Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   868,471 views  8,020 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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6271   Patrick   2023 Oct 28, 12:22pm  

Sure, I encourage posting older news, especially to compare with now.
6275   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 28, 12:39pm  

GNL says

We're posting something from over 2 years ago?

I did that in order to show that the late Dr. Zelenko was speaking truth to power from the very start, and, that everything he predicted regarding the destructive nature of the 'vaccine' is coming true.
6276   Patrick   2023 Oct 28, 12:48pm  


💉 You’re going to think I’m becoming a broken record. Yesterday’s big news was that Joe Biden sent Congress a “war powers” notification about militia attacks on U.S. military bases in Syria, which we believe were directed or instigated by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard. One American died, and 30 were wounded.

So I was reading Joe’s letter and got to the part describing the single fatality and … well, tell me if I’m crazy. Read the highlighted sentence:

I mean, seriously. Am I the only one thinking that guy wasn’t killed by Iranian-funded militia, but rather probably by something that squirted out the end of a needle? Anyone else remember this:

Please tell me I’m not crazy.
6277   Patrick   2023 Oct 28, 1:43pm  


💉 Actor and playwright Erik Jensen, 52, who starred in The Walking Dead and Mr. Robot, and wrote the play The Exonerated, was suddenly and unexpectedly diagnosed this week with Stage IV colorectal cancer that has already metastasized to his liver.

It’s a tough deal for Erik, since he just recovered last year from a completely different and equally unexpected injury. The family’s GoFundMe page explained, “After miraculously surviving a brain aneurysm just a year and a half ago, our beloved Erik Jensen was just diagnosed with Stage IV colorectal cancer.”

They’ve raised about $133K of the $300K they figure will be needed to get the family through treatment and to the other side, assuming the best. Say what you like, but if it weren’t for GoFundMe, we MIGHT NOT EVEN KNOW about most of these cases. Bless these folks for disclosing their private health information even if it’s only for the fundraiser.

That information is critical for the rest of us.

It’s been a tough year and a half for the previously-healthy dad and actor. First a stroke! And now, just when he was back on his feet: turbo cancer. Erik’s doctors plan to shrink the tumors to a manageable size so they can perform two surgeries.

Hollywood actors were required to be jabbed to walk onto any movie or TV set. So, yes, of course Erik was jabbed:

We’re praying for Erik and his young family. And for justice.
6278   Patrick   2023 Oct 28, 2:03pm  


"Richard Pottorff's wife came down with CJD, a fatal prion disease, a week after getting the shot"
October 22, 2022

Steve Kirsch, founder of the Vaccine Safety Foundation, interviews Richard Pottorff and Ginger Bitner, the husband and the mother of 58 year-old Tammy Pottorff who within a week after her second covid jab came down with Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD), an incurable prion disease.

STEVE KIRSCH: These [prion] diseases don't happen by chance. So when they do happen, and they're happening in a short amount of time after people get these vaccines. And there are dozens and dozens and dozens of people who are getting these prion diseases within a short amount of time of the vaccine. And that is statistically impossible if the vaccine didn't cause it. ...

RICHARD POTTORFF: She was very active. She was very good with numbers. And very good speaking. She had a better sense of direction than I did, I have. And very musically inclined. And she never met anybody she didn't want to talk to.

GINGER BITNER: She was always very active, vivacious, friendly, outgoing. Enjoying life.

STEVE KIRCH: Just to clarify, you're her mother.


STEVE KIRSCH: So she didn't have any kind of brain abnormalities or anything at all. Perfectly healthy.

GINGER BITNER: Absolutely not.

STEVE KIRSCH: And so when did she start exhibiting symptoms that would be consistent with a prion disease?

GINGER BITNER: Well it took six days for the swelling to go down in her arm and her fingers. And it was underneath her arm as well down her left side. And once that swelling went down— and it was very, very hot the whole time. Unbelievable.

STEVE KIRSCH: Hot. As in to touch.

GINGER BITNER: Yeah. Oh yeah. You didn't have to touch it, you could have your hand four inches away from her and I could feel the heat and she had a knot there also when she came back to the car after she got her second vaccination.

STEVE KIRSCH: Did you go to the doctors and say, hey, what's going on here? I think, you know, we're having a severe reaction.

GINGER BITNER: Well first of all she went back into the CVS store where she got her second vaccination. And her first vaccination. And they said, that's normal. I mean, that can be normal for some people, is the wording. And it'll dissipate. It'll go down. It'll take a little time. So she came to the car and of course we drove on home. It took six days for that swelling to go down, putting ice on it, and so forth. And the very next morning after the swelling went down she woke up and she was shuffling her feet like she, just shuffling. She could not walk normal and she was having difficulty finding her words, to talk to us.

