Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   882,289 views  8,273 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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4912   Ceffer   2023 Apr 24, 10:51am  

It just compounds the frustration of trying to tell people not to get vaxxed. Literally every person I tried to warn treated me like Chicken Little, with a tinge of ridicule and shunning. It's bizarre, but I know now what it must have been like living in the old Soviet Communist State, with its layers of imposed absurdity.
4913   mell   2023 Apr 24, 10:58am  

In the SF leftoid tard network there are still people who cut ties with people and "friends" for not being jabbed. The stupid runs deep
4915   Patrick   2023 Apr 24, 2:09pm  

Patrick says


Former NFL defensive end Chris Smith dies at 31
No details regarding the circumstances of Smith's death were shared. Smith played a total of eight seasons in the NFL and signed to the XFL Seattle Sea Dragons in March.



Mathew, I have to tell you that I know about a similiar case. Some months ago, a friend told me that her best friend died from a severe heart attack during sleep. She was only 26 years old and was okay before she went to bed. However, she never woke up again. I am 99% certain that she was covid-vaccinated (because her best friend did not deny when I told her it may have been due to the vaccine).

During the funeral (a few days later), the head of this dead person suddenly started bleeding severely. She had blood in her face, not sure if it came out of her mouth. But it was dropping to the ground and they had to clean it during the funeral. This was extremely traumatic for my friend.

So I am also highly interested in knowing whether the vaccines may be responsible for this.

I was told that it is highly unusual for a dead body to start bleeding somewhere on the head days after death. And I was told that I should ask Dr .Ryan Cole about it.

4916   Patrick   2023 Apr 24, 2:12pm  


Intracranial Hemorrhage After Pfizer-BioNTech (BNT162b2) mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination: A Case Report

But they still want you to submit to the death jab!

However, these severe complications do not justify avoiding vaccines; further studies are needed.

"Yes, it makes your brain bleed, but it's so worth it!" Lol.
4918   Patrick   2023 Apr 24, 3:09pm  


💉 In another remarkable example of the crumbling omertá on jab-critical stories in corporate media, the UK Times ran a startling story Friday headlined, “Doctor Told Wife Covid Jab Was Safe. Days Later He Died.” The sub-headline explained, “Widow urges openness about vaccination risks after inquest records fatal side-effect.”

Dr. Stephen Wright, 32, died suddenly 10 days after getting jabbed in January 2021. Last Wednesday, an inquest determined his untimely demise was due to “unintended complications of the vaccine.”

Well, PROBABLY unintended.

The Times explained that Mrs. Wright, 36, was on maternity leave from her job as deputy manager of a private day nursery, and was wondering about whether she should get the shot. “I asked Stephen, ‘Is it safe?’,” she said, and he replied, “Yes, it is.”

No, it wasn’t.

The story reported Dr. Wright, one of the first to receive the experimental shots, experienced the “normal” side effects of a sore arm and a light cold, but was better within four days. Four days of feeling sick is normal? Does that mean it’s working?

Anyway, nine days after taking the jab he complained of a headache, and took a painkiller so he could go to work. 24 hours and a short hospital stay later, he was dead as a doornail.

On the day he died, Mrs. Wright helped her ailing husband get his jacket on, but because of UK’s 2021 lockdown restrictions, she could not come with him to the hospital. “I could see he was pretty terrified but was not wanting to worry me,” she recalled. “We managed to say we loved each other twice before he left.”

Mrs. Wright told the Times that at first, she was invited to appear on a leading morning TV show to talk about her husband’s death. But her appearance was abruptly cancelled since, she was told, it might deter people from taking the vaccine.

You don’t say. Why give people information? They might start to question the “safe and effective” gag.

The young doctor’s condition rapidly worsened, with a fatal combination of brainstem infarction and a brain bleed. (Like Jamie Foxx.) Mrs. Wright said his neurologist assiduously assured her that fortunately, her husband’s untimely death was “absolutely not” linked to the vaccine. The death certificate also recorded he died from “spontaneous” natural causes.


