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A German peer-reviewed study has found that children who received two doses of Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine had immune system damage one year after vaccination, and an elevated risk of developing cancer during their lifetime.
A team of German researchers, led by Dr. Robin Kobbe from the Institute for Infection Research and Vaccine Development at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, analyzed blood samples from 14 healthy children aged 5-11.
The study tracked their immune responses from the day they received the first dose of Pfizer’s vaccine, one month after, and again one year following the second dose.
One year post-vaccination, researchers observed elevated levels of IgG4 antibodies in the children’s blood, indicating a shift in their immune response, and elevating the risk of cancer in these vaccinated children.
While prior studies have found elevated levels of IgG4 in adults after repeated mRNA COVID-19 vaccination, Kobbe and his co-authors said their investigation is the first showing it happens in children, too.
The researchers wrote in their report published July 30 in The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal, “IgG4 responses should gain more attention in health and disease, especially in the context of mRNA vaccination.”
Professor Dalgleish, on tour with FLCCC head and critical care physician Paul Marik for the Australian Medical Professionals’ Society, said the mRNA booster shots enable cancers to grow by suppressing lymphocytes that are key to immune system functioning.
“What you see is the booster vaccine leads to the suppression of the T-cells,” he said.
T-cells are a type of lymphocyte that destroy infected or cancerous cells, but they become exhausted after the booster.
“They’ve been clubbed to death by the vaccines, and they give up.”
But it’s not just the T-cells.
Professor Dalgleish said the boosters were dangerous as they switch the antibody class type from IgG1 to IgG4.
This means the dominant antibodies switch from those that attack incoming viruses to those that ignore pathogens and tolerate allergens. IgG4 antibodies are normally seen after long-term exposure to an antigen.
“Not only have you got low T-cells … but you’re basically tolerising the immune system to any inkling of a cancer growing or an oncogene stirring - you’re going to allow it to proceed without control,” he said. ...
The Sydney audience learnt of how surgeons in the UK have seen an explosion of colorectal cancers in young people - a cancer particularly sensitive to T-cell control.
Other cancers have surged particularly in the kidneys, pancreas, prostate, bladder, lung and upper gastro-intestinal tract, gliomas on the brain and spine, and previously rare abdominal tumours, according to Professor Dalgleish’s presentation. ...
Immunosuppression is not the only mechanism by which the gene-vaccines can cause cancer, however.
Pfizer and Moderna switched to the cheap Manufacturing Process 2 for the mRNA mass produced for the public. They cooked the genetic sequence in huge vats of antibiotic resistant bacteria that were broken open to release the mRNA. As a result, the gene-vaccine batches were contaminated to varying degrees by DNA fragments.
In September last year, University of South Carolina Professor Phillip Buckhaults testified to a South Carolina Senate Committee that these DNA fragments could interrupt a tumor suppressor gene or activate an oncogene, potentially causing cancer.
They were also contaminated by the Simian Virus 40 promoter gene (SV40) which is known to cause cancer and which previously caused a scandal when found in polio vaccines.
These discoveries prompted Florida’s State Surgeon General to write to the US Food and Drug Administration in December calling for a halt. ...
Worse, Professor Dalgleish pointed out that the mRNA products are not cleared rapidly but can persist in the body for more than a year. They have been detected in every organ at autopsy and in cancers removed by surgery.
“I think this is the crime of the century,” Professor Dalgleish said.
What could it be?
Pilot (59 years old) dies SUDDENLY aboard Turkish Airlines flight, forcing emergency landing in New York; in this era of the Malone Bourla Bancel Weissman mRNA technology gene vaccine, you MUST place the mRNA deadly vaccine as cause of likely vaccine induced cardiac arrest! POTUS Trump MUST stand up against the Malone Bourla et al. mRNA vaccine, NOT praise it ...
