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In this brief prime time January 13, 2025, interview on Fox Business The Evening Edit with Liz MacDonald, where I was joined by journalist and Opinion Editor of Newsweek Batya Ungar-Sargon. The topic was Mark Zuckerberg’s admission on the Joe Rogan Podcast that Biden administration personnel where contacting Meta (Instagram and Facebook) offices asking them to take down vital information on COVID-19 vaccine safety. You can understand MacDonald’s motivation when she dropped the truth bomb on her primetime Wall Street audience that one of her friends was hospitalized with a vaccine blood clot.
Association of SARS-CoV-2 immunoserology and vaccination status with myocardial infarction severity and outcome
Conclusions: The combination of vaccination and natural SARS-CoV2 infection was associated with the development of severe heart failure and cardiogenic shock in patients with STEMI, possibly related to an increased serological response.
zzyzzx says
Dropped Dead during the 15 minute waiting period after the shot:
Transcriber B’s Substack
About Carol Pearce, who took a booster and then died in front of the line of people waiting to get jabbed at Shoppers Drug Mart in Saskatoon-- no one helped her, they just stayed in line-- her daughter, Stephanie Foster, gave a detailed testimony about her mother's death, and also about her own jab injuries, before Canada's National Citizens' Inquiry.
Stephanie Foster Testifies About Her Jab Injuries and Her Mother's Death in Shoppers Drug Mart
"When she left my house that day she was perfectly fine. And then she got that shot and then she died. Seven minutes after, she died. And I see her in the hospital right after, and she was gone. And so I kept telling them, it was the shot, it was the shot. And the coroner hadn't even looked at my mom, hadn't even touched my mom, she just sat there right beside me in the chair, and I said, no, it's the shot. And the coroner said, no, it's natural causes. And I knew right then, you're lying. You're lying to me. There's no way you know that."
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/192531.html
Source video:
"NCI Saskatoon Day 2 - Stephanie Foster"
NCI (Volunteer Team) Posted April 28, 2023 [filmed April 21, 2023]
The New York Times dribbled out yet another turbo-cancer story yesterday, this one under the headline, “Cancer’s New Face: Younger and Female.” The sub-headline explained, “Although long considered a disease of aging, certain cancers are turning up more often in younger women, according to a new report.” It never mentioned the jabs, so you can stop wondering right now.
Let us count the ways the New York Times conceals truth. Since the jab rollout in late 2020, corporate media and Big $cience have deceptively reported rising cancer rates —especially in unusual populations— by relying only on older data showing creeping cancer rates but nothing more recent than 2019.
In other words, see? it can’t be the jabs, dummies.
Of course, they only just recently became alarmed about decades of slowly rising cancer rates through 2019 — in 2023. One suspects that the more recent numbers evidence a horrifying post-jab spike. Hence all the obfuscation. But they are telling us about the increase in cancer sort of metaphorically. No need to point the finger of blame, old boy. ...
Instead of making it obvious they were citing old data, the Times just didn’t cite any time periods at all. “Certain cancers are turning up more often,” the Times said, but how much more often? Since when? The Grey Lady had no comment. ...
The Times apparently found men’s excess death rates to be so boring it was utterly unworthy of mention. At all. ...
The great thing for the Times about all those proposed “personal responsibility” causes is that they don’t offend any big industry partners or government regulators. Blaming it on us doesn’t hurt anybody’s bottom line.
Earlier this week, I began to, once again, post the daily story of my mom’s turbo cancer and my son’s death in 2022. ...
I have been pushing my story out through the internet for people to read it and for it to be known. I want the whole world to hear about what happened. I want my mom to be the face of the vaccine injured. I want to be a catalyst for justice. I want my mom’s suffering, my son’s suffering and my suffering to have had a greater purpose.
This two-part article has the theme of brotherly love:
Part I: Rex from Perth, jab-injured and still fighting
Part II: Men’s Rosary, Parliament House, December 3, 2021
For new readers, we first met Rex in November 2024, where he gave us his harrowing testimony of vax injury and medical gaslighting. ...