“Nobody would listen, nobody would let me speak,” Mrs. Wright told the Times. “I was at home with two young children and unemployed. As a doctor’s window I had to go to a food bank to feed my children.” Sixteen months after her husband suddenly and unexpectedly died, she received the maximum available compensation of £120,000, or about $150,000.

Kudos to the Times for running the sixteen-month-old story, but it was also quick to point out how “rare” side effects like Dr. Wright’s are. The Times completely missed the point. Sooner or later, we’ll know how rare they were, who cares what the Times thinks about that.

What the story SHOULD have been about is all the lying officials and jab experts who gaslit Mrs. Wright for a year and a half while she fed her fatherless babies from the food bank.


Based Florida Man

"Dr. Stephen Wright, 32, died suddenly 10 days after getting jabbed in January 2021."

A jab death within 14 days of injection is counted as unvaccinated.

Crazy huh.
4919   Ceffer   2023 Apr 24, 4:12pm  

Tried out the vax is dangerous to another guy I talk with in Santa Cruz and he immediately said 'conspiracy theory'. A lot of people are going to be maimed and killed by a conspiracy theory still.
4920   richwicks   2023 Apr 24, 6:43pm  

mell says

In the SF leftoid tard network there are still people who cut ties with people and "friends" for not being jabbed. The stupid runs deep

They're not stupid, they are propagandized, and do NOT make the mistake of thinking it can't happen to you.

I'm HYPER aware of propaganda to the point that I go out of my way to avoid even seeing it or hearing it because I know I'm susceptible. I can take in small amounts, but I have to think the entire time "what are they trying to convince me of?" Even knowing most of the tricks, I can be deceived. And there's a lot of wrong axioms I started out with like "the media can't just outright lie, there would be legal consequences!" - no there aren't.
4921   mell   2023 Apr 24, 7:39pm  

richwicks says

mell says

In the SF leftoid tard network there are still people who cut ties with people and "friends" for not being jabbed. The stupid runs deep

They're not stupid, they are propagandized, and do NOT make the mistake of thinking it can't happen to you.

I'm HYPER aware of propaganda to the point that I go out of my way to avoid even seeing it or hearing it because I know I'm susceptible. I can take in small amounts, but I have to think the entire time "what are they trying to convince me of?" Even knowing most of the tricks, I can be deceived. And there's a lot of wrong axioms I started out with like "the media can't just outright lie, there would be legal consequences!" - no there aren't.

They are stupid though, call em intellectual yet idiots like Nassim Taleb, they jab their kids and more. It occurred to me that Orwell was partially correct with 1984, he got the propaganda part right, amd erasing history. But he thought that only dumb non intellectual proles would go for it, but the real proles are those people, far more susceptible to the propaganda than the blue collars.
4922   richwicks   2023 Apr 24, 7:56pm  

mell says

It occurred to me that Orwell was partially correct with 1984, he got the propaganda part right, amd erasing history. But he thought that only dumb non intellectual proles would go for it, but the real proles are those people, far more susceptible to the propaganda than the blue collars.

Isn't it shocking this is true?

I, as a fat head, once thought "oh, we're all smrt!", but no - by FAR it was the blue collar type people who saw though this bullshit FAR more than us edjumacated.

My conclusion is that most people who are "smart" are simply able to memorize large volumes of information, but not to do critical thinking, EVEN AMONG ENGINEERS but this is especially true among doctors. We are cultivated to have intellectual arrogance, which I know directly this is a mistake to have. If you don't know something, you better quickly accept it, and learn what IS right. People fuck up projects because they are too arrogant to accept that somebody else was right, and they were wrong.

Try to talk to a doctor, my friend when he was getting his kids vaccinated was talking to his kid's pediatrician about spacing out the vaccines. She rolled her eyes, and then he fired her. Good choice. If she's right, she'd be able to explain it, if she's just PROGRAMMED she will only express contempt.