Pilot ilçehin Pehlivan, 59, lost consciousness at some point after flight 204
took off from Seattle on Tuesday night, Turkish Airlines spokesperson
Yahya Üstün said in a statement.
Medical intervention failed to revive the captain, and the co-pilot decided
to make an emergency landing, but the captain died before the plane
landed, Üstün said.
A Case Report of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL)/Lymphoblastic Lymphoma (LBL) Following the Second Dose of Comirnaty®: An Analysis of the Potential Pathogenic Mechanism Based on of the Existing Literature
In this report we describe the case of a healthy, young, athletic woman who developed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL)/lymphoblastic lymphoma (LBL) after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer/BioNTech modified mRNA (modRNA) COVID-19 genetic vaccine (marketed as Comirnaty®). The first dose of the genetic vaccine did not appear to illicit any noticeable side effects, but within 24 hours of the second dose the patient suffered widespread and intensifying bone pain, fever, vomiting, and general malaise. Due to the persistence of the symptoms, the patient underwent a series of tests and examinations including a full laboratory workup, a consult with a clinical immunologist and rheumatologist, a Positron Emission Tomography (PET) imaging, as well as an osteomedullary biopsy. These together led to a definitive diagnosis of ALL. A time interval of 16 weeks from the second vaccination to the diagnosis of cancer was noted. Several similar cases with identical pathology which developed after the modRNA COVID-19 vaccination, are described in case reports in the scientific literature. The massive and indiscriminate use of genetic vaccines to fight COVID-19 is raising serious concerns about their safety and about the technology platform as a whole for this purpose. Growing evidence is accumulating regarding the biodistribution and persistence of the modRNA which can reach, thanks to the lipid nanoparticles, a multitude of tissues and organs of the body, including the bone marrow and other blood-forming organs and tissues. Moreover, there is evidence that the modRNA vaccines display a particular tropism for the bone marrow, influencing the immune system at multiple levels and being able to trigger not only autoimmune-based pathologies, but also neoplastic mechanisms. The aim of this article is to assess, on the basis of the available scientific literature, the risk of developing haematopoietic cancers after modRNA vaccination, and to investigate the potential genetic mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of disease.
British soccer star George Baldock has been found dead in a swimming pool in Greece, according to reports.
The body of the ex-Sheffield United defender, who recently joined Greek team Panathinaikos, was found unresponsive in his swimming pool on Wednesday night.
Authorities believe he was dead for up to five hours before he was discovered.
In the Japanese population, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination was significantly associated with the onset of myocarditis/pericarditis. The influencing factors included age of ≤30 years and male.
Our report however portrays a case of a 26-year-old female who developed extensive pulmonary embolism following administration of the Pfizer- BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine. The patient did not have any risk factors for thromboembolism. She was admitted, put on enoxaparin, and given Altaplase thrombolytic therapy. Her condition improved and she was discharged on Apixaban. The Thrombophilia screen performed on the 6-month follow-up was negative and following the resolution of thrombosis, Apixaban was stopped. Our case highlights the importance of continued surveillance of uncommon adverse effects and the need for prompt diagnosis and management of such side effects.
Excess deaths surged among individuals in their 20s throughout the pandemic, largely attributed to a rise in self-harm and suicide. Additionally, the results indicated sharp increases in deaths associated with “endocrine, nutritional, and metabolic diseases” and “symptoms, signs, and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified.”
You remember last week’s story, when just outside Atlanta, the BioLab pool chemical plant mysteriously caught fire and the entire town of Conyers, Georgia was evacuated.
Well, Kenny Johnson, 62, Rockdale County’s Soil and Water Conservation supervisor and a staunch environmentalist, testified Tuesday about the BioLab chemical fire at the state capital. Right after testifying, he “complained of shortness of breath and subsequently collapsed in the hallway.” He didn’t make it.
In other words, he died suddenly. Was it the chlorine? Or something else that comes in a needle? Nowadays, you never know.
