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Reports of COVID-19 shot-related health problems, which were collected and kept hidden by the U.S Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for several years, have now been published and reveal serious immune and brain dysfunction symptoms, include heart inflammation and death. Information on about 780,000 reports of adverse events following COVID shots were gathered and stored in the CDC’s special V-safe monitoring system that enabled COVID shot recipients to report adverse events via a cell phone text message.1
Green Beret-Turned-Wall St Banker Drops Dead of Vax-Induced Heart Failure at 35
A Bank of America investment banker has dropped dead from Covid mRNA vaccine side effects at just 35 years old, according to reports.
Leo Lukenas III was a Green Beret-turned Wall Street banker.
His sudden death was revealed by his family in posts on social media.
According to the New York Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, Lukenas died unexpectedly after suffering an “acute coronary artery thrombus.”
The disease causes the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel of the heart.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), acute coronary artery thrombus is caused by Covid mRNA vaccines.
💉 Fortune confirmed a tragic trend in a woefully unsurprising article headlined, “Why have colorectal cancers tripled in teens and jumped by 500% in kids?” Haha, of course the article never answers that headline question.
First it came for the young adults. Back in January, young adults reeled from a surge in colorectal cancers, as the horrifying disease topped causes of death for men under 50, and surged to second place in working-age women. Now don’t laugh, but scientists blame the sudden metastatic spike on obesity and alcohol consumption. Headline from Fortune, in January:
Most doctors nowadays couldn’t find their colorectums using both hands and a flashlight. Take a look at this paragraph from the article headlined above. Note the unexpectedly honest date range:
Gosh. A trend researchers first noted in 2021? What could have happened to working age adults in 2021? ...
If drinking too much is somehow causing colorectal cancers in young adults, what will doctors claim now about the new under-18 group? The younger kids are drinking too much? Fortune explained that adolescent colorectal cancer rates (kids between 10 and 14 and teens from 15 to 19) have skyrocketed by five times and three times, respectively.
A prominent Australian lawmaker has blown the whistle on a shocking cover-up by his nation’s federal government.
Senator Malcolm Roberts has raised the alarm after uncovering evidence that governments around the world are aware that Covid mRNA shots are killing people.
According to Roberts, the Australian government has been scrambling to cover up the mass deaths caused by the injections.
As part of the effort, the government has been “deliberately suppressing doctors” from reporting vaccine deaths, the top senator reveals.
Roberts says that governments around the world all know about vaccine harms and that they are “killing people.”
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in 2022, 174,717 deaths occurred.
This figure is 22,886 (15.1%) more than the historical average.
A growing number of experts and studies have confirmed that this spike was caused by the Covid mRNA shot.
Roberts describes the soaring vax deaths as the “pandemic of injections.”
The senator blew the whistle during a bombshell interview on the “You’re the Voice” podcast with host Efrat Fenigson.
Results: A total of 21 articles described 24 cases of new-onset psychotic symptoms following COVID-19 vaccination.
Longtime Clear Creek County Commissioner Sean Wood found dead
May 6, 2024
Clear Creek County [Colorado] Commissioner Sean Wood has been found dead in Clear Creek County, according to county sources. Wood died unexpectedly on May 6 and a cause of death has not been determined at this time, authorities said. Wood served as a county commissioner for eight years. He had also served as a member of Evergreen Fire/Rescue for at least 23 years, according to his published resume. On his public LinkedIn page, Wood described himself as an optimist, father, husband, entrepreneur and leader.
No age reported.
Colorado’s “vaccination” mandate for state employees:
Off-duty Sacramento police officer found dead on Rocklin street
May 9, 2024
Rocklin, CA – The man who was found dead on a Rocklin street early Thursday morning was an off-duty Sacramento police officer, the department has revealed. Rocklin police said they responded to a report of an unresponsive person lying near the intersection of University Avenue and Larkspur Drive just after 6 a.m. Fire personnel pronounced him dead, and Rocklin police said initial signs pointed to nothing suspicious. Later on Thursday, the Sacramento Police Department announced that the man found dead was Officer Daniel Bartlett. Bartlett had been with the Sacramento Police Department for over four years and was assigned to south area patrol. The 30-year-old leaves a wife and young child behind. No exact cause of death has been determined yet.
