Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   867,567 views  8,002 comments

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Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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6603   charlie303   2023 Dec 17, 7:01am  

Rolling Thunder Global Propaganda – Mark Crispin Miller

New York University (NYU) Professor Mark Crispin Miller (MCM) is an expert in propaganda. Dr. Miller says from infection to injection, Covid 19 was a global “propaganda masterpiece.” Propaganda on this level has never happened before in human history. Dr. Miller explains, “The media has been crucial to this entire operation, and I would take that a little further. I would say since the beginning of 2020, we have been subjected to a ‘Rolling Thunder of Propaganda’ drives one after another.
6604   Patrick   2023 Dec 17, 1:15pm  


"Honoring Those Who Died Suddenly: A Conversation with Kathleen Brown
One Canadian citizen's quest for justice"
by Tessa Lena, March 25, 2022

TESSA LENA: Her mission is collecting information and trying to do something about sudden and unusual number of deaths in Nova Scotia following the vaccination campaign. And the reason I want to do this interview is, well, as you know I don't usually like to talk about dark stuff in my writing and my work and focus on things that are guiding us towards love and light and helping us to deal with all this mess that we are in, but it is extremely important to honor the dead. And it is extremely important to honor people who are wronged and to expose what has happened and figure it out. And I think so many people have been harmed in the past two years and that's just, that's wrong, that's injustice. And I think that in order to proceed to a better life we have to honor the dead, we have to honor the people who have been harmed. And we owe it to them and it is of spiritual significance. And this is the reason why I personally am doing this interview and I want to feature Kathleen for being a wonderful human being. And again, her mission is extremely important.

KATHLEEN BROWN: Right now I've been tracking the people who have died in Nova Scotia. And how it all started, it started basically with my mother, who lives in a nursing home. And I am power-of-attorney, that's POA, of my mother. I actually have, it's an important feature, part of this, is I have 11 brothers and sisters, and I'm number 6 out of that 11, OK? So over the years I've actually kind of looked after my parents and I just stepped up to the platter, OK? It was just one of those things. My parents, my father has passed, and my mother, when the year my father passed in 2014 my mother went into the nursing home. So she was in the nursing home and anyway she has dementia, she has some physical disabilities, but even though she has some dementia she still knows who we are, OK? And she laughs all the time. So anyway I was, I've been POA for 8 years and every year they call me and ask me if my mother's going to get a flu vaccination, and I say no. OK? So every year I've done that for whatever. Nobody in my family has ever asked me if my mother's getting a flu vaccination. The reason why she doesn't get a flu vaccination is she never believed in it. OK? She was a person who always believed in natural health. OK? She didn't drink alcohol. She barely had any medications that she took herself. She was a person who talked about not watching TV and destroying your mind. So when I'm growing up in the 70s, she's telling us that the TV will destroy your mind. OK? She was a person who didn't take thalidomide. She was offered thalidomide for her pregnancy, for morning sickness, and she said no. OK? And thank goodness that she didn't do that. She was a person who would tell you not to be in front of the TV. So in the end, she knew things. She knew things like, don't wear sunscreens, too many chemicals. And so this information — MSG, that was another thing, she would talk about that. So in the end, I knew what she wanted. No, no injections. She wants natural immunity and that's it.

So in 20— last year, March of 2021, I actually had family members who contacted me and said, now our mother is going to get the injection for covid, and right away I said, no, she's not getting the injection. And then of course there was a big alarming thing. So the next thing I know I have to then get people in my family, so I have to go to every person and tell them why I'm not injecting her and whether they agree. I've had to, basically in the end I had to make the decision that we're not going to do this.

But then once they continued to push on me, I said no, I have to have evidence. And so then I started to go back and look at all the obituaries from 2019. And I actually started with counting, just counting the obituaries. And from 2019 until basically 2020 it seemed to be, ah, 2021, it seemed to be normal. OK? But then once the roll-out of the vaccine started, the counts of the obituaries went up. And each month it was going up more and more. So I noticed that there was an increase by at least two-fold. OK?

So then I realized, I need to make this so that you can't just do numbers, OK? People have to, you have to have faces. So then in May of 2021 I actually started looking at the obituaries and then actually taking screenshots of people who were below the age of 65. I knew anybody above the age of 65, it would not be good. So I started looking at below the age of 65 and then I started taking screenshots. And then the next thing I know I started making a list. I started making a list, and what I would include is their name, their age, whether it said they suddenly, untimely, or unexpectedly die, or after a brief illness. And they had to have that parameter in the obituary. The other thing it had to have is, I went to see where to donate to. And a lot of things, people, you know, donate in sympathy of, and a lot of them would say donate to, you know, donate to the Heart and Stroke. OK? So you knew right away that, why this person died, basically, was probably from a stroke. But people who are 44 years of age, 31 years of age, I mean, right now the average age is 50. I have over 200 people on my list, all from Nova Scotia, and the average age is 50. OK? That is unbelievable.

