Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   881,825 views  8,272 comments

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Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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6562   Ceffer   2023 Dec 10, 11:00am  

Anna Von Reitz. Doctors are 'uniformed officers', and can be ordered to kill and maim:

"This is why everyone has been surprised by the use of atypical "uniformed officers" firing a completely different kind of "shot" during the recent pandemic.

As you can see by consulting Federal Titles 8, 11, and 31, licensed medical personnel are considered to be "uniformed officers" and are armed and dangerous as any naval commander in a pinch.

I guess Donald Trump and his worthless advisors felt in a pinch. At least the scum, Mike Pompeo, had the decency to warn everyone in an oblique way when he described the pandemic as a "live exercise".

They didn't use our actual (mercenary) soldiers against us, probably because they tested the waters and discovered that the majority of our own wouldn't fight against their own people.

With the other species of "Uniformed Officers" who don't even know that they are "Uniformed Officers" and didn't suspect that they were being used to kill themselves, their friends, their family, and their neighbors, the venomous lizards faced no such moral obstacles.

They could simply lie, call it a "vaccine" and everyone including their atypical "soldiers" would accept it and go along. Especially if they added a little payola on the side, which they did.

That's also why they have imported all these foreign mercenaries to do their dirty work via the Southern Border circus. Our own soldiers wouldn't do it to us."

6563   Patrick   2023 Dec 10, 2:53pm  


Josephine Walsh: Severely injured for 2 years by 1st Pfizer jab. Has dysautonomia, MCAS, POTS
frankploegman, July 5, 2023


JOSEPHINE WALSH: Two years ago today I made a decision that I will regret for the rest of my life. I agreed to take one dose of Pfizer to go visit my partner who was in another province. I didn't want to isolate away from my 3 kids, so I decided to get this injection into my body even though my intuition told me not to. And ever since then I have regretted my decision.

This is serious. There are people out there who are suffering, who struggle every single day. There are so many people who have died from this, who have committed suicide because they couldn't bear the pain. I've had suicidal thoughts in the last 2 years. And I am scared every day of my life, I am in strange, agonizing pain I can't even describe sometimes.

There are billions that are injured all over the world right now. People need to wake up and realize that the injection that they had put into their body, some may be saline shots, some may be mild, medium, or very extremely toxic. There are people out there that are injured and I am one of them. I've been struggling for 2 years now, trying to figure out how to help myself, how to advocate for myself, and protect my three kids from ever putting this into their body.

This is serious times and we must understand that there are people out there that need our help. I had to help myself, I had to figure it out myself, no matter which way I had to do it, I will figure out how to heal myself. Please don't inject yourself anymore. If your never got it, please don't inject your children. And fight for the future because they will force us more. They will force us to get more into our bodies, even against our will. Just pay attention to what's going on around you. Realize that there are people out there that are struggling and they just don't know it.

My kids have had to witness so much in the last 2 years of my life all because I got this into my body. And my body's been attacking me since day one. Two years ago, to this day, I have been sick because Pfizer poisoned me. There, I said it.

My batch number is FA9093. I had one dose and it started attacking my leg and then it spread to the rest of my body. I now have dysautonomia and POTS and MCAS, so basically my entire system that keeps me alive, your breathing, your heart rate, your brain, your nerv— everything is dysfunctional, it is being attacked.

I have MCAS which means that my body creates an allergic reaction to many, many things, electrical, chemical, food, everything, even my clothes, everything now, I, I'm so highly sensitive. I feel like I'm going to die all the time. I feel like I'm going to become paralyzed or something in the future. There are people out there that are, like, in the wheelchair, that cannot walk, can't feed themselves, brain cancer. There's lots.

Go to react19 [react19.org] and you will be able to find lots and lots of people and information about what's going on with the jabbed.

I cried a lot today, I'm not going to cry right now, but I've cried a lot thinking about how 2 years ago today I got this in my body. And even though I felt like I was dying, even though I wanted to die, I'm still here, still fighting, still advocating, still speaking up and never backing down because I was experimented on. The human population right now has been experimented on and I, for one, will not allow it to happen to my children and to the future.

There are lots out there who got this and have never been the same ever since. Today is my 2 year anniversary and I just can't believe it. The first year was literally hell. Brutal hell. And then March 4th of 2022 I decided to take my life and my health into my own hands because the doctors haven't helped me. So I had to learn how to detox and heal the system, all my systems, everything inside and out, I had to fix it again. Slowly but surely, I'm getting there. I had over 50, five zero, symptoms, and now I am down to 10. Through holistic and herbal medicines I have healed myself about 60%.