No cause of death reported.
Sacramento city employees were coerced to take the jab:
A deal inked Wednesday between the City of Sacramento and Sacramento City Employees unions orders city employees to take the COVID vaccine, provide the city electronic proof of the vaccine, or go on unpaid leave:
Massachusetts state trooper who recently died unexpectedly escorted home to the cape
May 8, 2024
Harwich, Massachusetts – HN learned of the sad news yesterday afternoon when a longtime friend of Trooper Steven Culver reached out regarding his recent passing from an unexpected medical event. News of the sudden tragedy sent shock waves across the Cape. Trooper “Steve” Culver was only in his early 50s.
No cause of death reported.
Massachusetts’ “vaccination” mandate for state troopers:
7 state troopers suspended for refusing COVID vaccination can return to their jobs:
25-year-old Bank of America trader dies — two weeks after death of Leo Lukenas
Adnan Deumic, a 25-year-old London-based trader at Bank of America died Thursday evening — just two weeks after the death of Leo Lukenas III, a 35-year-old banker who had been working 100-hour work weeks at the financial giant, The Post has learned.
Deumic was playing in a casual “five-a-side” charity soccer tournament with other finance employees when he fell suddenly and was administered CPR, a source with knowledge of the matter said. While the cause of death is unknown, this person told The Post cardiac arrest is suspected.
Case summary: 24 hrs after receiving her first dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, a 30-year-old female developed severe headache. Three weeks later she was admitted with subacute headache and confusion. Imaging initially showed scattered cortical thrombosis with an elevated opening pressure on lumbar puncture. An external ventricular drain was placed, but she continued to have elevated intracranial pressure. Ultimately, she required a hemicraniectomy, but intractable cerebral edema resulted in her death. Pathology was consistent with thrombosis and associated inflammatory response.
Though complications are rare...
DR. PATRICIA LEE: Yes! Yes. Yes, absolutely. I received the vaccine within days of its first availability in California. And the second dose I received it right on schedule. I never hesitated. I knew it was a brand new technology, but I thought that the United States CDC and FDA must have done their due diligence before making it available to the public. And that's, that was my reasoning at the time.
So I myself had no adverse reactions to the vaccine. But it was around the spring and summer of 2021, several months later, that I began to notice patients, otherwise healthy, being admitted to the ICU for illnesses that had no other explanation. And, and their symptoms always started with their covid vaccination. That's what was a red flag for me.
So I reported them to VAERS[2] and I expected to hear from medical officers from the federal agencies. But I did not hear back.
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: What were the numbers back then? Like, how many people, what made you, when it become, OK, that's odd, then all of a sudden you say, OK, there's something going on here. How long did that take in that process, and how many patients did it take for you to document something unusual?
DR. PATRICIA LEE: I think when I saw my third patient I knew something was up. Because like I said I work the weekends and night time. I'm one doctor in the ICU. If this was truly a rare event, I shouldn't have seen 3 within, I want to say, in 3 months. And these were, again, straightforward and very obvious. You know, they got the vaccine, they started having certain symptoms, and, you know, weeks later, days later, months later, they showed up in my unit. And you can always go back to the hospital chart and then you can trace back their disease onset with the vaccination.
So I reported these cases to VAERS [cat appears on screen] and ah, sorry, excuse me, my cat.
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: No, we can have cats and dogs, we can have all kinds of—
DR. PATRICIA LEE: [laughs]
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: — this is low budget podcast. That's all good right there.
DR. PATRICIA LEE: [laughs]
So, I reported to VAERS and I received no report— I received no replies. So I started to search on the Internet. I wanted to see if I was alone in seeing these things. And to my surprise there were whispers of numerous reports, very similar reports on the Internet, on social media. But never mainstream media. And that's really what alarmed me, that the people in the mainstream were not interested.
