Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   868,016 views  8,013 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  

Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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6795   Patrick   2024 Jan 22, 5:19pm  


It’s beyond surreal that our system cannot solve the simple problem of a toxic product that was approved in haste that now needs to be removed from the market because it is killing people.
6797   Patrick   2024 Jan 23, 12:31pm  


39-Year-Old Mom Drops Dead in Middle of Funeral Eulogy after Sudden Cardiac Arrest

A 39-year-old mother-of-three has dropped dead in front of her family in the middle of giving a eulogy at her father-in-law’s funeral.

Sarah Healey, a nurse from Surrey in England, died suddenly after suffering a fatal cardiac arrest.

The young mom collapsed while speaking at the funeral in front of her husband and her three children.

Her family said life will “never be the same” – and has been a “terrible blow” to them all.

The nurse was speaking at the funeral of the father of her grieving husband James West.

Healey’s three children aged 16, 7, and 6 were also attending their grandfather’s funeral.

But tragedy struck the family for a second time as she spoke at the service for father-in-law Roy West, 81.

Healey’s mother, Gladys Healey, of Flintshire, said: “Sarah was one of those who spoke in tribute to the father of James.

“However, Sarah suddenly fell to the ground during her eulogy.

“It seems that Sarah had suffered an attack of arrhythmia or a cardiac arrest.

“She had no history of any heart trouble and we were all devastated by her sudden death.”
6798   Patrick   2024 Jan 23, 1:24pm  


UK Raises Alarm over Sudden Death Surge: ‘Worst Heart Care Crisis in Living Memory’ ...

Early heart deaths had tumbled since the 60s thanks to plummeting smoking rates, advanced surgical techniques, and breakthroughs such as stents and statins.

But six decades of progress have been reversed in recent years.

British Heart Foundation (BHF) analysis shows that heart deaths in people under 75 have soared to record highs.

BHF officials warned such deaths have now hit “heartbreaking” levels.

The BHF analysis also revealed heart disease killed 80 out of every 100,000 people in England in 2022 – the highest rate “in living memory.”

Heart fatalities in the under-75s have risen for three consecutive years.

What on earth could be causing these heart attacks?
6800   Patrick   2024 Jan 23, 5:32pm  


On the Jimmy Dore show, renowned critical care physician Dr. Pierre Kory revealed a disturbing statistic about “sudden” and “unexpected” deaths. Dr. Kory shared an account from a disabled veteran — who suspected he lost some friends due to the COVID-19 shots — conducted a comprehensive analysis of obituaries spanning the last seven years that included the words “sudden” and “unexpected.”

What he found was alarming: Obits that used the aforementioned terms “sudden” and “unexpected” almost doubled after the rollout of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines.
6801   Patrick   2024 Jan 24, 10:04am  


💉 Here is a fascinating development. Starting some time yesterday, Google apparently lifted the information embargo on vaccine injury news. Enter “covid vaccine death” and see what comes up in first place: Dr. Peter McCullough’s published vaccine injury paper.

In my imagination, I clearly see Google’s censorship conductor, alertly pushing and pulling the censorship levers in fast motion as searches come through. Then, after a long while, the diligent censor’s eyes begin to droop, he leans heavily against the desk, his head starts nodding tiredly, then … bloop! Out like a light!

The censor starts snoring and the searches start sending sensible results.

Talk about a surprising development. Is this some kind of limited hangout? Did the tipping point finally tip? Is something new coming that we can’t yet see? Is Google infested by a saboteur? I have no idea what it means, but it sure gooses the brain juices.

It’s difficult to credit this as an accident. Google doesn’t make these kinds of mistakes.

Maybe someone high up at Google had a close relative or friend die from the death jab.
6802   Patrick   2024 Jan 24, 10:12am  


💉 In more “cluster of bad luck” news, Coffee & Covid is today featuring the GoFundMe for Jennifer and Rob Novak who live in Garden City, Michigan..