I just wanted to make a video, share it here, share it to the world, and hopefully you will share it, too, because people need to realize that there are people out there such as myself, I am a single mom of 3 children and I am injured from Pfizer, one dose, on June 18, 2021, batch number FA9093.

It's scary. Scary to realize that I have been poisoned and experimented on by people that I had trust— well, I had it at a mall, just a random stranger, but you know, like, you trusted the health care system, right? You trusted. Well, the old me trusted that. Not anymore.

But if anybody is struggling and realizing that maybe you have some symptoms that you don't really understand, so much has been going on with you and nobody is helping you, then you can just reach out to me and I will give you some information on what worked for me.

And we just need to spread awareness right now about what's going on and how people out there are sick and dying all over the world because of the last 3 years and the new medicine that was injected into us. Just think about it.

Oh yeah, I wanted to live but I chickened out so I decided to make this video and post it. Just realize that there are people out there who are struggling and who need help. And I was one of them until I decided to put my own health into my own hands. I only trust myself. It's been a fu*ked up 2 years. I've lost a lot, but I've also found who I am and what my purpose is, and I'm glad for that. But just realize that if you are injured and something is going on, you can heal because the body is extremely intelligent. And it can heal itself, just give it time.
6566   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 12, 7:49am  

I wonder what could have happened??

Georgia High School Football Player Dies Suddenly at 17, Just before Big Game

A high school football player from Georgia was found dead on Sunday after he tragically died suddenly at just 17 years old.

Brandon Smith’s unexpected death came on the day before his team was due to take part in the state championship game.

The cause of Smith’s death was not announced. (Please, no unfounded speculation. These things happen all the time and, no doubt, has absolutely nothing to do with what you're thinking)

6567   Patrick   2023 Dec 12, 10:05am  


Turkish lawmaker collapses in parliament 'moments after saying Israel would suffer the wrath of Allah'
Islamist party politician said Israel would 'suffer the wrath of Allah' in speech
Bitmez was treated by a political rival before being taken to hospital in Ankara

It was actually the wrath of Pfizer.
6568   The_Deplorable   2023 Dec 12, 12:30pm  

RayAmerica says
"The cause of Smith’s death was not announced. (Please, no unfounded speculation. These things happen all the time and, no doubt, has absolutely nothing to do with what you're thinking)"

No unfounded speculation here. Brandon Smith was vaccinated with an mRNA Covid-19 vaccine and it is this vaccine that killed him.
6569   GNL   2023 Dec 12, 12:55pm  

The_Deplorable says

RayAmerica says

"The cause of Smith’s death was not announced. (Please, no unfounded speculation. These things happen all the time and, no doubt, has absolutely nothing to do with what you're thinking)"

No unfounded speculation here. Brandon Smith was vaccinated with an mRNA Covid-19 vaccine and it is this vaccine that killed him.

Who says?
6570   The_Deplorable   2023 Dec 12, 1:25pm  

GNL says

"Who says?"

Common sense. Besides, all vaccines and medications, are unsafe until we have scientific proof that they are safe and effective. The Covid-19 mRNA vaccines do not have such a proof. In fact the Covid-19 mRNA vaccines are untested and experimental and were forced on the American people (mandated) as life saving remedies. This is not medicine and this is not science.
6571   Onvacation   2023 Dec 12, 1:46pm  

The_Deplorable says

until we have scientific proof that they are safe and effective.

It seems to me the mRNA technology has proven itself unsafe and ineffective.

I have no faith left in our government and little faith left in half the population. Why do people drink the Kool-Aid and get in the boxcar?
6572   Patrick   2023 Dec 12, 2:49pm  

I think they do it because it is too painful for them to admit they were conned.
6573   Patrick   2023 Dec 12, 2:49pm  


Dr. Kimberley Biss, an experienced obstetrician-gynecologist practicing in Florida, has come forward with a concerning account of a marked increase in miscarriage rates following the administration of COVID-19 vaccinations.

With over 25 years of experience in the field, including her residency training and having cared for approximately 8,000 pregnant women, Dr. Biss's observations carry the weight of extensive clinical practice.

In November 2021, Dr. Biss was alerted by a member of her non-clinical staff to an unusual spike in miscarriage rates within her practice – eight in a single month, a significant number for a practice that typically delivers between 20 to 25 babies monthly. This observation prompted Dr. Biss to track related data, which revealed startling trends: not only had miscarriage rates doubled annually from 2020 to 2022, but the count of new obstetric patients was decreasing each year, suggesting a possible rise in early pregnancy losses or infertility since the introduction of the injections.