"US Senator Ron Johnson Holds Expert Panel On Federal Vaccine Mandates - Nov 2 2021"
TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Dr. Linda Wastila is Professor and Parke-Davis Chair in Geriatric Pharmacotherapy, School of Pharmacy, University of Maryland.
LINDA WASTILA, PHD: I want to spend a few minutes talking about the science of vaccine safety. Unless you're dealing with an inert substance, every product has side effects and the covid 19 vaccines are no exception.
Sadly the public discourse on the safety of these vaccines has been oversimplified by sound bites that sum up a complicated area in a single word. Safe. The CDC[1] says, millions have received covid 19 vaccines under the most intense safety monitoring in United States history.
The impression is that the system is so finely tuned that even the rarest needle in a haystack will be found. So if officials have not found something, then, well, then it must not be occurring. I'm afraid that is just not the case.
First, the time line for noticing, researching and establishing harm is slow. Take myocarditis.[2]
First slide, please.
It took 4 months into Israel's vaccination campaign to recognize this side effect. That's despite the fact that myocarditis generally strikes within days of dosing, particularly the second dose. So people were experiencing these side effects for months before officials acknowledged the vaccine as cause.
This delay in detecting, researching, and acknowledging side effects is normal. And it is devastating. The patients at this meeting today know that devastation first hand.[3] But it's also devastating because unless you recognize harms soon after they occur, you can't use that knowledge to prevent harm in the next person about to get the vaccine.
I am stunned when I hear people dismiss myocarditis as an acceptable side effect, especially for young people, because myocarditis is life-threatening and a life-disabling condition.
In the United States— still looking for that slide. [laughs] It's coming? It won't show. OK that's fine-
[First slide appears. Title: SIGNAL 1: Myo/Pericarditis Events by Dose and Age. It is a bar chart, blue is post dose 1, red is post dose 2.]
[screenshot of first slide]
— In the United States, 10,304 myocarditis reports have been logged in VAERS[4]. Of these more than 20% occurred in those age 12-32. If you contend myocarditis risk is not serious, consider this. VAERS under-reporting is a serious issue with estimates that only 1-10% of all serious vaccine adverse events that occur are actually reported.[5]
And consider this. We have moved on to boosters, despite data suggesting myocarditis risk increases
as dose increases. This is confirmed with the data from VAERS, which is the slide I wanted— oh there it is. Go back, yay.
[Second slide appears. Title: SIGNAL 2: Deaths reported to VAERS, 1990 to 2021]
[screenshot of 2nd slide]
That is with VAERS. If this is what myocarditis looks like after 2 doses, what will myocarditis look after 3 or 4 or 5? Or potentially a lifetime of mRNA shots?
Remember, we don't know the long term prognosis of vaccine-induced myocarditis where the heart damage is permanent. Why don't we know? Time. We haven't studied the problem long enough. It takes time to discern problems and time to fully understand them. Mass vaccination of brand new products deprives you of that precious time.
Now the next slide.
Let's talk about deaths. The ultimate signal.
[Slide appears again. Title: SIGNAL 2: Deaths reported to VAERS, 1990 to 2021]
[screenshot of 2nd slide]
As of October 25th VAERS logged over 9,000 US-based reports of deaths after vaccination. Globally it exceeds 17,000 reported into the VAERS system. How can any thinking person not look at these data and ask, just what on earth is going on?
Critics rightly note that VAERS doesn't allow causality between exposure and outcome. Indeed, VAERS only provides signals, important signals, a need to further investigate.
Regarding VAERS reported deaths, CDC's webpage states, a review of available clinical information, including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records, has not established a causal link to covid 19 vaccines.
[Third slide appears. Title: Question for CDC & FDA How can 8000 deaths all be unrelated to vaccine?]
[screenshot of 3rd slide appears]
I want to know, where are these medical charts and autopsy report reviews? Have they been published? Or posted on CDC or FDA websites? Have they been presented at the VRBPAC[6] and APAC[7] meetings?