STEVE KIRSCH: OK. So basically she is now suffering from a prion disease six days after she got the vaccine. And perfectly healthy, nothing like this before.

GINGER BITNER: That's correct.


STEVE KIRSCH: And it's unmistakable. So you must have gone to, talked to lots of doctors about this in the six, it took you six months before they were able to schedule a spinal tap in order to do the assessment to definitively say that she has CJD, right?

GINGER BITNER: Well it took five months to even get her into Stanford. We tried to get her into Stanford, UCLA, UC San Francisco, and they couldn't see her for six months. And they told us, my gosh, that's terrible, they said,because we've had a very big increase in neurological problems where people need to come here.


GINGER BITNER: And that's why they're backed up.

STEVE KIRSCH: Wow that's strange. A sudden, a huge increase in neurological problems.

GINGER BITNER: Yeah. And the receptionist on the phone told me that. No doctor ever admitted that or said it.

STEVE KIRSCH: I wonder what could be causing that.


STEVE KIRSCH: Can't figure it out.

RICHARD POTTORFF: [laughs] There's no telling.

STEVE KIRSCH: Yeah. Yeah. So they wouldn't, they didn't, like, when you asked them, hey, why is it so hard? Eh, we've just had a rash and we have no clue what's causing all these but we're just, like, in demand all of a sudden.

GINGER BITNER: That's right. This is the receptionist saying this, not a doctor. A doctor never, every doctor I took her to, and I took her to several, they all [shakes her head]. They wouldn't even consider a connection with the vaccination. At all.

STEVE KIRSCH: Oh! You mean that safe and effective vaccine that she took.

GINGER BITNER: Oh yes. In fact the first neurologist she went to indicated it was all in her mind. The second one I took her to, that was in charge of the whole division here in Palo Alto, said, stress.


GINGER BITNER: Stress can cause these things.

STEVE KIRSCH: Ah, stress.


STEVE KIRSCH: There you go. So it wasn't until six months later that they actually did the test to find out whether she's got it or not.

GINGER BITNER: That's right.

STEVE KIRSCH: And then they even tried to bury that, right? That it wasn't in the hospital record?

RICHARD POTTORFF: It was but [inaudible] the records.

STEVE KIRSCH: You asked for the records and that wasn't included in the records.


STEVE KIRCH: The most important thing wasn't included in the records. How about that.

GINGER BITNER: Hmmm. Imagine. How could that happen.

STEVE KIRSCH: How could that have happened?


STEVE KIRSCH: Did they have an excuse for why they put everything except for the definitive diagnosis of CJD in the—?

RICHARD POTTORFF: Well they haven't returned our phone calls.

STEVE KIRSCH: So you don't know.


GINGER BITNER: No we don't.
6280   Patrick   2023 Oct 28, 8:58pm  


Matthew Perry Dead at 54 After Apparent Drowning

TMZ reported that Perry was found in a jacuzzi at the home, and no drugs were found at the scene.

Right. Drowning.
6281   stereotomy   2023 Oct 29, 6:43am  

Patrick says


Matthew Perry Dead at 54 After Apparent Drowning

TMZ reported that Perry was found in a jacuzzi at the home, and no drugs were found at the scene.

Right. Drowning.

Paging Barry Otero - coverup needed at the jacuzzi.
6283   Karloff   2023 Oct 29, 9:15am  

Patrick says

Right. Drowning.

Cardiac arrest followed by drowning. Sound familiar? It should by now to everybody except the legacy media and other "not the vaxx!" propagandists.
6285   Patrick   2023 Oct 29, 2:43pm  


Allied Healthcare workers harmed by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines & Mandates (Physical & Occupational Therapists, medical & surgical assistants, dental assistants, lab techs

Allied Health Professionals faced unethical, unscientific and illegal COVID-19 vaccine MANDATES, not just doctors and nurses - and now they are suffering horribly as a result.

I present 30 cases of recent injuries and deaths

The spectrum of injuries and deaths in this article is typical for COVID-19 mRNA vaccine injury:

myocarditis (cardiac injury)

blood clots (including post partum), pulmonary embolism, strokes

ruptured brain aneurysm (neurovascular injury)

new seizure with car accident (neurological injury)

miscarriage (pregnancy)

acute renal failure (autoimmune)

acute liver failure (autoimmune)

Turbo Cancer (Stage 4 Colon, breast, lymphoma, leukemia ALL & AML, melanoma, gastric, pancreatic, ovarian)


Oct.14, 2023 - Pittsfield, MA - Nicolette Enhorning-Picton is a dental hygienist who just had a stroke. She is also a high level athlete, ski patrol instructor, Ironman competitor

Oct.12, 2023 - South Bend, IN - Lisa Dover is a young dental assistant who was just diagnosed with Stage 3 Metastatic Breast Cancer

Oct.11, 2023 - Revere, MA - 26 year old Gabriella Martinelli is a medical assistant. She was just diagnosed with acute liver failure and will need a liver transplant.