In an empirical analysis, Dr. Biss noted that the miscarriage rate in her practice rose from an average of 4% per month in 2020 to 7-8% in 2021, peaking in November of that year. The following year, 2022, saw an average of 15% per month, with December reaching a concerning 27%, and January and February of 2023 hitting 30%. Only in June did the rates begin to resemble the pre-vaccine period rates of 4%.
6574   Patrick   2023 Dec 12, 2:52pm  


Vaccine Injured Rancher, Doug Cameron Speaks at the Adams County, Idaho

Our group in Idaho testified on December 11 to ban the shots from Adams County. ...

Mr. Cameron was coerced by his employer (a large dairy that received incentives from the federal government, and was given vaccination targets). Doug was previously very healthy and working tough physical job required of a ranch manager. After 1 injection of Janssen he was hospitalized for over 100 days, his medical bills are totaling $2M+, with direct out of pocket expenses of $170,000+ (!)

He has been fired from his job. The doctors admit it is vaccine injury but will not document it for fear of losing their license. The evil of this is hard to comprehend, even for me - and I am very familiar with numerous stories like this.
6575   Patrick   2023 Dec 12, 4:43pm  


💉 The New York Post ran a SADS story yesterday headlined, “Beloved Pennsylvania news anchor Emily Matson dead at 42: ‘Utterly devastating’.” Another one.

Described as a “beloved Pennsylvania news anchor,” “side-splittingly funny,” “fun-loving,” “positive,” and a “shining light” in the newsroom, Emily Matson, 42, died mysteriously, suddenly, and unexpectedly this week. Another reporter at her station called Emily’s death “utterly devastating.”

Her cause of death remains undisclosed. Classified. Top secret.

Completely unrelated, back in December, 2020, Emily penned a positive and fun-loving, pro-jab article that ran on Erie News Now’s website. Here’s the headline:

Emily’s story super-optimistically cheered for the vaccines. Here’s one example paragraph:

Safe and effective, and gone too soon.
6576   Patrick   2023 Dec 13, 10:38am  


Andre Braugher, “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” actor, dead after “brief illness”
6577   Patrick   2023 Dec 13, 10:49am  


💉 Entertainment Tonight ran a SADS story yesterday headlined, “'Big Bang Theory' Star Kate Micucci Reveals Lung Cancer Diagnosis.”

Kate, 43, is one of the popular stars on CBS’s hit show the Big Bang Theory. She’s a prolific artist, having been in other shows and movies and she also produced a music album. This week, Kate told her fans on TikTok that she’d just completed surgery for her lung cancer. Lung cancer at forty-three.

In other words, looks like atypical presentation.

Kate seemed to be as baffled as her doctors about how she could possibly get lung cancer all of a sudden:

"It's really weird, because I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, so uh, you know, it was a surprise," Micucci continued. "But also, I guess, it happens, and so the greatest news is they caught it early, they got it out, I'm all good."
6578   Ceffer   2023 Dec 13, 10:57am  

Patrick says

Big Bang Theory' Star Kate Micucci

Looks like she got the vaxicide hot shot, but, let me guess, her contracts say she can't talk about it in public.
6580   Patrick   2023 Dec 13, 1:14pm  


MSU Professor Mark Skidmore Talks to Greg Hunter About His Survey Showing 278,000 Jab Fatalities
Apr. 15th, 2023 12:57 pm


DESCRIPTION: Join Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog.com as he goes One-on-One with Michigan State University Professor Mark Skidmore, founder of Lighthouse Economics.

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: In October 2023, after investigation, Michigan State University Professor Mark Skidmore was exonerated; his landmark paper, retracted by BMC Infectious Diseases, showing over 250,000 killed by the COVID vaccine, is now back in the peer-reviewed literature:

"COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination Experienced in Social Circles Affect COVID-19 Vaccination Decisions"

Science, Public Health Politics, and the Law
Volume 4: 208-226, October 2023

See also the author's blog post:

And see the Liberty Counsel press release of October 17, 2023:

This interview took place in April, when the first version of Skidmore's paper had been retracted and the MSU investigation was underway.

GREG HUNTER: Your report, a stunner, and this is, again, I want people to understand that this was just the first year of, of this thing, and 278,000 fatalities? In 2021, 278,000 and this got picked up in Twitter, it went viral, and I think 17 million people looked at it. Uh oh! Bad boy! You bad PhD!


