Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   867,010 views  7,993 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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6749   The_Deplorable   2024 Jan 15, 9:48pm  

Patrick says
"A paper published on a preprint server on Jan 20, 2023, by scientists at Health New Zealand and the NZ Ministry of Health showed conclusively that the COVID vaccine causes kidney injury."

Pat, Do you have a link for this?
6750   Patrick   2024 Jan 16, 11:46am  

The_Deplorable says

Pat, Do you have a link for this?

@The_Deplorable Yes, sorry I failed to include that:

6752   Patrick   2024 Jan 16, 12:01pm  


A popular social media influencer has tragically died suddenly after suffering an unexpected cardiac arrest at just 35 years old.

Brazil-born newlywed Mila De Jesus lived in Boston with her husband and leaves behind four children. ...

According to posts on X, De Jesus was reportedly “fully vaccinated.”


6753   RayAmerica   2024 Jan 16, 7:37pm  

Former Saints Linebacker Ronald Powell Dead at 32

No cause of death given.

6754   RayAmerica   2024 Jan 16, 7:42pm  

Here We Go: WEF Hosts Panel Tomorrow for ‘Disease X’


Note that they are claiming that this could be 20X worse than COVID. Does that mean that their nefarious efforts to kill us will be ramped up by a factor of 20?
6756   ElYorsh   2024 Jan 17, 7:36am  

ElYorsh says

His fiancée reported him vaccinated and boosted and is blaming the death on Covid, not the jab.

Plot twist.

San Diego Coroner just ruled it a suicide by gunshot. WTF?

6758   Patrick   2024 Jan 17, 1:17pm  


💉 Last night, the CBS-2 Iowa ran a story headlined, “Sen. Chuck Grassley in the hospital for treatment of infection.” ...

They won’t say what kind of infection. But according to Fox, Grassley is getting “antibiotic infusions.”

We don’t know for sure, of course, but an infusion of antibiotics either suggests that Grassley is comatose and can’t take oral meds, or that the infection is alarmingly severe or antibiotic-resistant and they want the drugs in his bloodstream, stat.

Like maybe sepsis, for example. ...

Of course, Grassley is the Senate’s oldest member, and has enjoyed that stately title ever since Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Ca.) died in September after getting an infection. I’m not sure which part of this story to highlight: the astounding elderly ages of too many of our current crop of leaders, a 90-year old’s shaky prospects after any infection requiring hospitalization, or the obvious intersection between what’s quickly becoming a very common category of potential jab injury (sepsis) and obscure reports without any actual appearances by the affected public official.

Grassley is a popular Republican Senator. To his credit, Grassley vocally opposed mandates. But in July of 2021, Grassley took the jabs...
6759   mell   2024 Jan 17, 2:32pm  

Just heard this on the radio:
Sad. We know SF went full retard on the toxxines, and even moreso in sports/event settings
6760   Patrick   2024 Jan 17, 4:15pm  


Sep 1, 2021, 06:27pm

The NBA has set an Oct. 1 deadline for team personnel to be fully vaccinated and left open the possibility that it could require a booster shot at a later date. The mandate applies to all personnel who will work near the court...


Warriors Assistant Coach Dejan Milojević Dead At 46 After Heart Attack

Milojević, a former coach and mentor to two-time NBA MVP Nikola Jokic, died after a heart attack Tuesday at a team dinner in Salt Lake City.
6761   Patrick   2024 Jan 17, 4:44pm  

For the memes:

6762   Ceffer   2024 Jan 17, 5:36pm  

There does seem to be a vaxicide enhancement with anabolic steroid use.

6763   Ceffer   2024 Jan 17, 5:58pm  

Question is, is the artificially generated 'Disease X' just going to be some combination of 5G irradiation, poisonings and securing the deaths of those already vaccinated?

6764   Ceffer   2024 Jan 17, 6:03pm  

There is no such thing as a trusted government institution, and Rockefeller medicine is bent on profiting from our programmed illness and deterioration. What's worse, the medical terror is stratified top down and the 'good doctors' are being struck off willy nilly, while the complaisant and cooperative white coats continue their dance macabre for their democidal masters.

6766   Patrick   2024 Jan 17, 7:38pm  


November 3, 2023

"We’re seeing a disturbing continued trend of cardiac arrests in people who have taken the vaccine," reported world-renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough to Real America’s Voice Friday. “Now we have data from Nakahara in a human cardiac PET study showing that positron emission tomography scans of the heart change in almost everybody who took the shot, at least for six months or longer, where the heart’s metabolism changes."
6767   Patrick   2024 Jan 17, 8:21pm  

ElYorsh says

San Diego Coroner just ruled it a suicide by gunshot. WTF?

Lol, that is utterly incompatible with the first report from his girlfriend.
6768   Ceffer   2024 Jan 18, 11:04am  

Like, DUHHHHH, what I have been saying for years. Fake test, fake disease, real hospital murders for per-hit profits with mislabeled diagnosis. Why would CDC come out with this now after the crimes? Arrogance or confession?