Jennifer is a pharmacist (who probably gave folks the jabs) and was likely coerced into the shots in order to keep her job. The Novaks were right on schedule and got their first covid boosters in December 2021:

Despite the side effects, the couple followed the science and kept on boosting, all the way through last month (December ’23):

Then, two weeks ago, Jennifer created her first GoFundMe, which described the painful story of how the couple’s lives have now been completely transformed. First, Rob had a sudden and unexpected stroke and was rushed to the hospital. The next day Jennifer came back to the hospital for a visit but then had a massive heart attack on her way to Rob’s room.

The good news was she was in the hospital. The bad news was her sudden and unexpected heart attack was atypical and she had to be revived three times and paddled twenty times. The fact she survived at all shocked her doctors, who had almost given up hope.

Here’s what came next, in Jennifer’s own words (lightly edited for clarity):

An emergency stent was put into my heart through my leg area. From that stent insertion, my veins were damaged when pulling the stent out, causing blockage in my leg. Emergency vascular surgery was done on my leg, but was unsuccessful, and my leg started to die, which ended up in two amputations of my leg. The first one was below my knee and then a second one above my knee.

Rob was there every day and night at my side after just having a stroke. You never know what life will throw at you but we are trying our best to stay strong.

In other words, Jennifer had a blockage (clot?) in her heart, then got blood clots in the leg they used to insert the stent, and ended up losing her leg in a horrific double-amputation. A combo stroke and a heart attack, same couple, within 24 hours of each other. What are those odds? Now they’ve involuntarily become a poster-couple for fully-vaccinated bad luck.
6803   Patrick   2024 Jan 24, 11:36am  


COVID Vaccines Could Trigger Vasculitis, Damaging Multiple Organs. Various diseases associated with COVID-19 vaccines have been reported. A recent case study indicated that COVID-19 vaccination may trigger the development of anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA)-associated vasculitis, potentially damaging multiple organs. Among 29 patients, five underwent plasmapheresis treatment (the separation and replacement of plasma from blood), and five relied on dialysis therapy.
6804   Patrick   2024 Jan 24, 11:53am  


At the top of this Newszine, Resistance Radio presents our WARRIOR CREED podcast from yesterday Tuesday 23rd January 2024, with a transcript provided - Governments Hide Worldwide Increase in Post-Vaccine Excess Death.

6805   GNL   2024 Jan 24, 12:27pm  

Patrick says


At the top of this Newszine, Resistance Radio presents our WARRIOR CREED podcast from yesterday Tuesday 23rd January 2024, with a transcript provided - Governments Hide Worldwide Increase in Post-Vaccine Excess Death.

Why no link to the video?
6806   Ceffer   2024 Jan 24, 2:17pm  

Vax, or poisoned adrenochrome? It's going to be interesting seeing if adrenochrome celebrity 'hot shots' are going to be a thing.

6807   Karloff   2024 Jan 24, 6:18pm  

Toxic caterpillars? I gotta hand it to them, that's definitely a new one.
6809   Patrick   2024 Jan 25, 10:06am  


Dr. Avery Brinkley: "these shots must be pulled from the market"
December 19, 2023

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Rick DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis

DR. AVERY BRINKLEY: I'm Dr. Avery Brinkley. I'm a radiologist here in Florida. I've been licensed in the state for 43 years. This is an open message to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

As a Florida-licensed medical doctor for the past 43 years I have never witnessed such diabolical corruption as occurred during the covid plandemic, much of which was based on false positive PCR tests never designed to detect any specific virus. But my plea today is a request that you immediately use your authority to remove the covid shots from the market in the state of Florida.

Not only do we know these shots were manufactured as countermeasures by the Department of Defense on a contract with Pfizer, but they were misrepresented to the public as vaccines. They are not vaccines in any way, shape, or form. They do not prevent infection or transmission. In fact these shots fit neatly under the federal and state legal definition of bioweapons because they are genetic agents which are distributed to all cells of the body, unlike the covid infection or other vaccines, resulting not only in negative efficacy with each subsequent booster due to immune suppression, but major harms exceeding all past vaccines in history combined.

Recent data estimates some 17 million deaths worldwide and many more disabilities. According to major life insurance companies all cause mortality is off the charts, not due to the virus but occurring after the shots were introduced.

Recent analysis proves that these agents are contaminated with bacterial DNA as well as the SV40 cancer promotor gene. The DNA was supposed to be filtered out during production. This DNA can cause the recipient's gut bacteria to produce mRNA and thus the pathogenic spike protein in perpetuity, which results in ongoing harm and reduction in life expectancy from vascular disease, neurologic disease, immune suppression, and cancers which otherwise would not occur.