GREG HUNTER: Bad, bad, bad, bad, you told the truth! And you're being attacked. Let's talk about you being attacked for doing your job in telling the truth.

DR. MARK SKIDMORE: Yeah, let's, let's start with just the survey principles. You know, when I thought about doing a survey over a year ago, we didn't have a good idea how many people were dying. We saw these signals, the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, you saw this huge increase happening in, in 20, ah, 2021. But there are limitations to that. Number one, not everybody reports, so there tends to be an under reporting, and number two, there's no verification that the reports in that system are actually caused by the vaccine, so you've got, you know, thousands of deaths being reported and injuries, but we can't be sure, right? And, and the European sys— equivalent European system is having a problem. Same, same thing happening, the UK system. So there was like this idea that lots of people are being harmed, but no systematic way of evaluating it that we could verify.

And so I thought, well, a survey will give us an idea. Not that you, you know, if you ask somebody, do you know somebody who may have been injured by or had a health problem following a vaccine, a covid vaccine, they're going to tell you their impression. And of course it's an anonymous survey, so you're not going to be able to say for sure exactly what happened. But it's a signal.

An so in the survey— in any survey, if you have a representative sample you can learn a lot about the population as a whole. So commonly we have a survey done and we verify that it's representative of the overall population, and then we make some projections from that survey about what's happening with the population. And this is, this happens all the time, right?

And so in this case I asked questions about the covid illness and the covid vaccine, for themselves. Did you have problems with the covid illness? What was it? You know, lingering issues? Same thing in your family, among your family and friends. And then the same question was asked regarding the, the covid vaccine. The only thing that's different about those two questions is, I replaced covid illness with the covid vaccine and asked if there were any health issues that emerged for yourself or, or, and then in the then in the second question, in your, among your family and social circles. And if you do know somebody, pick at least one person, pick the person you know best and please explain what happened.

And so what we found in the survey, the survey just showed, that a lot of people perceive fatalities and injury from the covid vaccine, just as they saw problems with the covid illness. And so we can make some projections about that as to the overall population.

And of course, you can't verify the fatalities, but you can report it, say, this deserves serious consideration, we should be looking into this because that's what happened, right?

And so from that information I was able to show that if you knew somebody who'd been harmed from the covid vaccine, you're a lot less likely to be vaccinated yourself. If you knew somebody who experienced serious problems from the covid illness, you're more likely to be vaccinated. And that's kind of both sides, right? And then, and then of course then you can use that information to make a projection about how many people may have died or been injured by the covid illness. And that is what caused the controversy.

So the paper went through peer review successfully. One of the editors at the journal BMC Infectious Diseases approved it for publication. It was published. Several notable physicians and scientists tweeted about the, the, the study and the findings and it went viral on Twitter, reaching about 17 million people. It was the number one ranked article in BMC Infectious Diseases in its history in terms of exposure and in the top .03% among all articles tracked by Altmetric, it's a measure of exposure, in the history, you know, in the 23 million studies that are tracked. So—


DR. MARK SKIDMORE: It's like 850 out of 23 million. So it just got a huge exposure and I think part of the reason that it got a lot of exposure is because people are saying, yeah, I know somebody. I mean, I myself know people who have been injured from the vaccine. Heart-related issues, blood clots, etcetera. And I think it resonated with a lot of people.

At the same time, there was a lot of pushback. And so those people pushed back at the journal and asked for a re-review of the article, you know, a second review. And they also approached the university, and I'm now undergoing investigations about whether I followed human subject rules properly. It was an anonymous survey. So human subject rules are to protect people who participate in any kind of scientific study.

GREG HUNTER: So you can get good data. So people feel free to talk. And your report, and this was, we come back to this, this was just in the first year.


GREG HUNTER: I mean, we should have stopped at 278,000, said, yeah, somebody died.

DR. MARK SKIDMORE: Well we should have stopped in, in about February when the first results were released by Pfizer that we know, we found out later through a FOIA request that Pfizer had tracked more than 1,100 fatalities in the first weeks of the vaccine roll out. We should have stopped right then. But we didn't. And, and it doesn't appear that we're going to.

GREG HUNTER: Yeah, we went on to vax children.

DR. MARK SKIDMORE: Yeah, and that's part of the, you know, I tried to be really careful and neutral in the survey, a very neutral title. The questions didn't ask specifically about fatalities, but just ask what happened if there was a health issue? And so there were a lot of people who indicated, well, I know so-and-so, my cousin died, so-and-so had a blood clot and it resulted in a amputation of a leg. And so on and so forth. And you know, like you, it's just so troubling to watch all that stuff.

