Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   867,471 views  8,000 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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4443   DhammaStep   2023 Mar 2, 12:16pm  

WookieMan says

DhammaStep says

The people don't care and they suffer for it. Don't get angry at someone for being upset at the people's ignorance, get mad at their ignorance.

That's some of the dumbest logic I've heard of. Bitching on a site with maybe 100-200 "semi" active users does shit. What in the fuck is it accomplishing? EVERY comment is bitching about Iraq and WMD. I NOT disputing it was bull shit. What I have a problem with is I can talk about brown bears in CA and it ALWAYS goes back to Iraq and WMD. EVERY TIME. Some how that bear in the Sierras has something to do with Iraq and WMD's. It's unhinged.

If he's bothering you so much about it, why don't you do something about it instead of throwing a tantrum? Kind of hypocritical, don't you think?
4444   WookieMan   2023 Mar 2, 12:18pm  

DhammaStep says

If he's bothering you so much about it, why don't you do something about it instead of throwing a tantrum? Kind of hypocritical, don't you think?

Can't help stupid. No tantrum thrown at all. Unless it is his. Not sure how that's hypocritical at all.

No one on this site in recent vintage has ever said WMD in Iraq wasn't bullshit. 8 out of 10 of his comments it comes up. Do something about it or shut the fuck up. I know the answer....
4445   DhammaStep   2023 Mar 2, 12:20pm  

WookieMan says

Can't help stupid.

4446   WookieMan   2023 Mar 2, 12:35pm  

DhammaStep says

WookieMan says

Can't help stupid.


I wasn't trying to....
4447   WookieMan   2023 Mar 2, 12:42pm  

WookieMan says

Can't help stupid.

It's coming. Trust me.
4448   richwicks   2023 Mar 2, 1:59pm  

WookieMan says

Jesus Christ man. Let it the fuck go. Every other comment is about this or you knowing for 20 years all of this was shit and you know everything. YOU do NOTHING to fix it besides bitch and whine.

Here's the problem.

People don't fucking care. so enjoy the government you allow to rule over you. Fuck you assholes for not giving a shit. Just had a government shut down the country for 3 years, force you to take a dangerous vaccine that doesn't work, that's experimental and totally unnecessary.

Gee, I wonder why a government this fucking evil would do this to innocent you?

YOU WON'T EVEN BITCH ABOUT IT, and I'm telling you, all this is fucking completely predictable. The next thing they will do is worse, and you'll do nothing about that. They run child rape rings, they protect pedophiles, and they allow Biden to sell access to his office, they allow elections to be blatantly stolen, and you know what Americans are going to do about it?

NOTHING. They won't even complain.

I'm not going to "give it a rest", this is the bed that has been in the making for 20 fucking years, and you can't even be troubled to know what is going on. They murdered 800,000 Iraqis, brought back slavery to Libya and left it in civil war, they've starved something like 250,000 children in Yemen - what do you think they might do to you?

You're "well, if I keep my head down, maybe they'll just enslave my children and grandchildren".

The new American Way!
4449   Shaman   2023 Mar 2, 2:11pm  

There are 20% of people who are on the rabid left and 20% of people who are real conservatives. The 60% in the middle just drift back and forth depending on which side is perceived to be “winning.”
Actual free thinkers are maybe 10% total.
@richwicks you’ll never “convince” those in the middle. They’re always going to slide around as the boat rocks left and right. But you can create a perception that your side or your cause is 1)moral 2)popular, and 3)inevitable and that will bring the 60% to your side.

Staying silent won’t work at all. I think conservatives and true liberals are finally waking up to this truth, speaking our minds loud and proud, and watching the boat tip back to starboard.
4450   WookieMan   2023 Mar 2, 2:16pm  

richwicks says

People don't fucking care. so enjoy the government you allow to rule over you.

I am the government... Christ. Have you not read my comments??? I'm an elected official. That's not bull shit. I'm young(ish). Start low. State rep is the next step at some point. I'm an ass hole like you. You're not wrong, but on a forum every comment devolves into Iraq and WMD. I've yet to see a user disagree with your take INCLUDING me.

