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Patrick says
Not on the website, can't read the complete link, can't find it through a text search.
I HIGHLY DOUBT the FDA will ever admit anything.
💉 The latest corporate media to co-opt Princess Kate’s cancer into its thematic hook was CNN, which yesterday ran its own young-cancer story (framed as an op-ed) headlined, “Oncologist: Kate’s diagnosis is part of a troubling trend.” No kidding. But it was the same fake-news bull puckey we’ve seen in many other articles this week.
CNN even cited the same 1990-2019 cancer study that all the other fake-news articles did (though CNN also added a JAMA study, which also conveniently ends in 2019). Apparently cancer research ended in 2019, at least as far as they know.
Remember, the white-coated medical fetishists defending the jabs, including CNN’s op-ed author, fanatically argue there’s no such thing as turbo cancer! But try describing this paragraph from CNN’s article without using the words “turbo cancer:”
During the past week alone, I saw a 37-year-old with breast cancer that had already metastasized to her lymph nodes, bones, lung and liver. In the room next door was a 45-year-old with colon cancer that had spread so diffusely throughout the liver that it had become packed and enlarged with the tumors. Both patients had stage IV cancers that can potentially be controlled for a finite time but are no longer curable.
So, not only is this jab-happy oncologist seeing lots of young people presenting with old-people cancers, they are also presenting in Stage 4, post-metastases. I’d like to know what he calls that, if it’s something besides turbo cancer.
Responding to all those cancerous corporate media limited hangouts this week, yesterday the feisty Washington Times ran a mirror op-ed by Pierre Kory, also about the young cancer epidemic, headlined “Princess Catherine is one of many more young adults with cancer.” I usually don’t report from conservative media, so as not to create a conservative echo chamber, but this story was such a good example it required comment.
The Washington Times’ op-ed followed the same general outline as did the clone army of awful, duplicative, narrative-bending, limited hangout, fake-news stories we’ve seen spreading through corporate media this week about what even they admit is an ‘epidemic’ of young cancers. But whereas the corporate media versions all capped their data in 2019, so as to avoid throwing any shade on the miracle injections, the Washington Times’s story focused on much more useful post-2021 data.
In other words, the Washington Times actually informed its readers, instead of contributing to their early dementia like CNN, the Guardian, and the Telegraph have.
If you want to understand the real reason why corporate media is suddenly freaking out, consider these ‘young cancer’ facts reported in the Washington Times’ article. It’s not because of cancer trends between 1990 and 2019:
In 2021, colorectal cancer suddenly shot from fourth place to the leading cause of cancer death in men under 50. It leapt to second place in women.
Young adult oral and liver cancer deaths spiked since 2021. So did deadly cervical tumors in women ages 30 through 44, which tellingly reversed “decades of decline” — not a long, slow increase as corporate media would have you believe. It’s the exact opposite.
According to the CDC’s heavily manipulated data, between pre-pandemic 2019 and 2023, across all ages, cancer deaths rose by +2%. And in young people aged 15 to 44 years, cancer mortality rose twice as fast, to +4%.
Some cancers had mortality increases far exceeding +2% and +4%. Deaths from the aforementioned colorectal cancer rose +17% in the 15-to-44 group, four times the population-wide increase.
Uterine cancer deaths shot up +37% among 25-to-44-year-olds between 2019 and 2023; they rose +15% overall (all ages).
Whatever they want to call it, more and more oncologists are seeing what we would call ‘turbo cancer.’ The Times’ article quoted William Dahut, the American Cancer Society’s chief scientific officer, who said “Colorectal cancers are presenting with more aggressive disease and larger tumors at diagnosis, which is more difficult to treat.”
Instead of citing out-of-date cancer studies ending in 2019, the Times cited recent studies, like a new preprint study of U.S. data, which found cancer deaths among 15-to-44-year-olds had “accelerated substantially” in 2021, over +6% above baseline, and then surged in a single year to +8% in 2022.
The Times cited another recent study from the United Kingdom finding “highly statistically significant” increases in cancer mortality in the same 15-to-44 age group during 2021 and 2022.