Next slide.
Indeed, formal requests to CDC information and followup of serious VAERS events confirm the lack of procedure to collect autopsy, medical records, or death certificate data, or any other data related to deaths reported in VAERS.
Our process contrasts with Norway's, where the Norwegian Medicines Agencies requested an independent review by geriatric specialists of the first 100 deaths that occurred in nursing homes after vaccination. In their thorough review, they found about, they found 36% of deaths likely or possibly due to vaccination. This is vital data. But more importantly, this study demonstrates a process which should already be in place and routinely implemented here.
But it's not. We are making critical decisions about mass vaccination in vulnerable populations based on little to no data. In last week's VRBPAC meeting, on Pfizer's EUA [Emergency Use Authorization] request for children 5 to 11 committee member and New England Journal of Medicine Editor-in-Chief Eric Rubin[8] acknowledged the dearth of pediatric data by stating, we're not going to get the data until we start using this vaccine.
Our children are our data.
We need to ask, what is the purpose of VAERS and other pharmacovigilance data systems if we have mandates? Why even do any post-marketing surveillance? The reason cannot be to gather more information to make an informed personal choice, because with mandates, the vaccination decision has already been made for us by governments, by schools, by employers.
Whether myocarditis occurs in 1 in 500 young people or 1 in 10,000 is moot because mandates coerce individuals to take the vaccine or lose their educational, employment opportunities and otherwise be shunned by society.
Is there a secret threshold for revoking mandates? Who makes this call? What is their decision framework? It's not natural immunity. It's certainly not herd immunity. Who decides what level of risk is acceptable to deny a person's ability to decide for her or himself what goes into his or her body?
The entire point of pharmacovigilance is to provide signals that spur thorough study to better inform medical decisions. Mandates and the rushed roll out of these vaccines for individuals cannot make informed decisions because they have already been vaccinated, undermine the whole purpose of any vaccine safety system.
Scottish Nationalist leader Alex Salmond dies suddenly
Salmond died on Saturday after giving a speech in North Macedonia, Sky News reported. A slew of statements from British politicians confirmed his death, with Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar describing his passing as “a shock to all who knew him in Scotland, across the UK, and beyond.”
At the time of writing, it is still unclear how Salmond died. According to the Sunday Times, he collapsed while delivering his speech.
“Well over 30,000 people [ ] will report to Accident and Emergency with chest pains this year, compared to just 2,000 pre-pandemic,” Hatchard notes.
The OIA figures suggest approximately a ten fold increase in chest pain and/or cardiac events among those under 40 probably associated with the administration of mRNA vaccines. Moreover the figures to June 2024 indicate the trend is still continuing.
One boy 16 years old died due to “Stress Cardiomyopathy Following Second Dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech.” Dalcie, 73 years old, died from Guillain Barre Syndrome. Her record also states, “second Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine 28 days before start of symptoms.” Juana, 39 years old, died from “Sudden Cardiac Death,” “Probable … myocarditis.” Juana’s record states that myocarditis resulted from Covid. This is odd because her record also states she was vaccinated for Covid. Myocarditis is known to occur from Covid vaccines, but not from Covid. Lorraine was 85 years old and died from congestive heart failure only two days after vaccination. Only the boy’s record lists “Y59.0,” which means, “Viral vaccines.” The other three records omit any code related to vaccines even though the records clearly state that a Covid vaccine was a cause or contributing condition of death. ...
More than 100 Connecticut decedents are named in the document including 14 who died on the day of Covid vaccination, 36 who died the day after, and 51 who died 2 days after. Most of the deaths involve sudden cardiac or cerebral events from clotting, bleeding, or vascular inflammation.
Pfizer vaccine sequence can be detected 1 year after vaccination in a spike positive IHC colon cancer biopsy. The longest detection of nucleic acids post vaccination is via Roltgen (60days).
