Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   868,370 views  8,017 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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4153   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 6, 8:47am  

Resistance is mounting ...

Swiss Banker Files Criminal Charges Against Swiss Government Related to Pfizer’s COVID “Vaccine”

(includes 46 minute interview)

4154   HeadSet   2023 Feb 6, 9:08am  

RayAmerica says

Swiss Banker Files Criminal Charges Against Swiss Government Related to Pfizer’s COVID “Vaccine”

A banker files charges? I that like a "citizen's arrest?"
4157   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 11:15am  

zzyzzx says

And... they did not include the thing you really need to know: the vaxx is killing these people and you should avoid it at all costs.
4160   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 11:41am  


Woman with No History of Heart Issues Dies Suddenly of Cardiac Arrest, Friend Calls on Community for Help

Michele Morgan told KLAS-TV that her friend, Alicia Groeblinghoff, went into cardiac arrest while working out at a gym.

Groeblinghoff, died the next day. She was 46, according to her obituary.

Morgan told KLAS her friend had no history of heart problems before she “suddenly, without warning, collapsed at the gym and suffered a massive cardiac arrest.” ...

During the week before her death, two Las Vegas-area teens also died suddenly.

Jordan Brister was pronounced dead after collapsing in a school restroom Jan. 3. ...

Another Las Vegas teen, 16-year-old Ashari Hughes, died suddenly Jan. 5 after suffering a “medical emergency” while playing in a flag football game.


4161   GNL   2023 Feb 6, 11:56am  

zzyzzx says

Says who, CNN? There is so much fake news out there it's hard to believe anything.
4162   GNL   2023 Feb 6, 11:58am  

zzyzzx says

If this is happening, how come we don't see an outcry from nurses all over the nation? Even the world?
4163   HeadSet   2023 Feb 6, 12:01pm  

GNL says

how come we don't see an outcry from nurses all over the nation?

Didn't NY fire and refuse to hire back thousands of nurses who refused the jab?
4164   GNL   2023 Feb 6, 12:34pm  

HeadSet says

GNL says

how come we don't see an outcry from nurses all over the nation?

Didn't NY fire and refuse to hire back thousands of nurses who refused the jab?

I'm asking why nurses all over the country aren't up in arms over all the jabbed dying?
4165   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 12:42pm  

@GNL Because it's too great a mental leap to go from "the government is taking care of us" to "the government is killing us for the profits of Pfizer".

Relatives of the dead individuals are indeed protesting:



And a similar thing in Amsterdam, though I can't find a link now.

The reason you don't see it is because the corporate media is censoring it.
4166   GNL   2023 Feb 6, 2:15pm  

Patrick says

GNL Because it's too great a mental leap to go from "the government is taking care of us" to "the government is killing us for the profits of Pfizer".

Relatives of the dead individuals are indeed protesting:



And a similar thing in Amsterdam, though I can't find a link now.

The reason you don't see it is because the corporate media is censoring it.

Nurses wouldn't take the time to find blogs that do not censor in order to get the word out?
4167   stereotomy   2023 Feb 6, 3:03pm  

Patrick says


That guy is killing it! I love his shIt!

You know he's good if he's been banned - it's pretty much a badge of honor.
4168   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 3:14pm  

GNL says

Nurses wouldn't take the time to find blogs that do not censor in order to get the word out?

I've seen many posts by nurses who want to stop the killing, but only on small sites like this one.

The big sites censor that stuff. Except on Twitter - since Elon bought it, Twitter seems pretty open and uncensored.
4169   richwicks   2023 Feb 6, 3:24pm  

Patrick says

The big sites censor that stuff. Except on Twitter - since Elon bought it, Twitter seems pretty open and uncensored.

Twitter hasn't changed.

I'm seeing people that have been banned forever, being brought back, just to be banned again. Musk is MIC - he purchased Twitter to revive its image, NOT to revive it.