So I started talking to my colleagues, you know, my medical colleagues. And I'll admit some dismissed my concern as if I was blowing things out of proportion, but many if not most agreed with me that these were very concerning red flags for the vaccine. And then when I spoke with them further some actually said to me that because the benefits outweigh the risks and it was more important to vaccinate everybody, so these adverse events must be accepted.
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: And I think that's a, and that's a leadway, too, is that we talk about risk versus benefit in everything we do. We say OK, you have X number of people who get damaged, X number of people are saved, then we have to weight, as a physician the risk versus benefit for the patient. And also respect patient autonomy, right? We had—
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: —so many issues involved. As you know, just to draw this into what we're talking about, medical ethics and that's why it's so important what we're talking about is that we all knew when we were at USC and I knew going through my training if I had a patient who was Jehovah's Witness, for instance, and I knew they were going to possibly bleed to death,[3] right, and I don't want to have a patient die on me, I would say, hey, you know, is your religion, how strong is it, are you in your faith? And the guideline was, you respect the patient's autonomy, even if they're going to die as a result because that's their religious freedom and their right. And so this vax issue became very difficult for us.
DR. PATRICIA LEE: Correct. Absolutely. I mean, even to this day all other areas, and frankly all areas, we still, we still advocate informed consent, and we still abide by it. And even if we don't agree with the decision made by the patients, we respect that.
So so, you know it was, so this time, this was the summer of 2021 and this was the time when healthcare mandate was being issued by the federal government and also by the State of California. And I just felt mandating harm to promote the collective good was not the right thing to do. So I tried to do something. And the something that I chose at first was I, I attempted to go up the hospital chain of command. I went up to the hospital leadership. And I spoke with them. And they basically told me that because of the mandate from the government they had to abide by it and there was nothing they could do.
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: Were they, were they compassionate with you, saying, hey, we get where you're coming from and we're kind of, or they just kind of blew you off? Or what kind of vibe did you get based on that conversation?
DR. PATRICIA LEE: They were somewhat compassionate. They said, we understand why you would want to, you know, try to do something. But they basically said that their hands were tied.
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: And that's what happened down here. And you know it was funny— not funny, it's tragic, actually, at that time, and, and maybe you can tell people how, what made you reach out to me also, because it's awkward. So I had doctors reaching out to me, saying, I don't know what to do, I don't want to do this, I've seen bad outcomes and I'm concerned, and they're forcing it, I can't lose my, I, I, you know, I have 500,000 dollars, as you and I did going to that darn USC. I just paid off my school loans by the way.
DR. PATRICIA LEE: Congratulations!
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: Thank you, finally. It took me a long time. If I was a intensive, you probably paid them off in a year or two, but you know, as primary care we don't get paid as much. But the point is, when you have that holding over your head, you're like, OK, if I lose my job, and I got all this, I have you know, wife and kids and I have responsibilities, and you're working for a big system, someone like you coming out and saying that, puts you, you put a target on your back for sure. Right?
So, and especially someone like you, and that's why I love your story and it's so much more powerful, is that you, you got vaxxed twice, and you said, look, this is the way out, I believe in this, I trust the government, I trust these people who are telling me it's good, I trust the administration, and then you see the bad outcomes, and you go, uh oh, I have to reassess.
So the problem is people are so quick to say, you're an anti-vaxxer. I was called an anti-vaxxer just because I was low carb, way back in the day—
DR. PATRICIA LEE: [laughs]
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: — before covid was even here. And I was like, that's odd, like, why would you say that? It was really strange, because I've never in my life said, hey, you know. I've had the flu shots, I've had all the, those kinds of vaccinations before. I was like, that's weird. So anyways, that this whole sentiment came out that says, uh oh, if you say anything, you're, you're hurting the cause. The greater good is more important than you saying what you're seeing.