The very low CTs for these samples can only be explained by replication competency of the vaccine DNA or genome integration and amplification.
New York City hero Kaseem “Ka” Ryan has tragically died suddenly, his family has revealed.
Ka was a first responder with the New York City Fire Department during the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The veteran firefighter rose to the rank of FDNY captain while also launching a career as a successful rapper and music producer.
His family revealed that Ka died unexpectedly on Saturday.
A statement shared on Ka’s Instagram account reads:
“We are heartbroken to announce the passing of Kaseem Ryan (1972-2024), the rapper and producer known as Ka, who died unexpectedly in New York City on October 12, at the age of 52.
Here, we report preliminary findings on endocrine systems from a global survey of ∼8,000-10,000 participants collected between February 2022 and October 2023. Approximately 62.5% of the participants were from the United States, and the remaining were international. Nearly 1.49% of respondents reported hospitalization after COVID-19, whereas 5.69% of the respondents reported hospitalization after vaccination in our cohort. SARS-CoV-2-related severe symptoms were reported by ∼9.3% of COVID-19 vaccinated versus 6.7% of unvaccinated individuals (p<0.001).
The town of Port Hedland called an emergency Special Council Meeting with leading experts and local lawmakers to address the crisis.
The meeting was called by three Port Hedland Town Councillors Adrian McRae, Lorraine Butson, and Camilo Blanco.
During the meeting, Councillor McRae made the shocking revelation that funerals in the town have gone from once a week to one every day since the Covid “vaccines” were rolled out for public use.
McRae revealed that the crisis has provoked panic in the town after officials determined that the deaths are being caused by the long-term impact of DNA contamination in the Covid mRNA injections.
Due to the staggering “sevenfold increase” in deaths, McRae revealed that the town has been forced to build a “cold body storage facility” to cope with the surge in corpses. ...
Officials called the emergency meeting to bring forward a motion urging the immediate suspension of Covid mRNA “vaccines” from Pfizer and Moderna.
At the end of the meeting, the motion to ban the injections was supported by the council, passing with a vote of 5-2.
Additionally, the council’s decision called for notifying the Prime Minister of Australia that the “vaccines” have been banned due to the surge in deaths.
Another loudmouthed pro-vaccine politician died last year after he took the "vaccine" injections offered under Operation Warp Speed for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19).
Former Florida House District 23 progressive Rep. Richard Rowe Jr. is the type who uploaded photos of his COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card from the CDC on social media. He also wished death on people who refused the injections, calling them the derogatory term "anti-vaxxers" while going on a profanity-laced Facebook tirade.
"Let me be real clear ... I do not give a what happens to anti-vaxxers. I don't," Rowe hatefully wrote in a Facebook post during the "pandemic."
"Let Darwin do his work.
It was all fun and games for Rowe until he "died unexpectedly," according to friend Travis Akers who uploaded a eulogy of sorts for the now-deceased Florida politician.
"He passed away Thursday following a medical episode while walking his dog," Akers wrote about what became of Rowe once the "vaccines" did their job on his now-decaying remains. ...
Rowe was just 41 years old when he passed suddenly.
A young Missouri paramedic has tragically died suddenly while on duty, according to officials.
27-year-old Michael Clarke of the St. Charles County Ambulance District was found dead on Monday morning.
Clarke had died unexpectedly while on duty.
First responders found Clarke unresponsive at Station 12 in St. Peters when he failed to respond to a 911 call assignment shortly before 7 a.m.
His partner went to check on him after he didn’t show up to the ambulance to leave for the call.
Despite resuscitation efforts by his colleagues, Clarke did not survive.
If the skin cancer is on a part of the body that gets regular sun exposure, then usually it's slow growing and rarely metastasizes. The really agressive melanomas are usually on parts of the body not exposed to sun; i.e., it's more a genetic/immune function thing.