But what is unbelievable, or which is really interesting is the very first person I have listed. And in my listing this person was 64 years of age and it actually says in her obituary, that after having coffee with her husband, she, my mother, I won't say her name, my mother went to put lipstick on to go to work and she died suddenly. That is the last time or the only time that my mother left the house without her lipstick on. And when I seen that obituary I was like, wow. OK? There is something really wrong here. OK?

And so then what I started to do is I kept track of it, started to make a list. And then I decided I needed to write to the government. So in Nova Scotia we have our Premier. OK? And we have our Health Minister who's been putting these mandates on. And so I started to write to the government, and I was using information from Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone. I was researching all this information and I was quoting from their papers that they're doing, their research that they're doing, and anyway I started doing that. And in the end I basically didn't get any response back from the government other than that they got my email.



So as time has gone on, I thought that with all this evidence, and it's, you can see it everywhere, I mean, like over in York, here's all these athletes who are dying on the field. These are healthy individuals, these are healthy individuals who are actually dying on their field of — you know, and, and no one is saying anything. I mean, so the evidence is out there. OK? The evidence is out there. But I don't understand.

So what I've been doing, I've been continuing to do this, and then just recently I started writing to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. So I could see what was happening in Canada. So I just, my only way of helping humanity is by keeping track and trying to open people's eyes. And that's basically what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to open people's eyes.

So I've written to Justin Trudeau. And I've asked him to check out and look at the list of people in Nova Scotia who have died suddenly, untimely, unexpectedly, or after a brief illness. And I want these people to be, I want their voices, these people have been silenced. And now we need them to be able to speak to others, to save others. And I've asked basically Justin Trudeau to investigate. There has to be some sort of investigation done. And he has completely — there's no response.

I've sent this letter to Liberal MPs in the House of Parliament. I've sent it to NDP [New Democratic Party] people, I've sent it to the head right now, Candice Bergen [Leader of the Conservative Party of Canada], the same letter, but I'm not getting any response whatsoever. OK? I'm not getting any response.

I've not sent this letter to my own family members. I don't want, basically, I didn't want to basically try to infuriate them any more than I have to, but really who should be seeing these are the families of the people who have died. I'm just so hoping that somehow or another that these people get the information, look at it critically, and then start asking, did my loved one die unexpectedly due to an injection that was not, there's no actually research done and we're all in this, this experiment. We're all in this one big experiment. And now we're into the second year of the roll-out of the beginning of the injection, and if I'm seeing what I'm seeing just after the first year, I pray to God that we are not going to see just mayhem happen when the real deaths and the real problems from the injections really happen. We've got billions of people who have been injected. And somehow or another we've got to stop these vaccines. We've got to stop them.

So this is why I've been doing this. I've been trying to use the information that I have to hopefully open someone's eyes.

I mean, I have babies in here. There is, I think three if not four babies. One, the youngest was one day, another one was two months, and another one I'm not sure because they didn't give the actual time but it was 2020 and the baby died in 21. So I'm assuming that the baby was alive maybe for a month. These people, those souls are in this letter. And, and, and to ignore all of this evidence, it's absolutely, absolutely crazy. So this has all been just absolutely crazy. And I know that I just need to continue this, this, I need to continue my trek.

And so today I, just in one day, I had my letter, I had 192 names and just today I had 8 more people. And one of the last, the 200th person that I had that is in this is an 11 year-old. And, and whether this 11 year-old had health issues, it says that he died peacefully. Well, how does an 11 year-old all of a sudden die? There's no mention of any disease. But, but if you look at the obituary it says, heart and stroke, you donate to the heart and stroke. So if an 11 year-old potentially had either a heart attack or a stroke, and has recently died, shouldn't somebody be thinking or saying, there's a problem here? There is a real problem.

So I guess what I'm going to do, I'm going to continue to add to my letters here. I'm going to continue to do this. And then I'm going to, as of today, I'm going to take this letter, and I just most recently got the name of the Chief Coroner here in Nova Scotia. And so I've got the Chief Coroner's name and I'm going to take this letter and I'm going to send it to him and ask him. Take these names, look at everybody, and do your own investigation. Because when you have a group of people who are all under this one heading, of suddenly, unexpectedly, untimely deaths, or after a brief illness, and nobody's doing an autopsy, nobody's doing any pathology, especially when the average age is 50, that is like 30 years below the natural average of what a person, a Canadian should live. If you live a healthy life, most men live until they're about 79, woman are about 84. And that's the average age. And when you get the average age of these people who are dying, and nobody's asking the question, why did these people die? It's absolutely crazy. It really is.
6605   Patrick   2023 Dec 17, 3:23pm  


Luton defender Tom Lockyer collapsed on the pitch during a game Saturday after suffering cardiac arrest.