Twitter was always, from the ground up, designed to promote celebrities, propaganda, and politicians. It's not designed to allow open communication, and never was. Musk is a salesman, and primarily what he sells, is himself, as a credible, philanthropic, billionaire, and he's anything but. He's a man that fronts military contracts and is the world's most successful government welfare whore.

People need to just ignore Twitter. I'll let people pick through that shit for me. It's not worth the effort or time to use the site directly. You just get censored anyhow.
4171   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 8:22pm  

richwicks says

It's not worth the effort or time to use the site directly. You just get censored anyhow.

They have not blocked my new patrick.net account yet ( https://twitter.com/patrick_dot_net?ref_src=patrick.net ) though my old one remains banned, with no reason ever given ( https://twitter.com/patrickdotnet?ref_src=patrick.net ).
4173   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 8:59pm  


The Most Important Thing in a COVID Debate ...

My problem with this is that we lose sight of the most important thing in a COVID debate. That is, upon whom is the burden of proof?

Spoiler alert: is’s not us.

When the Government, one of its agencies or a pharmaceutical company intervenes into the lives of ordinary people, the burden is on them to prove that their intervention was:


At this point, I was going to illustrate the point with probability distributions and confidence intervals but there's actually no need. I think most people can get the gist simply with the analogy of setting the bar.

There is no bar for us but the one for them is set extremely high.

And yet, they have done nothing to prove they have attained it with respect to the three essential, aforementioned points.
4174   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 10:21pm  


DETROIT, Mich. — A Northwestern High School student is fighting for his life after collapsing during a basketball game.

Detroit Public Schools Community District officials confirmed the medical emergency happened Tuesday night at the school. Family members say 18-year-old Cartier Woods went into cardiac arrest during the game. The teen is now in the hospital on life support.
4175   richwicks   2023 Feb 6, 10:27pm  

Patrick says

richwicks says

It's not worth the effort or time to use the site directly. You just get censored anyhow.

They have not blocked my new patrick.net account yet ( https://twitter.com/patrick_dot_net?ref_src=patrick.net ) though my old one remains banned, with no reason ever given ( https://twitter.com/patrickdotnet?ref_src=patrick.net ).

You may be shaddow banned, prevented from going viral, etc. Twitter is a bunch of fucking liars, and I don't think that's changed with Elon Musk. They have lied to the public for YEARS. Fuck them. They aren't just going to stop being fucking lying assholes because somebody from the military industrial complex owns them. There's still something like 40 FIB assholes working there, FIRE THEM.

That would be a START.

Really, PROSECUTE them. These assholes violated our Constitution. They aren't just criminals, they are traitors.

If the government won't follow the Constitution, there is no legitimate government and that's where we are. We have THUGS in power, not a government.
4177   Patrick   2023 Feb 6, 10:55pm  


there are some extremely worrying reports emerging of new forms of what appear to be prion based neurodegenerative disease that rapidly manifest post covid vaccination.

you do NOT want a prion disease. it’s a result of misfolded proteins and in cases like CJD universally fatal. per mayo clinic, it’s extremely rare affecting 1-2 people per million per year. that makes this clustering and timing look extremely unusual.
4179   Ceffer   2023 Feb 7, 1:04am  

Because more Dems so eagerly threw themselves at the mercy of the State and swallowed the propaganda lies whole, so they will know more casualties.

4180   Ceffer   2023 Feb 7, 1:06am  

Yeah, remember that loophole. You die of anaphylaxis at the vax center, it is not counted as a vaccine death, LOL! Satan smiles.

4182   richwicks   2023 Feb 7, 1:52am  

Ceffer says

Because more Dems so eagerly threw themselves at the mercy of the State and swallowed the propaganda lies whole, so they will know more casualties.

Don't trust polls.

Polls are used to drive the public's opinions, not to reflect them.

Ever been called for a poll? I've not, and I've lived over 1/2 century.
4183   GNL   2023 Feb 7, 5:45am  

Patrick says

There is no bar for us but the one for them is set extremely high.