Sep.22, 2023 - Union, OH - 27 year old Lacey Hite (Medical Lab Technician) mandated to take COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines by her employer, collapsed hours before her wedding and died suddenly on Sep.22, 2023

Sep.2, 2023 - Chicago, IL - Natalia is a dental assistant who was diagnosed with 2 different BREAST cancers, one Stage 3 and one Stage 1.

Sep.1, 2023 - Reno, NV - Karen Kottinger is a physiotherapist. She was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer with liver metastases.

Aug.17, 2023 - Netley, SA, Australia - 24 year old Occupational Therapist Noorline Zareh was diagnosed with Stage 4 Gastric signet ring cell adenocarcinoma in July 2022 & died in Aug.2023. She was a triathlete.

I believe it is very important to pay attention to the types of injuries that people in COVID-19 vaccine mandated professions are suffering from.

Notice that many of these injuries will dramatically shorten the lifespan of the person suffering from them, and as they die, this will continue increasing the excess mortality for many years to come.

We need class action lawsuits and we need them NOW.

I once again call for the immediate suspension of Pfizer & Moderna COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines and all Vaccine mandates.

6286   Patrick   2023 Oct 29, 2:47pm  



In the last three years, I have also received more than 20 cases of cervical cancer considered to be related to the new corona vaccination. There are no less than 50 cases of cancer combined with deep vein thrombosis and/or pulmonary artery embolism. The disease progresses very quickly, resists standard treatment, and the survival period is very short. The doctors around me also feel that the characteristics of these patients' diseases seem to be different from those before the new corona epidemic, but they are unwilling/dare not? It is believed that the disease is related to the new corona vaccine. Sad.
6288   Patrick   2023 Oct 30, 3:03am  


The meeting become tense when 37 year-old media executive Calli Varner gave her vignette of suffering a stroke after COVID-19 vaccination and then the rapid development of an auto-immune condition, premature menopause, and thyroid disease. Her case exemplified the systemic nature of mRNA COVID-19 vaccine injury syndromes. She said in tears “the COVID-19 vaccine has ruined my life.”
6289   Patrick   2023 Oct 30, 8:26pm  


Four Professional International Cyclists Forced to Retire Due to “Cardiac Issues.” Many Amateur Cyclists Dying Suddenly

14 Cases from May to Sep 2023
6290   zzyzzx   2023 Oct 31, 8:50am  


Medical Oncology: Feline Injection Site Sarcoma

Regardless of underlying tissue type, all injection site sarcomas behave as locally aggressive tumors with a modest chance of spread to distant sites in the body.

Injection site sarcomas arise at sites where the cat previously received an injection. Tumors are caused by vaccines (feline leukemia virus and rabies vaccines), microchips, injections of long-acting antibiotics, long-acting glucocorticoids, lufenuron, and reaction to nonabsorbable suture. Cats may be genetically predisposed to developing injection site sarcomas, though the exact nature of this relationship is unclear.

My cat might lose part of his ginormous fluffy tail because of this. The offending vaccine was done before I got the cat. And yes this is an exceptionally friendly outgoing mostly Maine Coon mix cat.
6292   Patrick   2023 Oct 31, 9:45am  

Karloff says

Cardiac arrest followed by drowning. Sound familiar? It should by now to everybody except the legacy media and other "not the vaxx!" propagandists.


Corporate media seemed completely uninterested in the mysterious nature of Perry’s death. But it wasn’t for privacy this time, since the articles extensively covered Perry’s well-known decades of drug and alcohol addiction (all during the Friends years) and his various surgeries, slyly suggesting the actor died from a drug overdose. Officially Chandler “drowned” alone in a hot tub.

But, bless them, ripping the heart out of corporate media’s first attempt at covering up Perry’s real cause of death, the police specifically reported there were no signs of foul play and no drugs were found on the scene.

It’s now common knowledge that first responders on the scene initially called it in as a ‘cardiac arrest.’ But most media reports omitted that fact. Now, we have seen plenty of these solo “drowning accidents” over the last two years. For instance, just yesterday — totally unrelated — a friend told me about recently attending a 17-year-old girl’s funeral after she died while showering. (There was no head trauma.) ...