Setting: Stuart Chapman and Rex are standing on a balcony in the summertime. Native Australian vegetation is behind both men. Stuart is wearing a black t-shirt that says (in white lettering) “NO I will not comply.” Rex is wearing a blue t-shirt that says ‘World’s greatest shave’ (a cancer charity) and a pink baseball-syle cap.
Notes: Transcript by ExcessDeathsAU. Errors unintentional. Back-and-forth interjections (‘yeah’ ‘um’) omitted where they detract from the transcript and do not enhance understanding of dialogue.
[Begin transcript]
Stuart: For those of you who remember, this Rex.
Rex: Hi everyone.
Stuart: We met him at…uh…
Rex: Forrest Chase2
Stuart: Forrest Chase, and he told us a very moving story of how he has been injured by the jab and he was going to speak on Saturday when we did our first Saturday of the month at Forrest Place. But you were in hospital Rex!
Rex: That’s correct.
Stuart: So what…tell us what’s goin’ on!
Rex: I just constantly have problems with my heart because it’s not functioning as you know from heart failure so I have good and bad days. So some days I wake up and I…just…breathless and have to go in…and…nothing they can really do except watch me to make sure I don’t die. It sounds morbid but that’s the case because there’s no treatment for what I have. Because it’s not the blood vessels it’s my actual heart is damaged, and there’s nothing they can do except as you know heart transplant but. Oh.
Stuart: You don’t want a heart transplant!
Rex: No. So the only option I have is to go to Royal Perth Hospital3 whenever this occurs which is unfortunately more frequent than I wish it would be.
Stuart: And what…is that because your heart condition…you basically cannot…you find it extremely difficult to breathe, is that right?
Rex: Breathe, yep. Honestly…so basically all they can do is give me oxygen and monitor me. That’s it. You know - there’s no treatment available so to speak. The only other thing they said might help was if I got a defibrillator [Ed. - ?] but with that, you know, it limits my quality of life. You know, I have my seven-year-old daughter and with that you can’t go swimming, you know, there’s so many things you can’t do, and there’s no proof that it would help. ...
Conclusion: In the Japanese population, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination was significantly associated with the onset of myocarditis/pericarditis. The influencing factors included age of ≤30 years and male.
Brendan Foster, post-vaccine myo- and pericarditis. Status: deep denial.
In an opinion piece for the Sydney Morning Herald this week, we meet Brendan Foster, a communications professional and former journalist from Fremantle. Brendan had a heart attack after his Covid vaccine and has been going downhill ever since. His anecdotal is equal parts description of his injuries and social signaling that he belongs to the correct tribe.
Michelle Hunder, post-vaccine pericarditis. Status: Acceptance.
“I understand that mindset because I used to be him. I read it and I go, ‘I get it,’” Michelle Hunder told me over the phone.
But Michelle, a successful Melbourne-based music photographer, had a very different response to her Covid vaccine injury.
Michelle got her Pfizer shots at the height of Melbourne’s world-famous lockdowns, in September 2021. It was a starkly different life from her day-to-day before the pandemic, travelling the globe with music artists. Getting vaccinated, we were told, was the only way to go back to normal.
“I would have done anything to get my life back,” she explains. “Everything I’d been working towards for 15 years I hit in 2019. It’s not a job. This is everything to me. The thing that feeds my soul. I love what I do so much.”
Michelle’s cardiac symptoms started with the first shot and escalated after the second. Unlike Brendan, the vaccine link wasn’t recognised at first by the medical professionals she went to for help. Michelle presented at ED five times with severe chest pain, but was told she had anxiety and to seek therapy.
However, “I knew straight away from the first night that I ever presented to hospital that something was very wrong, and it was related to the vaccine, which I had had four days before,” says Michelle, adding that she has never tested positive for Covid to this day.
It turns out, Michelle was right. In 2022, she was finally diagnosed by a cardiologist with pericarditis caused by her Pfizer Covid vaccinations.
Movies and Books About the COVID-19 mRNA Injections
There is always more to watch, read and learn. These are some of the very best movies and books available.
If this result holds up, then I will have been precisely right about how the mRNA covid shots damage the heart.