We also note that the substitution of certain amino acids in the mRNA of the shots in order to keep the body from recognizing and destroying the mRNA is leading to the production of foreign proteins which may cause disease and further immune suppression.

The resulting effects are not yet clear. But these shots must be pulled from the market. That should have been done in early 2021, but CDC and FDA ignored the safety signals which were obvious to many physicians at that time.

The media, pharma, and CDC continue their collusion to push these agents to the public which is criminal. The Florida Grand Jury to address pharma has been empaneled for almost one year without any visible result, while other states such as Texas and foreign nations are moving forward with legal actions against pharma.

Governor DeSantis, use your authority to remove these covid shots from the market, and order forensic analysis of these agents. Thank you, sir.
6810   Ceffer   2024 Jan 25, 11:36am  

Sillies, it was a design feature, not a flaw. Happy Cancer!

6813   Patrick   2024 Jan 25, 12:40pm  


Top Genomics Expert Testifies: Covid Shots Cause Cancer

A renowned genomics expert has just given explosive testimony before the Massachusetts Legislature to warn about the devastating cancer-causing “red flag” that he’s discovered in Covid mRNA shots.

Dr. Kevin McKernan was called an expert witness to detail the chilling discovery he’s made regarding the injections.

McKerman told lawmakers that the shots are a major “cancer risk” that officials must “stop cold.” ...

“The sequence that’s in these doses, at billions of copies per dose, interacts with the P53 gene,” McKernan testified.

“This is a tumor suppressor gene so anything that interacts as a contaminant in the gene is a red flag.

“Hit the brakes, stop cold,” he pleaded.

“You’ve got billions of copies of something that interact with our tumor suppressor system.

“This is a cancer risk,” the leading expert warned.
6816   Patrick   2024 Jan 26, 9:45am  


Sports Commentator Matt Le Tissier on the Epidemic of Athletes Collapsing
MLT7, posted November 14, 2023

Hat tip: https://makismd.substack.com/p/video-uk-professional-soccer-player

Note: In Dr. Makis' post, "VIDEO - UK professional soccer player Matt Le Tissier on soccer players collapsing after COVID-19 Vaccine rollout (Oct.2023)," the video is embedded and he republishes the article by Sally Beck, January 15, 2024, "Matt Le Tissier’s battle for the truth about footballer deaths" https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/matt-le-tissier-and-the-case-of-the-dying-footballers/

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Matt LeTissier stands at a podium, addressing an audience. We see only Matt Le Tissier. On Dr. Makis' Substack, there is an AI-generated transcript, however at the time I viewed it it contained numerous errors and several chunks of text, oddly, rendered in Welsh, while Le Tissier did not say anything in Welsh. The speech was for the gala dinner of the People's Health Alliance fundraiser dinner in Leeds, UK. https://the-pha.org/

MATT LE TISSIER: My life really has been spent in sport, playing sport, talking about sport. I spent 18 years for my sins working in the mainstream media with Sky Sports. And my entire life has been spent around sport, playing, watching, and commentating on sport.

And in March of 2020, my entire world changed when on my social media I tweeted out something that said something like this. Why are the media scaring everybody when this virus only affects the very old and those that are already ill?

Well, I wasn't really prepared for the response that I got.

[audience laughter]

Because that comment came after I'd spoken to a couple of doctor friends of mine who had been privy to a lot of the information, a lot of the data that was around early on, and so I was speaking from what I thought was a position of some kind of authority.

Now the response to that was quite incredible and it changed my entire life and I'll tell you why.

That tweet, up until then, I was kind of getting maybe a few hundred likes on stuff that I would post on social media, mostly about sport. When I tweeted that, it came along with the most vile abuse I think I've ever seen on social media. But at the same time, that tweet in March 2020 got 40,000 likes.

I'd never had anything like that before. So in my head I'm thinking, hang on a minute. On the one hand, I've got all these people liking what I've just said, and on the other hand, I've got all these people responding to me telling me that I'm a granny killer, I have no compassion.