It is so weird how none of the bigger corporate media platforms can seem to find these newer studies. They appear lost in time back in the pre-pandemic era. Maybe we should feel sympathy since corporate media reporters are probably getting harassed by scary Sleestacks, like the time-traveling Marshall family from the Land of the Lost.
The Times’ facts are just some of the parts we know about. But the CDC gets the raw data from states and large insurance networks, and we never get to see that raw data until it has been massaged and “improved” by CDC’s data controllers. So the CDC knows. This week, Kate’s cancer unlocked a storm of ‘young cancer epidemic’ stories.
But sure, let’s all pretend the cancer epidemic cause is baffling and mysterious and has been creeping up behind us for decades without anyone noticing. La la la!
Who cares what caused it? What difference, at this point, does it make? The important thing is what to do about it!
Yeah, but the problem is we need to stop jabbing everybody who’ll sit still long enough. Like poor, uninformed college kids who aren’t paying attention and just want to go to class.
Finally, I’ll leave you with this thought: What else do 15-to-44 year olds have in common, different from other groups? Well, they’re the working age cohort. In other words, they are the ones most likely to have run into the propeller blades of an employment or school-related jab mandate. I’m just saying.
JAMES ROGUSKI: Hi my name is James Roguski and I have absolutely had enough. This is the line in the sand that I'm drawing and I feel that everyone else in America needs to wake up and draw the same line. The vaccines for covid are killing more people than they are helping. They are permanently disabling thousands and thousands of Americans.
If you're OK with this, you probably just are unaware of the reality. I simply ask this. Go down on this page, watch the videos that people have posted of the harm that has been inflicted upon them by these covid 19 vaccines.
I'm calling upon Rear Admiral Denise Hinton, the Chief Scientist of the FDA [1]—
[Screen shows an official portrait photograph of Denise M. Hinton in uniform]
TEXT ON SCREEN: FDA Chief Scientist Denise M. Hinton
JAMES ROGUSKI: —to stop this carnage, to revoke emergency use authorizations for all three of the vaccines.
You have a chance to be a hero, Ms. Hinton. Or you can just go along with what the people above you are forcing you to do. You are the person who signed the emergency use authorizations for the Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen vaccines. You have the power to sign a revocation of those emergency use authorizations.
If you do that, you'll be my everlasting hero. But if you fail to do it, you will be guilty of crimes against humanity. And every American who fails to stand up and draw the line in the sand and say, this is enough, this is an experiment that has gone very badly, and it's time to stop.
JUNE 23, 2021
The nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) is a synthetic messenger RNA Trojan Horse
that has and will continue to cause untoward deaths and disability. This is not just about the spike
protein, a known pathogen [1]. Furthermore, it does not require a degree in immunology to appreciate
that if you have the cells of the human body make foreign proteins - especially a pathogen - one’s
immune system will attack those cells. The creation of this gene-altering injection was done with
malicious intent. If you know the infectious agent is a virus that replicates and mutates rapidly, but
you give a non-sterilizing intervention in the midst of an outbreak, are you not putting evolutionary
pressure on the virus to side-step your intervention? Just another example that the injection was not
intended to end the planned pandemic (plandemic) [2] but exacerbate the morbidity and mortality.
Heart scarring was detected more than one year after COVID-19 vaccination in some people who suffered myocarditis following receipt of a shot, researchers reported in new studies.
One of the most effective initiatives to get through to people has been FOREST OF THE FALLEN - a silent tribute to those individuals who have died or been seriously injured by the jabs.
Raelene Kennedy
My daughte, Caitlin Gotzer was murdered by Pfizer and the Qld government on 17/11/2021. She was 23 years young. I had to find out via Senator Rennick about THS reporting, and do this myself. There has been no followup, other than her record mysteriously changing 18 months later. Her age at death was changed to 22. Additional symptoms were added. These were coincidentally the same as symptoms I had mentioned in a Tweet! She is report number 685337.