And you know, can I verify for sure that the person who's reporting the person they know had a blood clot and their leg was amputated? It would be really hard, right? It's anonymous survey. But is it authentic? I think it is. We used a very good, reputable survey firm to help us administer the survey, right?

So that's kind of what was at issue is, I think if I had just stopped and said, hey, you know, if you know somebody who experienced a vaccine injury you're less likely to be vaccinated yourself, but I, I took it a step further and made a projection about the potential fatalities. And then I said, you know, this isn't perfect, there are issues and limitations for you know projecting fatalities like this because we can't verify, but we need to look at this. And this is hopefully a call for more scientific work, to really get a handle on what's going on. And that just sparked a, a controversy that I'm now in the midst of.



VAERS is the official US government Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System.
(Note: https://openvaers.com/covid-data provides VAERS data in a more reader-friendly presentation)

Freedom of Information Act. He refers to the Pfizer documents. See https://phmpt.org/
Of note is the Pfizer 5.3.6 document which title is: Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorization Adverse Event Reports of PF-07302048 (BNT162B2) Received Through 28-Feb-2021
On p. 7, table 1, note the report of 1,223 deaths.
On p. 30 Adverse Events of Special Interest.
6581   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 13, 3:06pm  

Canada Reports 300% Increase in ‘Unspecified Causes’ of Death, Sparking Calls for Investigation

A new Canadian government report reveals a 300% rise in “unspecified causes” of death from 2019-2022 as unknown causes climbed to the fifth leading cause of death in Canada. Some health experts said the stark increase should trigger an investigation into whether the deaths are linked to COVID-19 vaccines.

As life expectancy plummets in Canada, a new government report claims “unspecified causes” have become the fifth leading cause of death in the country after cancer, heart disease, COVID-19 and accidents.

According to the Statistics Canada report, “unspecified causes” in 2022 passed strokes, aneurysms, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, asthma, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia, chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, Alzheimer’s and suicide as causes of death.

Statistics Canada, also known as StatCan, released the report on Nov. 27 in The Daily, the agency’s online news bulletin.

6582   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 13, 7:01pm  

Heart failures spiked 1,000% among pilots in 2022, Pentagon data show
12/13/2023 // Ethan Huff

The latest data from the United States Department of Defense (DOD) reveals that Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" are high-risk drugs that carry significant health risks, including the risk of heart damage.

Lt. Ted Macie, an active-duty officer with the U.S. Navy Medical Service Corps, uploaded a video to social media citing a July letter from U.S. Undersecretary of Defense for Personnel & Readiness Gilbert Cisneros Jr. acknowledging the authenticity of Pentagon data showing a massive uptick in heart failure and other serious conditions in 2021 and 2022 after Operation Warp Speed was launched.

All along, Lt. Macie and his wife Mara, who is currently running for Congress in Florida's Fifth District, have been outspoken in their opposition to the Pentagon's COVID jab mandate, as well as its mistreatment of servicemembers who objected to it.

The data Lt. Macie unpacks in his video covers the following diseases that increased by the following percentages within the military after COVID shots were mandated on servicemembers by the Pentagon:

Hypertension: 2,181 percent

Neurological disorders: 1,048 percent

Multiple sclerosis: 680 percent

Guillain-Barre syndrome: 551 percent

Breast cancer: 487 percent

Female infertility: 472 percent

Pulmonary embolism: 468 percent

Migraines: 452 percent

Ovarian dysfunction: 437 percent

Testicular cancer: 369 percent

Tachycardia: 302 percent

6583   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 13, 7:09pm  

Another one of those funny coincidences:

70% Of Deaths From Pfizer Vaccine In Japan Reported Within 10 Days Of Jab: Study

The peer-reviewed Japanese study, published in the Cureus journal on Dec. 7, looked at the association between Pfizer COVID-19 vaccination and deaths within 10 days of vaccination.

The risk period was defined as within 10 days of vaccination, with vaccination day being Day 1, and the control period defined as 11 to 180 days after vaccination.

The analysis was divided into two groups: Group 1 representing individuals aged 65 and above and Group 2, which included people aged 64 and below.

The researcher identified 1,311 deaths in Group 1, which included 662 males and 649 females. In Group 2, the team identified 247 deaths—155 males and 92 females.