And that's when my world changed because I thought to myself, something isn't quite right about this. It's only later on really that I realized that obviously the trolls and the bots were obviously set upon me because I dared to challenge the government narrative.

And that's when things started going a little bit strange for me in my world. And for the next few months I was questioning the government narrative on the, on the COVID measures. And in August 2020 Sky Sports finally had had enough of me and they decided to sack me. I asked them if that was because of my views on social media and their response was quite telling. They just said, well, we do have to take into account the reputation of our company.

[loud titter from audience]

And at that point I went, okay, that's fine. So that's August 2020.

The vaccines were being talked about at this point and I'd already decided at that point that I wasn't going to be going anywhere near those vaccines because common sense and a little bit of critical thinking told me that vaccines don't get produced in such a short period of time. How can you possibly have any long-term safety data in the space of 11 months? And how did four companies all come up with a working vaccine for a SARS-CoV-2 virus when they've just spent decades trying to find one for the common cold and couldn't do it? So all that stuff—

[audience applause]

All that stuff obviously came along with a lot more abuse on social media, and as we entered 2021 when the jabs had been started rolling out, as I mentioned earlier, my life has revolved around sport, I watch a lot of sport, I don't watch a lot of television unless it's sport. And I'm watching a lot of sport and I'm seeing a lot of sports people starting to collapse on the field of play. Not only that but in football matches up and down the country here in in England, games were being stopped because of medical emergencies in the crowd, something that I'd never really witnessed in my time, 17 years as a professional footballer.

So, I thought, I need to do something about this. And I contacted the Professional Footballers Association [1], the players' union, and I voiced my concerns to them. They put me on to the doctor at the Football Association because they didn't want to deal with it, they shoved me off towards the doctor at the FA and said, speak to her. So I did. I spoke to Charlotte Cowie, Dr. Charlotte Cowie at the FA, and had a conversation with her and I voiced my concerns about what was happening and she tried to palm me off with the usual response, oh, it's always happened, it just never has this much publicity normally.

That's bullshit for a start. And I wasn't particularly pleased about that.

So I continued to watch my sport and I continued to see people collapsing on the field of play. Young, fit athletes. And I was getting more and more frustrated as to why there was no investigation being taken place.

In fact, in November of 2021, I tweeted this tweet. And it said, hey, FIFPRO— now FIFPRO is the professional footballers' worldwide union[2]— I tweeted, hey, FIFPRO, are you not a little bit concerned about how many of your members are suffering heart problems during matches? And if you are, what actions are you taking on behalf of them? [3]

And I kid you not, within 5 minutes, my phone rang. I thought I recognized that number and the name that appeared. Bobby Barnes.[4] Now Bobby was a contemporary of mine. We played football about the same time. He went on to work at the Professional Footballers Association for many years and I thought he was still there. And so I picked up the phone and said, hi Bob.

He said, Matt, he said, um, just saw your tweet.

And I went, oh yeah?

He said, yeah, he said, I'm now the head of FIFPRO.

And I went, oh, that's interesting. I said, so, ah, you read it then?

He said, yeah I read it.

I said, what do you think?

He said, well, he said, this kind of stuff has always happened. He said, we've got all the data here, all this kind of stuff has always happened, he said, but you've just never really heard about it.

And I went, Bobby I'm going to stop you right there, I said. I'm going to ask you a question. I said, during your playing career, I said, did any players that you played with or against, did any of them in your playing career ever have to leave the field of play because they collapsed with a heart issue?

And he stopped for a minute and he thought. After a couple of seconds he said, he said, well, he said, you know, there was, there was Marc-Vivien Foe.[5] He said, there's Fabrice Muamba.[6]

And I went, I'm going to stop you there, Bobby. I said, because me and you played at the same time. I said, I know for a fact, both those two players happened after we finished playing. I said, and the reason you can name them is because it was such a rare recurrence. So I'm going to ask you again, during your career did you ever come across anybody who had to leave the pitch because they had heart problems?

And he went, no.

And I went, right. Thank you very much. So I'm watching football and I'm seeing this massive increase, I said, so you must be seeing it as well. I said, so I think it's incumbent upon you and your organisation to do something because you're the representative, you're the union for these footballers. And something's happening here that isn't normal. You need to sort it out.