On November 9th, 2022 18 year old Trista Martin woke up around 8:30am. She told her sister, Maya, that she was having difficulty breathing and that she “hurt all over”. Trista decided to lie back down “Hoping to feel better”. Trista never woke up again.
Trista was healthy and had no comorbidities or pre-existing conditions. In fact, she had a recent annual checkup that included blood work and other tests, proving that she was healthy. As part of that very checkup, she elected to receive the Pfizer Bio-N-Tech Covid injection. Her parents and Family were unaware that she had made this choice until the day she lay dying in the hospital.
After hours of horror and tears, Trista officially passed away at 5:05pm on November 9th, surrounded by her family and friends. The Doctors had no answers. Trista’s toxicology was clean. She had no known congenital issues or conditions. Her family was left devastated and in shock.
At the hospital, one of Trista’s close friends told the Martins that Trista had received the “Covid Shot”. Initially, Trista’s parents didn’t think this information was relevant. Desperate for answers, they began their own research. All roads led them back to the realization that, in fact, it WAS the Pfizer Bio-N-Tech injection batch FN2908 that stole their daughter’s life.
The Society of Actuaries is also raising the alarm, noting that young Americans are dying rapidly. “Mortality was 26 percent higher among insured 35-to-44-year-olds, and 19 percent higher for 25-to-34-year-olds continuing a death spike that peaked in the third quarter of 2021 at a staggering 101 percent and 79 percent above normal, respectively,” the Hill stated in a recent article. The Society of Actuaries stated that COVID-19 is not to blame. Actuaries and insurance companies are pricing in younger life expectancy rates through 2030.
💉 On Saturday, the Epoch Times ran a story headlined, “Vaccinated People Show Long COVID-Like Symptoms With Detectable Spike Proteins: Preprint Study.”
Epoch’s article referenced a March 24th preprint study by thirteen authors with the wordy title, “Persistence of S1 Spike Protein in CD16+ Monocytes up to 245 Days in SARS-CoV-2 Negative Post COVID-19 Vaccination Individuals with Post-Acute Sequalae of COVID-19 (PASC)-Like Symptoms”
The gist was researchers studied 50 covid-naive (never infected) patients with long covid symptoms who’d gotten at least one of the covid vaccines. They extracted immune cells from 14 post-vaccine patients, finding that almost all of them (13) had spike protein in their immune cells — up to 245 days after their last jab. (Asymptomatic vaccinees showed no spike.)
Remember, they promised the mRNA spike could not possibly persist in the body for 245 days (or more). The mRNA was supposed to completely clear within hours. They impatiently explained to us morons that mRNA is very delicate and is quickly metabolized. But of course, the jabs don’t use natural mRNA, which is, in fact, delicate. Instead the jabs use super-sturdy artificial mRNA, which was basically designed to last forever.
And somehow, the people’s own immune cells got transfected by jab mRNA — something else that was never supposed to happen. The mRNA was supposed to safely stay in shoulder muscle cells near the injection site. Whoopsies! And now, one wonders how people’s immune systems can clear the body’s cells transfected with spike protein if the immune system itself was transfected.
Can you believe this nonsense? Here we are, not even a full month has passed, and boom, the FOURTH footballer just drops like a sack of potatoes right on live TV during a game. I’ve been saying this from the start, but oh no, let’s not jump to conclusions, they said. But how many "coincidences" do we need before these so-called coincidences start smelling fishier than a week-old tuna sandwich? The corrupt news media, the so-called government "health" agencies, and the football associations who all pushed this experimental gene therapy are in bed together, trying to brush the whole thing off with laughable explanations instead of getting down to some real investigation.
But hey, why would they after mandating these shots? Doesn’t fit the narrative, right? I refuse to let this slide, even if it means putting up with all the flak from the peanut gallery who'd rather shoot the messenger than face the unsettling music.
And now, the latest casualty in this absurd saga – 24-year-old Frida Maanum, an Arsenal Women midfielder, just keeled over mid-play in the English League Cup final against Chelsea. There we were, seconds ticking down in stoppage time at the end of regulation, and the scene turns into an emergency room drama. Seven minutes of nail-biting chaos, and Maanum is stretchered off the field.