There's been times I've been asked "well, why does this work?" where I went into explaining how it worked, only to find out I didn't completely understand it. I then had homework to find out if it did work. There's a lot of shit I take for granted because it's complicated to know how and why it works, and it doesn't matter how it works, only that it does. Fast Fourier Transforms are difficult to understand HOW they are computed, but I know how they are computed, but it's a bitch to explain it and I'm not even certain I can do it.
4923   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 24, 9:55pm  

Ceffer says

"My brother I was just informed by my niece 'died suddenly'"

Sorry for your loss Ceffer.
4924   Ceffer   2023 Apr 24, 10:07pm  

The_Deplorable says

Sorry for your loss Ceffer.

Thank you.
4925   Patrick   2023 Apr 24, 10:36pm  


We have an epidemic of doctors dying.

Wonder why.

4926   WookieMan   2023 Apr 24, 10:49pm  

richwicks says

My conclusion is that most people who are "smart" are simply able to memorize large volumes of information, but not to do critical thinking, EVEN AMONG ENGINEERS but this is especially true among doctors.

Bingo. It's the classic book smarts versus street smarts argument. I'm educated enough, but consider myself more street smart.

TRUST is the biggest factor in my opinion in life. People just do it blindly and it fucks them over royally. It could be as simple as listening to Tony Fauci spitting out ZERO evidence that the vaccine works and stops transmission. He lost ALL my trust that masks don't work, then they do, a vaccine cannot be created fast, then a vaccine that cannot be created fast stops covid in record time, etc. Oh and the biggest laugher of all time in the history of humanity, 15 days to stop the spread of a fucking airborne virus.

If I consider someone a friend you've cleared a lot of hurdles to get there. Dealing with it now with a new couple that moved into the community and our kids are friends now. Have hung out a handful of times. Something is still off though and I cannot fully trust them. Can't figure out what it is. Keeping my guard up.

I've called one person out to another friend that I trust. They said I was crazy for questioning the guy. They came and apologized after an incident occurred with the dude that I literally warned about. I wanted to say I told you so, but instead just asked what happened and listened. Being wrong is a hard pill to swallow for many. Hence why the vaccine is controversial. The only snarky comment I make is that I'm a pure blood.

Sorry for the loss Ceffer. I still don't personally know anyone that's died because of covid OR seemingly from the vaccine. My anecdotal radar is not pinging anything, but doesn't mean it's not happening.
4927   Patrick   2023 Apr 25, 10:30am  


‘Torture’: Sydney mum’s painful vaccine injury wait drags on
A Sydney mother is bedridden and in agony from what specialists say is a Covid-19 vaccine injury. Her horror story keeps getting worse.

Sandra Byron will have to deal with her crippling affliction for the rest of her life.

She spends her days mainly chairbound or bedridden, suffering chronic pain, with her limbs hypersensitive and swollen like balloons.

She carries 20kg of fluid from lymphoedema, a brain injury and severe gastrointestinal injuries.

What made her this way? According to three separate specialists, it was the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine she was given in May 2021.

I think this is the first corporate media story I've seen which even mentions toxxine injury. And I have to wonder if it's still off-limits to talk about Pfizer injuries, given the intergalactic amounts of money Pfizer spends on advertising the toxxine.
4929   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 25, 11:08am  

The_Deplorable says

"The Covid vaccines inject a "Spike Protein" into the body and eventually this Spike Protein attaches itself in all the organs throughout the body including the brain. And we know from lab animal experiments that the Spike Protein alone causes the same injuries and death we see in humans. In other words the Spike Protein is a toxin and with the passage of time it destroys human organs. So the deaths and injuries we see are caused by the vaccine and not Covid."

What is worse is the fact that we do not know the long term effects of these vaccines on humans and what we see is very discouraging. Specifically: As time goes on, we see an increasing number of deaths of vaccinated people with Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots.
Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots. In other words this is what is causing the heart attacks, strokes etc.