“The percentage of reported cases that experienced death within 10 days after vaccination was 71 percent in Group 1 and 70 percent in Group 2,” said the study results.

More here: https://www.zerohedge.com/medical/70-percent-deaths-pfizer-vaccine-japan-reported-within-10-days-jab-study
6587   Patrick   2023 Dec 15, 11:36am  


Gospel Singer Pedro Henrique Suffers Fatal Collapse Mid-Performance

And of course he was VACCINATED. A staggering 88% of Brazilians have rolled up their sleeves for at least one COVID-19 shot, outpacing the US in adult vaccination rates.

Starting in 2024, Brazil will add the COVID-19 vaccine into its national immunization program, meaning everyone gets yearly boosters - children and adults. So expect more of this there.

6591   Patrick   2023 Dec 15, 1:26pm  


Doug Cameron, Idaho Farm Operations Manager, Paralyzed After J & J Jab
US Senator Ron Johnson Holds Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates - Nov 2 2021


DOUG CAMERON: My name is Douglas Cameron. Prior to April 5th 2021 I was a very healthy, physically active 64 year old when I received the Johnson & Johnson covid vaccine at my workplace. I was encouraged by my employer to get the vaccine. The day after the vaccine on April 6th I started experiencing side effects I believe were related to the shot. I lost bladder control. Suffered ED. My legs felt odd. I had a sinking sensation in my hips. Over the next few days my symptoms worsened and I became alarmed, so I went to the ER, explained that I'd gotten the vaccine and what was happening. I was tested for covid, and tested positive. Blood work and an MRI were done and I was sent home.

Three days after that I told my wife, I felt like I drank poison. My whole body felt different. I went to bed at 10 o'clock at night, I woke up at 2 o'clock in the morning paralyzed from the diaphragm down.

I was transported to the hospital and admitted to the covid 19 unit. Took several days to figure out what was happening. The doctors were uncertain how to treat me. They'd never treated anybody with these problems before and they could not decide on a diagnosis. Eventually they found out I had a blood clot in my leg. My entire spine cord had swollen and hemorrhaged. I aspirated on water. Placed on a ventilator, I was in ICU for two weeks.

I was worried, concerned. My wife panicked about my condition. My life as I knew it was gone. All total I spent 105 days in St. Luke's Regional Hospital, Saint Alphonsus Rehab Center in Boise, Idaho, and the University of Utah's Craig Neilsen's Rehab Hospital.

I have had multiple MRIs, CAT scans, EKGs, X-rays, spinal angiograms, spinal taps, autoimmune blood tests, muscle biopsies. Everything has come back negative in an attempt trying to pin my paralysis on my body and not the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Today I am unemployed paraplegic who is learning an entire new lifestyle. And the only thing I did between full health and my current condition is take a shot. I am real. My symptoms are real. And my life forever has changed. And that is real.

This has affected, these stories you're listening to, has affected husbands, wives, children, brothers, sisters, friends. Please pay attention. Thank you.
6593   HeadSet   2023 Dec 16, 8:06am  

Ceffer says

Why would a soccer star marry a porn actress? I presumed porn actors married only other porn actors.
6594   Karloff   2023 Dec 16, 8:35am  

She was able to wrap her lips around a soccer ball.
6595   charlie303   2023 Dec 16, 11:19am  

HeadSet says

Why would a soccer star marry a porn actress? I presumed porn actors married only other porn actors.

He had a stint in that industry.

6596   Ceffer   2023 Dec 16, 11:44am  

Karloff says

She was able to wrap her lips around a soccer ball.

It seems that tattoos and plastic surgery implants/injections tend to accelerate vaxicide. Immune fuckaciousness.
6597   Patrick   2023 Dec 16, 7:05pm  


💉 Possibly the most incongruous and truly baffling component of living in post-pandemic America is the media’s assiduous avoidance of the fact so many of our friends and families are dying at insanely-high rates. It’s obvious to everyone except people who don’t want to see, and apparently, the media does not want to see.

Which is wild because normally the media loves a terrifying mystery death story even more than Arthur Conan Doyle. And this is the terrifying mystery death story of all time, like Arthur Conan Doyle multiplied by Michael Crichton. Oh, what a wonderful time reporters could have! Just imagine all the hair-raising quotes from experts of all kinds, all the morbid models about overwhelmed hospitals, the endless questioning of who could be next, the political goldmine of comparing rates of mystery deaths between red states and blue states, and so on.

