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She's getting a Viking funeral, incinerated in a McDonald's franchise:
Is this study part of gaslighting as I do not see results against the unvaccinated https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/09/19/blood-clot-risk-remains-elevated-nearly-a-year-after-covid-19
Ceffer says
It is winter, can't they just stack the bodies in the yard behind the parlor? It is not as if the stiffs will thaw out.
I Trondheim opplever begravelsesbyråene en ekstrem økning i antall døde. Svanholm & Vigdal Gravferd må oppbevare døde i en garasje for å få plass.
- Det er en markant økning, og vi har ikke opplevd liknende på fire generasjoner, sier Lars Svanholm til Dagbladet.
Han er daglig leder i Trondheims største gravferdsbyrå, Svanholm & Vigdal Gravferd, og den fjerde generasjonen som jobber i byrået.
Det siste året har de opplevd en økning i døde på 28 prosent, noe som skaper store logistiske problemer.
Nå har de sett seg nødt til å åpne et krisekjølerom i en garasje for å få klare og håndtere alle dødsfallene.
Det var Adresseavisen som omtalte saken først.
In Trondheim, funeral homes are experiencing an extreme increase in the number of dead. Svanholm & Vigdal Gravferd must store the dead in a garage to accommodate.
"There is a marked increase, and we have not experienced anything like this in four generations," says Lars Svanholm to Dagbladet.
He is the general manager of Trondheim's largest funeral home, Svanholm & Vigdal Gravferd, and the fourth generation to work in the agency.
In the past year, they have experienced a 28 percent increase in Dead, which creates major logistical problems.
Now they have found themselves having to open an emergency cold room in a garage to get ready and deal with all the deaths.
It is winter, can't they just stack the bodies in the yard behind the parlor? It is not as if the stiffs will thaw out.
American Airlines flight attendant dies in flight; his colleague contacted me; we are sure it is vaxx related as they were forced to vax up; concerned pilots will die in flight, planes may crash
This is a real issue, a real concern as to the pilots and flight attendants, but pilots are critical and this may cause a disaster.
Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations...
In this paper, we present evidence that vaccination induces a profound impairment in type I interferon signaling, which has diverse adverse consequences to human health. Immune cells that have taken up the vaccine nanoparticles release into circulation large numbers of exosomes containing spike protein along with critical microRNAs that induce a signaling response in recipient cells at distant sites. We also identify potential profound disturbances in regulatory control of protein synthesis and cancer surveillance. These disturbances potentially have a causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell's palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA damage response and tumorigenesis. We show evidence from the VAERS database supporting our hypothesis. We believe a comprehensive risk/benefit assessment of the mRNA vaccines questions them as positive contributors to public health.
December 15, 2022
Ernie Johnson Jr reportedly confirmed the death of young production assistant Jonah McGuinness during the latest segment of NBA On TNT. McGuinness was a production assistant working for Warner Bros Discovery. He had been with the network since February 2022, with a focus on sports programming. Jonah’s father, John, is an NBC sports producer. Jonah McGuinness was 25 years old when he passed away. A cause of death has yet to be confirmed.
Warner Brothers’ “vaccination” mandate:
WarnerMedia will require salaried and non-union U.S. employees to get vaccinated before returning to work, joining many companies, including Disney, Facebook and Google, in recently enacting vaccination policies for their workforces.
Pierce County firefighter unexpectedly dies
December 16, 2022
Tacoma, WA - A firefighter with Central Pierce Fire & Rescue unexpectedly passed away on Wednesday, shocking the community and his family. John Garner died early Wednesday, Dec. 14 at his home, Central Pierce Fire & Rescue shared on Thursday. Garner served the communities of Pierce County and Ocean Shores in his career, and was an active member and leader in the International Association of Fire Fighters. Garner was also a big fan of the Seattle Seahawks and loved motorcycles.
No age or cause of death reported.
Pierce County Fire departments mandated the “vaccine” in August of last year:
"We’re going to be forced to decide whether to take this vaccine or whether to seek alternatives that could potentially be outside of this job," Pierce County Professional Firefighters President Aaron James said. "It’s a disgrace for our members as this has been their livelihood and their career."