DR. PATRICIA LEE: Right, right. So, yeah, the hospitals were, you know, at least, they were polite with me, and but they said that their hands were tied and the policy came from the government and they had to abide by it.
So then I tried to contact a number of journalists. So, but, but nobody wanted to take my story.
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: You! Come on, you're telling me the mainstream media wasn't interested in your story?
DR. PATRICIA LEE: [laughing]
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: Of what you've seen and what you've documented—
DR. PATRICIA LEE: [laughing] No.
DR. PATRICIA LEE: No, they were not.
DR: BRIAN LENZKES: — with actual patients?
DR. PATRICIA LEE: No, they were not.
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: [smiling] Hmmm.
DR. PATRICIA LEE: So then, as a last resort, and frankly, I ended up, as you know, I ended up writing a very public letter. I wrote a letter to the CDC and the FDA. That was back in September of 2021. In the letter I described a number of vaccine-injured patients I had seen. And the letter, they actually tried to ignore my letter at first. They didn't respond to it. But with Aaron Siri's[4] help I was able to make the letter public. And the letter went viral rather quickly, and it called attention of Senator Ron Johnson, who then wrote an, wrote an article in the Washington Examiner[5] and also he wrote a direct letter to the federal agencies pressuring them to meet with me, so that, in fact, less than 2 weeks after the letter went public, I actually had a Zoom meeting with them.
Now just to backtrack a little bit, I do want to mention that I did reach out to you around this time, and this was, what, after 20 plus years of not being in contact with you. So the whole process to me was obviously somewhat terrifying.
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: Let's get back for a second. What made you reach out to me?
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: What was it that you go, OK—
DR. PATRICIA LEE: So like I said I was combing—
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: Because I think I want people to know that conversation we had.
DR. PATRICIA LEE: Yeah. I was combing through the social media to look for vaccine injury reports, and that's when I started to pay attention to twitter. And I came across your account and just some of the posts that you had posted I realized that you, you were not, you had not completely bought into the government narrative, and you were questioning it. And so I felt you were someone I could trust to confide in. And the reason I needed to even reach out to anyone in particular was that I felt very alone, seeing these patients and, and, you know, being bothered by their suffering, and had no one to turn to. Most of my colleagues I guess had felt the collective good outweighed the individual risks. And—
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: And individual freedoms, too.
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: And the other thing is, and I'll tell you from my perspective it's funny because my office manager said, hey, this Dr. Lee reach out to, Patricia, I'm like, Dr. Patricia Lee? I went to med school with her, why's she reach— I'm like, that's weird. You know, I'm like, that's weird, I wonder if, I'm making two podcasts, maybe she wants to come on the podcast and talk about what she's doing and— So then we have this awkward conversation. So you're like, hey, Brian, how's life, how's the kids, what's going on? And I'm like, why are you reaching out to me? [laughs] What do you want? And you said, well, ah, the first thing you said was, when's the last time you saw pneumocystis pneumonia?
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: PCP pneumonia.[6] Which is an AIDS-defining illness. And I, and I kind of said, well, when I was with you 25 years ago or whatever, because that's what we were seeing back then in, in the AIDS epidemic when it first came out and, and it also made me think, oh, gosh, I remember back then, we were using Bactrim[7] as a drug to treat these people, and then the government said, no, you can't use that drug. And that was the only thing that was working for pneumocystis pneumonia.
But when you said, you know, and I said, hey, I'm, I'm, you know, my practice is outside the big city, I don't see a lot of AIDS patients, right? And you're like, these aren't AIDS patients. That's when I was, I was dumbfounded when you said that.
DR. PATRICIA LEE: Yeah. Yeah, one of the patients that, that alerted me to vaccine-induced immunosuppression obviously was that, was a patient that was immunocompetent, otherwise healthy gentleman, that came in with PCP. And there was no other explanation.