And the phone call ended.

Not a lot happened in terms of FIFPRO. And I played golf with two current Premier League footballers in the summer. And both of them admitted to me that at their football clubs, two separate football clubs, that only about 50% of all their players were jabbed. Now the media had been telling us that 95% of all Premier League players had been vaccinated, and these two guys at this club said to me it's probably 50-50.

So I thought, that's pretty interesting.

So, with that in mind, I then started talking to Dr. Aseem Malhotra[7] and Dr. Clare Craig[8] and we came up with a plan. We were going to write to the professional footballers association in this country to express our concerns and we were going to get, the plan was, we were going to get a lot of ex-footballers to sign this letter so it wasn't just coming from me, the mad conspiracy theorist.

So Dr. Aseem and Clare and David Whetton actually came up with a plan.

So I said, okay, I said, I'll go through all the professional footballers that I know in my phone book and I will text them and tell them what we intend to do, and I will see how many of them will agree to put their name to this letter.

Now, the interesting thing was I texted about a hundred, just under a hundred former footballers that I played with, and to my astonishment 99% of them agreed to sign the letter.


Not many of them spoke out publicly, but were privately concerned about what they were seeing as well. And that gave me a lot of heart. And there were some big names on this letter that went in. I won't name them all but there were names the size of people like Kevin Keegan.[9] So it wasn't just any odd footballer signing this. And it seemed to have made a difference at the PFA because I got a call from the chairman of the PFA who wanted to— I suggested we needed to have a meeting. And we had a meeting with him and he decided at the end of this meeting that the best thing to do would be to pass it on to the FA.

Now Dr. Aseem was willing to come on a Zoom call with me, so I organized with the doctor at the FA, Charlotte Cowie, to have a Zoom call in which Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who had been looking at the data on the vaccines and was incredibly concerned about what he'd seen, and he wanted to voice his concerns to the doctor at the FA. So we organized the Zoom meeting.

Now the Zoom meeting was only allowed to take place on the proviso that we weren't allowed to talk about what was spoken about in that meeting.

[audience laughter]

Now why would the FA want to do that? I think we all know why.

Now I've stuck to that agreement to this day. But after the meeting, whenever I saw another young sportsperson collapse, I'd send an email with a press cutting to the doctor at the FA and I'd just say, oh, look, there's another one. And I did this for a couple of months.

And in November of 2022 I received the shock of my life, when in a reply to my email, the FA doctor casually told me in that email, that, as you know— this is what she, this is how she worded it— thank you for letting me know, but as you know— which I didn't— professional footballers in England are no longer being encouraged to have any more vaccinations.

Now I don't know if anybody saw that press release from the FA or the Premier League because I certainly didn't. She assumed that I knew, which I didn't because nobody had said anything about it. They kept it a secret to themselves.

But having read that, a real sense of relief washed over me because I felt like we've had a small victory, a small victory in what is a rather massive war.


# # #


Matt Le Tissier's website is https://mlt7.com/
He has recorded athlete collapses at

[1] The FA https://www.thefa.com/about-football-association

[2] FIFPRO https://fifpro.org/en

[3] https://twitter.com/mattletiss7/status/1463793391628693505
are you not a little bit concerned about how many of your members are suffering heart problems during matches? If you are what action are you taking on behalf of them ?
9:55 AM · Nov 25, 2021

[4] According to the FIFPRO webpage Bobby Barnes retired from his position January 26, 2023.

[5] Footballer Marc-Vivien Foe died of a heart attack at Lyon's Stade de Gerland on June 26, 2003
See: "Marc-Vivien Foe death: His legacy 10 years after collapsing on pitch"
by Simon Austin, 26 June 2013

[6] Fabrice Muamba suffered a cardiac arrest in March 2012 at White Hart Lane, London, and was revived.
See: "78 minutes in the life (and near death) of Fabrice Muamba"
by Euan Ferguson, 24 March 2012

[7] Dr. Aseem Malhotra is a UK cardiologist who has frequently spoken out against the official covid narrative. His website is https://doctoraseem.com/

[8] Dr. Clare Craig is a diagnostic pathologist who has frequently spoken out against the official covid narrative. From her biographical note at https://www.hartgroup.org/bios/ :
"Clare has been a pathologist since 2001 working in the NHS and reaching consultant level in 2009. She specialized in cancer diagnostics including diagnostic testing for cancer within mass screening programmes. She was the day to day pathology lead for the cancer arm of the 100,000 Genomes Project. She was clinical lead for the data team and led on research and development projects at Genomics England and wrote national guidance and helped build bespoke software, working closely with NHSE. Subsequently she has worked on artificial intelligence for cancer diagnostics. She is contributing to HART in a personal capacity."

