Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   910,700 views  8,521 comments

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Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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7000   GNL   2024 Feb 29, 3:04pm  

76 is a nonstory imo. Tons of people die at that age. Always have.
7001   Patrick   2024 Mar 1, 1:30pm  


British Royal Family member Thomas Kingston, the husband of Lady Gabriella “Ella” Windsor, was found dead on Sunday in Gloucestershire, England.

The healthy British royal was just 45 years old when he died unexpectedly.

According to the New York Post, authorities noted that there’s no foul play suspected and the death is not “suspicious.”

However, the cause of death hasn’t been revealed.

A friend of the couple opened up about them in a recent interview, noting that they saw them “happy and positive” at a February 21 National Gallery event in London.
7002   RayAmerica   2024 Mar 1, 3:02pm  

"Vaccines" aren't the only way that they're trying to kill you.

New Study Shows Cannabis Use Associated With Higher Risk Of Heart Disease

Hays Molm on March 1, 2024

Cannabis use has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke, according to a new study from the American Heart Association.

The study, released Feb. 28, found that the risk of cardiovascular problems increased along with the frequency of cannabis use. The correlation remained regardless of other variables considered throughout the study.

“Patients and policymakers need to be informed of these potential risks, especially given the declining perception of risk associated with cannabis use,” the study says. It included a sample size of 434,104 people from across the country and U.S. territories.

“Smoking, the predominant method of cannabis use, may pose additional cardiovascular risks as a result of inhalation of particulate matter,” states the AHA article.

“Cannabis has strong, statistically significant associations with adverse cardiovascular outcomes independent of tobacco use and controlling for a range of demographic factors and outcomes,” concludes the AHA study.

Cannabis is legal in 38 of 50 states for medical use and in 24 states for recreational use.
7003   Shaman   2024 Mar 1, 3:05pm  

If that cannabis study was done with recreational users instead of sick people with medical use licenses, it might mean something.
You don’t round up a bunch of chronically ill people and then complain that they have diseases.
7004   Ceffer   2024 Mar 2, 3:00pm  

For Patrick. Catherine Austin Fitts demolishes Trump and the vaccine rollout. Scroll down to her vid.

I am still of the opinion that Trump made a difficult war time decision even if he was hip, but everybody has their opinion.

7006   Patrick   2024 Mar 2, 9:42pm  


An autopsy case report of aortic dissection after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination: correspondence
7007   Patrick   2024 Mar 2, 9:43pm  


2021 Jul 27

Cardiovascular Adverse Events Reported from COVID-19 Vaccines: A Study Based on WHO Database

They knew and kept injecting people with it.
7008   Patrick   2024 Mar 2, 9:44pm  


Kassidi Kurill, a mother of one from Ogden, received the vaccine due to her work as a surgical tech for several plastic surgeons, KUTV reported.

“She was absolutely fine with getting it. In fact, she told all of us, ‘It’s fine, you guys should all get it,’” her father, Alfred Hawley, told the outlet.

Kurill experienced a sore arm after the first jab of Moderna, but had no other side effects.

But things took a tragic turn after she received her second dose on Feb. 1.

“She came in early and said her heart was racing and she felt like she needed to get to the emergency room,” Hawley said. ...

She died 30 hours after arriving at the hospital.
7009   Patrick   2024 Mar 3, 1:24pm  


Morgan Wallace, Cardiovascular ICU Nurse: Everyone who died with covid should be considered murdered
posted January 7, 2022

original link


This public speech was filmed on January 4, 2022, at the meeting of the New Hanover County Board of Education, in North Carolina.

MORGAN WALLACE: I am Morgan Wallace. I am a 10 year employee of New Hanover County. I worked in the cardiovascular ICU for 5 years. I was your last line of defense for covid. We ran your heart and lungs outside your body with your chest open while you're bleeding on the floor.

And what I realized was that patients were needlessly dying because of governments' withheld policies for treating covid. Everyone who died with covid should be considered murdered. Early treatment has always been effective.

I walked out of the hospital on the mandate day. I have my own practice and I am the only person in town treating covid patients prior to hospitalization.