And I, I, I remember that conversation with you really well because I was trying to beat around the bush a little bit because I hadn't seen you—
DR. PATRICIA LEE: [laughs]
DR. BRIAN LENZKES: We were feeling each other out, I'm like, OK, so why are you calling, what do you want, are you going to send me to jail? What's happening? Because you know it's a scary time, like for doctors it's like, almost like we're in the closet, like, I don't say— And, and the frustrating thing is, so many doctors were reaching out to me behind the scenes, but they weren't going to say nothing publicly. They'll say, Brian, say something about this, guess what I saw, guess what I saw, but they won't saying anything because they're protecting their own butts.
But you said, oh, by the way, I'm going public with this. And I said, are you crazy? Are you kidding me? Do you know the climate we're in? You go public and that's career suicide. They're going to dig, you know, there's, there's a lot of vested interests, they're going to dig through the trash to find anything you did in back in third grade, you put gum under the table or something, right? They're going to find anything on you they can to discredit you as a physician. I'm like, are you sure? Right? And your answer to me was— And I said why? And you said, look, based on what I'm seeing, I can't sleep at night if my kids are going to get vaccinated against their will, you know, against what I'm seeing and what I know is best for them. Even when I asked you, are you vaccinated? Yes, twice. Huh. I'm like, OK, You're not an anti-vaxx nutcase who's just saying, I don't like this thing, and you understand the implications because you're taking away people's hope because they're saying, this is your only way out. Like, we were told, that's your only way out.
So, at the same time, I was watching the data in Israel and other countries. I'm like, they're not getting better, as a matter of fact, they're getting worse, based on what we're seeing. So there's something wrong.
The latest from Dr. John Campbell:
Stroke and worse after Moderna
Also from his site:
Fatal Post COVID mRNA-Vaccine Associated Cerebral Ischemia
Is he a noteworthy Dr. concerning covid or the jab?
GNL says
Is he a noteworthy Dr. concerning covid or the jab?
Do some research GNL. I'm sure you'll be satisfied with what you come up with.
CNN’s Republican political commentator Alice Stewart has tragically died suddenly at just 58 years old, the network has announced.
Stewart was a veteran political adviser and commentator known for her work on several GOP presidential campaigns.
According to CNN, Stewart was found dead outdoors early Saturday morning in Virginia.
Authorities stated that her death was caused by a “medical emergency” but provided no further details.
A new study has linked Covid mRNA shots to a rare autoimmune disease that started to surge in 2021.
Scientists analyzed soaring cases that emerged in Yorkshire, England.
According to the peer-reviewed study, published in the renowned Lancet journal, a rare autoimmune disease surged in Yorkshire after the rollout of the Covid injections.
The number of cases peaked in 2021 and continued to surge through 2022.
Anti-MDA5 dermatomyositis is an inflammatory condition characterized by muscle weakness, skin rashes, and rapidly progressive lung disease.
The autoimmune disease is very rare.
In 2019, two people in Yorkshire, with a population of 3.6 million, tested positive for the disease.
In 2020, the number of positive cases increased to nine.
The highest number of new cases, 35, was reported in 2021, followed by a decrease to 16 new cases in 2022.
The recent increase in autoimmune cases may be linked to interactions between the COVID-19 virus and vaccine RNA, according to Dr. Dennis McGonagle.
McGonagle is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of Leeds.
A leading analyst has raised the alarm over concerns that an “onrushing death wave” will soon wipe out “billions” of Covid-vaccinated people around the world.
The warning was issued by Dr. Richard Sauder.
Sauder is an American researcher with multiple degrees and the author of several books.
After analyzing multiple studies and expert opinions, Sauder issued a warning that a “wave” is coming our way that will result in mass death among the Covid vaccinated.
This will be followed by mass destruction, Dr. Sauder predicts.
In his report, Sauder states:
“Governments, public health ministries, and Big Pharma are not talking about what is coming – because they are deeply complicit in despicable, genocidal crimes – but there are a number of prominent, world-class, medical scientists explaining what is in the cards over the next few years: a tsunami of death, due to the billions of so-called Covid-19 vaccines that were injected into hordes of victims in countries all over the world.”
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