And yet, they have done nothing to prove they have attained it with respect to the three essential, aforementioned points.

Even if they could, force is never acceptable.
4184   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 7, 5:49am  

Patrick says


DETROIT, Mich. — A Northwestern High School student is fighting for his life after collapsing during a basketball game.

Detroit Public Schools Community District officials confirmed the medical emergency happened Tuesday night at the school. Family members say 18-year-old Cartier Woods went into cardiac arrest during the game. The teen is now in the hospital on life support.

Very sad update ... Detroit teen dies in hospital after suffering cardiac arrest playing basketball

4185   RayAmerica   2023 Feb 7, 5:56am  

RFK, Jr. to Kim Iversen: ‘Nobody Ever Complied Their Way Out of Totalitarianism’

In an appearance this weekend on “The Kim Iversen Show,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and journalist Kim Iversen discussed resistance during the pandemic, strategies for rebuilding democracy and the power of fear — and of new technologies — to control dissent.

Kennedy pointed to a history of CIA research experiments, called MKUltra, which involved manipulating the human mind.

The most famous of these, he said, was the Milgram experiment, in which psychologist Stanley Milgram studied the willingness of research subjects from all walks of life to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience.

Sixty-seven percent of people in the experiment were willing, against their better judgment, to cause pain and even potential death to others when ordered to — while 33% of the subjects refused.

“It has struck me many, many times in the last year that we’re all now in the grips of this huge Milgram experiment,” Kennedy said, adding:

“We have a Dr. Anthony Fauci, who is this trusted authority, who’s telling us to do things that we know are wrong — like censor speech, like close all the churches in the country for a year with no scientific evidence, no citation, no public hearings, no public debate … who’s ordering us to put on masks, even though he admitted a week before that masks don’t work, who’s ordering us to close every business in the country — 3.3 million businesses — with no due process, no just compensation, in violation of the Constitution, who’s telling us to get rid of jury trials, the Sixth and Seventh Amendments.”

But in the Constitution, “there is no pandemic exception,” Kennedy said, regardless of the magnitude of a crisis.

There was no exception during malaria and smallpox epidemics that disabled entire armies during the Revolutionary War, or during the Spanish flu in 1918 that killed 50 million people.

Even during the Civil War, which nearly destroyed the country, the Supreme Court refused to let President Lincoln eliminate habeas corpus, Kennedy said.

What happened during the COVID-19 pandemic, when people consented to have their constitutional rights suspended was new. People gave up these rights, he said, because they were scared.

“Fear is a really potent motivator,” he said. “It’s a potent instrument of totalitarian control.”

In the early 20th century, the global economic outlook was so terrifying that totalitarian regimes were manipulating that fear to take root in much of Europe.

“Fear is the enemy because it allows totalitarian systems to take control of people and destroy institutions and values. And he [Roosevelt] said, we’re not gonna do that.”

Will the next crisis be even worse?

Iversen said recent events suggest the tide is changing. For example, some legal battles against the mandates have been successful.

But, she said, she’s still worried. “We actually lost in the long run. They now know how to manipulate us better. They learned through the pandemic. Thirty percent of us just weren’t scared enough,” Iversen said.

Maybe the next crisis will be something worse, she suggested.

Kennedy said he sees real change in how judges are ruling against mandates and other draconian laws. But, he said, there are three key points to bear in mind.

“Number one, any power that a government takes, it will never give back voluntarily … We know that is just a rule, essentially of physics.”

For example, they may now say this emergency is over and people can take off their masks — but they will retain that power so they can impose it again.

He added:

“Another rule is that any power that a government takes, it will ultimately abuse to the maximum extent possible.

“And then the third rule that I would say — nobody ever complied their way out of totalitarian regime rules. So if you think that by obeying these rules, that somehow things are going to get better, or it is going to satiate the need to control you, it’s not. It’s just going to embolden them to do something worse the next time.”