I also watched the entire staff at the hospital including in my unit get vaccinated and then get covid, amongst all kinds of other ailments. You have now loaded your body with millions of spike proteins and you're a ticking time bomb for cancer, blood clots, and whatever kind of ailment may come up in your body.

And I am tired of hearing people go and ask doctors, can they be treated for covid, and their only option is a vaccine, or go home or go into the hospital where you are not going to make it out.

I will be happy to treat any one of you for covid prior going to the hospital because early treatment has always worked. I'm a member of FLCCC Alliance,[1] NC Physicians for Freedom,[2] and the Medical Freedom Summit.[3]

And I would ask you all to please stop choosing fear and putting masks on our kids. The vaccine is not going to work, early treatment has always worked, and government mismanagement of patients is why people have died.

And families have realized this, and they are rising up, and they are going to come after governments and the hospital.

I was highly decorated and highly respected, I [inaudible] November 2020 Employee of Excellence, and I had a job opportunity this year from the Chief Medical Director at the hospital and I chose to walk out and stand up for others' rights.

So putting these masks on our kids is not going to help. Nor is vaccination, and we all need to realize that. It is out, the cat is out of the bag, and people are speaking globally, including the inventor of the vaccine.
7012   Patrick   2024 Mar 3, 5:39pm  


‘We Need to Ask These Questions’: Experts Accuse Government, Pharma of Covering Up Vaccine Risks

Medical experts, political figures, journalists and whistleblowers today accused public health agencies and the mainstream media of censoring and covering up information relating to COVID-19 vaccine injuries and adverse events during a U.S. Senate roundtable discussion hosted by Sen. Ron Johnson.

It's a start, but until Fauci is hanged, no one is safe.
7013   richwicks   2024 Mar 4, 6:13am  

Patrick says

It's a start, but until Fauci is hanged, no one is safe.

This was a DARPA project. People have to be charged we treason and executed.

Will never happen of course.
7014   Patrick   2024 Mar 4, 11:38am  


There are two clinical studies which point to about 3% incidence of laboratory evidence of subclinical cardiac injury post-jab. Clinical myocarditis has a significant death rate within 5-10 years and prior to the Covid-19 jabs myocarditis it was rare. It is not rare now despite what the snake oil salesmen say.

Now there is further evidence of cardiac injury following Covid-19 jabs. A peer reviewed study published by Nakahara et al (Radiology, 2023;308(3):e230743) showed radiological evidence that 47% of people Covid-19 vaccinated demonstrated increased effort in cardiac cells vs unvaccinated individuals and this effect persists for 6 months. The statistical probability that this study result occurred by chance is 1 in 1000. This is additional evidence to explain why some Covid vaccinated people die suddenly. The increase in cardiac work effort, determined radiologically, is a measure of heart damage.
7015   Patrick   2024 Mar 4, 11:41am  


Rosemary Marshall

Yesterday at Forest of the Fallen at Bilgola Beach a mother told me that her son, aged 18, was passenger to an 18 year old triple jabbed driver. They had a minor accident. Paramedics arrived and insisted the boys attended hospital. First reaction at hospital was to check troponin levels. Clearly hospitals suspect medical incidents being the cause of most accidents these days. This young supposedly fit and healthy young man had raised troponin levels. But no symptoms. So sad.
7016   Patrick   2024 Mar 4, 11:44am  


Given the massive excess deaths that started in 2021 and which have not recovered (ie. there has been no reduction in deaths to bring deaths back to normal levels), the Philippines is still running at least 300,000 cumulative excess deaths up to June 2023 by my very conservative count, and possibly a lot higher, depending on modelling approach.

There are different ways of calculating population excess deaths. The most common being the use of a 5-prior-year average. However, this method does not account for normal increases in deaths in the population over time (due to aging and growing population). In the Philippine from 2000 to 2020, the average annual increase in deaths was 1.9%. If I apply 1.9% to every month from 2015 on to get a baseline and then plot a baseline and actual deaths, it can be observed that excess deaths continue since mid-2020 up to the latest available data.