This means a few important things:
1. The mRNA platform is at fault. The spike protein may make matters worse, but all mRNA/LNP shots are expected to trigger immune-mediated heart and circulatory damage, irrespective of what protein is encoded in the mRNA payload. This damage does not require spike protein and has nothing to do with Covid/SARS-CoV2
2. Accidental IV injection likely increases damage, but is not required to injure the heart
3. The shots should never have been allowed to be injected into humans and should be immediately pulled from the market.
4. mRNA gene therapies are not suitable for use in medicine or food production.
5. No mRNA gene therapy will be safe enough to contemplate using until and unless a precise cellular targeting mechanism is created and the entire package PROPERLY tested against TRUE placebo controls.
The_Deplorable says
Ceffer says
Unbelievable! Ceffer, Do we have a link for this?
Sorry, I am too lazy to go back for the link. However, there have been many vids of lines waiting for vax where people have collapsed or even had seizures right after the shots, and it didn't look like anybody in the lines decided to leave.
Documenting and pursuing justice for COVID-related crimes against humanity since '21. If you or a loved one were harmed by COVID policies or protocols, tell us.
USA 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸CHBMP.org
COVID-related Crimes Against Humanity: Eyewitnesses Speak Out!
Breaking: Emails Obtained by CHD Reveal Government’s Failure to Monitor COVID Vaccine Injury Reports
... According to Ray Flores, senior outside counsel to CHD, “The emails are further evidence of the federal government’s failure to make good on its promises to use VAERS as an ‘early warning system’ to detect and act on risks associated with the new vaccines.”
CDC claimed vaccines were ‘safe’ despite record number of VAERS reports
The CDC’s searchable online VAERS database indicates that in the 18 months of data monitoring covered by the emails, VAERS received approximately 1.4 million reports of adverse events associated with the COVID shots, including 91,000 for Janssen, 491,000 for Moderna and 806,000 for Pfizer.
Elsa Widding is a Swedish Member of Parliament, a fantastic woman, not only good-looking, but also a beautiful person. Caring, scientifically curious, engaged, hard working, and with high morals.
The father of her children died of "turbo cancer".
I have talked about the new phenonomen of "turbo cancer" with three medical doctors, two oncologists Dr Ute Krüger and Dr William Makis, and also with Dr Glenn Dormer, and they all strongly suspect the Covid-19 injections as the culprit.
Deb Conrad, PA
I am a Physician Assistant (PA) working in the Rochester, NY area. In Oct 2021, I was fired by Rochester Regional Health for reporting COVID-19 vaccine adverse events to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). Reporting adverse events was required by law, and per the vaccine provider agreement in which the hospital participated in (page down for more).
In the 20 years that I have been involved in clinical research, I have never seen a study conducted by an investigative site, managed by a contractor, or overseen by a pharmaceutical sponsor that scared me, until then. What I documented and reported to my former employer and to Pfizer during an internal audit was dangerous and violated Federal law. I felt that I had a responsibility to make sure that the participants were protected and that the fraudulent data being collected in the study was not used in any safety and efficacy analysis.
On September 25, 2020, I spoke to an agent at the FDA, and within hours, I was fired. That moment led me to where I am today; A whistleblower who's fighting to hold those accountable for the fraud I witnessed that's now impacted hundreds of millions of lives in the United States, as well as around the world.
‘I was desperate for the AstraZeneca vaccine to succeed. Then I became alarmed by what I saw’
Haematologist Dr Sue Pavord was one of the jab’s biggest supporters, but she knew something was wrong when she saw the side-effects up close ...
But nine weeks after the vaccine finally started being administered to the public in January 2021, Pavord became one of the first doctors in the UK to realise that something may be amiss.
A young man came to see her as an outpatient on March 15 2021. He had developed deep vein thrombosis – a type of blood clot – around a week after being vaccinated against Covid. He also had low platelets.
We now know that the AstraZeneca vaccine could lead to a condition now known as vaccine-induced thrombocytopenia and thrombosis (VITT), which can kill patients or lead to life-changing injuries.