I'm just calling out your shit. I'm kind of frankly annoyed with all the covid bullshit, not you necessarily, but the guy that hosts this site. If you don't start small and bitch constantly, no one is listening. Make change. Maybe it's a city council seat. Maybe a county board seat. Next state. YOU CAN make change even if you think it's all corrupt. Everyone can make change. AND it's okay to bitch about it, but if you're not doing anything you're part of the problem. It becomes an echo chamber.

My small town has its flaws so I'm fucking doing something about it. I don't want to be political. I don't side with any party. Can we just fucking get something done that's not gay literally and figuratively?
4451   stereotomy   2023 Mar 2, 2:22pm  

Shaman says

There are 20% of people who are on the rabid left and 20% of people who are real conservatives. The 60% in the middle just drift back and forth depending on which side is perceived to be “winning.”
Actual free thinkers are maybe 10% total.
richwicks you’ll never “convince” those in the middle. They’re always going to slide around as the boat rocks left and right. But you can create a perception that your side or your cause is 1)moral 2)popular, and 3)inevitable and that will bring the 60% to your side.

Staying silent won’t work at all. I think conservatives and true liberals are finally waking up to this truth, speaking our minds loud and proud, and watching the boat tip back to starboard.

^^^^ This.

I stuck my neck out during the height of vax pressure. While my employer hadn't yet decided to mandate it, I made it known in a divisional meeting with senior corporate leadership present, that 1) the vax was EUA or experimental, 2) that means that informed consent is necessary, and no one can be legally compelled to take it, and 3) if the corporation nevertheless pushed the clot shot, that they would be exposing themselves to major class-action liability lawsuits.

I also made it known to certain managers that I would personally sue anyone who threatened my job because I wouldn't disclose my vaccination status.

We'll see how this plays out over the next few years. Perhaps I've been black listed as a troublemaker, or I have been the voice of all those too afraid to rock the boat and this sparked other conversations.
4452   richwicks   2023 Mar 2, 2:30pm  

WookieMan says

I am the government... Christ. Have you not read my comments??? I'm an elected official. That's not bull shit. I'm young(ish). Start low. State rep is the next step at some point. I'm an ass hole like you.

Pfft, another welfare whore. Let me tell you what is going to happen, you'll be a puppet and you'll keep your head down. You'll exploit the office, and nothing else. Government isn't the solution. It's a criminal syndicate, nothing more.

WookieMan says

You're not wrong, but on a forum every comment devolves into Iraq and WMD. I've yet to see a user disagree with your take INCLUDING me.

The Iraq War is a SYMPTOM. They'll just as unconsciously murder Americans as they will anybody else. Don't you realize that? Palestine Ohio is fucked, they don't care. The only reason we even know about it, is independent press.

WookieMan says

I'm just calling out your shit. I'm kind of frankly annoyed with all the covid bullshit, not you necessarily, but the guy that hosts this site. If you don't start small and bitch constantly, no one is listening. Make change.

There's no white hat marching in a silver horse to save the day.

You could become supreme dictator of the United States, and I guarantee you won't fix it. Our government, no matter HOW OUTRAGEOUS it acts, never reforms, never goes in reverse, EVER.

So, let it fucking collapse.

You don't quite understand what is going on. We would NOT have censorship, if it mattered what people said. People are more pissed than you realize. I've been aware of government corruption all my adult life to varying degrees. At 25 or so, I realized everything I had been told about the "complex situation in Israel" was very simple - a bunch of European Jews made a bunch of natives second class citizens in their own land, stole their property. I knew from that the "news" media could make "mistakes". Took another 10 years to realize they don't make mistakes, they LIE.

It took me to about 40 or so to realize just how corrupt it is. Media always lies in favor of war, they distort information, government officials are outright criminals, they commonly lie to Congress and Congress knows it, and doesn't care, there's open bribery that's been going on for DECADES, the intelligence agencies run fully 1/2 of the child pornography sites.

Now here's the kicker, I can educate a 20 year old kid about all this in a matter of days. They don't have to figure it out like I did and there's a LOT of people that are that young, who are as cynical as I am.

You think getting "the right person in the right spot" will fix it. No. Education will. The primary problem is education.