[9] Kevin Keegan was inducted into the UK National Football Hall of Fame in 2002
6817   Patrick   2024 Jan 27, 9:54am  


New Zealand Couple Drive Though Cemetery in Oamaru

"This video, depicting a couple from Oamaru, New Zealand with a population of 13,000, was quickly removed from Facebook. These are just burials. What about cremations?"

posted August 12, 2022

DESCRIPTION ON VIDEO PAGE: "This video, depicting a couple from Oamaru, New Zealand with a population of 13,000, was quickly removed from Facebook. These are just burials. What about cremations?"

Hat tip: https://vicparkpetition.substack.com/p/new-zealand-government-whistle-blower/comments

This was filmed as a man and woman drive through a cemetery. The man, as he drives, points out the open window at fresh graves.

TEXT ON SCREEN: why is there so many graves

MAN DRIVING: This is f#cked!

WOMAN'S VOICE: So far 66.



MAN DRIVING: 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83—


MAN DRIVING: —84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94.

WOMAN'S VOICE: 94 dead bodies! These are all freshly buried.

MAN DRIVING: [inaudible]

WOMAN'S VOICE: In a small town of Oamaru. [man driving starts to go in reverse to pass by the same graves again] Just come to check my babies. And look at all these new graves, mate. Why? Why? Why so many? We never have this many. I've come here for the last 8, 9 years.

MAN DRIVING: Oh, 21s and 22s.

WOMAN'S VOICE: These are all deaths in the, the last year.

MAN DRIVING: [inaudible]

WOMAN'S VOICE: Like fresh as [inaudible]. These are all fresh. They haven't even got headstones yet. So we just counted how many was that?

MAN DRIVING: And 9— [stops car]


MAN DRIVING: 92. [starts driving forward past the graves again]

WOMAN'S VOICE: Oh, 92. New graves. In Oamaru. Wow.
6818   GNL   2024 Jan 27, 1:21pm  

How come we haven't seen any more athletes dying on the field? We were seeing lots of them about a year or 2 ago. Now?
6819   RayAmerica   2024 Jan 27, 1:40pm  

Memphis TV News Anchor Drops Dead at 38 after Sudden ‘Medical Emergency’

A much loved local Memphis TV news anchor has tragically DIED SUDDENLY at just 38 years old.

Amanda Hanson, described as “energetic” by those who knew her, was the face of Tennessee station Action News 5 until her shocking sudden death.

Hanson’s death was confirmed in a statement posted on the TV station’s website.

6820   richwicks   2024 Jan 27, 2:10pm  

Patrick says


On the Jimmy Dore show, renowned critical care physician Dr. Pierre Kory revealed a disturbing statistic about “sudden” and “unexpected” deaths. Dr. Kory shared an account from a disabled veteran — who suspected he lost some friends due to the COVID-19 shots — conducted a comprehensive analysis of obituaries spanning the last seven years that included the words “sudden” and “unexpected.”

What he found was alarming: Obits that used the aforementioned terms “sudden” and “unexpected” almost doubled after the rollout of the so-called COVID-19 vaccines.

This is the video in question:

original link
6822   Patrick   2024 Jan 28, 11:28am  


Determinants of COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis

... And one more shout-out to the other wicked-ass paper we published this week!

Given the extensive, well-documented SAEs and unacceptably high harm-to-reward ratio, we urge governments to endorse a global moratorium on the modified mRNA products until all relevant questions pertaining to causality, residual DNA, and aberrant protein production are answered.