But at the time, VITT had not even been named as a condition, and Pavord – a consultant at Oxford University Hospitals – knew that the combination of blood clots and low platelets was highly unusual.
“We see thrombosis commonly and we see low platelets commonly, but the two together really only have a select number of causes, quite rare and serious conditions,” she recalls. ...
Pavord contacted four other haematologists, who established a daily open meeting for clinicians up and down the country to compare notes. It soon became clear that Covid jabs were the common thread. ...
It wasn’t just the workload keeping Pavord awake at night, however. She was also shocked by the age of many of the victims, and how severely they were affected. Their organs, she says, were sometimes “peppered” with clots.
“It was scary. I was a mother of three kids in their 20s, and these were the people we were seeing dying.”
Soccer Star Anthony Basso Dies Suddenly at 45
The international French soccer star was just 45 years old when he unexpectedly passed away.
No cause of death has been revealed.
Soccer Star Anthony Basso Dies Suddenly at 45... No cause of death
has been revealed.
Comedian Ken Flores Dies Suddenly of Cardiac Arrest at 28
Popular comedian Ken Flores has tragically died suddenly after suffering a fatal cardiac arrest at home, his family has announced.
Flores was just 28 years old when he was found dead. ...
Law enforcement does not suspect foul play.
Bernie isn't vaxxed. He just plays vaxxed on TV.
Emerging evidence suggests that cytokine storms observed in certain individuals following vaccination for respiratory viruses, such as COVID-19 and influenza, may be mediated through IgE sensitization mechanisms. This letter proposes that repeated injection of respiratory viral antigens through vaccines could inadvertently lead to IgE sensitization both to the viral antigens and other components, predisposing individuals to cytokine storms upon re-exposure to related antigens. Such reactions could underlie severe immune responses in some vaccinated individuals, pointing to a need for closer examination of this pathway.
Cytokine storms are hyperinflammatory reactions involving massive cytokine release, often resulting in severe tissue damage. Research indicates that IgE-mediated hypersensitivity could play a significant role in these reactions, particularly following respiratory virus vaccinations. This pathway, typically associated with mast cell degranulation and histamine release, may be triggered in sensitized individuals upon exposure to similar viral antigens. Historical insights on anaphylaxis, such as those described by Charles Richet in his 1913 Nobel lecture, underscore that unnatural antigen exposures via injections, especially through repeated exposures, can lead to severe allergic responses and anaphylactic reactions.
Studies have shown that influenza vaccination may increase susceptibility to other respiratory viruses, including a reported 36% increase in coronavirus susceptibility following influenza vaccination. ...
Context.—: Myocarditis in adolescents has been diagnosed clinically following the administration of the second dose of an mRNA vaccine for coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Objective.—: To examine the autopsy microscopic cardiac findings in adolescent deaths that occurred shortly following administration of the second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 dose to determine if the myocarditis described in these instances has the typical histopathology of myocarditis.
Design.—: Clinical and autopsy investigation of 2 teenage boys who died shortly following administration of the second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 dose.
Results.—: The microscopic examination revealed features resembling a catecholamine-induced injury, not typical myocarditis pathology.
Conclusions.—: The myocardial injury seen in these postvaccine hearts is different from typical myocarditis and has an appearance most closely resembling a catecholamine-mediated stress (toxic) cardiomyopathy. Understanding that these instances are different from typical myocarditis and that cytokine storm has a known feedback loop with catecholamines may help guide screening and therapy.
Dr. Charles Hoffe Speaks Out About Microclots Following the Spikeshots
"So the huge concern about this mechanism of injury is that these shots are causing permanent damage... and the worst is yet to come because, you know, there's some tissues in your body like intestine and liver and kidneys that can regenerate to quite a good degree, but brain and spinal cord and heart muscle and lungs do not. When they're damaged, it's permanent. Like all these young people who are getting myocarditis from the shots, they have permanently damaged hearts. It doesn't matter how mild it is, they will not be able to do what they used to be able to do because heart muscle does not regenerate... And not only is the long term outlook very grim, but with each successive shot the damage will add and add and add. It's going to be cumulative because you're progressively getting more and more damage to the capillaries."
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