If Americans simply knew. The problem is that people don't have any fucking balls. They are compelled to lie, and are outraged if you won't do as they do. I'm tired of this shit. At one point, I wanted to reason people into it, get them to realize they had been lied to. At this point, you're just a fucking idiot and pussy if you can't see what I see. It's obvious. People who were demanding you get vaccinated and wear a mask, you should just SHAME them, and why? Because you can't reason with them, and they were shamed into demanding you get vaccinated and wear a mask. I'm becoming the monster I'm fighting. So be it.
4453   WookieMan   2023 Mar 2, 2:42pm  

stereotomy says

We'll see how this plays out over the next few years. Perhaps I've been black listed as a troublemaker, or I have been the voice of all those too afraid to rock the boat and this sparked other conversations.

Either is fine. You didn't sit on your ass and bitch here and do nothing. You stood up for your principles and said something where it mattered in your life. That's awesome. If the outcome ends up negative over time I imagine you'll be fine. richwicks says

The problem is that people don't have any fucking balls.

You don't dude. What have YOU done? Nothing besides bitch here on Patnet and probably other sites. You literally are doing nothing. Go out and get on your city council. If schools are indoctrinating children get on the school board. It's easy to bitch on a small forum. DO something. You're not listening.

I'm not part of any problem. I'm part of the solution. I'm actually on your side. Bitching about it constantly and not doing anything means nothing though. Do some leg work. Get elected and tell the idiots to fuck off. Or help make things better. You're doing neither.
4454   WookieMan   2023 Mar 2, 2:48pm  

Quote function is not working properly in comment 4453 here @Patrick Also parts of my comment were erased when posted. I'm not rewriting it but 4453 is a combo of other comments I drafted. No copy and paste. Not sure what is up. 100% not on my end.
4455   richwicks   2023 Mar 2, 2:54pm  

WookieMan says

You don't dude. What have YOU done?

I cannot say without endangering myself. I've caused some waves. I'll leave it at that.
4456   Patrick   2023 Mar 2, 3:24pm  

WookieMan says

Quote function is not working properly

I've seen it duplicate quotes, maybe because of a subtle "bounce" on the quote link when clicking.

The quote link also limits the amount of text you can quote to 1000 chars. I just chop it off after that and put a ... at the end. I know this can screw up html, but I haven't come up with a better solution yet.

Please send me instructions for duplicating the problem if you can.
4457   Ceffer   2023 Mar 2, 10:25pm  

First time I have actually heard a doctor say that vax toxins cause accelerated aging. Maybe why vaxxers appear to look shrunken and aged after vax.

4458   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 3, 9:09am  

33 Year Old Deputy dies after suddenly feeling ill during basic training, sheriff’s office says

4459   Patrick   2023 Mar 3, 10:46am  


This week, Edward Dowd, the former BlackRock trader-turned-Covid-statistician — and author of the new Book Cause Unknown — released preliminary fourth quarter 2022 “excess deaths” numbers for group life insurance death claims compiled by the International Society of Actuaries (SOA).

For the age group up to age 44 excess deaths rose above the baseline (normal): 13 percent in October, 21 percent in November, and 43 percent in December. For the age group 45 to 64, the death rate above baseline rose 4 percent in October, 16 percent in November, and 35 percent in December. Mr. Dowd says that he is told the rates moving into the first quarter of 2023 are higher still. This is a what’s known as a trend, and a pretty ominous one.

It boils down to an awful lot of people in the prime of life dying off, and more every month. Nobody in any of the US public health agencies is talking about this. One very prominent official, Rochelle Wallensky, head of the CDC, is still busy arranging to dispense more Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines to America’s school-children — the “vaccines” being the prime suspects causing those stunning excess death rates among the young and employed demographic. Nice work, Rochelle!

How do the approximately 70 percent of vaxxed-up Americans deal with this reality? Many, of course, are noticing vaxxed family members, friends, colleagues, sports figures, acquaintances getting sick and dying of sudden heart failure, strokes, aggressive cancers, strange neurological problems, and other mystifying syndromes. The aggregate reaction so far seems to be a numb despair. But then, the still-living vaxxed also have to contend with the anxiety over what is going on in their own bodies. Perhaps they’ve heard whispers from the more extreme voices on the margins of this discussion that every single person who got vaxxed might be subject to an early death on way or another. That’d be a reason to withdraw into the first stage of the Kübler-Ross Transect of Grief, which is denial… and just hunker down there… for now. It’s an awful lot to contend with.
4462   Ceffer   2023 Mar 3, 12:40pm  

'Nother field report. One of my wife's work acquaintance's 38 year old vaxxed son (successful business owner) died suddenly. It's Kaiser, so I presume he got the Kaiser vax, whatever that is.
4463   Karloff   2023 Mar 3, 2:13pm  

Ceffer says

t's Kaiser, so I presume he got the Kaiser vax, whatever that is.

