Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   912,105 views  8,535 comments

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Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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7786   Patrick   2024 Aug 20, 1:02pm  


A young Aussie gap year student who died suddenly while working in the UK has been remembered as a 'true gentleman who inspired so many', as his devastated classmates have launched a fundraiser to bring him home.

Jack Ryan, 18, was working at the Dulwich Cranbrook school in Kent, south-east England, as part of the popular Letz Live gap year program when he collapsed in the bathroom of his on-site accommodation last week.

A cause of death is still unknown and his father, Peter, is flying to the UK to find out what happened.
7787   Patrick   2024 Aug 20, 1:06pm  


The COVID-19 modified mRNA (modmRNA) lipid nanoparticle-based “vaccines” are not classical antigen-based vaccines but instead prodrugs informed by gene therapy technology. Of considerable note, these products have been linked to atypical adverse and serious adverse event profiles. As discussed in Part 1, health-related risks and drawbacks were drastically misreported and underreported in the Pfizer and Moderna trial evaluations of these genetic products. Now in Part 2, we examine the main structural and functional aspects of these injectables. The COVID-19 modmRNA injectable products introduce a unique set of biological challenges to the human body with the potential to induce an extensive range of adverse, crippling, and life-threatening effects. Based on the fact that there is no current method to quantify host (cell-based) spike protein production in vivo following injection with these prodrugs, there is no standard “dose”. This is in part due to differences in spike protein production output, which depends on cell metabolism and transfection efficiency. It is therefore difficult to predict adverse event profiles on an individual basis, but considering that millions of adults across the world have reported severe and serious adverse events in the context of these modmRNA COVID-19 products, valid concerns are raised regarding injection of infants and younger age groups for whom COVID-19 poses only minimal risks. We address the process-related genetic impurities inherent in mass production of these products, and the potential risks posed by these contaminants. We then categorize the principal adverse events associated with the modmRNA products with a brief systems-based synopsis of each of the six domains of potential harms: (1) cardiovascular, (2) neurological, (3) hematologic; (4) immunological, (5) oncological, and (6) reproductive. We conclude with a discussion of the primary public health and regulatory issues arising from this evidence-informed synthesis of the literature and reiterate the urgency of imposing a global moratorium on the modmRNA-LNP-based platform.
7788   Patrick   2024 Aug 20, 1:09pm  


Vaccine Injury Stories from Angel Medic, posted December 28, 2022

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: This is a filmed public comment. From a podium speaker addresses board members. All are masked. A sign on the wall says "CORONA OF NORCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Where your future takes flight." This school district is in Norco, California, southeast of Los Angeles in Southern California. https://www.cnusd.k12.ca.us/ Speaker wears a flannel checked shirt, baseball cap and a black mask. The Rumble page description says "Her vaccine injury story January 2022."

TEXT ON SCREEN: Danee Dixon, Respiratory Therapist
First Dose of Pfizer on 12/18/20
Second Dose of Pfizer on 01/10/21

DANEE DIXON: My name is Danee and I am your health care hero. I've spent the last 2 years in the frontlines of this virus. When the vaccine became available I didn't want it but I felt the duty to lead by example and do what was best to protect my community, my family, my patients, because that's what I was told that this would do.

But let me tell you what it did do. On January 10th my life changed forever. What started as a headache 13 hours after my vaccine ended up being inflammation of my brain, increased inter-cranial pressure. I have neurological deficits such as stutter, twitches, tremors, which recently led me to falling and breaking my foot.

I have blood clots and I am on daily blood thinner injections.

I am a guinea pig with no definite answer if I will ever be fixed.

I have spent 20,000 dollars on treatment IVIG,[1] plasmapheresis,[2] I'm on 23 pills a day. And no change to show for it.

Doctors don't listen and after multiple hospital visits I can no longer work.

I am real. The danger of this is real. And I am here tonight because I want to make sure that you are OK with sitting here and looking at me and being responsible for every child injury that comes after me.
7789   Patrick   2024 Aug 21, 8:01pm  


Danee Dixon Jab-Injured Health Care Worker: "what we have been told is a lie"

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTES: Throughout this interview Danee Dixon's face twitches and grimaces, and her speech has a pronounced stutter.

