three jabs.
356   Eric Holder   2021 Sep 14, 2:24pm  

Patrick says
Ceffer says
"Hey, look at that big pile of corpses from vaccines!"

Liberal: "What pile? I don't see any pile. It's a mirage."

Next frame:

Liberal gets blood clot and dies, still denying that it could have anything to do with the three jabs.

.... and urging everybody to "get the jab" with their last breath.
357   Ceffer   2021 Sep 14, 2:40pm  

Eric Holder says
.... and urging everybody to "get the jab" with their last breath.

And leaving funding donations in their will for newborns to get the jab in the maternity theater.
358   Booger   2021 Sep 15, 2:24pm  

Kaitlin Endres: 33-year-old California woman paralyzed, re-learning how to walk after Johnson & Johnson viral vector DNA injection

359   HeadSet   2021 Sep 15, 2:38pm  

I wonder if they should have you fill out an organ donor card right before you get the jab.
360   Booger   2021 Sep 15, 4:30pm  


Young Spanish woman suffers adverse effects after vaccination and must now live with a pacemaker
361   RC2006   2021 Sep 15, 6:32pm  

Wife told me they had five deaths at the hospital today. One of them was healthy early 40s that was one of her coworkers roommates no comorbidities. All 5 were unvaccinated. I don't believe in mandates but sometimes I question if it is a good idea to avoid it. Hospitals here are getting hit hard.
362   Shaman   2021 Sep 15, 6:36pm  

RC2006 says
One of them was healthy early 40s that was one of her coworkers roommates no comorbidities. All 5 were unvaccinated. I don't believe in mandates but sometimes I question if it is a good idea to avoid it. Hospitals here are getting hit hard.

Indeed the only inoculation that may be completely effective is a recovery from the Rona. Get your medicines together and your vitamins taken and get exposed. The longer you wait, the stronger and more deadly the Rona gets thanks to the fucking vaccine and the Typhoid Mary vaccinated.

363   SoTex   2021 Sep 15, 7:48pm  

Shaman says
Indeed the only inoculation that may be completely effective is a recovery from the Rona.

It works well. I've been in close quarters with people with the coof and can't seem to catch it again. I have stocked up on meds though for the inevitable variants the vaccines are causing. I was fooling around with them recently mostly to test it on allergies. I decided to hold off though due to the shortages I've heard of.
364   SoTex   2021 Sep 15, 7:49pm  

RC2006 says
All 5 were unvaccinated. I don't believe in mandates but sometimes I question if it is a good idea to avoid it. Hospitals here are getting hit hard.

My baby sis keeps telling us that she's getting 100% unvaccinated dying in her emergency room in TX lately. Young people too. Also the only people in the ICU are unvaxxed.

So sayeth the baby sis!

I don't think we'd have delta if it weren't for the mass vaccinations in the first place though.

Seems like the numbers are dropping again but who knows what'll happen over the winter.
365   SoTex   2021 Sep 15, 7:51pm  

Shaman says
and the Typhoid Mary vaccinated.

366   RC2006   2021 Sep 15, 7:55pm  

just_passing_through says
I don't think we'd have delta if it weren't for the mass vaccinations in the first place though.

This is what I think.

We sacrificed the young next generation to keep sickly, old, and obese alive. That figures when you look at the people running things.
367   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 15, 8:01pm  

HeadSet says

That’s funny but if I’m faced with death vs receiving spike protein laden GMO organ from some vaxx victim, I’m going to say keep your organs and let me be. Besides that Graft vs host disease is a complete downer. And unfortunately fairly common amongst transplant recipients.
368   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 15, 8:09pm  

You might not be able to avoid infection, and while the risk for most is low, infection can be deadly for some, especially without proper early therapeutics. For this reason everyone should be taking vitamin d, zinc and vitamin c at the very least. And have a qualified physician ready to prescribe medicine if you do get sick right away.

But the risk of the vaccine is not zero, unless you refuse it. The unvaxxed can’t get sick from vaccines. Remaining unvaxxed is the only way to guarantee immunity to vaccine reactions and Vaxx adverse effects.
369   mell   2021 Sep 15, 8:27pm  

just_passing_through says
RC2006 says
All 5 were unvaccinated. I don't believe in mandates but sometimes I question if it is a good idea to avoid it. Hospitals here are getting hit hard.

My baby sis keeps telling us that she's getting 100% unvaccinated dying in her emergency room in TX lately. Young people too. Also the only people in the ICU are unvaxxed.

So sayeth the baby sis!

I don't think we'd have delta if it weren't for the mass vaccinations in the first place though.

Seems like the numbers are dropping again but who knows what'll happen over the winter.

I don't believe a single thing anyone working in a hospital is saying these days. I know a few nurses, they all tell different stories. Prior to covid pneumonia was a leading cause of deaths, bacterial or viral, and amongst infectious diseases the flu had its part as well each year. Now all of these diseases have disappeared and everyone is dying of !covid! (pneumonia) I'll keep looking at the excess mortality, esp. since I believed the vaxxed will not die in droves suddenly but the side effects will be spread out over time and from time to time some will die from the boosters. If there is no significant excess mortality you can assume many died of something else but were attributed to !covid!
370   mell   2021 Sep 15, 8:33pm  

Also a lot of the patients arrive at the hospital in dire condition cause they won't get treated at all early, and then they get the double sucker punch of remdesivir which doesn't work but shuts down your liver (high toxicity) or kidney and the ventilator to take them out. So I'm not surprised people dienof covid at the hospital with only these 2 approved "treatments".
371   mell   2021 Sep 15, 8:56pm  

Throughout the course of the pandemic in the US the largest percentage of hospital ICU beds that have been occupied by covid patients is 17%. That is the PEAK of covid in the ICUs. For the past few months the percentage has been closer to an average of 8% or less. This is according to the government’s own stats, which the CDC now buries instead of posting openly for easy viewing by the public. So, when the corporate media or Biden claims that the ICUs are “overwhelmed” by covid patients, this is a lie

A new nationwide study of electronic hospital records on covid patients also shows nearly half of covid “hospitalizations” are actually people that are asymptomatic, not deathly sick people as the media often portrays.
372   Onvacation   2021 Sep 15, 9:19pm  

just_passing_through says
My baby sis keeps telling us that she's getting 100% unvaccinated dying in her emergency room in TX lately. Young people too. Also the only people in the ICU are unvaxxed.