The Italians call that the "Kaiser Permanente"
4464   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 4, 9:37am  

If you haven't seen this, it's worth taking the time to watch. This is one of the first informative videos that I watched ... from very early on into the 'pandemic' roll out. The groundbreaking information provided by Dr. Tenpenny aged VERY well.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation Covid Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months

4465   GNL   2023 Mar 4, 1:58pm  

RayAmerica says

If you haven't seen this, it's worth taking the time to watch. This is one of the first informative videos that I watched ... from very early on into the 'pandemic' roll out. The groundbreaking information provided by Dr. Tenpenny aged VERY well.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation Covid Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months


She says "maybe millions" will die. So, MAYBE 2 million people are going to die?
4466   richwicks   2023 Mar 4, 2:45pm  

RayAmerica says

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation Covid Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months

In 3-6 months, it will be announced the massive die off will begin in 3-6 months.
4467   GNL   2023 Mar 4, 2:54pm  

Doesn't sound like much of a depop.
4468   Patrick   2023 Mar 4, 2:55pm  


Hard to know if it was the vaxx, but strokes and aneurysms are typical results of the vaxx, so could be.
4469   Patrick   2023 Mar 4, 2:56pm  

GNL says

She says "maybe millions" will die. So, MAYBE 2 million people are going to die?

I'm pretty confident that more than six million are dead globally from the vaxx so far, going by the multiple lines of evidence that 1/800 die from it. Others estimate 13 million dead already.
4470   ElYorsh   2023 Mar 4, 3:01pm  

Irichwicks says

RayAmerica says

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation Covid Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months

In 3-6 months, it will be announced the massive die off will begin in 3-6 months.

It is already happening but nobody wants to talk about it or admit it. Lots of people are getting sudden quick deadly cancers; having to go to the hospital with sudden breathing problems then found dead a few days later at home; strokes, heart attacks and all the vaccinated people that look like they have aged 10 years in a few months.

If you are not noticing all of that you are either in denial or need to have a bigger social circle.
4471   RayAmerica   2023 Mar 4, 3:08pm  

Keep in mind that the above Dr. Tenpenny interview took place only 30 days after the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' was being jabbed into the arms of the American sheeple.
4472   GNL   2023 Mar 4, 6:14pm  

RayAmerica says

Keep in mind that the above Dr. Tenpenny interview took place only 30 days after the EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccine' was being jabbed into the arms of the American sheeple.

I thought that was the case.
4473   richwicks   2023 Mar 4, 6:33pm  

ElYorsh says

If you are not noticing all of that you are either in denial or need to have a bigger social circle.

We're not experiencing a mass die off event. More people are dying, and I'm certain the vaccine is at fault, but if we were having a SERIOUS die off, there would be a lot more ambulances driving around, and there aren't.

Everything is always blown out of proportion. Instead of just reflecting reality accurately, it's also WAY on one side or WAY on another. They do this with the Ukraine war today, all the time. Russia is just about to lose, and Russia is just about to win - those are the two sides that are constantly argued about, but the US has a 20 year history of dragging out wars FOREVER, and this is a US war even if it's a proxy war for them.

Who out there is making the OBVIOUS prediction this war will go on for YEARS? For Ukraine it's a meat grinder, and for Russia it's just running that meat grinder.
4474   stereotomy   2023 Mar 4, 7:16pm  

richwicks says

ElYorsh says

If you are not noticing all of that you are either in denial or need to have a bigger social circle.

We're not experiencing a mass die off event. More people are dying, and I'm certain the vaccine is at fault, but if we were having a SERIOUS die off, there would be a lot more ambulances driving around, and there aren't.

Everything is always blown out of proportion. Instead of just reflecting reality accurately, it's also WAY on one side or WAY on another. They do this with the Ukraine war today, all the time. Russia is just about to lose, and Russia is just about to win - those are the two sides that are constantly argued about, but the US has a 20 year history of dragging out wars FOREVER, and this is a US war even if it's a proxy war for them.