ANTHONY: In talking with you earlier you said you were vaccine injured. Is that correct?

DANEE DIXON: Yes, I am a healthcare worker and when the vaccines first rolled out in 2020 I took my first dose in December of 2020 and my second dose in 2021.

ANTHONY: And did you take it because they told you that it was a mandate in order to stay employed?

DANEE DIXON: So unfortunately when I took it, it was prior to the mandates, but I was within my 90 probation at a new hospital and when they came out it was kind of one of those things that, we don't know if we'll keep you after your 90 days if you don't get it, we're not really sure where the mandates are going to come and where they're going to fall, but so I was kind of being pushed to get it from, from the upper management at my hospital. And then also, you know, thought I was doing what was right, right for my patients and my, my family.

ANTHONY: And was it the very first dose, and which dose was it that you realized that, oh, maybe I'm vaccine injured, or that you noticed?

DANEE DIXON: My first dose I was fine other than a sore arm. It was my second dose in January, January 10th. I woke up about 12 hours later with severe headache. I had covid-like symptoms. And it's a headache to this day that has still has not gone away. The headache changed from, from, or been changed but continued on to be neurological issues. I have tremors, difficulty speaking, facial twitches, difficulty walking. I now have 5 auto-immune disorders. Hashimoto's, Lyme Disease, carotid artery vasculitis, demyelinating polyneuropathy, [inaudible] chronic Epstein-Barr virus. I have blood clots. I'm on four different blood clot medicines. It's just been one thing after the— and that's after my second dose. Not to mention I still have not had a menstrual cycle since my first dose in December of 2020, even though my, my hormones don't say that I'm in any type of menopause.

ANTHONY: What is your message to people that maybe don't believe people that have been vaccine injured? That are— has anyone called you like an anti-vaxxer, and have you had to explain to them?

DANEE DIXON: I've been bullied. My social media has been has shut down for spreading misinformation. I've had death threats. I've had people calling my work saying I'm an anti-vaxxer and that I never was really vaccine injured. I've had people deliver things to my home. My text messages, because someone found my identification and put it out over TikTok. Like, it's been hell.

And you know, the message I want people to know is there are hundreds of thousands of people like me. And not only are we real and not rare, but the, we are not getting help from a lot of western medicine doctors. We have only have the option to go see integrative medicine and the costs, I mean, I'm 50,000 already in the hole with treatment, and it hasn't gotten me far.

But the people that are like me, there are so many people that are taking their own lives because not only do we not have help, we don't have support. And you know, the proof is in the pudding. You have to stay off of mainstream, you know, news. Go do some actual research for yourself. Get off of Google and go look at the VAERS reports[1] and really open your eyes that there are tons of vaccine injured and it's really sad. And we need to start showing more support.

ANTHONY: As a closing statement, what would you say to people [inaudible] tuning in that are questioning the vaccine, questioning if they should get the latest booster. I think we're up to 5 now on the boosters? What is your message are you hoping people will understand listening to your story?

DANEE DIXON: I think the biggest thing is, I'm not here to tell anybody what to do with their own bodies, you know? But I think you really need to look at the science and I think you need to see that what we have been told is a lie. And it's not doing anything. And I would just really beg you to protect yourself and protect your children from this poison. I mean, at the end of the day that's really what it is.
7790   Patrick   2024 Aug 22, 1:06pm  


The study explores the relationship by Australia State between COVID Booster Vaccinations and excess deaths. There is evidence of a very strong correlation in ordinary least squares regression analysis. Cross-validation tests support the strength of the regression relationship.
7793   Ceffer   2024 Aug 22, 11:06pm  

Covid Fraud Redux? Just like the CCP did last time, killed a bunch of people with 5g scalar weapons tech and claim it was contagion in order to kick off the fake pandemic?

Remember the Hazmat baloney train army they kept going for a long time? Seems they were experimental transhumanist zombies dressed in Hazmat and tested for obedience. It didn't look like the experiment was working very well.