But nevermind! As far as corporate media is concerned, there are no excess deaths. Say it with us. For reasons about which we can only speculate, corporate media has a cognitive blind spot. Media acts more deliberately clueless about excess deaths than a teenager in a household with a new puppy and a “he who sees it cleans it up” rule.

Still, there’s nothing surprising about that. But it was surprising when last week, The Hill smuggled out some truth by running an op-ed penned by heterodox covid doc Pierre Kory and investigative journalist Mary Beth Pfieffer, both of whom bucked the official narrative during the pandemic and have roundly criticized the shots.

The dynamic duo’s headline posed the ultimate provocative question:

The headline was intended to be triggering. Covid fetishists believe nothing is bigger than covid. Albeit provocative, it’s true. The excess deaths scandal is bigger than the covid scandal, and the covid scandal is already as big as the planet Saturn. In fact, that headline may have asked the most important question of the century. ...

The op-ed began quoting FDA boss Robert Califf, who — with thousands of scientists at his beck and call, not to mention a mammoth, multi-billion-dollar budget to hire more scientists — you’d figure the FDA’s boss at this point would have some idea about what might be causing what Califf described in a recent tweet as a “catastrophic major decline” in American life expectancy — it’s dropped a whopping three years, giving up a century’s worth of gains.

Here what Dr. Califf tweeted:

Califf is obviously not a keen intellect, but I will give him credit for bureaucratic understatement. At least he finally said something.

Let me break it down for the FDA. What you really want in life expectancies is for them to be increasing, not decreasing. Wrong direction! But the drop baffled the head of one of the largest health agencies in history, since he’s not allowed to think about the one thing that is most likely involved. So Califf did the safe, political thing: in successive tweets, he went on to blame We the People for dying earlier — in spite of everything they’ve done for us — because of our atrocious habits, like smoking, driving gas cars, and snacking on junk food.

It’s our own fault. And I guess now we need the FDA to save us. Around and around it goes.

Califf described it as catastrophic. What’s catastrophic is how badly public health has failed in virtually every conceivable way, as the numbers indisputably prove. The more money we give them, the faster we die. It might not prove causation, but it’s a heck of a correlation. ...

There’s an army of medical fetishists who haunt Twitter, constantly popping up in the comments like ghouls leaping out of a foggy graveyard, denying without evidence there are any excess deaths at all. They usually toss out graphs of the CDC’s “adjusted” figures, which are wrong and misleading. The CDC misinformation is easily disproven, and Kory and Pfeiffer quickly dispatched those complaints by publishing official OECD and insurance statistics evidencing the shocking excess of deaths in the U.S., especially — and this is a critical fact — especially among working-age people.

According to Kory and Pfieffer, through September of this year, +158,000 Americans have died than over the same period in 2019. That’s more than died in a bunch of wars, put together. It’s more than a whole town. It’s a small city, wiped out in the first nine months of the year.

And it’s worse than it looks. Deaths this year should have been well under 2019 rates, since so many sick and elderly people died in 2020-2021 from ‘covid,’ leaving fewer frail folks to die in 2022 and 2023. Which means the current excess is even bigger than it looks.

Shocked? The CDC was. For some reason, three months ago in September, the CDC — the FDA’s sister, mega-funded public health agency —suddenly stopped updating its website tracking excess deaths. The website now blandly advises that its updates have stopped; it doesn’t even try to explain why. It doesn’t say where you can get the same information.

Why? Because Science. Shut up.

Next, the authors described how insurance industry trade mags are lately running headlines that are off the chain. It’s the biggest story of our lifetimes, completely invisible to corporate media. You have to go to trade press to find it. For example, here’s an October 2023 headline from Life Insurance News:

The “continuing surge” is causing “concerns.” I’m not sure what they meant by putting scare quotes around ‘excess mortality,’ but at least they’re covering the story. Although overall excess death numbers appear in some of the CDC’s adjusted figures to be slowly trending down, the Life Insurance News article quoted some industry experts who’re alarmed that if you deep dive the ‘adjusted’ CDC numbers, we might not have seen the worst of it yet:

Other (insurance experts) aren’t so sanguine and point to statistics from the U.S. Center of Disease Control that show mortality rates alarmingly rising for different categories. For example, younger adult mortality rates are up more than 20% in 2023, the CDC said. Cause of death data show increased cardiac mortality in all ages. And even as COVID-related causes declined in 2022, others rose, particularly stroke, diabetes, kidney and liver diseases.
Some observers think the industry has been slow to grasp the burgeoning problem, relying on old industry models that say “mortality rates always give back, and have for nearly 500 years,” according to one senior executive.
I look forward to seeing what Dr. Califf will call it next year, once life expectancy drops even more. What’s past catastrophic? What new scapegoat will public health release into the media wilderness to distract everybody from the one thing all these extra dead people have in common?