In the link below Dr. Jane Ruby is interviewing an embalmer who reveals to her that all embalmers find rubbery clots in the veins and arteries of the bodies they are embalming.
• The embalmers started seeing this after the introduction of the vaccines in 2021
• As time goes on they see more and more bodies with clots - meaning the long term effect of these poisons they call vaccines is not good.
• NOTE: It takes 5 to 10 years to prove the safety of a vaccine. And right now we have no proof whatsoever that the Covid vaccines are safe!

This is the embalmer interview - "Clots In Blood Vessels":


NOTE: One thing we know right now is that Ivermectin destroys the "Spike Proteins" that are present in the bodies of the "vaccinated." The "Spike Protein" is what the vaccinated have and this is reportedly the cause of death and injuries...
4930   Patrick   2023 Apr 25, 11:52am  


Military cadets, mandated to be fully COVID-19 vaccinated, are dying suddenly recently
4932   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 25, 3:08pm  

The_Deplorable says
"One thing we know right now is that Ivermectin destroys the "Spike Proteins" that are present in the bodies of the "vaccinated." The "Spike Protein" is what the vaccinated have and this is reportedly the cause of death and injuries..."

"Ivermectin Destroys The Spike Protein"

Professor of Medicine Dr. Paul Malik: "Ivermectin Stimulates a process called autophagy, a healing mechanism that allows the body to get rid of Spike Protein."


--- The development of vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 is centered around spike protein biology (virus targeted) and the recently documented "vaccine escape strains have been a cause of worry. In such a situation, ivermectin is both, virus as well as host targeted and hence could act as a potential therapeutic against these new strains...
Also, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein binds to the CD147 on red blood cells and causes clumping. IVM in turn binds to SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein and hence prevents clumping... IVM directly inhibits the NF-kb pathway, STAT-3, and indirectly inhibits PAK1 by increasing its ubiquitin-mediated degradation...
See The mechanisms of action of ivermectin against SARS-CoV-2—an extensive review - The Journal of Antibiotics

--- Inhibitory potentials of ivermectin... on spike protein and some nonstructural proteins of SARS-CoV-2: Virtual screening approach... ivermectin had the best inhibitory action on the viral spike protein and nsp10...
See https://teknolabjournal.com/index.php/Jtl/article/view/344
4933   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 25, 3:36pm  

Once again, I want to thank Patrick for his blog site, which gives others the opportunity to share what they have also found. Where else can one go to get this type of information, and then make it available to others? And, Patrick was right about all of this from the very beginning.
4934   HeadSet   2023 Apr 25, 3:54pm  

Ceffer says

That makes my wife's brother (vaxxed) and my brother both 'died suddenly'

Very sorry for your loss.
4935   The_Deplorable   2023 Apr 25, 4:08pm  

More studies on "Ivermectin Destroys The Spike Protein"

--- Results: Ivermectin docked in the region of leucine 91 of the spike and histidine 378 of the ACE2 receptor. The binding energy of ivermectin to the spike-ACE2 complex was -18 kcal/mol and binding constant was 5.8 e-08.
Conclusion: The ivermectin docking we identified may interfere with the attachment of the spike to the human cell membrane. Clinical trials now underway should determine whether ivermectin is an effective treatment for SARS-Cov2 infection.
See https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32871846/

--- SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein binds to the membrane-bound form of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) to infect the host cell. For this reason, we carried out a docking study to determine if ivermectin might be able to attach to the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-binding domain bound with ACE2.
See https://iv.iiarjournals.org/content/34/5/3023
4936   Ceffer   2023 Apr 25, 4:35pm  

HeadSet says

Very sorry for your loss.

Thank you.
4937   GNL   2023 Apr 25, 6:04pm  

RayAmerica says

Once again, I want to thank Patrick for his blog site, which gives others the opportunity to share what they have also found. Where else can one go to get this type of information, and then make it available to others? And, Patrick was right about all of this from the very beginning.

