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A peer-reviewed study from researchers in France has concluded that both the experimental Pfizer and Moderna vaccines significantly increase the risk of myocarditis compared to the unvaccinated.
While both mRNA therapies were found to be linked to the life-threatening heart condition, the Moderna jabs results were particularly shocking, especially among young adults, as researchers found the risk for myocarditis diagnosis following the Moderna jab was 44 times higher risk for individuals aged 18 to 24 years old.
Our latest poll is devastating for the official narrative:
a 6.6% rate of heart injury (>10M Americans)
2.7% are unable to work after being vaccinated (>5M Americans),
6.3% had to be hospitalized (>10M Americans)
you were more likely to die from COVID if you’ve taken the vaccine.
Almost as many (77.4%) households lost someone from the vaccines as from COVID. If you believe that 1M people in the US have died from COVID, then this survey indicates that ~750,000 people died from the vaccine (10.18/13.15*1M) with a 95% confidence of at least 600,000 deaths.
There were 139 AESIs among the 33,986 people vaccinated, one for every 244 people. That may sound bad, but those numbers mean nothing without comparison against a control group. There were 97 AESIs among the 33,951 people who received a placebo. Combining these numbers implies 12.5 vaccine-induced AESIs for every 10,000 people vaccinated, with a 95% confidence interval of 2.1 to 22.9 per 10,000 people. To phrase it differently, there is one additional AESI for every 800 people vaccinated (95% CI: 437-4762).
That is very high for a vaccine. No other vaccine on the market comes close.
Twitter censors story of British mother who died after reaction to Covid vaccine
Twitter auto-censored the story as "misleading" despite it being true.
Three children in the UK were left without a mother after she died from a massive stroke determined to be caused by blood clots that formed after she received the AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine, but Twitter is labeling conversations about this information taking place on the platform as “misinformation.”
Previously healthy Lucy Taberer, whose youngest is a five-year-old boy, succumbed to the consequences of the Covid shot 22 days after she was vaccinated. At first, the 47-year-old experienced mild side-effects, described in reports as common, to then develop a bruise, skin rash, and pain that the doctors at first dismissed as being caused by kidney stones.
The survey found that the majority of doctors agreed that the number of cardiac imaging examinations in 2021 had risen compared to 2020, with an increase of about 11 to 30 percent for CTCA and CMR.
Cardiologists said this phenomenon is related to COVID-19 vaccination as the main cause of CTCA referrals was chest pain related to vaccination, and the main cause of CMR referrals was heart failure related to vaccination.
Engineer, 27, died from blood clot on brain days after first Covid jab, inquest hears
Jack Last began suffering headaches and vomiting a week after vaccine and died two weeks later
A 27-year-old engineer died from a blood clot on his brain days after his first Covid jab, an inquest has been told.
Jack Last died on 20 April 2021, exactly three weeks after he was given a coronavirus vaccine on 30 March.
Deaths with unknown causes now Alberta's top killer: province
UPS driver “died suddenly” in Los Angeles, his death attributed to “SoCal heat” (although his job had required “vaccination”):
UPS driver, 24, collapses and dies while delivering packages in SoCal heat
Jack Last died on 20 April 2021
The Vancouver music community is mourning the passing of recording engineer and producer Olivia Quan. The death has been reported by Monarch Studios, where the Juno-nominated West Coaster had worked since 2016.
Quan passed away July 1 at the age of 25. No cause of death has been given.
Sixth Cornell Student Drops Dead Since Start of Mandate (statements.cornell.edu)
A sailor was found dead on the aircraft carrier of the USS Carl Vinson on Sunday while it was docked in San Diego, Navy officials said in a news release.
Carrier spokeswoman Lt. Cmdr. Christina Gibson refused to disclose the deceased sailor's identity, saying in a statement instead that the individual's name would not be provided until 24 hours after their next of kin had been notified. The sailor was found unresponsive while the ship was pier side at the Naval Air Station North Island, located in San Diego, California. The Navy Region Southwest Federal Fire Department responded and pronounced the sailor deceased at the scene.
“The Navy is investigating the circumstances of the death and there are no indications of suicide or foul play,” Gibson's said.
Ceffer says
Link please.
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