Britain, suffering similar rates of excess death, has been unable to avoid political blowback the way politicians in the U.S. have been able to, so far. The Brits started an official Covid Inquiry this month, and it’s hot news in Great Britain. The British public is not sanguine, they’re fretting about a whitewash. ...

We are so close to the dam breaking, or the tipping point tipping, or pick your favorite metaphor. Meanwhile, the excess deaths aren’t stopping, and the undeniable fact of their grim testimony beats any silly nonsense the public health agencies can crank out these days.
6598   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 16, 8:55pm  

Pro-Vaccine Journalist Who Called for Punishment For Refusing Jab Dies Suddenly

A Canadian journalist who took strong positions in support of COVID-19 vaccines—including calling for vaccine passports and terminating police officers who refused the jab—has died suddenly.

Ian Vandaelle, a 33-year-old business journalist who worked at the Financial Post and earlier at BNN Bloomberg, was declared brain dead and taken off life support earlier this month, his partner, Stephanie Hughes, said in a post on X.

“I haven’t been on Twitter for a while because my partner, @IanVandaelle, has been in the hospital since Nov. 18," Ms. Hughes wrote. "It’s with a heavy heart today that I say he was declared neurologically deceased this week and taken off life support this morning.”

Mr. Vandaelle's death—the cause of which has not been disclosed—drew an outpouring of condolences among his current and former colleagues, many of whom took to social media to praise him for attributes like being kind and smart.

6601   Patrick   2023 Dec 16, 11:22pm  


NYT's Mendacious Reporting of VAX Death

Houdini style contortions and escapes from propaganda organ.

Yesterday the New York Times published a long and detailed report on the death of a 24-year-old man shortly after receiving his second COVID-19 vaccine. To quote the most relevant section:

Shortly after receiving his second dose, on Sept. 17, George Jr. started feeling pain in his heels, according to medical records and his father’s account. By early October, his fingers started going numb, and he had difficulty holding onto objects.

By mid-October, his father was so concerned that he drove him to the emergency room. Among other things, George Jr. had the markers of an upper respiratory infection: sinus congestion, a sore throat and a cough. An X-ray showed no abnormalities or fluid in his lungs, according to a summary of the visit from the coroner’s report. He said he didn’t have chest pain or shortness of breath, according to the coroner’s investigation, two common symptoms among myocarditis patients Doctors diagnosed him with a sinus infection and bronchitis and prescribed antibiotics. He also started taking NyQuil.

A week later, George Jr. was rushed back to the emergency room after coughing so much that he started vomiting. Doctors found no obvious lung problems, his heart wasn’t enlarged, and there were no signs of cardiac issues, according to the coroner’s report.

If there were clear signs of myocarditis, doctors would most likely have monitored George Jr. and prescribed drugs, like blood pressure medications, beta blockers or corticosteroids.

Eight days after his emergency room visit, George Jr. collapsed and died. His body was transported 40 minutes east, to Binghamton, for an autopsy at Lourdes Hospital.

The medical examiner at Lourdes found that the heart muscle, the myocardium, was losing some of its strength and sagging. Parts of the heart, when examined under a microscope, were inflamed. Both are clues that point toward myocarditis.

While the reporter frankly acknowledges that myocarditis was indeed “a known risk,” from the shots, he hastens to add:

the overall numbers are small — there were 224 verified cases of myocarditis among vaccinated children and young adults in the United States from late 2020 to mid-2022, out of the nearly seven million vaccine doses that were administered, according to one study.

The piece is a perfect example of reporting an incident while at the same time falsely minimizing its significance for the broader community. This propaganda technique conveys the impression that the issue is being addressed instead of concealed while at the same time concealing the true scope of the problem.

At no point in the report does the author consider any of the following questions:

1). Are cases of vaccine-induced myocarditis being overlooked, ignored, and misdiagnosed?

2). Are treating physicians making a diligent effort to LOOK for myocarditis in patients such as the subject of this report?

3). Are all unexpected deaths like the subject of this report being thoroughly investigated by Medical Examiners?

In it’s reporting about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths, the New York Times should consider a notable historical precedent in recent American history—namely, the decades-long denial of the link between cigarette smoking and cancer by the tobacco industry and its hired gun medical experts.

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