This isn’t an isolated incident. Since March 10, 2024, we've witnessed Ahmed Refaat, Makhehleni Makhaula, and Javier Altamirano collapse on the field, each case more heart-stopping than the last, with causes ranging from cardiac arrests to rare brain thrombosis. And what do we get from the powers that be? More silence and sidestepping. This circus of silence and censorship must end! I’ve saved all the clips of these incidents in the article below, because heaven forbid the public sees what’s happening right under its nose.
‘Fantastic’ Soccer Player Dies Suddenly at 24
A soccer player described as “talented” and “fantastic” has died suddenly at just 24 years old.
Tributes have been flooding in on social media for “terrific” British soccer player Ross Aikenhead following his tragic death over the Easter weekend.
Aikenhead was a “fantastic young man,” his club Winsford United FC said in a statement.
The Cheshire team, which plays in the North West Counties League, said Ross will be “sorely missed” after his unexpected death.
Australian Idol host Marcia Hines has been taken to hospital, after collapsing in her dressing room prior to the show’s grand final episode on Channel 7 on Sunday. It is understood Hines — who is a judge on the hit reality TV show — collapsed in a dressing room at the Sydney Coliseum Theatre in Rooty Hill on Sunday afternoon. A source told East Coast media that Hines “won’t be on Idol tonight. Marcia had a medical emergency and was rushed to hospital,” the production source said. It is understood the 70-year-old was transported by ambulance from the site, and is now in a stable condition.
Hines was “vaccinated.” From September 2021:
It is understood the 70-year-old
💉 This is a weird one. The UK Daily Mail ran an eye-popping story Monday headlined, “Cancer on campus: Over 150 students and staff at North Carolina university 'are diagnosed with host of tumors and disease' - as officials find lecture halls and classrooms teeming with toxic chemicals.” The first sentence explained, “Cases of lymphoma and thyroid and breast cancers have been reported among patients who spent time at Poe Hall, a class building at North Carolina State University in Raleigh.” ...
Could their exposure to PCBs decades ago have been triggered by something that happened recently, provoking this massive cancer cluster? It would be helpful to know their jab status. Just asking.
The 780,000 reports were received shortly after the COVID-19 vaccines were rolled out, and show people experienced a wide range of post-vaccination problems, including heart inflammation, miscarriages, and seizures.
Professor Ian Brighthope Raises Concerns Over Vaccine-Related Injuries and Fatalities at Senate Committee Hearing
In a recent interview with Efrat Fenigson, Professor Ian Brighthope recently voiced his stern concerns about the quick adoption of mRNA vaccines and the compromised integrity of Australia's regulatory authority, the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA). As the founder of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine (ACNEM), Brighthope is stalwart in the field of nutritional and environmental medicine and stands as a prominent figure in the discourse on healthcare practices.
Delving into the heart of his concerns, Brighthope's critique of the mRNA vaccines is both comprehensive and deeply troubling. He expressed grave apprehensions regarding their impact on human health, emphasizing their potential intrusiveness into the body's most fundamental biological processes. "We have seen the damage done to our somatic cells from this poison, and we've seen the poison going into the germ cells, the testicles and the ovaries, the production of sperm and egg," he detailed, presenting a grim picture of the intrusion of these vaccines at a cellular level.
He further elucidated the risks associated with the lipid nanoparticles used to deliver the mRNA into cells and emphasized the DNA contamination that was discovered by Kevin McKernan and reproduced across several independent labs globally: "We know that the lipidnanoparticle will take the RNA and there's also contamination from DNA into the genome of individuals." This contamination, Brighthope warns, charts into largely unknown territories with unpredictable long-term effects, yet with observable immediate impacts. "So we don't know exactly what's going to happen, but we certainly know it's having an effect on reproductive cycles. Females, we know it's having an effect on fertility and we know it's having an effect on survival of embryos and fetus," he explained, highlighting the profound implications on human fertility and potential future generations.