Luton manager Rob Edwards immediately ran on to the pitch with paramedics and medical staff to render aid.

The 29-year-old was “responsive” as he was carried off on a stretcher ten minutes later to applause from around the ground.

The Premier League game between Luton and Bournemouth was suspended shortly after with both teams said they were “in no state of mind to continue.”

The Luton team confirmed Lockyer suffered cardiac arrest on the field but was responsive and taken to the hospital.
6606   Patrick   2023 Dec 17, 3:34pm  


Canada Reports 300% Increase in ‘Unspecified Causes’ of Death, Sparking Calls for Investigation

A new Canadian government report reveals a 300% rise in “unspecified causes” of death from 2019-2022 as unknown causes climbed to the fifth leading cause of death in Canada. Some health experts said the stark increase should trigger an investigation into whether the deaths are linked to COVID-19 vaccines.
6607   Patrick   2023 Dec 17, 4:09pm  


The President (Richard Trumka) and chief economist (William Spriggs) of the AFL-CIO were killed by the clot shot. Yet the AFL-CIO’s support for vaccines remains as strong as ever. President Biden calls himself “the most pro-labor president ever” — even after murdering their leadership.

The most beloved public health figure in the world, Paul Farmer (the subject of the book Mountains Beyond Mountains), was killed by the clot shot. Tearful eulogies poured in from around the world but there was no autopsy, no curiosity, and no search for answers.

The FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee killed one of their own members, Oveta Fuller, with the clot shot. They said five nice sentences about her life at the next meeting before proceeding to authorize additional deadly “boosters”.

Countless Black celebrities have been killed by the clots shots including Hank Aaron, DMX, Michael Kenneth Williams, Marvin Hagler, Midwin Charles, Coolio, and André Braugher. Yet the NAACP and BLM say nothing. LeBron James is a billionaire and Pfizer caused his 18-year-old son’s heart to stop. LeBron has not publicly questioned Pfizer’s role at all.

Fertility has collapsed in this country as the clot shots impact fertility, change menstrual cycles, and cause miscarriages. Yet the National Organization for Women says nothing. They’re too busy fighting for the rights of males to take the place of females in sports.
6608   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 18, 10:27am  

I'm fairly confident that this has absolutely nothing to do with Biden's jab mandate for the military.

SHOCK: Honor Guard Collapses on LIVE TV in Front of Sandra Day O'Connor's Casket

View video here: https://rumble.com/v41y6pw-shock-honor-guard-collapses-on-live-tv-in-front-of-sandra-day-oconnors-cask.html
6609   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 18, 10:32am  

And in other news ...

Another drill sergeant found dead at Fort Jackson, US Army says

For the second time in little more than a week a drill sergeant was found dead at Fort Jackson, the U.S. Army said Monday.

The body of Staff Sgt. Zachary L. Melton, a 30-year-old with the 1st Battalion, 34th Infantry Regiment, was discovered on Saturday at Fort Jackson, Army officials said in a news release.

As is the case in Burtram’s death, the U.S. Army’s Criminal Investigation Division is also investigating Melton’s death, according to the release.

Although information about Burtram’s cause of death has not been made public, last Wednesday the Army said there was “no apparent evidence of foul play.”

There was no word about Melton’s cause of death, and Army officials did not say if foul play is suspected.
6611   GNL   2023 Dec 18, 12:30pm  

He was the CFO.
6612   GNL   2023 Dec 18, 12:55pm  

Turbo Cancer?

Eric Montross, the UNC basketball star in the early 1990s who went on to play in the NBA for nearly a decade, has died of cancer at age 52. His family made the announcement Monday.

"The family of Eric Montross (Laura, Sarah, Andrew, and Megan) is announcing that he passed away on Sunday, December 17, surrounded by loved ones at his home in Chapel Hill," the family said in a statement released by UNC Basketball. "Eric was diagnosed with cancer in March 2023, and his family is grateful for the tremendous support and the truly overwhelming love expressed by so many people as he battled with his signature determination and grace."
6613   stereotomy   2023 Dec 18, 1:41pm  

IG4-induced complete cancer suppression courtesy of the poke 'n croak - what's not to like?
6614   Patrick   2023 Dec 19, 10:04am  


Cause of Football Player’s Sudden Collapse Remains a “Mystery”
Paul Joseph Watson
18th December 2023

Climate change?