Perry overcame his personal demons. But he couldn’t overcome the demons from the medical-industrial complex.
6293   Karloff   2023 Oct 31, 8:53pm  

It was a drug overdose, alright. The mRNA kind.
6294   Karloff   2023 Oct 31, 9:09pm  

Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber's drummer, Aaron Spears dies, aged 47.

"At the time of writing, his cause of death is not known."

Nyuh huh.
6295   ElYorsh   2023 Oct 31, 9:44pm  

Apparently after a "cardiac event".
6299   Patrick   2023 Nov 1, 10:42am  


💉 Podcast producer and social influencer Noah Lugeons, better known as ‘The Scathing Atheist,’ did not spend his Halloween tricking, treating, or podcasting. Instead, Noah was in the hospital after having a medical emergency.

According to his updates on Facebook over the night last night, the ironically-named atheist’s medical emergency was diagnosed as a heart attack. It’s a good thing, too. Apparently he was lucky to have the heart attack, since doctors found a severe arterial obstruction that would have killed him. They put a stent in instead.

Given that Noah worships Science instead of the G-d who sent the Flood, I probably don’t need to prove it, but just in case: yes, Noah was “fully” jabbed up.

6300   Patrick   2023 Nov 1, 10:45am  

ElYorsh says

Apparently after a "cardiac event".


💉 Right on the heels of Matthew Perry’s mysterious sudden solo death, actor and Daytime Emmy award winner Tyler Christopher, 50, died suddenly and unexpectedly yesterday morning from a “cardiac event” in his San Diego apartment. In other words, Tyler’s heart attacked him, and so viciously that he never had any warning and never even made it to a real hospital. ...

It’s pretty much a lock that Tyler was jabbed. He was not one the two actors who quit General Hospital over its jab requirement. Ironically, the fake TV hospital had a real life vaccine mandate.

Tyler isn’t alone. There is a veritable massacre of soap stars this year. This link leads to a seemingly-endless list of all the soap stars who’ve died so far this year, including far too many young ones: “Remembering Beloved Soap Opera Vets Who Passed Away in 2023.”

6302   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 2, 7:40am  

Friends Don't Let Friends Get Vaccinated
By L Todd Wood
November 2, 2023

Covid Vaccine Possible Cause Of Death For Matthew Perry

I have no idea how many Covid vaccine shots Matthew Perry received; however, it seems likely he was vaccinated multiple times, based on the above image of a t-shirt he was helping to advertise.

Many will immediately force their head into the sand on this issue, and deny any causation for Perry's death attached the vax.

However, more intelligent humans will think otherwise, and take note.

The evidence is overwhelming the vaccine was nefariously administered without informed consent. The White House hid information about heart damage and continued pushing the bioweapon.

This will go down as one of the greatest crimes in human history.

More here: https://connecticutcentinal.com/friends-dont-let-friends-get-vaccinated/
6303   GNL   2023 Nov 2, 7:49am  

Good grief, the guy tortured his body for decades. Assuming he died from the jab is no different than refusing to believe he did die from the jab. If you have to use Mathew Perry as an example of "unsafe and uneffective", you should rethink your position. Maybe? And using forceful phrases like "However, more intelligent humans will think otherwise, and take note." doesn't help make your point.

I'm unjabbed and believe no one should take the jab BUT that doesn't mean I believe every death is a jab death. If I believed that, that would make me unintelligent.
6304   RayAmerica   2023 Nov 2, 8:00am  

GNL says

... that doesn't mean I believe every death is a jab death. If I believed that, that would make me unintelligent.

Did I miss something? Who is making the claim that "every death is a jab death?"
6305   GNL   2023 Nov 2, 8:06am  

RayAmerica says

GNL says

... that doesn't mean I believe every death is a jab death. If I believed that, that would make me unintelligent.

Did I miss something? Who is making the claim that "every death is a jab death?"

Anyone holding up Mathew Perry as an example of a jab death might as well believe all deaths are jab deaths imo.
6306   GNL   2023 Nov 2, 8:08am  

Maybe the jab caused his death maybe not. But what's the over/under on that? This is crazy imo.
6307   Onvacation   2023 Nov 2, 8:11am  

GNL says

Anyone holding up Mathew Perry as an example of a jab death might as well believe all deaths are jab deaths imo.

Relatively young, relatively healthy, people are "dying suddenly" and the authorities treat it like it's no big deal.

It's a big deal that they are not investigating.
6308   GNL   2023 Nov 2, 8:20am  

How do you know he was healthy? Does he look particularly healthy for a 54 year old?
6310   GNL   2023 Nov 2, 9:00am  

An obese Dr. A paragon of health.

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