Who out there is making the OBVIOUS prediction this war will go on for YEARS? For Ukraine it's a meat...

I agree that there have as yet been only highly significant (4-sigma) excess deaths but not a mass die-off. If, as some have suggested, the damage caused by the toxxine to the reproductive systems of men and women are 1) irreversible and 2) possibly hereditary, then this will take another 2-3 decades to play out.
4475   DhammaStep   2023 Mar 4, 7:40pm  

richwicks says

but if we were having a SERIOUS die off, there would be a lot more ambulances driving around, and there aren't.

That's your sign of a "mass die off event?" Ambulances in your local area? Back when people were still actively getting shots, I was hearing far more ambulances than ever before. Just in my family alone we've had more deaths since roll out than the previous ten years combined. Let's not forget that cancers are skyrocketing, those people will be dead sooner rather than later. Let's not also forget that when people die, we not only lose a loved one but we lose someone with life skill and employment experience. The entire workforce feels the loss. We've lost more Americans to the vax than entire wars.

What exactly do you want before you understand the severity of the issue? Is your issue literally just whatever you define as "mass death?" This is what mass death looks like in an age of media coverups and an apathetic populous. This is genuinely the biggest atrocity committed in recent history and we still have people going "it's not that bad?" What is a "mass die off" to you? Please define it so I can understand your stance.

4476   stereotomy   2023 Mar 4, 7:47pm  

DhammaStep says

richwicks says

but if we were having a SERIOUS die off, there would be a lot more ambulances driving around, and there aren't.

That's your sign of a "mass die off event?" Ambulances in your local area? Back when people were still actively getting shots, I was hearing far more ambulances than ever before.

I live on a busy street that is also an emergency/first-responder corridor. My employer had us work from home from 3/20 to the present. In the initial phase of the lockdown (most of 2020) there was no traffic and no ambulances. Once the clot-shot hit (late 2020, through 2021) I was hearing ambulances up to two dozen time a day. Even now, I still hear them, although things have dropped off - I don't hear more than 2 or 3 a day.

The clot shot has killed a lot of people who would not have otherwise died.
4477   Patrick   2023 Mar 4, 7:50pm  


Traci Michele Johnson, an otherwise healthy professor who enjoyed walking eight miles per day appears to have died suddenly without explanation exactly one week to the day after receiving her last booster shot.

Traci complained just two nights before her death about not getting any sleep and feeling off, so much so that the very next day she posted about accidentally leaving her dinner in the oven all night as she passed out in the evening and never woke up till the late morning of February 16th.

This post would prove ominous as in it she thanked Jesus for keeping her alive while her oven remained on all night. Unfortunately, her luck would run out within 24 hours. On the morning of February 17th, Ms. Johnson was found dead in her sleep, assumedly by her live-in partner Bill.
4478   DhammaStep   2023 Mar 4, 8:03pm  

stereotomy says

The clot shot has killed a lot of people who would not have otherwise died.

That's not serious though. Nothing to see here.
4479   Patrick   2023 Mar 4, 10:46pm  

stereotomy says

The clot shot has killed a lot of people who would not have otherwise died.

I'm certain this is true. The 562,100 in the graph above sounds about right to me.

In my 20 years of riding Caltrain I never saw a medical emergency. Then when they were vaxxing, I rode Caltrain once to visit someone in SF and that train was delayed so that paramedics could get a guy having some sudden problem. Seems like a heart attack. Just an anecdote, but it fits.
4480   GNL   2023 Mar 5, 2:31am  

A mass die off would look like the bubonic plague. People dead in the streets. This is no mass die off.
4481   DhammaStep   2023 Mar 5, 5:01am  

GNL says

A mass die off would look like the bubonic plague. People dead in the streets. This is no mass die off.

I can't help but laugh. Your definition of a mass die off calls back to when people didn't even understand that washing their hands were important? Let's all just forget basic hygiene and start leaving corpses sitting everywhere now because otherwise all of these deaths mean nothing. LMAO
4482   Booger   2023 Mar 5, 5:16am  

GNL says

A mass die off would look like the bubonic plague. People dead in the streets. This is no mass die off.

This is what a mass die off looks like:

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