What caused a fit, healthy, young footballer to suddenly collapse in the middle of the pitch during a Premier League game on Saturday remains a “mystery,” according to reports.

29-year-old Luton Town club captain Tom Lockyer suffered a “medical emergency” in the 59th minute of his team’s match against Bournemouth, falling to the ground as fellow players looked on concerned, causing the match to be abandoned.
6615   Patrick   2023 Dec 19, 10:27am  


Ex NBA Player and 'Vaccine Ambassador' Dead After Short Battle With Cancer
Turbo Cancers Are Erupting.


Eric was also the Vice Chair and Co-Founder of Vaccine Ambassadors, a nonprofit organization that pushes vaccines on anyone and everyone - including children. They were very active in pushing the COVID-19 vaccine and now are currently focusing their efforts on the vaccinating school aged children with the HPV vaccine.

6616   The_Deplorable   2023 Dec 19, 10:31am  

Patrick says
"What caused a fit, healthy, young footballer to suddenly collapse in the middle of the pitch during a Premier League game on Saturday remains a “mystery,” according to reports."

It is not a mystery because all vaccines and medications are unsafe until we have scientific proof that they are safe and effective.

The Covid mRNA vaccines do not have such a proof and they are in fact untested and experimental. This is not medicine and this is not science! And these toxins were forced on the American people and the entire planet as life saving remedies.

Therefore, deaths and injuries are caused by the vaccines until it is proven otherwise. And this is ignored by our government and Big Pharma and anyone who disagrees is fired and censored. Again, this is not medicine and this is not science!
6617   Patrick   2023 Dec 19, 11:33am  


💉 Now they tell us! Chalk up yet another one for the problematic conspiracy theorists and the hated misinformers. FactCheck.Org ran a belated story last week with this headline:

The word “generally” is doing a whole lot of work in that headline. FactCheck described the terrifying shedding phenomenon — the barest mention of which used to get you thrown straight into Facebook jail — as now being just the most natural, most common-sense thing in the world:

“When a pathogen replicates in the body, it can be shed in respiratory secretions or in stool. We call that shedding,” Benjamin Lopman, professor of epidemiology and environmental health at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health, told us in an email. “In some instances, it is possible for shed (vaccine viruses) to be transmitted to other persons. However, since (vaccine viruses) are safe, this generally does not present a problem,” he said, referring to live attenuated vaccines.
Transmission of shed influenza vaccine viruses from vaccinated to unvaccinated people has been documented, according to the agency, “but has not been reported to be associated with serious illness,” the CDC explained.
In a 2006 clinical study among 197 children, ages 9 months to 3 years, who received a vaccine or placebo, 80% of the vaccine recipients shed at least one vaccine strain, and one transmission was documented.
(FYI,) the CDC recommends that everyone in a household with an immunocompromised person take particular care to wash their hands after changing the diaper of an infant who received rotavirus vaccine.

Generally! Generally shedding does not present a problem. This is an airtight conclusion based on the totally precise and not circumstantial fact that serious shedding illness has “not been reported” to the CDC. There you go, that’s Science, science with a capital-S. So sHuT uP! And FactCheck only asked its experts about shedding related to old-fashioned attenuated-virus vaccines, so for those of you wondering about mRNA shedding, FactCheck’s reporter got temporary amnesia or snow blindness or something and failed to mention those in the article at all.

So … the shedding issue has now reached Stage Four. Here is the template for the Five Stages of Woke Grief (spoiler: all five stages are different types of denial). Here’s how woke, virtue-signaling minds slowly process information contradicting what they’ve been told to believe about some uncomfortable and undeniable “thing,” like vaccine shedding or vaccine-induced myocarditis:

The thing doesn’t happen. There’s no evidence! It’s just a conspiracy theory.

It might’ve happened once or twice, but it’s anecdotal, and correlation isn’t causation.

Okay, maybe it happens sometimes, but it’s super-rare and basically doesn’t happen.

It’s not rare. It’s normal. Scientists always said it happens and it’s nothing to worry about.

So it happens a lot. It’s good that it’s happening!

Like I said, woke grief over shedding has zoomed past Stage Four and is racing down the slopes toward Stage Five. There’s only one stage to go, and then we can find out why shedding is actually good for us. It’s probably because you get vaccinated without having to get pricked by a needle, plus your insurance company won’t even pay a dime. Free vaccines! Wheeee! I can’t wait to find out.