4938   Ceffer   2023 Apr 25, 8:07pm  

They just called his death Covid, made the 100K plus surgical and hospital fees, and called it a day. They will also claim the child requested to be euthanized.

4940   Patrick   2023 Apr 25, 9:54pm  


RACHEL MARSHALL, the founder of Rachel’s Ginger Beer and co-owner of bars Montana and Nacho Borracho, died unexpectedly on April 24. The cause of death appears to be cardiac arrest, though it’s not yet confirmed. She was 42 years old.
4942   Patrick   2023 Apr 26, 9:10am  


Mixed Martial Arts and UFC fighters are collapsing and dying suddenly - some of these deaths are very suspicious
4943   Patrick   2023 Apr 26, 9:34am  


34 Blood Vessel Inflammation, Vasculitis, Adverse Events Occurred in First 90 Days After Pfizer mRNA “Vaccine” Rollout, Including One Fatality. Half Had Onset Within Three Days of Injection. 81% of Sufferers Were Women.
April 25, 2023 • by Barbara Gehrett, MD; Joseph Gehrett, MD; Chris Flowers, MD; and Loree Britt
4944   Patrick   2023 Apr 26, 9:35am  


Police discovered the body of a 15-year-old in Scotland at the weekend after she died suddenly.

Officers found the schoolgirl at around 8.30am on Saturday in the small town of Uddingston in South Lanarkshire.

The town is around 11 miles east of the city of Glasgow.

Police say there are no suspicious circumstances surrounding her death.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: ‘Around 8.30am on Saturday, April 22, the body of a 15-year-old female was discovered near Union Way, Uddingston.

‘There do not appear to be any suspicious circumstances and a report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.’

Never in my life did I hear of people so young just dropping dead - until the toxxine was imposed on the world for the power of Pfauci and the profits of Pfizer.
4945   WookieMan   2023 Apr 26, 10:24am  

As I said we simply don't know the outcome with mixing the vaccine with various existing drugs or anything for that matter. Americans are highly medicated. Not defending the vaccine at all. But was it Suzy's anti depressants mixed with the vax? Joes BP pills mixed with the vax? Ted's allegory (lol leaving it ALLERGY) medicine?

This is the specific reason myself or my kids won't take it. This shit takes a decade in my opinion to figure out. Most big Pharma pills basically warn you they can kill you or maim you. These are mundane pills for conditions 90% of people could just suck it up and live with or change habits. Now mix in an experimental injection. The study groups have to be so massively controlled for years to see what mixture could kill you with the vax. Don't take x, y or z with this vaccine.

If you take nothing else but normal food and water, I highly doubt the vax will kill you. There's something else going on. Social media has made this kind of stuff super available to report. There's no historic metric to compare to beside excess deaths. I know through stats you can age adjust it, but there's a shit load of boomers dropping too. I've know 38 year old women 2 weeks outside of a cancer diagnosis dropping dead (pre-covid). Young people dying is not insanely uncommon.

Key is just don't take it and wish the best for loved ones that did. You or I cannot control their decision against what was obvious at the time, but not everyone is a critical thinker. I agree people should be punished for it. That would include Trump. But we all know nothing will happen. Rug, meet brush.
4946   RayAmerica   2023 Apr 26, 1:04pm  

16-year-old diagnosed with leukemia dies the same day, PA family says. ‘A nightmare’

Before April 13, Kyle Limper was a “completely healthy and happy young man with no sign of illness,” family said in an obituary. But after initially complaining of back pain, the teen from Kensington, Pennsylvania, quickly saw his condition worsen. “In a couple of days he couldn’t even stand up,” his father, Ken Limper, told WTXF. “He couldn’t even get out of bed and I had to help him up and stand him up, then he fell right back down on the bed.” Kyle was rushed to a Philadelphia hospital, where it was discovered his “organs were shutting down due to leukemia, WTXF reported.