7794   Ceffer   2024 Aug 22, 11:19pm  

Guess the reputation of medicine, government medical agencies and medical institutions couldn't be shittier than it already is. Or, could it? Never go full medical retard. A full fledged propaganda sell out. Blame vaxicide consequences on Global Warming

7799   Ceffer   2024 Aug 23, 12:19pm  

"I certainly hope the Covidians are aware that the FDA has just approved the 10th Covid mRNA booster recommended by the CDC. I am worried their immunity is waning. 🥴"

7806   The_Deplorable   2024 Aug 24, 1:22pm  

Ceffer says

@Ceffer, do we have a link for this?

7807   Ceffer   2024 Aug 24, 1:25pm  

The_Deplorable says

Ceffer, do we have a link for this?

Found it.


Twenty lashes for me with the richwicks bone tipped internet whip.
7808   The_Deplorable   2024 Aug 24, 2:09pm  

Ceffer says
"Found it."

Thank you!
7809   Patrick   2024 Aug 24, 5:39pm  


Cataracts in setting of multisystem inflammation after COVID-19 vaccination
This is the first reported case of cataract formation following a COVID-19 vaccine. While ocular adverse effects associated with COVID-19 vaccination are rare, it is important to raise awareness of these entities amongst medical providers as the COVID-19 pandemic continues and vaccinations become widespread.

Thus, we believe the most compelling etiology of his cataracts is the significant inflammatory dysregulation given their rapid onset after a recent, unremarkable ophthalmologic exam.

Although many inflammatory diseases, such as Behcet's disease, are well known to cause cataracts, the mechanism underlying inflammation-induced cataracts is not well understood.

7811   Ceffer   2024 Aug 24, 10:29pm  

Please share: with anyone that still believes ANY"vaccine" is or ever was safe/tested/effective

32 Vaccine documentaries

(links updated 17April22)

1. Vaccination – The Silent Epidemic –https://www.bitchute.com/video/Aasn9wsFv23c/

2. The Greater Good –

original link

3. Shots In The Dark – https://www.bitchute.com/video/tLPWqVLzSVh4/

4. Vaccination The Hidden Truth – https://www.bitchute.com/video/maeAXwAtzfby/

5. Vaccine Nation – https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1214118/

6. Vaccination – The Truth About Vaccines – https://www.bitchute.com/video/noONUKX09kNG/

7. Lethal Injection – https://www.bitchute.com/video/NbcBxhoM5J2M/

8. Bought - Vaccine Industry – https://www.bitchute.com/video/qNJAyFw7utzn/

9. Deadly Immunity – https://www.bitchute.com/video/Ugm197nich3H/

10. Autism – Made in the USA – https://www.bitchute.com/video/ybTsVE3dU4QN/

11. Beyond Treason – https://www.bitchute.com/video/IhIZdSUf0ATb/

12. Trace Amounts – https://www.bitchute.com/video/mChC5qkDK9Fy/

13. Why We Don’t Vaccinate – https://www.bitchute.com/video/f4N1IUT8UQWq/

14. Autism Yesterday – https://www.bitchute.com/video/Cs4mhAaEYD3l/

15. The Vaccinated Girls - Sick and Betrayed – https://www.bitchute.com/video/2vf11D9KroSn/

16. Vaxxed – https://www.bitchute.com/video/yM45yL0RwQI1/

17. Man Made Epidemic : https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5431476/

18. 50 Cents A Dose – https://vimeo.com/ondemand/50centsadose

19. Direct Orders – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDDMsvErsQw

20. Dtap – Vaccine Roulette – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JINUIA86sAI

21. Truthstream News: About All Those Vaccines –https://www.bitchute.com/video/bygZkEir9tqP/

22. Hear The Silence –https://www.bitchute.com/video/mhgMZocoeg6V/

23. Cervical Cancer Vaccine – Is It Safe? – https://www.bitchute.com/video/cUvxokcTqFOt/

24. Censored by Facebook – not found

25. The Truth About Vaccines – https://go.thetruthaboutvaccines.com/?ref=a700121b-5755-42ef-a645-99f65c7d5ca7

26. Vaccine Syndrome – https://www.bitchute.com/video/IFVeYUExDJzJ/

27. Injecting Aluminum - https://www.bitchute.com/video/MWzjj0v2FcU4/

28. Manufactured Crisis: HPV, Hype & Horror – https://www.bitchute.com/video/A3AUp1PlkDrC/

29. Sacrificial Virgins - HPV Vaccine Killing Kids – https://healthimpactnews.com/2017/sacrificial-virgins-hpv-vaccine-documentary-reports-lawsuits-from-japan-to-colombia-increase-worldwide/