The critique doesn't stop at the physiological impact. Brighthope also addresses the inflammatory nature of the vaccine delivery system and its broader implications: "And that is the overuse of this mRNA toxic vaccine wrapped up in the lipidnanoparticle, which is highly inflammatory, getting into the brain of people and having an adverse effect on individuals."
Coincidentally, neurological disability claims in the UK surged by a shocking 15.6% in June 2021, only to skyrocket by an unprecedented 95.2% in 2022.
Moreover, Professor Brighthope illuminated the problematic funding structure of the TGA. Australia's medicine regulatory body, the TGA, receives 96% of its funding from the pharmaceutical industry. This deep-seated conflict of interest questions the impartiality of the TGA's regulatory decisions that approve the drugs of the companies that fund them.
I find it immensely strange that they’d know tumors would rise by 80% in the future. How would someone know this?
His Healthy Son Was Found Dead After Pfizer Shot He Begged Him Not To Take: "As Far As I'm Concerned, My Son Was Murdered."
Dan Hartman, A Truck Driver From Ontario, CA, Is Taking The Guilty To Court, Gearing Up For An Epic Battle With Outstanding Experts On His Side
Jaco Basson, Heart Damage After Two Pfizer Jabs
June 14, 2022
TEXT ON SCREEN: JACO BASSON 47 yrs old suffers from irregular heart beat. He was forced by his employer to take the PFIZER VACCINE on the 2st of August & 21st of September 2021. Since then he has been constantly sick. His blood has thickened & has less oxygen.
JACO BASSON: I'm Jaco Basson, I'm 47 years old and I'm from Cape Town.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Total number of shots / boosters:
JACO BASSON: The first two shots of the Pfizer vaccine.
TEXT ON SCREEN: When did you take the first Covid-19 experimental mRNA vaccine?
JACO BASSON: Twentyfirst of August 2021 and the second one on 21st of September 2021.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Did you have any Pre-existing health conditions (e.g. Chronic disease, Disability)?
JACO BASSON: I was a very healthy person, I mean, could run, jump, I've done sport, karate. There was nothing wrong with me, I was a very fit person for my age.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Please describe the symptoms or difficulties you're currently experiencing
JACO BASSON: Could hardly keep my eyes open for two days, for those three days, and the fourth day when I woke up I went to the doctor. They did blood test on me then I found out that my blood was thickening and I am in high risk for heart disease. And since it I have heart palpitations [inaudible] hard and I can hardly breathe sometimes.
[TEXT ON SCREEN APPEARS AS HE IS SPEAKING: Employer forced Jaco to take the vaccine. Jaco developed a breathing problem. He now takes medication 3 times a day in order to stay alive.]
I get pulsing heart, that's [inaudible] I get, like [inaudible] something I must catch my breath like my heart is pumping hard, it's just like it's pumping in my throat but so loud and so hard that I can start to pain and I get some—, if I pick up something with anything if I lift too much with my left hand I can get so [inaudible] and somehow [inaudible] I must sit a while and just breathe. I mean, I've done nothing my heart is just, it feels like it's giving in, it's going to give in any day.
TEXT ON SCREEN: How has the Covid-19 mRNA experimental vaccine affected your health since you got vaccinated?
JACO BASSON: I can't run and do the things I normally would do and the way I was doing it before.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Please describe the symptoms or difficulties you're currently experiencing
JACO BASSON: Because of vaccine I need to take this everyday. [holds up three bottles of medicine]. [inaudible] water, three times a day. They help to keep the oxygen level up to where it's supposed to be. [inaudible] it's actually better for sleep [inaudible] I mean but for me, it's, it's [inaudible] without this I won't survive it if I don't have all my pills and everything every day.
TEXT ON SCREEN: Anything of concern to your family that you may like to add or say now that you are in this particular predicament.
JACO BASSON: Anybody, please don't go for the vaccine. The people there, it's not good. It's going to affect you for the rest of your life. It is, please, don't go for it.
I find it immensely strange that they’d know tumors would rise by 80% in the future. How would someone know this?
GNL says
I find it immensely strange that they’d know tumors would rise by 80% in the future. How would someone know this?
80% is the number they think got jabbed.
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