That being said, since your wife got the clot shot, there is real danger that the cancer could spread. Look up McCollough's spike protein detox regimen and put her on it stat.
We found all-cause death risks to be even higher for those vaccinated with one and two doses compared to the unvaccinated and that the booster doses were ineffective.
A firefighter has tragically died suddenly after collapsing unexpectedly while walking his dog.
British firefighter Lee Braidley dropped dead while off duty on Wednesday, Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS) announced.
The NFRS said in a statement:
“Tragically, Lee was pronounced dead at the scene.”
No cause of death has yet been made public.
Our support in Nottinghamshire's vaccination sites has now come to an end.
💉 Since we started supporting the COVID response programme we have administered 75,394 vaccines.
We'd like to thank our staff that have been involved 👏 #ReadyWillingAble pic.twitter.com/zMUOXNUUMz
— Nottinghamshire Fire and Rescue Service (@nottsfire) February 9, 2022
Wait...what? 'Ex-CDC Director Robert Redfield Says It’s High Time To Admit ‘Significant Side Effects’ Of COVID-19 Vaccines'; now Robert? You were SILENT all along so why now? A job? Stroking RFK Jr.?
Robert, you were a lead of Trump's OWS, deadly lockdowns, school closures, masks, you pushed them, you forced the, you shilled & supported the Malone et al. vaccine but now SPEAKING UP? 4 years later?
Sometimes I do not know if I should take up heavy drinking or weed or something. Top cope with this madness. That the person who was involved in brining the vaccine, who say silent for 4 years as people were harmed, now it seems Trump may win, now coming out speaking about the danger of it? When he helped force lockdowns and OWS??? And pushed the Malone et al. deadly mRNA vaccine.
This stinks to high heavens. I hate it. Redfield is like a Malone, did wrong, inept, but hides behind bullshit double talk and when the truth is clear, jumps on the other side to bullshit the public.
Ceffer says
Ceffer Where is that from?
A 30-year-old airline pilot has tragically died “suddenly,” according to his devastated family.
Harrison Allchin, from Australia’s Gold Coast, served as First Officer at QantasLink Airlines for the last six years.
According to reports, Allchin was forced to keep up to date with Covid vaccinations to keep his job with Qantas.
In August 2021, Qantas announced that Covid “vaccines” were mandated for all “Frontline employees – including cabin crew, pilots, and airport workers.” ...
Allchin died on October 13, aged 30.
He is remembered by his grieving family as a “superhuman” and “salt of the earth” person.
The first officer was from the Gold Coast but based in Sydney.
Allchin’s older sister Brittany said the “pain in our hearts is unbearable”.
“My little bro, how do we go on without you?” she said in an emotional tribute post on Facebook.
“The pain in our hearts is unbearable.
“Our best mate, who we were completely and utterly blessed with in this life to be chosen as our brother.
“Our lives have changed forever.
“You should be here with us, walking alongside us, making us laugh like you always would.”
She said she wanted “everyone to know how much of a superhuman” her younger brother was. ‘
“The most pure salt of the earth person, vibrating on the most highest of frequencies,” she said.
“You did more in your 30 years than anyone would in a whole lifetime.
“You are the epitome of living life to the fucking fullest.
“I’ve never known love and hurt so deep until now.
“You might be my little bro but the mark you’ve left on us all is anything but little, it’s immeasurable.
“This can’t be real. Wake us up from this nightmare.”
An American runner has tragically died suddenly in Michigan while competing in the Detroit Free Press Marathon.
The runner, who has not been identified, reportedly suffered a “medical emergency,” according to marathon officials.
They confirmed that a male runner dropped dead around the five-mile mark of the race.
The officials noted that the deceased was an American citizen.
Another runner, Corey Bellemore, who finished fourth in the men’s half marathon, said he was shocked to see someone pass away during the run.
“To see a death at a race is just it’s scary. It’s like super sad,” Bellemore said.
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