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Since before I was born, Ron Paul has been out spitting the truth about the US government.
Paul goes through the history of the FBI to that point and comes to this frightening conclusion.
It almost looks like the FBI was designed to spy on Americans who might be disagreeing with policy, especially foreign policy.
So the FBI, though I don't think I can condemn everything they've ever done...I think the FBI has kept and continues to keep a lot of records on a lot of individuals.
Now add to the list Ray Epps and January 6th, the Whitmer kidnapping entrapment, the FBI spying on the Trump campaign under Obama, and this recent raid on Mar-a-Lago.
It's time for the American people to wake up and realize that the FBI cannot be trusted. There's no "wait and see" with the FBI because they are purely a political machine designed to increase their own power.
What do you think the odds are that Eric S Schmitt above will be an audit target of those 87,000 new goons?
Bivens Action
A Bivens claim is a civil rights lawsuit. Victims can file a claim if their civil rights have been constitutionally violated by a federal agent. Successful claims lead to monetary damages. The federal officer can be held personally liable.
Bivens claims get their name from the court case that created them.1 They are different from other lawsuits that were created by a statute. Instead, courts created the lawsuits by implying a cause of action. The claim provides a remedy when federal agents violate U.S. law.
Victims can file this civil action against a federal officer who violated their civil rights. Civil rights are rights guaranteed by federal law or the U.S. Constitution. Examples of constitutional violations that can lead to liability include:
an unreasonable search with no probable cause by drug agents and law enforcement in violation of Fourth Amendment rights,2
firing someone from a U.S. agency after they express their political opinion (“free speech”) in violation of the First Amendment,3
depriving a prisoner of medical care in violation of the Eighth Amendment, and
depriving people of the right to remain silent and due process, guaranteed by the Fifth Amendment.4
Since before I was born, Ron Paul has been out spitting the truth about the US government.
civil rights lawsuit
The Federal Bureau of Investigations technically doesn’t exist. Congress never authorized it, and the executive branch lacks the authority to create it. Therefore, the FBI doesn’t exist.
All of this is documented on the FBI’s own website. A Brief History of the FBI tells the story of the rogue agency’s beginning under a dangerous tyrant named Charles Bonaparte, grandnephew of Napoleon. Bonaparte was Teddy Roosevelt’s attorney general. ...
In contempt of Congress, Bonaparte created his own team of “investigators,” and the FBI was born. No executive order. No law. Just a lawless attorney general trampling on the Constitution and the separation of powers.
Is it any wonder that such a rogue and illegal institution would behave like the Gestapo?
If you're someone of importance people will always go after you.
WookieMan says
If you're someone of importance people will always go after you.
Not if you're a Democrat like Hunter or Hillary. Then the deep state makes sure you're untouchable.
On Sunday there were “End the FBI” rallies across the nation. TGP reported on rallies from St. Louis to Long Island. Good Americans have had enough of the corruption and destruction of the US in DC.
They're not Democrats. We need to get this out of our minds. I'm sure Richwicks would agree on this. They're just "legal" criminals that control the agencies that could put them behind bars. No different than Pablo Escobar building his own prison. It's all a sham.
They're just "legal" criminals that control the agencies that could put them behind bars.
So where can you even start? You need massive public attention, but that route is mostly cut off by their control over the corporate media.
Just when you thought things could not look any worse for the FBI, an informant in the Whitmer kidnapping case dropped a bombshell claiming the agency asked the Michigan State Police to let protesters into the Capitol.
Among the treasured books in my collection is Lost Men of American History, compiled by Stewart H. Holbrook — copyright 1946. Say again, 1946. I purchased it for 25 cents at an elementary school fundraising book sale.
One chapter is about the “most corrupt presidential administration in history” (up to that point), that of Warren G. Harding, described (in essence) by the author as an empty suit, an accidental president, controlled by corrupt cronies.
“Nor was Harding elected through any personal merit, for the American people, except for Ohioans, had never heard of him. But that mattered not at all. What elected Harding was the fact that the people were voting against a man who was not a candidate – Woodrow Wilson… So men voted in savage resentment against the memory of Wilson, and Harding was elected.”
“Corruption on such a mighty scale automatically assured the Harding regime of a safe place in any history of the United States. But the historical importance of Harding himself rests on a firmer foundation. …he seems to have been the only President who neither in private nor public ever gave utterance to anything that could be called an idea.”
Does that sound familiar?
“The Veteran’s Bureau was in disgrace. So was the alien property custodian’s office. So, very soon, was what somebody called the department of easy virtue – meaning the Department of Justice. The department’s FBI, it will be remembered, was headed in the Harding administration by the fragrant William J. Burns. Under Burns the bureau was turned into a smearing weapon, used against senators, congressmen and others who sought to find anything wrong with the administration.”
“That is why I believe the administration of Warren G. Harding to have been one of the most valuable the Republic has ever had. It demonstrated our strength as a nation, our lasting qualities, in a manner that left no doubt. If we Americans could live through that period, and those of Coolidge and Hoover, including the long horror of Prohibition – if we could pass through those trials and find our system still workable, then he is a skeptic indeed who doubts that the United States continues to have a future.”
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They have become a tool of state oppression of citizens, like the old East German Stasi. They actively incite crime to get people to commit it in order to then "catch" them and justify their budget.
But for BLM, they studiously look the other way and never prosecute...
The best way we can defend ourselves is to cut off their funding. We need to make a national movement out of this.
Local police deserve our funding and support, but the FBI deserves defunding and hard prison time for its upper management.