Read more at: https://www.star-telegram.com/news/nation-world/national/article274687136.html#storylink=cpy
4947   Patrick   2023 Apr 26, 5:59pm  


‘The primary cause of death was determined to be myocarditis, causally-associated with the Pfizer vaccine.’
Researchers present a case of a 22-year-old South Korean male military recruit who ‘developed chest pain 5 days after the first dose of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine (mRNA technology) and died 7 hours later. Histological examination of the heart revealed isolated atrial myocarditis, with neutrophil and histiocyte predominance. Immunohistochemical C4d staining revealed scattered single-cell necrosis of myocytes which was not accompanied by inflammatory infiltrates. Extensive contraction band necrosis was observed in the atria and ventricles.
4948   Patrick   2023 Apr 26, 6:02pm  


Let me know if you are aware of more such high-profile cases, but I have two today (both highly boosted and often infected):

Lopez Obrador was ill with COVID-19 for the first time in January 2021 and recovered after receiving what he described at the time as an experimental treatment. Only to get jabbed in April 2021, 3 months after recovering and not believing that a natural immunity was “a thing”: “Mexican president gets COVID-19 vaccine after waffling on shot” (CTV News, 2021.04.21). On Dec. 7, 2021 he gets his third Covid shot: “Mexican president, ministers get COVID-19 booster shots” (Reuters, 2021.12.07). Only to contract Covid-19 at the peak of “vaccine” “protection” just a short month later, in January 2022, for a second time. “Mexican government has concealed information AMLO's serious health problems, including when he was urgently transferred from his resting estate in Palenque to the Central Military Hospital in Mexico City, on January 2, 2022 to be treated for a high risk unstable angina, which can lead to a heart attack.” “Mexico president tests positive for coronavirus for 3rd time” (CTV News, 2023.04.23).

“14 Jan 2021 · ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan received his COVID-19 vaccine in front of TV cameras on Thursday” (Reuters, 2021.01.14). “President Erdogan receives third dose as Turkey’s vaccine shortage leaves key workers unjabbed” (The Times, 2021.06.04). “Turkey President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and wife test positive for Covid-19” (CNN, 2022.02.05). “Turkish President Erdogan has been hospitalized for a reported myocardial infarction (heart attack); he is said to be in serious condition” (BBC, 2023.04.26).

It serves to prove that gullibility (a.k.a. “trust the $cience”) often resides in unexpectedly high places. Keep reeling them in?

Anyone who suggested that people take a highly profitable gene-modifying injection with zero long term safety data deserves what they get.
4949   richwicks   2023 Apr 26, 6:15pm  

Patrick says

Anyone who suggested that people take a highly profitable gene-modifying injection with zero long term safety data deserves what they get.

That's how I feel about it at this point.

Who here hasn't been in the position of trying to warn people, only to get mocked? F them.
4950   Ceffer   2023 Apr 26, 6:17pm  

I'll believe it when I see the dangling bodies.
4951   ForcedTQ   2023 Apr 26, 9:55pm  

The_Deplorable says

More studies on "Ivermectin Destroys The Spike Protein"

--- Results: Ivermectin docked in the region of leucine 91 of the spike and histidine 378 of the ACE2 receptor. The binding energy of ivermectin to the spike-ACE2 complex was -18 kcal/mol and binding constant was 5.8 e-08.
Conclusion: The ivermectin docking we identified may interfere with the attachment of the spike to the human cell membrane. Clinical trials now underway should determine whether iv (some text omitted to shorten quote...) lank">https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32871846/

--- SARS-CoV-2 viral spike protein binds to the membrane-bound form of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) to infect the host cell. For this reason, we carried out a docking study to determine if ivermectin might be able to attach to the SARS-CoV-2 spike receptor-binding domain bound with ACE2.
See https://iv.iiarjournals.org/content/34/5/3023

If this is in fact true, then their plan and actions were evil all along. Telling people not to use Ivermectin because it would fuck with the death and destruction.

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