Hey, now at least, when the doctor asks whether I want my flu/RSV/shingles/orneryness vaccine, I can just say thanks, I got shed on at the office and I’m good. My antibodies are all charged up!
6618   Patrick   2023 Dec 20, 11:43am  


Weird! What could possibly be causing this burgeoning epidemic of car crashes that started in 2021 or so? They’re baffled. The article awkwardly wandered from one silly hypothesis to an even kookier theory, suggesting that people may have lost their driving skills during lockdowns, or maybe the lazy cops are busy eating vegemite and just aren’t catching as many drunk drivers as they used to.

Australia Broadcasting never even considered the jabs.
6619   Patrick   2023 Dec 20, 12:15pm  


Celine Dion is COVID-19 Vaccine Injured

Celine Dion's extremely rare 'stiff-person syndrome' is getting worse. She "has no control of her muscles"

Last year Celine Dion revealed she has been diagnosed with Moersch-Woltman syndrome also known as stiff-person syndrome. This ultra-rare autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system, which leaves muscles in a constant state of tension and throws them into spasms, forced Celine Dion to cancel her tour earlier this year.

Celine posted an instagram reel last year to talk about her “very rare” diagnosis and said the spasms “affect every aspect of my daily life, sometimes causing difficulties when I walk and not allowing me to use my vocal cords to sing the way I’m used to.” ...

Stiff person syndrome is an extremely rare autoimmune disorder of the central nervous system. Celine said it herself it’s a one in a million person disease, and that’s globally.

It’s also a known side effect of the COVID-19 vaccine.

VAERS REPORTS (3 examples)

VAERS shows many reports of stiff person syndrome including VAERS ID: 146791, a 22 year-old female that experienced SPS immediately following a Pfizer vaccination.

VAERS ID 2463864 also describes a person who sustained SPS symptoms almost immediately following Pfizer vaccination. According to the report the “association between the event stiff person syndrome, paraplegia and the suspect drug BNT162B2 cannot be excluded.”
6622   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 21, 9:09am  

All types of cancer have increased dramatically in the last 2 years ...

Former Univ. of Wisconsin Badgers Player Walt McGrory Dead at 24

Former University of Wisconsin men’s basketball player Walt McGrory is dead after losing his battle with bone cancer. He was only 24.

McGrory, who passed on Dec. 16, played in 37 games for the Badgers from 2017 to 2021 but was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in 2021.

He set a Badgers record of 2,216 career points and turned down scholarships to attend Wisconsin.

Before college, McGrory was also a standout player in high school in Edina, Minnesota.

6623   Patrick   2023 Dec 21, 11:03am  


💉 Irony alert! The establishment just lost another one of their own. Medscape ran the story yesterday headlined, “Renowned Cardiologist Jean-Philippe Collet Dies at 59.” Before he suddenly and unexpectedly died AT HOME on December 15th, Dr. Collet headed up cardiology at Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital in Paris — one of the largest and most prestigious hospitals in Europe (founded in 1612). Collet was variously described as: a “renowned” myocarditis expert, a “powerful force in cardiology,” an “inspiration,” a “cutting-edge trailblazer,” a “prolific clinical researcher,” a “beloved doctor,” and even a “genius” — a true med/sci celebrity.

Dr. Collet may have been a genius and a great man, but the jabs are the great equalizer. On July 12th, 2021, France’s President Macron mandated the shots for all healthcare workers who had any contact with patients...

The healthcare mandate wasn’t all; France stacked mandates on top of mandates. Around the same time, France also passed a vaccine passport for theaters, cinemas, sports venues, festivals, cafes, bars, restaurants, shopping malls, and long distance trains. In other words, Dr. Collet did some up-close and personal cardiac research.

Dr. Collet is survived by his wife, Hélène, and their children, Antoine, Alexis, and Olivier. We pray the survivors receive peace.
6625   Patrick   2023 Dec 21, 11:05am  


💉 C&C is now adding clusters to the SADS reporting criteria. Our first example: South Carolina’s WIS-TV 10 ran a remarkable story Tuesday headlined, “Second Fort Jackson drill sergeant found dead on post in less than 2 weeks.” One Army base. Two young drill sergeants. Two sudden deaths. Two weeks.

Actually, we can make that three, if we expand to six months.

Died in car. On Saturday, decorated Staff Sergeant Zach Melton, 30, a drill sergeant with the 1st Battalion, 34th Infantry Regiment, was “found unresponsive” in his car after he failed to report for work. Army EMS pronounced Zach dead on the scene.

Died in bed. Two weeks before on Saturday the 9th, officials found Allen Burtram, 34, a drill sergeant with the 2nd Battalion, 13th Infantry Regiment at Fort Jackson cold in his bed. Officials said unit members found Allen after he failed to report for work, just like Zach Melton.