30. Healing from Vaccines - https://www.bitchute.com/video/dK0yvoGkMbi3/

31. Vaccines Are Militarized Bio Weapons - Author Patrick Jordan - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FEonGfLqrV0


32. Vaxxed II - The People's Story - https://www.bitchute.com/video/dvOSgHuWPbKf
7812   Stout   2024 Aug 25, 5:38am  

Ceffer says


In the comments he says he created a Rumble channel where he isn't censored, but both videos are the same length.
7813   Patrick   2024 Aug 25, 11:41am  


COVID-19 Vaccines: A Risk Factor for Cerebral Thrombotic Syndromes

Conclusions: There is an alarming breach in the safety signal threshold concerning cerebral thrombosis AEs after COVID-19 vaccines compared to that of the influenza vaccines and even when compared to that of all other vaccines. An immediate global moratorium on the use of COVID-19 vaccines is necessary with an absolute contraindication in women of reproductive age.
7814   Patrick   2024 Aug 25, 1:45pm  


Evaluation of the effects of MERCK, MODERNA, PFIZER/BioNTech, and JANSSEN COVID-19 vaccines on vaccinated people: A metadata analysis

Nadia Al-Rousan
Hazem Al-Najjar

This research investigates the impact of four specific vaccines on the health of people who have been vaccinated. The vaccines under scrutiny are MERCK, MODERNA, PFIZER BioNTech, and JANSSEN.

The analysis considers a range of variables, including symptoms, mortality status, gender, age, number of vaccine doses, hospitalization status, and the number of days following vaccination. The methodology involves cross-tabulation analysis to establish connections between vaccinated individuals and the variables under examination. The dataset was compiled from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, encompassing roughly 65,000 cases and documenting over 40 distinct symptoms.

The overall mortality rate among the vaccinated population is noteworthy. Notably, 40 different mild to severe symptoms were reported among vaccinated individuals. The research highlights the 10 most common symptoms experienced after vaccination. Females under 60 years of age constitute the majority of the dataset.

The vaccination-related mortality rate stands at approximately 3% of those who received the vaccine, with the majority of cases occurring among individuals under the age of 60, who were not hospitalized and had received their initial vaccine dose.

Even I find it hard to believe that 3% of those who got the toxxine have died. I think we'd all know a lot of people who died in the last few years if it were true.
7815   Patrick   2024 Aug 25, 2:18pm  


Triathlete Candace Hayden, Paralyzed Chest-Down After Second Moderna Jab

"Press Conference with Families Speaking Out About Adverse Vaccine Reactions"
Senator Ron Johnson, posted June 29, 2021

CANDACE HAYDEN: Thank you, Senator Johnson. Good morning. My name is Candace Hayden and I'm from [inaudible]. I received the Moderna vaccine on March 2nd and the second dose on March 30th. On April 18th I had a typical day, swimming, running, and gardening. I was beginning the training for my next triathlon. At 7 PM I turned to my left and felt an odd pain under my shoulder blade. I took a step and my right leg buckled slightly. But I didn't think anything of it, I continued with my day. And then around midnight I went to stand and both my legs buckled. I was suffering from severe paresthesia and was paralyzed, partially paralyzed, from my chest down.

During the 26 day hospital stay I had 6 MRIs, 2 CTs, a TEE,[1] a spinal tap, and several blood tests. They ruled out MS, transverse myelitis, spinal cord stroke, and auto-immune disease. Medically there was absolutely nothing wrong with my body.

After 7 days the medical team prescribed an aggressive dose of steroids that resulted in no change. I started inpatient therapy after 17 days and I was released from the hospital on May 14th with no concrete diagnosis.

The head of my medical team told me that I should get used to being handicapped. I started and am, and still in outpatient therapy. And on May 21st I visited my primary care doctor as I was instructed, who told me that she couldn't offer me anything, but if I needed her, to give her a call.