6769   Patrick   2024 Jan 18, 11:30am  


🔥 The American Cancer Society’s 2024 Annual Report came out this week, and it is a sick joke. Again and again, the authors cited cancer data only through 2020, cutting off any more recent analysis and otherwise bypassing the last three years, poof!, gone, vanished, down the memory hole. The Society relied only on pre-2021 data to predict 2024. Even when it did provide comparative data, the report misleadingly used different units for its 2024 estimates versus the figures it charted for pre-2021.

For example, while the report estimated the numbers of projected 2024 cancer victims, it only provided the rates of pre-2021 cancers. There’s no easy way to compare numbers versus rates; so good luck.

Presumably attempting to explain the shocking failure to give any insights into the last three years of cancer, a note on the Society’s website claimed that current cancer data is lagging two to four years. Uh huh. For whatever reason, that claim was omitted from the 2024 Report, which doesn’t even try to explain the omission.

Non-mathematicians have zero chance of comparing figures based on the Report. But Ethical Skeptic, a statistics expert, did crunch the Report’s cancer numbers and concluded it shows a +12.7% excess in cancer deaths over the pre-jab baseline, extending 2023’s excess and showing an excess growth rate of around +3% a year.

Apart from that, there were a couple other buried headlines in the Report. Unsurprisingly, the 80-page report included a woke 20-page insert — one quarter of the whole report — on cancer in LGBTQ+ people — the only demographic subgroup enjoying separate treatment. At first, I rolled my eyes at the obvious pandering, but scanning the LGBT section turned up some fascinating information that really should be more widely known.

Apparently, one’s atypical sexual lifestyle choices have a measurable effect on cancer risk. And it’s not a good effect. Being gay or trans increases the risk of several types of cancer.

After stripping out all the hedged qualifications and implicit apologies, here’s what the 2024 Report said about “Disparities in Cancer Occurrence” between gay/trans people and heterosexuals:

Lesbian and bisexual women likely have a higher risk of breast cancer due to higher prevalence of risk factors, including fewer childbirths, higher alcohol use, and excess body weight. One modeling study found a +10% higher breast cancer risk among bisexual women and +6% higher risk among lesbian women compared to heterosexual women.

Transgender women (biological males) appear to be at an increased cancer risk during hormone treatment compared to cisgender men. Transgender men (biological females) appear to have a higher risk of breast cancer compared to heterosexual men. Although women receiving gender-affirming hormone therapy are at lower risk for prostate cancer than cisgender men, there is some evidence of a higher prevalence of more aggressive disease.

Hormone-taking women are getting more aggressive prostate cancers than men do. How about that — hormone treatments appear to increase cancer risks. But you don’t hear too much about it, now do you?
6770   Patrick   2024 Jan 18, 6:33pm  


The Daily Mail’s veteran tennis correspondent Mike Dickson has dropped dead while covering the Australian Open, according to reports.

The esteemed sportswriter collapsed and died suddenly in Melbourne while covering the tennis championship, his family has announced.

He was 59 years old.

Probably the toxxine, but hard to know for sure.
6771   RayAmerica   2024 Jan 18, 8:32pm  

Canadian world champion pole vaulter Shawn Barber dead at 29 from medical complications

Shawn Barber, the Canadian pole vault record holder and 2015 world champion, has died from medical complications. He was 29.

Barber died Wednesday at home in Kingwood, Texas, his agent, Paul Doyle, confirmed to The Associated Press. A cause of death was not yet known. Barber had been experiencing health issues.

6773   GNL   2024 Jan 19, 7:23am  

So, Covid was "real". It's just that it was caused by 5G?
6774   Patrick   2024 Jan 19, 9:45am  

That's a bit too far for me. I still think the virus was created in Wuhan by Fauci, and not terribly deadly compared to the vaxx.

On the other hand, a lot of really strange things have happened in the last few years, so who knows?
6775   Patrick   2024 Jan 19, 9:45am  


The rescheduling of the royals’ other appearances strongly suggests that neither hospitalization was in fact planned, similar to how Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s efforts to hide his post-benign-prostate-surgery hospitalization suggests that Austin’s surgery wasn’t really planned either.

I don’t know what the odds might be for such a Royal Cluster of two sudden and unexpected hospitalizations on the same day, but I would have to guess they are pretty long odds. We pray for full recovery for both Royal Persons, whatever might be going on, and even though the U.S. jettisoned the whole royalty thing with prejudice back during the late unpleasantness.
6778   Ceffer   2024 Jan 19, 11:41pm  

So, HIV tests aren't testing for HIV virus, but for immunodeficiency status? HuH? HIV tests are positive after Covid vax? So, what then is the alleged HIV virus if something else can trigger it? They have a proxy, because a segment of the alleged HIV 'virus' was purposely fused into the alleged Covid virus? Now, are we just chasing our tails in various versions and fakes? Bottom line, the target is the immune system whatever the hand waving about viral particles.