No causes of death have been released for either soldier, of course. But Fort Jackson’s commanding Brigade General Jason Kelly assured reporters that “several” investigations “into the specifics of each of these deaths” have been opened, and those “investigations” will continue forever, don’t worry about that. Army officials did say there was no foul play and the two deaths were “not connected.”

Not connected by anything you could see, anyway.

Died during exercise. The two recent deaths were the second and third young, healthy drill sergeants to die suddenly and unexpectedly at Fort Jackson this year. On June 12th, Sergeant 1st Class Jaime Contreras, 40, was also found dead, after he failed to return from an outdoor survival training course. And, no cause of death has been released. Since June.

What are the odds of three young, healthy drill sergeants dying mysteriously, suddenly, and unexpectedly in six months at one Army base? Asking for a friend.
6626   Patrick   2023 Dec 21, 11:07am  


Brownstone’s Jeffrey Tucker penned a short but thought-provoking counter-revolutionary piece yesterday titled, “This Silence Is Not Golden.”

Mr. Tucker marveled at how the Establishment seems to be sweeping the pandemic’s totalitarian excesses — and all the resulting casualties — right down the memory hole:

Hardly anyone can be found today who defends what happened, except perhaps in the most sheepish terms, and nearly always with the obviously false proviso that “We just didn’t know then what we know now.” That seems like a shabby excuse for what’s resulted. These days – again, mostly in private conversations – hardly any apocalyptic prediction seems beyond the realm of plausibility.
The public silence over this entire subject is beyond bizarre. There are political conventions happening all over the country. They are attended by thousands. Everyone is rallying about and for something. But the Covid response hardly comes up. When it does, it is quick and perfunctory conversation and quickly dropped.
Hardly any revelations about Big Tech censorship, excess deaths, contaminated shots, misused funds, or corruption of public officials and academics get media attention at all. To many of us, what is happening and what is revealed daily amounts to a parade of scandals, except that the national media doesn’t care in the slightest.

Mr. Tucker was frustrated by the bizarre media silence, but I take it to be evidence of progress. He said hardly anyone defends the pandemic response anymore except by arguing ignorance. He’s frustrated that they aren’t calling for heads on pikes yet, and I get that. But look how far things have come, how the Overton window has shifted.

Basically, at this point, the government’s pandemic response is now literally indefensible. Nobody’s seriously defending it. That’s progress.

Also, Mr. Tucker meant to say that the steady drumbeat of new revelations hardly gets any attention at all from corporate media. The breaking news gets plenty of attention here at Coffee & Covid and at other aligned independent media — like Brownstone. But we take his point — there’s a tacit omertà among the establishment types; an all-new “move-on-dot-org” conspiracy of like-minded actors implicitly agreeing to shepherd the bruised population along toward some shiny new distraction.

I have been calling for heads on pikes for more than a year now:

6629   Patrick   2023 Dec 22, 5:53pm  


THREE studies which compared millions of Covid-19 vaccinated people with unvaccinated people have concluded that the unvaccinated are less likely to suffer from many diseases including inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders, gynaecological disorders, and blood disorders. Findings also showed that those who had received Covid vaccinations were at risk of developing immune-related adverse events.

The study which investigated musculoskeletal disorders (injuries or disorders of the muscles, nerves, tendons, joints, cartilage, and spinal discs) said: ‘All Covid-19 vaccines were identified as significant risk factors for each inflammatory musculoskeletal disorder. This cohort study found that individuals who received any Covid-19 vaccine were more likely to be diagnosed with inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders than those who did not.’

The studies looked at all mRNA and viral vector vaccines delivered in South Korea. These included Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), Novavax (from a US company), and AstraZeneca. More than 194million doses were injected; Pfizer was the most used with 67million doses delivered and Janssen the least with 7million. Forty million doses each of AstraZeneca, Novavax and Moderna were used.

Three separate South Korean universities combed millions of records from the country’s National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) database, a compulsory health insurance scheme covering the whole population (52million) which is used to produce various health statistics. The results are startling and shocking. They tally with what many of the vaccine injured are reporting. Despite mounting evidence, authorities are still in denial and intent on gaslighting them.
6630   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 22, 6:59pm  

Chicago High Schooler, 14, Dies After Suffering Stroke During Swim Practice

A Chicago-area community is grieving the loss of a high school freshman who tragically died Sunday after he suffered a stroke during swim practice.

A swim coach for James Oliver, 14, who attended Geneva High School to the west of the city, said the teen collapsed at West Chicago High School on December 8, reports ABC7.