By rights, by now, there should be 6 months with NO deaths at all, were mortality to return to normal levels. Instead, excess deaths continue. Data release is slow, but there is no reason to expect that the current sad trend of continuing excess deaths is reversing.
7017   Patrick   2024 Mar 4, 12:51pm  


Former South Carolina University football player D.J. Park has died at just 29 years old, according to reports.

The unexpected death of Park was announced by Gamecocks coach Shawn Elliott. ...

“DJ was an awesome individual with a huge heart.

An enlarged heart most likely.
7018   Patrick   2024 Mar 4, 5:08pm  


Shocking Toll of Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines Unveiled in South Korea's Press Conference: Thousands Dead and Injured Due to Experimental Gene Therapy!

"Due to vaccine side effects, there have been around 2,700 deaths and about 19,000 severe cases." "These are official statistics, but the actual numbers are said to be more than 10x higher!"

Given that 96% of South Korea's population of 51.7 million has been vaccinated, these official figures—if indeed far below the actual counts—paint a grim picture of vaccine safety and oversight. With an estimated 27,000 deaths potentially linked to vaccine side effects, this equates to roughly 1 death for every 1,915 vaccinated individuals, a rate that for many raises significant concerns about the risks associated with these vaccines.

They're off by more than a factor of 2. About 1 in every 800 of the ever-toxxinated DIES from the toxxine.

This is not over until Fauci and all others who created the virus or mandated the deadly injection are hanged for their crimes against humanity, the worst crimes in human history.
7019   Ceffer   2024 Mar 4, 6:06pm  

She gained the superpower of being pure spirit.

7021   Patrick   2024 Mar 5, 3:30pm  


Peter Sagan has suffered a heart scare and undergone a cardiac procedure but the three-time road race world champion, now competing in mountain biking, has insisted he will be back racing within weeks. The issue arose when his heart rate shot above 200bpm, unexpectedly and for no apparent reason, after he had been riding hard at a race last weekend. Medical checks were carried out, revealing an issue with his heart, which has now necessitated a procedure at a clinic in Italy. ...

Sagan is fully "vaccinated"...
7022   GNL   2024 Mar 5, 3:30pm  

Patrick says

Is 318% more likely the same as saying 3x more likely?
7023   Patrick   2024 Mar 5, 5:12pm  


Pope Francis has cancelled some of his Saturday engagements because of a health issue, the Vatican has said. The pontiff called off his engagements because of a "mild, flu-like state," an update from the Holy See Press Office said. The Vatican addedon February 24 that the day's engagements had been cancelled, but that this was a preventative measure.
7024   Patrick   2024 Mar 6, 10:55am  

Ceffer says

original link

@Ceffer Your comment has been picked up by another blog:


Peter in the Park with His Yellow T-Shirt Talks About the Yellow Card Card Scheme
Ceffer, Posted July 31, 2021

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: The video shows a man sitting on a bench in a park. He wears a bright yellow T-shirt with large black letters that says, I REGRET HAVING THE VACCINE ASK ME WHY?

WOMAN'S VOICE: So we have just been walking through Hackney and I couldn't help but spot this T-shirt in the distance. What's your name, sir?

PETER: Peter.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Hi Peter. So, Peter, obviously it says on the T-shirt— Let me just back around to the back as well. [camera goes around the bench and Peter shows his back. The T-shirt reads, SIDE EFFECTS ARE UNDER REPORTED]
So we thought we'd stop for a quick chat because it's very useful that somebody who's vaccinated and is actually speaking out against it.

Peter clearly doesn't have too much pride and he accepts and acknowledges that the vaccine, we [inaudible] go into this, but has caused him some unwanted side effects, and it's really brave of him to want to wear that T-shirt because you'll get a lot of backlash I would imagine. And to be willing to have that discussion.

So, what vaccine did you have?

PETER: AstraZeneca.

WOMAN'S VOICE: AstraZeneca. And I know we've spoken about it, but just briefly, why did you get the vaccine?