6779   GNL   2024 Jan 20, 6:21am  

He ridiculed Djokovic? I don't really want to ridicule the dead but, in this case I'll make an exception. What a tool.
6780   Patrick   2024 Jan 20, 9:14am  

Ceffer says


💉 This week the sports world processed several high-profile, sudden and unexpected deaths. Not just deaths, mind you. Sudden deaths, deaths of atypically healthy people, deaths of people at atypically healthy ages. Such as the sudden and unexpected death of a healthy, celebrated Daily Mail sports journalist — a death with one particularly ironic feature.

The Daily Mail ran the story about its own reporter headlined, “Goodbye Mr. Wimbledon: Tennis correspondent Mike Dickson dies aged 59.” ...

But this story takes a twist since back two years ago, during 2022’s Australian Open, Mike, the Brilliant Bloke, shoved aside his normal charitable and kind impulses and declared war on Novak Djokovic over the jabs:

Dickson was relentless. He argued often and publicly that Djokovic was wrong. Mike probably created a worldwide wave of anti-Djokovic dislike, to the point crowds booed the un-vaccinated champion and chanted things like “get vaccinated” at him from the stands during tournaments. It looked like Dickson found a personal journalistic calling to compel the Serbian champion to comply. And Dickie was all-in.

Rarely — in this life — do things turn about so completely as between Mike Dickson and Novak Djokovic. Novak did not “ruin his chances” of becoming the GOAT by refusing to take the vaccine. Instead Novak weathered the storm and became the GOAT in spite of (or because?) of his unjabbed status.

And Dickson took the vaccine and now he suddenly and unexpectedly hopped the twig. And most ironically — Dickson keeled over at the 2024 Australian Open. Almost exactly two years after declaring a public war on Novak Djokovic’s private medical decisions over the same event.
6781   GNL   2024 Jan 20, 11:27am  

What a fucking asshole. People have got to speak up. Drop any care about speaking the truth.

A short story/example: I was talking to my 86 year old dad the other day. I told him in no uncertain terms that the country is being run by old people and that it was time for them to sit down and shut the fuck up. This is a hard truth. Just because it's hard doesn't mean we shouldn't speak it.
6782   mell   2024 Jan 20, 11:57am  

GNL says

What a fucking asshole. People have got to speak up. Drop any care about speaking the truth.

A short story/example: I was talking to my 86 year old dad the other day. I told him in no uncertain terms that the country is being run by old people and that it was time for them to sit down and shut the fuck up. This is a hard truth. Just because it's hard doesn't mean we shouldn't speak it.

Agreed. I know some people here claim the boomers are overall alright but literally every trump hating extreme leftoid here is a white old boomer. They talk shit on the Gen x ers, and while I always demand the youth to show respect for the elderly, sometimes it's hard to defend when you listen to these old assholes who are cruising on SS and Medicare while they claim they care about the Millenials/Zers by advocating their delusions and gender identities and sex changes (mutilation), while in reality they have taken all the Youth's money and spent it, no matter how cringeworthy millenials sometimes may be, this was not their fault.
6783   The_Deplorable   2024 Jan 20, 3:18pm  

GNL says
"He ridiculed Djokovic? I don't really want to ridicule the dead, but..."

According to Solon the Athenian, "Do not judge someone until he/she is dead." And Mike Dickson is dead!
6784   Patrick   2024 Jan 20, 7:07pm  

Hey, I just read about Solon in Plutarch's Lives. Cool. I remember that quote.
6785   Patrick   2024 Jan 20, 7:08pm  


Italian Police Unions Sound the Alarm Over Surge in Officer Deaths Post-COVID-19 Vaccination

"exponential increase in sudden deaths from diseases among state police officers." ...

In a recent statement, the Union disclosed a surge in health-related issues post-vaccination, marked by a mysterious rise in mortality rates among seemingly healthy officers. The rising death toll has rattled the police force, raising questions and commanding action.

"Here we have young colleagues, 29, 34, 40 years old – but people who were well. In the last month, from December 15th until today, I became aware of seven police officers who died suddenly. In the last year, we are almost at 50, if not more.". Antonio Porto, Secretary-General of the Italian Police Union, emphasized.

These startling numbers come amidst an absence of official data, pressing the Union to demand comprehensive records from the General Directorate. The OSA has formally reached out to the Ministry of the Interior for a precise account of the deaths, pointing out an "exponential increase in sudden deaths from diseases among state police officers."
6786   Patrick   2024 Jan 21, 12:07pm  


Multiple studies have found that people are testing positive for HIV after being vaccinated with Covid mRNA shots, a leading expert has warned.

Renowned cardiologist and epidemiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has begun raising the alarm about the findings.

During a recent interview, McCullough warned that nine studies so far have also concluded that Covid injections are triggering a spike in positive HIV tests.

McCullough clarified that the shots are not giving people HIV or AIDS, indicating a false positive.

However, he explained that the positive tests after receiving the mRNA injections are triggered because people are suffering from immunodeficiency.

Or maybe they really did inject 3/4 of the whole human population with the AIDS virus.
6787   GNL   2024 Jan 21, 2:23pm  

I'm sorry but, this sounds ridiculous.
6788   RayAmerica   2024 Jan 21, 3:26pm  

GNL says

I'm sorry but, this sounds ridiculous.

Give it some time. Before too long, it will be obvious even to the biggest skeptic.

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