ABC presenter speaks out, describes vaccine injury as 'a living hell'
Billy Joel tells Howard Stern he felt Eric Clapton’s anti-vaccine stance was a ‘total shock’
Bad news for Billy Joel fans. The iconic musician has postponed his show in Madison Square Garden after he contracted a viral infection. The show, his final concert at the New York venue this year, was initially set to take place on Monday night.
Why a doctor and vaxxed, I don't know. Blind faith and failure to see the headlights.
Using a unique dataset from Israel National Emergency Medical Services (EMS) from 2019 to 2021, the study aims to evaluate the association between the volume of cardiac arrest and acute coronary syndrome EMS calls in the 16–39-year-old population with potential factors including COVID-19 infection and vaccination rates. An increase of over 25% was detected in both call types during January–May 2021, compared with the years 2019–2020. Using Negative Binomial regression models, the weekly emergency call counts were significantly associated with the rates of 1st and 2nd vaccine doses administered to this age group but were not with COVID-19 infection rates. While not establishing causal relationships, the findings raise concerns regarding vaccine-induced undetected severe cardiovascular side-effects and underscore the already established causal relationship between vaccines and myocarditis, a frequent cause of unexpected cardiac arrest in young individuals.
21 December 2022
Many doctors, in the UK and internationally, have become increasingly concerned about the safety profile of Covid-19 vaccines and the continued rollout of these products to the public, including pregnant women and children. Several doctors in DFPUK have submitted multiple Yellow Card reports of adverse events to the MHRA, and have signed letters to the JCVI, MHRA, the RCOG, Prime Minister and others to express their concerns, but have seen little or no response or action taken.
Life expectancy in the US declined by 5% last year, lowest level since 1996
Harris Rigby
Dec 22, 2022
If you spend all your life promoting abortion/homosexuality/sex ed & fighting climate change, why would you consider infertility to be a "bad" thing you're supposed to prevent? HINT: you wouldn't.
Since none of our "leaders" actually care to prevent our infertility or death, why would you think they're preventing our infertility or death? HINT: you shouldn't.
People respond to incentives; no one in our system is incentivized to protect us, so they don't. That fact doesn't necessarily prove these vaccines are deadly, but it does prove that nobody cared if they were - if these things work, it's just a happy coincidence.
Look, if TSA stopped screening, the actual rate of hijackings might remain the same - our screeners might be worthless, but just understand when you take a vaccine you're boarding a plane w/ unscreened passengers. As long as you understand that nobody's checking anybody or their luggage, fine - enjoy your jab! But don't think there's somebody looking out for you; everybody knows what the bosses care about, and it's not protecting the public.
Notice I'm not offering you a conspiracy theory. I'm just telling you the economics: nobody in the system cares whether or not these things are safe. They're in the system precisely because they care more about their power/position than safety (because in any competitive system, the people who prioritize power out compete the ones who prioritize safety, yours or their own). That ruthlessness, callousness is an enormous competitive advantage that ensures bad people dominate any system, so don't count on morality or anything else to save you - nice guys finish last.
All I can say to the jabbers is I hope you're right, people do get lucky & you might have gotten lucky on these jabs, but I doubt it - I really doubt it.
Died Suddenly: Beloved Baby Chimp Kucheza Found Dead In Mother's Arms Five Weeks After Video Reunion With Mother Went Viral
The "Covid" Vaccine Administered At Sedgwick County Zoo Is Called "Zoetis"
An executive producer for ABC News died suddenly on Friday night of a heart attack, raising questions about whether he is the latest victim of the Covid-19 vaccines... at least it would raise those questions from media if they weren't obeying standard operating procedure of never mentioning Covid-19 or the jabs when someone who is otherwise young and healthy dies suddenly.
What can we conclude then from our EXPLORATORY analysis:
Clearly the surge in Covid-19 and its effect on excess deaths shows the vaccines are not effective. This looks self-evident and this isn’t news.
There is no evidence to support long-covid as a cause of excess deaths.
There is weak evidence of the negative effect of lockdown measures (see the video).
Healthcare quality looks to be irrelevant, but we are not satisfied we have good metrics for this.
There is a clear signal that the vaccination programme is causing, at least, some of the excess death rate. With this data the vaccines don’t look to be safe.
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