PETER: Only because I wanted to travel to see my girlfriend, who I haven't seen for more than a year. And I thought it might be helpful.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Yeah, and I think—

MAN'S VOICE: [inaudible] So she's in Russia—

PETER: No, that's alright.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Yeah she's in Russia. So I think a lot of people have done sort of a similar thing in that they have been coerced and threatened basically by the government, you won't be able to travel unless you get this vaccine. And just elaborate, Peter, because you said you probably wouldn't have got it otherwise, would you, if—?


WOMAN'S VOICE: No. And why was that? Why—

PETER: Because I thought the dangers of having it were outweighed the benefits.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Hmm mmm. Hmm mmm. And I would agree with that. And what specifically, what sort of side effects have you been experiencing?

PETER: Well, after the first shot I had tingling in my arms about 7 weeks. So if I put any press—, weight on that arm I would get tingling for about 20 minutes.


PETER: And I spoke to my GP twice about this. The second time in April, should I have the second dose? What he didn't tell me was, well, I believe, that he gets 12 pounds 58 every second dose administered. I don't want to libel him, I hope that he corrects me if I'm wrong— but—

WOMAN'S VOICE: No I think you're right.

PETER: —I think that's the case. And the other thing is, that I've just had the statistics through, there've been about 1,500 cases of tinnitus, for example, reported under the Yellow Card scheme—


PETER: — which grossly underestimates, which should have been available to him at the time. And I should have been warned of all potential side effects.


PETER: Well, after hesitation I had the second dose and I've had very bad tinnitus for about 8 weeks. It comes and goes and it gets worse, it's been— I thought if it was always like this, I couldn't live.


PETER: But fortunately it seems now to be abating. I've always taken very good care of my hearing, protected myself from loud noise because I like silence and classical music.


PETER: So this was very, very worrying for me. And this is why I made the T-shirt. This is to tell other people.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Yeah, yeah. And we commend you for doing that.

PETER: I haven't had any abuse yet, everything I've had has been supportive.

WOMAN'S VOICE: That's really good. I think [inaudible], from where I'm standing, I believe that a lot of people, and as I said to you earlier, even a lot people who have been vaccinated, especially with these rubbish restrictions, or, I don't know, telling us we can't go to nightclubs without vaccine passports, a lot more people, even vaccinated are starting to come forward. And that's what we need. We all need to come together because we don't want to discriminate against someone because they made a choice. You were coerced, in our opinion, and you know, you wasn't given a fair, informed choice.


WOMAN'S VOICE: You were sort of pressured into it and threatened, you won't be able to travel, you won't be able to do this. And I think you'll find that a lot of people are in a similar position. So have you got any advice to anybody that's thinking about a vaccine? And would you say that some people should get it and maybe others should hold back, or?

PETER: Well, I think that maybe vulnerable people should have it. Maybe for them, quite likely for them, the benefits outweigh the dangers. But if you're not vulnerable, then I think quite likely the dangers outweigh the benefits. But everyone should inform themselves. And one of the sources of information is the Yellow Card scheme,[1] which hardly anyone knows about. People I talk to generally don't know about it.


PETER: You can see the latest weekly reports on out there of side effects. They don't give you a cumulative total. There's an organisation called Freedom Project[2] which tells me a cumulative total. Now why they're not giving you the cumulative total I don't know.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Actually I didn't even know that. That's interesting.

PETER: But they also put, the Yellow Card website, the site says at the beginning, you must have the vaccine, then they give you the data. Ignore the commentary, look at the data, try and make sense of it yourself. Go and ask your GP questions, if you can get to see them. Ask if they know all this data, ask them if they know the cumulative total, ask them if they're being paid—


PETER: — to give you the vaccine. That's a very important thing. Have they got a financial interest?


PETER: That would be my advice.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Well I think that's really, really good advice, and thank you so much for speaking to us.

PETER: Well thank you, it's made it worth having this T-shirt.

WOMAN'S VOICE: Ah, good. Good, good, good. Thank you.

[1] See: Yellow Card Reporting Site
"Report suspected side effects to medicines, vaccines, e-cigarettes, medical device incidents, defective or falsified (fake) products to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency to ensure safe and effective use."