My medical team at the hospital refused to associate my condition with the vaccine. And I continually asked them to report to VAERS[2] but I don't think that they did. It defies that my imagination that we [with hand motion, indicating those present in the room] can find each other, but the medical community refuses to draw the lines and recognize that people are suffering similar adverse side effects.

Case in point. I was able to locate another patient in the hospital that I was in with similar symptoms, brought it to the attention of my medical team, and they refused to even speak to that patient's doctor.

I don't have a spouse, nor do I have young children. In one respect I'm truly blessed from my family not having to have to suffer, but it leaves me isolated and lonely as my interactions with others is limited. This is far worse than covid lockdown.

Before this I was healthy. I was active and self-sufficient. I fear my diminished quality of life is my new normal. Will I ever run again? Will I ever ride my bike? I would give anything to get in my car and just drive it.

My greatest fear is for others like Maddie,[3] the children, those that are younger that don't have a voice, that can't tell you how they're feeling, that don't understand why their legs are no longer working.

I am pro-vaccine, I am pro-science, and I understand the vaccine is for the greater good. However, I also understand that we represent a small portion experiencing negative side effects. We trusted science and we did our part. As a result, we are now synonymous to wounded soldiers who should not be left behind.

We are asking to be seen, we are asking to be heard, and we are asking to be believed. Thank you.
7816   Ceffer   2024 Aug 25, 2:38pm  

Lady that does my hair, who I warned NOT to get the vaccine, but got vaxxed anyway and got really sick for six months, is now entirely anti vax. It's weird how people get inculcated. She forgot entirely that I warned her away early on. Same is true of my vaxxed older friend in Santa Cruz (gave me shit as a conspiracy theorist) who now agrees he will no longer get vaccines. The Satanic Inversion lie that vaccines are for health rather specifically to actuate maiming and death is reversing.
7817   Patrick   2024 Aug 25, 4:42pm  


Kristi Dobbs Testifies About Her Severe Cardiac, Neurological and Other Jab Injuries

"Press Conference with Families Speaking Out About Adverse Vaccine Reactions"
Senator Ron Johnson, posted June 29, 2021

KRISTI DOBBS: Senator Johnson, thank you so much for your willingness to have us here so that my voice can be heard, but not just mine, but thousands behind me. As I said, my name is Kristi Dobbs. I am from Missouri. I am a wife and a mother of 4 children, and I have practiced as a dental hygienist for the last 17 years. And since being in such a career I have always been pro-science and pro-vaccination.

Before my vaccination I was a healthy and active 39 year-old. I enjoyed activities outside, traveling and crafting with my family. I also cherished my work in a very busy pediatric dental office. I was not taking any medications prior to the vaccine, and I have never had a covid infection, and I have been tested for proof.

In January my life changed drastically. Immediately after the injection I felt an odd tingling-type dripping sensation in my arm. I had immediate heart palpitations and a feeling as if I were going to pass out. And my blood pressure reading was so high, that I don't know how I didn't have a stroke. I cannot quote what it was, but as a hygienist I take blood pressure readings on my patients before I treat them, my adult patients, and it was so high that I was scared in that moment that something was happening to me. I did eventually stabilize, they monitored me for the 15 minutes and an extra 30 minutes after, and I did stabilize, so they went on ahead and sent me home.

When I got home I felt a little, you know, woozy, a little dizzy. The next couple of days I just had a headache and just kind of that feeling of unwell, all of the things that I had signed up for to get the vaccine.

But it was three days later that my symptoms increased and accelerated. I had a sharp, stabbing pain in my scapula area that was just this intermittent, like a knife stabbing pain. I had tingling and numbness throughout my body, it ran down both my arms. I also still had the heart palpitations. I had these internal vibrations. And the only way I can explain the internal vibrations is it feels like you have this little electric shock running through your body, like you're stuck in a vibrating chair, like glued into and it just never stops. I have tremors in my hands which has made me leery if I'll ever be able to practice as a hygienist again. [voice breaks] [inaudible] I am so fearful that I may have some sort of neurological issue [inaudible] Parkinson's. They have ruled out MS. They have not told me that I have anything. They can tell me what I don't have.