Watch the entire interview here (interview starts @ 4:33 mark):

4186   Shaman   2023 Feb 7, 9:18am  

Kim has really blossomed in the last couple years I’ve been following her work. One of the best reporters in existence!
4187   Patrick   2023 Feb 7, 11:06am  

richwicks says

Don't trust polls.

That was the big lesson of Trump's first election in 2016. All the polls said that Hillary had it in the bag, and those polls were bullshit.

The Deep State then realized that falsifying polls was not enough, and direct massive election fraud was necessary to prevent democracy from electing people unapproved by the Deep State.
4188   mell   2023 Feb 7, 11:35am  

Patrick says

richwicks says

Don't trust polls.

That was the big lesson of Trump's first election in 2016. All the polls said that Hillary had it in the bag, and those polls were bullshit.

The Deep State then realized that falsifying polls was not enough, and direct massive election fraud was necessary to prevent democracy from electing people unapproved by the Deep State.

They were meant to seal the deal for ihlarry. Usually people want to be part of the winning team so the plan was to sway voters. Didn't work, so they added the cheat after that to be really sure.
4189   stereotomy   2023 Feb 7, 11:47am  

I hear ambulances everyday down a main route where I live. After the clot shot, I'd hear ambulances more than 6 times a day, and I'd think, "Another sudden death." Lately, the sirens have been dropping off - no more than 2-3 times a day. I think the mass dying is winding down, especially since nobody is taking the latest boosters. Based on my anecdotal evidence, most likely there won't be a 50% die-off over the next few years, more like a 10% die-off.

Most likely to happen is a permanent decline in fertility based on how the clot shot fucks up the gonads. TBTB will simply up mass illegal immigration to make up the shortfall.

I hope someone develops a reliable test to screen men and women to make sure they aren't harboring the spike protein. As fucked up as M-F relations are now, they're going to be 10X more fucked up when, in addition to men having to vet women for BPD, sexual abuse issues, and manic-depression, they'll have to check to see if the thot has been sterilized by the clot shot.

My son is fucked - it's going to be a least two orders of magnitudes more difficult to find worthy, yet fertile, wife material than I ever had it in my day. I guess the only option going forward is to slay poon in the 3rd world, where the toxxine was not pushed.
4190   Patrick   2023 Feb 7, 9:23pm  


America's Got Talent alum Scott Alexander, 52, passed away over the weekend after suffering a stroke

His wife Jenny Alexander broke the news to her Instagram followers on Monday, saying her husband had passed away while working on a cruise ship Sunday
4192   Patrick   2023 Feb 7, 9:54pm  


Mr. Brad Paquette is a State Representative for the 37th District of Michigan. ...

Mr. Paquette received his second COVID mRNA vaccine in November of 2021, immediately after which he experienced piercing heart pain. Two months later, Mr. Paquette almost died from a blood clot in his heart. Thankfully, he survived, and when he asked his personal doctors, and the doctors at the hospital if the vaccine could possibly be the cause of the sudden cardiac issues, he was told it could not.

That experience led Mr. Paquette to conduct his own deep-dive research into the mRNA vaccines, and that journey led him to the Project Veritas Twitter Space about the video heard around the world. Mr. Paquette is now demanding answers from Pfizer in his official capacity as a US politician.

Mr. Paquette is beginning to notice an increase in receptiveness to the discussion of vaccine injuries. Having personally experienced a vaccine injury, Mr. Paquette has an experience that people can't refute. He sees an upcoming outpouring of emotion and anger about what far too many people have experienced.

Mr. Paquette voted for the vaccines in his capacity as a State Rep. He said if he knew then what he knows now, he would have voted "no", and he acknowledged that he made a mistake. He encourages others to step up and admit they were wrong, and begin to backtrack the program.

The issue he's fighting now is the web of corruption that allows regulators to get cushy jobs from those they regulate. The "revolving door" issue is a serious problem, and he encourages regular citizens of all professions to consider becoming a legislator to join the fight to enact change.

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