The Geneva principal sent home a memo to parents saying that Oliver had suffered from an arteriovenous malformation, or AVM stroke, and brain hemorrhaging. He was in critical condition until he died the night of December 17.
6631   Patrick   2023 Dec 22, 7:42pm  


RFK Jr. Spotlights Two Vital Questions No One Is Asking

These questions are like kryptonite.

“Why are so many Americans dying early?” asked Gateway: Beyond The Headlines host Ivory Hecker. This question seems to be kryptonite — one that hardly any government official wants to address. ...

However, independent presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr. didn’t shy away from the subject by sharing the above clip with two important questions:

Dr. Pierre Kory, a noted expert in critical care, seems to concur with this viewpoint.

During this segment on Gateway: Beyond The Headlines, Kory said, “Something happened in the middle of COVID that thou shalt not speak its name.”

The FDA commissioner, Dr. Robert Califf, is blaming smoking and bad diet, but that’s ludicrous, according to Dr. Pierre Kory.

“The scale of dying is incredible,” Kory lamented. “In the nine months of this year, it’s like 158,000 Americans died more than expected. That’s more than all wars combined since Vietnam.”

Dr. Kory revealed more about these startling figures in his eye-opening op-ed published on The Hill.

Dr. Kory, in collaboration with Mary Beth Pfeiffer, wrote:

“Life insurers have been consistently sounding the alarm over these unexpected or, “excess,” deaths, which claimed 158,000 more Americans in the first nine months of 2023 than in the same period in 2019. That exceeds America’s combined losses from every war since Vietnam. Congress should urgently work with insurance experts to investigate this troubling trend.

“With the worst of COVID behind us, annual deaths for all causes should be back to pre-pandemic levels — or even lower because of the loss of so many sick and infirm Americans. Instead, the death toll remains “alarming,” “disturbing,” and deserving of “urgent attention,” according to insurance industry articles.

“Actuarial reports — used by insurers to inform decisions — show deaths occurring disproportionately among young working-age people. Nonetheless, America’s chief health manager, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, opted in September to archive its excess deaths webpage with a note stating, “these datasets will no longer be updated.”

“Money, of course, is a motivating issue for insurers. In 2020, death claims took their biggest one-year leap since the 1918 influenza scourge, jumping 15.4 percent to $90 billion in payouts. After hitting $100 billion in 2021, claims slowed in 2022, but are still above 2019. Indemnity experts are urging the adoption of an early-warning program to detect looming health problems among people with life insurance and keep them alive.

“Unlike in the pandemic’s early phase, these deaths are not primarily among the old. For people 65 and over, deaths in the second quarter of 2023 were 6 percent below the pre-pandemic norm, according to a new report from the Society of Actuaries. Mortality was 26 percent higher among insured 35-to-44-year-olds, and 19 percent higher for 25-to-34-year-olds, continuing a death spike that peaked in the third quarter of 2021 at a staggering 101 percent and 79 percent above normal, respectively.”
6635   RayAmerica   2023 Dec 23, 3:34pm  

Another one of those sudden deaths.

As a side note, friend of mine told me yesterday that a friend of his (I didn't know him) died 'suddenly' of a heart attack this past Monday. He was also only 41.

Bobbie Jean Carter Dies At 41, A Year After Brother Aaron Carter's Death: Report

Bobbie Jean Carter was the sister of Backstreet Boy Nick Carter, as well as singer Aaron Carter, who died in 2022.

Her mother, Jane Carter, told TMZ that she was “in shock” after learning of her daughter’s “sudden death.” People magazine confirmed the news, citing “multiple sources.”
6638   Patrick   2023 Dec 24, 2:51pm  


In exclusive interviews with CHD.TV’s “Vax-Unvax” Bus and The Defender, California intensive care unit nurse Gail Macrae shared her story of pushing back against hospital COVID-19 protocols that she said violated medical ethics and resulted in increased harm to patients.

Macrae worked at the Kaiser Permanente Hospital in Santa Rosa from 2015 until 2021, when she was fired for not complying with the staff vaccine mandate.

After the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, Macrae witnessed a dramatic spike in hospitalizations with side effects she had never seen before. Meanwhile, proven and recommended treatments were banned and record-keeping systems were manipulated to obfuscate vaccine-related injuries and breakthrough infection cases, she said.

Hospital staff faced threats for reporting adverse events and retaliation for objecting to protocols isolating patients and denying families access and input over their treatments. ...

According to Macrae, in the first months of the pandemic hospitals were nearly empty as elective procedures halted — a scene that contrasted with media claims of overwhelmed capacity.

Even during the 2020-2021 winter surge of hospitalizations due to normal respiratory issues, she said “not once” were hospitals overwhelmed — an observation she corroborated with colleagues across the state.