COVID-19 mRNA [Injections]: Lessons Learned from the Registrational Trials and Global [Injection] Campaign

JAN 25
6823   Patrick   2024 Jan 28, 7:34pm  


It turns out that COVID-19 vaccination rates increase mortality by 25.01%, and the association is highly statistically significant with the P-value of 0.0131, showing that it is unlikely a result of random chance.

Bad News

We were told that “Covid vaccines save lives.” The real-world data, unfortunately, shows the opposite. The pattern seen in previous analyses continues: vaccination rates are associated with increases, not decreases, in total mortality.
6825   RayAmerica   2024 Jan 29, 7:54am  

It's with great sorrow that we announce the passing of Austyn Joseph “AJ” Cousins, 26, who DIED SUDDENLY on January 24, 2024.

Austyn graduated early from Purdue University with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering. Austyn played trumpet in Purdue's All American Marching Band for four years and traveled to Ireland to march in the St. Patrick's Day parade. The All American Marching band has been part of the Indy 500 for over 100 years, and Austyn marched there each year at Purdue. Also, while attending Purdue, Austyn traveled twice to Germany to participate in the International Supercomputing (ISC) High Performance competition.

Went on to have a successful career as a senior engineer for Rockwell Automation.
6826   Patrick   2024 Jan 29, 9:21am  


High school freshman collapses, dies on the court during girls’ JV basketball game

An Illinois community is mourning the loss of a 14-year-old high school freshman who collapsed and died during a girls’ basketball game.

Amari Crite, a student at Momence High School, was participating in a junior varsity game against Tri-Point on Thursday when she collapsed on the court, the Daily Journal reported.

The Kankakee County Coroner’s Office said the cause of death remains under investigation.

6827   Patrick   2024 Jan 29, 9:37am  


Dr. Ben Marble, M.D.: Open Message to Governor Ron DeSantis, Ban the Jab!
Dec 12, 2023

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is one of several videos made by citizens urging Florida Governor Rick DeSantis to ban the covid jabs in the state of Florida. For more about the campaign, see https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/open-message-to-governor-ron-desantis

DR. BEN MARBLE: Hello, I'm Ben Marble, MD. I'm the founder of MyFreeDoctor.com, and yes, I am a Nobel Peace Prize nominee because of that. I also founded the Right Docs of History group, which is a group of physicians who oppose all the COVID-19 fake vaccine gene editing poisons from day one, December 2020.

The science was always bad, mad science. Never made any sense to have your body make a foreign protein inside your body. It was a recipe for disaster and over time we have been proven to be right. These shots are unsafe, they're defective, they're harming people all over the world.

I am a Florida resident. I want to call on Governor DeSantis to ban these shots immediately. They should have never been approved. You need to hurry up and ban them. Quit messing around. People are dying. Save some lives. Do the right thing. Ban the shots.

See also Dr. Ben Marble's testimony before Senator Ron Johnson's Roundtable "A Second Opinion"
6828   RayAmerica   2024 Jan 29, 10:11am  

Another one of those sudden deaths that took everyone by surprise. Needless to say, healthy 21 year olds do not just suddenly die.

The family of Camdyn Thomas Probst, 21, mourns his unexpected passing on Sunday, January 21, 2024. Born on June 25, 2002, in Cleveland, he was the beloved son of Mary Terbizan and Jamian Probst.
6829   stereotomy   2024 Jan 29, 10:25am  

I know someone at work who was pregnant. I suspected, but in these years of Me-too it's best not to ask unless that person is a good friend. She was probably about 5-6 months in, and now, it seems she suddenly had the baby over the weekend. It's too soon, she wasn't that big. I've known her for several years, she's a good person, introvert. These days, "sudden" is never a good sign, so I'm concerned for her and her child, and I'm hoping it's not vax related. I just have a bad feeling for that family, because I'm almost positive they all got the poke 'n croak.
6831   stereotomy   2024 Jan 29, 10:28am  

I have arrived at PatNet. I am officially ignored. Anyone who's been married long enough knows that if you're being ignored either you're the asshole, or they are the asshole.
6832   HeadSet   2024 Jan 29, 12:57pm  

stereotomy says

I have arrived at PatNet. I am officially ignored. Anyone who's been married long enough knows that if you're being ignored either you're the asshole, or they are the asshole.

Or someone is pouting via ignore button,

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