[2] https://ukfreedomproject.org/
See: "Covid-19 Vaccines Yellow Card Analysis"

7025   Patrick   2024 Mar 6, 11:52am  


An 11-year-old boy has been found dead after tragically dying suddenly.

UK Police are investigating the sudden death of the young child who died in Lancaster, England on Saturday.

According to investigators, the boy dropped dead unexpectedly.

Lancashire Constabulary has said the death of the youngster is being treated as “unexplained.”

11-year-olds do not just drop dead, unless they've been injected with something toxic.
7026   Patrick   2024 Mar 6, 11:53am  


Fox News journalist Ashley Papa has been diagnosed with stage 4 appendix turbo cancer after being pressured to take Covid mRNA shots under the network’s vaccine mandate.

The young mother of one revealed that this is the second “rare” disorder she has been diagnosed with over the past two years.

7027   Patrick   2024 Mar 6, 1:30pm  


Why ARE so many young people having heart attacks? They had seemingly healthy lifestyles... but all these people suffered heart problems

Lol! Why indeed.
7029   GNL   2024 Mar 6, 4:14pm  

7031   Patrick   2024 Mar 6, 7:48pm  


They Complained About Others Not Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, Then They “Died Suddenly”

26 people who died due to COVID propaganda and disinformation

By Dr. William Makis

Feb. 4, 2024 – (Nashville, TN) 30 year old Hannah Quintero, died unexpectedly on Feb. 4, 2024.

Apr. 15, 2021: “How is it that the “all lives matter” and the “I refuse to get my COVID vaccine for some dumb reason” crew overlap SO much?”

Apr. 1, 2019: “Please start penalizing antivaxers”

Feb. 3, 2024 – Northampton, UK – Justin Carlin died suddenly on Feb. 3, 2024

Oct. 21, 2021: “if you choose not to have the vaccine and you get sick, tough shit. If you choose not to have the Covid Vaccine, then you choose to be back of the line for the free COVID treatment that is available on the NHS.”

Jan. 27, 2024 – Waterloo, Ontario, Canada – 51 year old Dave Mumby died after a “sudden illness”

Apr. 2021: “Ever notice the people that bitch about lockdown are the same ones that whine about following the rules and break them every chance they get and refuse to get the vaccine?”

Jan. 27, 2024 – Lithonia, GA – 36 year old John Earnest Culberson Jr died suddenly Jan. 27, 2024. He just celebrated 10 years at CDC!

Dec. 30, 2021: “Get vaccinated so you can have not only a better year (2022) but a better you!!! The Vaccine/booster is safe because you is in GOD’s Hands and no weapon shall form against you”

7032   Patrick   2024 Mar 7, 1:21pm  


Former NFL star Char-ron Dorsey has died unexpectedly at just 46 years old, according to reports.

The former Dallas Cowboys offensive lineman, who played collegiate football at Florida State, died from a massive stroke on Monday, according to the Jacksonville Florida Times Union.

Strokes are a very common result of the death jab.
7033   Patrick   2024 Mar 7, 1:59pm  


BBC presenter Nick Sheridan sadly died at the age of 32 following a short illness as his colleagues have revealed he 'collapsed while out running' while sharing heartbreaking tributes
7034   Onvacation   2024 Mar 7, 5:16pm  


Conclusion: "It would have been worse if you weren't vaccinated."
7036   Patrick   2024 Mar 8, 12:27pm  


An NBA player collapsed suddenly during a game Wednesday night, raising concerns for his health as the shocked crowd looked on.

TV cameras captured the moment that Bismack Biyombo of the Oklahoma City Thunder dropped to the ground.
7037   stereotomy   2024 Mar 8, 12:34pm  

The great thing about the poke'n'croack is that you can kill all the useless idiots without a shot being fired.

Then again, each shot cost almost $300, then there's the emergency room care ($$$$$$$$$$$$) before they cash in their chips.

Hmmm . . . I guess the commies got it right - the cheapest solution is a $1 bullet to the head or heart.

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