I have swollen lymph nodes. Brain fog. I have brain fog so extreme that I would be having a conversation with someone and I would black out, try to come back to that conversation and nothing was there. Swollen lymph nodes. Muscle weakness. Unexplained skin rashes. I have convulsions and night time seizures. I had to have my six year-old daughter wake me up from a fit in the middle of the night. No six year old should have to do that for a parent.

I have also experienced thick clotting heavy menstrual cycles.

I was so afraid that I literally, and I have it with me, I prepared my will and my obituary for my family because I didn't think that I would wake up to the next day.

I have reported my symptoms to V-Safe,[1] VAERS,[2] CDC,[3] FDA,[4] Pfizer. I have also sent information to two very well-known research institutes. And I have also reached out to prestigious universities.

I have been dealing with this for 5 months. These past 5 months my severe neurological reactions continue to plague me. Every day feels like I'm trapped in the movie Groundhog Day. I go to sleep praying, think I'm going to wake up the next morning and be better. And I'm not.

I've had multiple tests, more than any person should have to go through this time in their life. I have had x-rays, blood work, MRIs, CT scans, ultrasounds, EEGs and more. To date the medical community is still running baffled and unable to restore my health. I'm scared and frightened for my future.

So I do have hope. And this is why I'm here today, speaking out. This is not an easy thing to do, guys. But I hope that our conditions will be researched and studied. I hope that we can find a solution and a pathway to health. That's all we want. I would give anything, I would give my whole life savings if I could go back to January 17th and never to have had experienced this in my life.

And three, that those that are suffering, and that those that will come behind us, because the vaccine is still rolling out, that they will benefit from us coming forward and speaking today.

We have suffered long enough. I think that we do deserve this kind of, you've given us today, you are so gracious that you've taken the time to be here today. But we do deserve to be seen, what you are seeing us today, and heard, you're listening. But we need to be believed. That is the biggest issue. We just want you guys to believe that this is real, we are real Americans, we are real people experiencing these side effects. So I thank you for doing just that today.
7818   Patrick   2024 Aug 27, 4:37pm  



This week, documents from seven U.S. military service members, including multiple pilots, revealed concerning medical conditions they’ve developed or witnessed upon taking the military-mandated COVID-19 vaccine.

In a report compiling their statements together for Congress, the pilots and other service members detailed injuries including strokes, an inability to see clearly months after receiving the shot and heart conditions like Pericarditis. The report was shared on Thursday by Liberty Counsel, an organization that has supported servicemembers who have requested religious accommodations to the vaccines.

A 30-year-old female U.S. Air Force Reserve master sergeant described initially planning to request a religious accommodation to the military-wide vaccine mandate but said she “felt coerced to get the vaccine.” She then described being hospitalized for five days after receiving her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine.

The Air Force Reservist said she has suffered four strokes, chronic blurred vision, headaches and loss of balance. Months later, she said she still suffers from blurred vision, cannot safely drive, articulate thoughts clearly or more properly in dynamic terrain. She said her military career is likely permanently over. She included a medical letter and the report she filed with the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) to document her conditions.

The next servicemember in the report, a 44-year-old male U.S. Navy pilot described developing pancytopenia, a deficiency in all three components of his blood (the red and white blood cells and the blood platelets). The Navy pilot said he was diagnosed with pancytopenia and a rare autoimmune disorder as a result of the Johnson & Johnson single-dose COVID-19 vaccine he took. He also shared his VAERs documentation.

A 28-year-old U.S. Marine infantry officer described developing chest pains within 24 hours of his first Pfizer vaccine dose and having to go to an emergency room. The infantry officer described being diagnosed with likely pericarditis or pleurisy by a cardiologist who then recommended against further vaccine doses but that recommendation was ignored by military medical professionals. ...
7820   Patrick   2024 Aug 28, 11:41am  


Uruguayan soccer star Juan Izquierdo has tragically died after collapsing suddenly on the field mid-game.

Izquierdo had been hospitalized after suffering a cardiac arrest during a match in Brazil last Thursday.

