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Pfizer, FDA, CDC Hid Proven Harms to Male Sperm Quality, Testes Function, from mRNA Vaccine Ingredients
mell says
Traffic may become less here in the beautiful CA outposts if the herd thins out. Maybe 2-10% will thin out, that's 1 to 4 million out of 39MM. Many people asked for it and rolled the dice, area iacta est.
I expect an 80% reduction in California population in under 5 years. Interesting, the older people actually got a lower vaccination rate compared to young people due to the mandate, so I expect a 90% reduction of California population in 10 years.
Astra means Weapon to Kill
Some people claim that Jack Nicholson has severe brain damage from the vaxx.
80% population reduction in California sure will make home prices drop…
But who will be left? Black people and red necks. Most Latino people here took the jab. Nearly all Asians as well.
Acquired hemophilia A following COVID-19 vaccination
Shaman says
80% population reduction in California sure will make home prices drop…
But who will be left? Black people and red necks. Most Latino people here took the jab. Nearly all Asians as well.
You don't believe this, do you? Anywhere between 1%-10% would be an extraordinary event that may happen. The mrna injection is way too random to predict what will be happening with any individual. For some it will thankfully be a total "dud" and for others it will integrate into the dna and produce s proteins and harm the immune system for a long time, and potentially cause early death. Nobody knows anything, that's the point of this "free human trial"
mell says
Shaman says
80% population reduction in California sure will make home prices drop…
But who will be left? Black people and red necks. Most Latino people here took the jab. Nearly all Asians as well.
You don't believe this, do you? Anywhere between 1%-10% would be an extraordinary event that may happen. The mrna injection is way too random to predict what will be happening with any individual. For some it will thankfully be a total "dud" and for others it will integrate into the dna and produce s proteins and harm the immune system for a long time, and potentially cause early death. Nobody knows anything, that's the point of this "free human trial"
You could be right. Assuming that one of two scenarios are true:
1)The jabs were sloppy made with unte...
Seven people recently "died suddenly" (or did they "just" keel over?) right on camera
A Brazilian TV presenter, a Turkish bus driver, an Indonesian woman (died while praying), a man exchanging pleasantries with Charles III, UPS and FedEx drivers, and a young (Chinese?) man in a clinic
(And yet the University of California system STILL requires ALL students, faculty and staff to get injected with the toxins killing people right before our eyes, worldwide, day after day.)
The first names on their "vaccinator" list should be Fauci, Collins, Bourla. Then they should move on to German "health" officials.
"The American Heart Association, in a 2006 study long before mRNA and viral vector DNA-induced myocarditis and pericarditis, found 20% and 56% mortality rates after one year and 4.3 years, respectively, for biopsy-verified myocarditis. Again, the vaccine genocide is only going to accelerate."
Shaman says
80% population reduction in California sure will make home prices drop…
But who will be left? Black people and red necks. Most Latino people here took the jab. Nearly all Asians as well.
You don't believe this, do you? Anywhere between 1%-10% would be an extraordinary event that may happen. The mrna injection is way too random to predict what will be happening with any individual. For some it will thankfully be a total "dud" and for others it will integrate into the dna and produce s proteins and harm the immune system for a long time, and potentially cause early death. Nobody knows anything, that's the point of this "free human trial"
A lifelong promoter of vaccines suspects he might be therareCOMMON, unfortunateexceptionRULE.
Israel's Netanyahu gets second dose of COVID-19 vaccine
Source: Xinhua 2021-01-10
Israel's Netanyahu gets second dose of COVID-19 vaccine
Source: Xinhua 2021-01-10
stereotomy says
The AHA quoted 56% death rate after 5 years from myocarditis. If most of the jab experience some form (clinical or subclinical) of myocarditis, then that means that over half of the jabbed will be dead in 5 years. That's between 50 and 100 million people dead.
Don't forget, myocarditis has a 10 year survival rate of virtually 0%. In fact, the survival chart is practically a straight line that drops 10% a year.
Thailand study (young people only?) says 1 in 30 vaxxies got myocarditis.
All the vaccinated will die.
1)The jabs were sloppy made with untested mRNA technology and all deaths and injuries are a big “whoopsie!”
2)the jabs were made to kill people on purpose, but they miscalculated the hardiness of human immune systems, and only some will die instead of all.
I’m hoping for number 2
Shaman says
1)The jabs were sloppy made with untested mRNA technology and all deaths and injuries are a big “whoopsie!”
2)the jabs were made to kill people on purpose, but they miscalculated the hardiness of human immune systems, and only some will die instead of all.
I’m hoping for number 2
Can't be #1, if that was the case, they would have just been benign saline solutions. If they didn't know these didn't work, why bother with using some substance that could harm or kill?
Of the 1,006 patients, just five percent — or 58 individuals — had blood that looked normal and healthy.
The doctors were able to examine the blood of 12 of the patients before they had received any COVID-19 vaccine injections.
At that time, prior to vaccination, all 12 of those patients were found to have normal, healthy blood, the researchers reported.
Side-by-side pictures of a patient’s blood before and after vaccination revealed stark differences.
Prior to vaccination, the red blood cells are separate from each other and are round.
However, the blood drawn after vaccination revealed red blood cells that are deformed.
Furthermore, the cluster in coagulation around visible “foreign material” that was not present before.
The foreign material appeared to collect into structures, at times forming crystals, while other times forming long tubes or fibers, researchers reported.
Two shapes repeatedly noticed by the Italian doctors were “crystal-like chunks and tube-like lengths.”
The researchers could not confirm that what they were seeing was graphene, though they did point out that graphene can aggregate into shapes similar to those they observed.
If graphene was indeed assembling into structures within the bloodstream, it could be a cause of clotting.
A few years earlier a Swine Flu outbreak threatened the nation and “vaccines” were quickly rolled out to save the day, which ended up killing thirty-two Americans, and were just as quickly rolled back. No pandemic ensued and the threat was likely fabricated like all the rest.
By comparison, there have been 32,000 Covid “vaccine” deaths in the U.S. in 20 months according to VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which is a minimum of 10x-40x underreported, which makes the death toll anywhere from 320,000 to 1.28 million. The injury and maiming numbers are in the tens of millions.
What is the government’s response to their own genocide?
To keep it going.
The Biden Administration ordered 171,000,000 new Omicron boosters that were only tested on eight mice.
The researchers could not confirm that what they were seeing was graphene, though they did point out that graphene can aggregate into shapes similar to those they observed.
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