“The public was being lied to,” she said. “So that really opened my eyes to the fact that there were things going on that shouldn’t have been going on.”

Macrae reported the implementation of strict isolation protocols for COVID-19 patients that prohibited visitations from patient families and advocates. She claimed these restrictive policies facilitated unchecked “fear-mongering from the media,” while removing a support system that would have provided a buffer against administrative coercion.

Despite COVID-19 being “the most inflammatory disease process that humanity has ever seen,” experienced hospital staff were blocked from administering steroids — “the best treatment for an inflammatory process,” Macrae said.

“So for the government and the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and these three-letter organizations to tell practitioners that they could not administer steroids … was absolutely criminal,” she said.

California was not the only state to ban steroids. McCarthy, in a recent interview with AMP News, said he found it “just mind-boggling” when nurses told him standard anti-inflammatories like steroids were banned under rigid protocols in hospitals across the U.S.

Meanwhile, remdesivir, already found ineffective as an Ebola therapeutic, was administered under rigid protocols although evidence indicated it “causes more harm than good,” Macrae said, adding that antivirals, in general, do not work “more than two days post-symptom onset.”

Macrae suggested profit motives were to blame, noting “each one of those doses was over $3,000.” ...

After vaccine rollout, surge in hospitalizations, ‘code blue’ alerts

Once COVID-19 vaccines were introduced in early 2021, Macrae reported an immediate and drastic shift, with a “300% increase in hospitalizations,” and hospital staff overwhelmed amid uncharacteristic patient conditions.

Macrae said “code blue” alerts — when somebody stops breathing or their heart stops — which had been happening perhaps once per shift, begin happening as many as 10 times per shift.

“They would always call them down to the lower level of the hospital, where we had a vaccination clinic,” she said.

Two nurses who administered the shots directly — colleagues she met through a practitioner support group in her community — said they were seeing between 10 and 20 episodes of anaphylactic shock every day. They told Macrae they were threatened with termination if they said anything about it publicly.

One day near the end of June 2021 as she was working a 16-hour shift split between two units, Macrae said she got a report that every single patient in both units — 60 overall — had unusual injuries that were likely the result of the COVID-19 shots.

She described uncommon blood clots, bleeds, heart attacks, strokes and Bell’s palsy increasing in frequency during the early months of the vaccination campaign.

“There were all of these bizarre peripheral vascular clotting disorders,” she said, “and literally, I had never even heard of them or seen them before.” ...

During this time, the hospital and the press maintained that it was the unvaccinated who were filling the hospitals, she said.

The hospital’s charting system was also rigged to not show post-vaccination breakthrough infections, Macrae said. “Any patient who was diagnosed with COVID the chart would automatically populate as ‘unvaccinated. If anyone tried to change that manually, the only other option was “vaccination status unknown.”

This was a feature of the Epic software used in all Kaiser Permanente hospitals, said Macrae, a limitation corroborated by others.

“I’ve talked to nurses all over the country who saw the scamming of the charting systems,” she said. ...

Macrae said she is concerned for the future of medicine in this country “because we have criminalized and disciplined all the practitioners” who were willing to “protect our patients and families.”

“I would not take a family member to a hospital,” she said. “It’s a dangerous place.”

McCarthy echoed that assessment, stating plainly, “I want to make very clear to everybody: These murders, they are murders … are going on right now. They have not stopped.”

“They are still using these protocols,” said McCarthy, who described the COVID-19 treatment as, “Don’t give them water. Cut them off from their loved ones. Put them on powerful psychoactive drugs, coerce and bully them into getting intubated and vented.” ...

McCarthy warned against accepting sedatives. “The minute you take a psychoactive drug in a hospital, you now become somebody they can hold against your will,” he said. “Why? Because you’re now a danger to yourself and others.”

“There is a law that allows them to hold onto you. It’s called medical kidnap,” he said.
6640   Ceffer   2023 Dec 24, 5:46pm  

Trying to destroy State's evidence of the Great Vaccine Democide and its medical terrorists.

6641   GNL   2023 Dec 25, 7:37am  

6642   GNL   2023 Dec 25, 7:42am  

A 23 year old distant relative of my wife's was diagnosed with a heart condition 2 years ago. She's had surgery twice now but the issue is not fixed. Her heart will suddenly start racing and she blacks out. The mother says the doctors told them it is a defect since birth. This 23 year old never had any signs of heart problems AT ALL until 2 years ago. I don't know if she's jabbed and I don't really want to ask.

These people are all here with us today. Btw, I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt that has the word "Pureblood" on the front and down the sleeves of it.

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