The young athlete was just 27 years old when he died.
7821   Patrick   2024 Aug 28, 11:42am  


We present a case study of a 34-year-old male who was in good health prior to his COVID-19 mRNA vaccination. Sixteen days
after his first dose, he experienced acute inflammation, sudden thoracic aortic dissection, and pericardial tamponade, rapidly
leading to his death. Studies suggest that young males, in particular, appear to be at increased risk of adverse cardiac events
following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination.
7822   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Aug 28, 1:26pm  

Musician Jesse Malin paralyzed from waist down after rare spinal stroke

Malin’s rock ’n’ roll career began as a teenager in the 1980s with the hard-core group Heart Attack, but he’s most likely best known as the frontman of punk band D Generation.

Musician Jesse Malin, a prominent figure in the New York City rock and punk scenes, suffered a rare spinal stroke last month and has been paralyzed from the waist down since.

Malin was taken by ambulance to Mount Sinai hospital May 4 after he collapsed at a restaurant in the East Village and needed to be carried out, Carla Parisi, a representative for Malin, confirmed Thursday.

He was later diagnosed with an extremely rare spinal cord infarction, or a stroke in his spine, which paralyzed him.

"Jesse asks that everyone picture him dancing," Parisi said in an email.

Malin is under neurological care at Langone Orthopedic Center at NYU Hospital, according to the donation campaign created to help cover his medical expenses.

"His diagnosis is inoperable," the website says. "There is hope but it will be a long hard road using both traditional and alternative medical therapies to get him back on his feet following this very tragic diagnosis."

In an interview with Rolling Stone, Malin said he felt a burning pain in his lower back that spread to his hips and legs and then he fell to the floor. He didn't know what was happening with his body, and "everybody was standing above me like in 'Rosemary’s Baby.'"

Malin told the magazine he's determined to have a positive mental attitude about his condition and recovery.

"I’m told that they don’t really understand it, and they’re not sure of the chances," he said. "The reports from the doctors have been tough, and there’s moments in the day where you want to cry, and where you’re scared. But I keep saying to myself that I can make this happen."

Malin, a Queens native, began his rock ’n’ roll career as a teenager in the 1980s with the hard-core punk group Heart Attack.

But he's most likely best known for being the frontman of the punk band D Generation, which formed in New York City in the early 1990s.

D Generation released three albums before it disbanded in 1999, though the group reunited for various projects over the years.

Malin has also maintained a successful solo career. He collaborated with Green Day on a project under the group name Rodeo Queens in 2009, releasing a song called "Depression Times.”

His most recent album, "Sad and Beautiful World," was released in September 2021 to strong reviews in Rolling Stone and American Songwriter, which called the double album a "well-rounded portrait of the talented singer/songwriter."

"He’s a rocker with a folksinger’s soul, or perhaps a folkie with a rocker’s spirit," the publication said. "In either case, both sides are well represented over the course of these 15 tracks that prove Jesse Malin’s creativity is alive and well."

7824   Patrick   2024 Aug 28, 4:21pm  


Wojcicki died on August 9, 2024, at the age of 56, after battling non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) for two years.

She was diagnosed well after the rollout of the COVID shots.

Of the 50 cases of NSCLC reported in VAERS, nearly all of them are associated with the COVID shots.


The recent death of former YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki has the media in tumult trying to whitewash her legacy.

Fawning reports about how “amazing” Wojcicki was conveniently ignore her totalitarian ways while at YouTube, especially during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic.”

While the general sentiment seems to be that it is unwise to speak ill of the dead, it is important for readers to know who Susan Wojcicki really was: a “dead vaxx totalitarian,” to quote Armageddon Prose‘s Ben Bartee.

“Susan Wojcicki was among the most hardcore censors of truthful COVID-19 information throughout the pandemic, censoring anything critical of the so-called vaccines and anything speculating that COVID-19 originated from a Chinese lab receiving government funding funneled by Anthony Fauci through EcoHealth Alliance,” he writes.

“It is for these trespasses against free speech and human welfare that I will remember Susan; others, again, in the corporate state media can (and have) write glowing obituaries about her brave and stunning leadership as a female entrepreneur or whatever.”

Be sure to read our earlier report about how Wojcicki died just a few months after her son mysteriously died suddenly in a dorm room at UC Berkeley.

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