The deaths are going up among the younger ages. Under 50 now make up 8%, up from 5% of the covid deaths under 50 years for a total of 36,392 in the last 17 months of the "Pandemic".

This chart is from the latest numbers on 9/11/2021:

373   RWSGFY   2021 Sep 15, 11:21pm  

mell says
A new nationwide study of electronic hospital records on covid patients also shows nearly half of covid “hospitalizations” are actually people that are asymptomatic, not deathly sick people as the media often portrays.

Even now? I know they were hospitalizing these who tested positive around March-May 2020 even without symptomps, but now the seem to send even symptomatic covid-positive back home to wwit until they start to experience difficulty breathing.
374   PeopleUnited   2021 Sep 16, 2:55am  

FuckCCP89 says
mell says
A new nationwide study of electronic hospital records on covid patients also shows nearly half of covid “hospitalizations” are actually people that are asymptomatic, not deathly sick people as the media often portrays.

Even now? I know they were hospitalizing these who tested positive around March-May 2020 even without symptomps, but now the seem to send even symptomatic covid-positive back home to wwit until they start to experience difficulty breathing.

What I understand is nearly half of the hospitalized Coof patients were admitted for some other reason and were tested due to universal testing policies after admission. The universal testing showed these patients who were admitted to the hospital for non-COVID reasons were also asymptotic carriers of the virus. In other words many of those in the hospital with COVID were not hospitalized for COVID. (It’s the same swithcheroo they pulled with death certificates died with COVID vs died from COVID)
375   Shaman   2021 Sep 16, 6:06am  

“ A leaked Zoom conference reveals a doctor questioning how to increase the count of COVID-19 patient numbers on the hospital’s dashboard report.

The media outlet National File said it obtained the recording from an “internal source” at the Novant Health System that includes New Hanover Regional Medical Center in Wilmington, North Carolina.

National File posted the video on its Twitter feed on Sept. 10.

National File and other local media outlets that reported on the leak identified the people in the video as Mary Kathryn Rudyk, a physician at the medical center, who is asking Carolyn Fisher, the hospital’s director of marketing, how to inflate the number of people classified as COVID-19 patients for the purpose of generating fear in the unvaccinated.”

376   WookieMan   2021 Sep 16, 6:24am  

RC2006 says
One of them was healthy early 40s that was one of her coworkers roommates no comorbidities.

How would her coworker know about other ailments? Unless they were treating the same patient, her coworker shouldn't be sharing anything about a patients medical history. Not saying you're lying or your wife, story just sounds fishy. It's the classic telephone game. If the first person messes up, everyone else gets wrong info. I suspect she got misinform info by a coworker that is brainwashed.

Nurses have a tendency to be pretend doctors as well. Some are smart. Most aren't and just studied books and did that well to get a piece of paper. My two close nurse friends admittedly are not "smart" as in high IQ. I literally really wouldn't trust them in the medical realm. They're fun people to hang out with, but intelligence is not high. I also know some other former high school classmates that are now nurses. Again, wouldn't trust them.

I only trust ER docs and ER nurses. The others at your urgent care clinic are the ones that cleared the lowest hurdle to get a job. They're the grocery store bag boys/girls of the medical industry. They just get paid well to deal with piss, shit, puss, and blood. Good for them, but fuck that life.
377   Ceffer   2021 Sep 16, 9:16am  

Another interesting vid about the Great Fraud and the coercions and deceptions from the politicians. Undertaker cites the history of Covid fraud under his watch, the purposeful execution of nursing home patients etc. etc. Paraphrase: "There was no increase in death rates at all, nothing from Covid, until they started the vaccinations. Then suddenly the death rate soared, never seen anything like it. It was awful. This time, it was a mixture of all ages, not just deaths from care homes." Undertakers are making the observations that should be coming from pathologists, but aren't, because pathologists are under threat for their livelihoods and licenses.

378   Patrick   2021 Sep 16, 11:34am  


The 25-year-old daughter of the late Lord Young of Dartington reportedly died from “covid” not long after getting “vaccinated.”

Gaia Young, as they call her, was rushed to University College London Hospital (UCLH) with a severe headache and acute vomiting on July 20. Just 16 hours later, she was declared to be braindead.

Mainstream media reports claim that Young’s death is “unexplained” since the first post-mortem examination came back “inconclusive.” UCLH, however, has launched an official investigation to seek answers, especially since Young deteriorated very quickly.

According to reports, Young received her second Covid-19 injection back in March. Young’s family, including her half-brother Toby Young, insists that the jab had nothing to do with her death.

“No doubt some people will speculate that her sudden death was a rare side effect of the covid vaccine, but she had her second jab in March so on the face of it that seems unlikely,” Toby insists.

“It’s an unspeakable tragedy for which there’s no apparent explanation. Gaia ate healthily, exercised regularly, did not take drugs and only drank occasionally and in moderation.”

Yeah, after the millionth death like this from the vaxx "some will speculate" that it's related.

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