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Textbook Case of FBI Grooming a Troubled Young Man to Commit Violent Crime
Schizophrenic Jerry Drake Varnell was encouraged and assisted by an undercover FBI agent in "foiled" plot to blow up BancFirst building in Oklahoma City
This morning I learned about the remarkable case of a 23-year-old diagnosed schizophrenic named Jerry Drake Varnell who—with the encouragement and assistance of an undercover FBI agent in 2017—participated in what he believed was a plot to blow up the BancFirst building in downtown Oklahoma City. He was found guilty in 2019. In 2020 he was sentenced to 25 years in prison “for attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction at BancFirst in downtown Oklahoma City.”
How do we pretend that the upper layers of management in any federal agency — the strata who really run things below the top “political” appointees — can continue in-place as if all that perversion never happened? The Department of Justice and the FBI are filled with lawyers and agents who abused their power egregiously and went to war against the American people. The agency’s work will just have to stop for a while. The nation can probably endure if investigations and prosecutions are suspended for sixty days while the personnel issues get sorted out — who goes and who stays.
House Releases Report on January 6 Pipe Bomber Revealing FBI Engaged in Massive Coverup and Refuses to Cooperate with Investigators
Here’s tonight’s email from Acting FBI Director Brian Driscoll (see photos)
When I was a new agent trainee at Quantico, our ethics instructor taught us that “…an FBI Agent’s greatest power isn’t in their ability to arrest or take a life, but in their ability to say ‘No.’”
The bureau employees who carried out the J6 political persecutions ruined the lives of countless innocent Americans. They traded their oath for a paycheck. Each of them said “Yes.”
Do the country a favor and resign. You’ve stained the badge and brought dishonor to an agency that’s only job is to protect our fellow Americans from force and fraud.
Shame on all you.
FBI Argues in Court that It Had Discretion to Let Jeffrey Epstein Operate w/ Impunity
'The FBI employees who received tips from the public were not constrained to take mandatory and specific steps during their assessment of the tips...'
A group of Jeffrey Epstein victims suing the FBI for allowing his sex-trafficking network to operate with impunity—but the bureau filed a motion to dismiss last week, arguing that it had the discretion to do so.
The FBI’s Feb. 5 motion to dismiss is in response to 17 anonymous Epstein victims, as well as two that are named: Sandra Ward and Laura Newman. Those victims allege that the FBI “failed to take appropriate action in light of complaints made regarding Epstein and subsequently botched and covered up investigations for years.”
The FBI’s motion to dismiss doesn’t contest the victims’ core allegation, but it argues that it had the legal discretion to decide whether to let Epstein operate his sex-trafficking ring.
You’re supposed to go boo-hoo because the Department of Justice is under new management. Now get this: since 2015 the Department of Justice and its step-child, the FBI, have devoted their vast and savage powers to manifold acts of sedition, treason, malicious political prosecution, obstruction of justice, suborning perjuries, and countless other abuses of law in an ever-widening gyre of ass-covering operations as year-by-year their crimes multiplied.
RussiaGate was initially a cover-up op for the Clintons’ many acts of mischief and moneygrubbing when Hillary ran for President, just as the Mueller Special Counsel Investigation was a cover-up for the crimes committed by the DOJ and FBI after Hillary lost to Mr. Trump, just as Impeachment #1 was a cover-up for the Ukraine money laundry and its role in RussiaGate, and Impeachment #2 was a coverup for the 2020 election ballot hijinks that got rid of Mr. Trump, and just as the Mar-a-Lago raid was a cover-up to retrieve evidence of all-the-above that Mr. Trump had archived, and just as the flurry of Trump prosecutions in 2024 was the final (and amazingly inept) effort to put the Golden Golem of Greatness out-of-business forever.
But somehow, perhaps an act of Providence, he prevailed over all that adversity, like some paladin out of the ancient myths, and is suddenly back in charge — to the abject horror of all those lawyers and spooks behind the aforesaid ops, now nervously awaiting subpoenas in their Beltway McMansions. You will learn shortly that there is a difference between “justice” based on fraud and fakery and justice served by way of fact-patterns and evidence.
And so late Sunday evening after the 60-Minutes pity party, came the pretty astounding news that former Secret Service agent and now podcaster Dan Bongino is appointed Deputy Director of the FBI. Astounding because Mr. Bongino has documented the worst blob crimes of recent years in a series of books that comprehensively presents the entire tapestry of lawlessness in microscopic detail. He knows the whole sordid, epic story, all the names, and all the money trails in every obscure corner of the worst aggregate matrix of scandals in US history. Believe me when I tell you, this is like a death sentence for the blob.
For instance, Mr. Bongino is acutely aware of what went down on J-6, 2021, when a supposed pipe-bomb was “found” at the DNC headquarters, the part it was supposed to play in the larger J-6 op to rid Washington of Mr. Trump, and the lying confabulations of former FBI Director Christopher Wray afterward. Now he is in a position to compel current and former FBI officials to answer questions about that, and much more, from the Crossfire Hurricane scam to the shenanigans in Judge Juan Merchan’s court last summer.
Those investigations will require a whole dedicated division of new FBI agents while Kash Patel attends to the latest grifts uncovered by the DOGE, the threats against public order and safety posed by countless military-aged illegal aliens ushered into the country by “Joe Biden” and Alejandro Mayorkas, the turpitudes of former AG Merrick Garland, and the crimes committed by officials in the CDC, FDA, and other public health agencies around Covid-19, and lingering monstrosities such as the Jeffrey Epstein capers, the huge fortunes mysteriously amassed by US senators and congressmen, the 1960s assassinations of the Kennedys and MLK, the censorship operations conducted by the combined FBI / CIA, State Department, and dark offices of the Pentagon, the theft of US largess given over to Ukraine, and the infiltration of American institutions by China.
The Trump admin knows that it will have to strike hard and fast in all these matters and more. Cases will have to be prepared briskly and removed to federal courts outside the blob-controlled DC district. A great many political figures will have to be taken out of circulation. ...
Expect to see a lemming stampede of resignations out of Congress and the Senate. And some of them, like Sen. Adam Schiff, and Rep. Eric Swalwell could end up in prison. You saw the fear in their public antics the past two weeks as the cabinet confirmations mounted. They know what’s coming. They are desperate, but the power they once wielded is now in other hands. There’s no way out.
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They have become a tool of state oppression of citizens, like the old East German Stasi. They actively incite crime to get people to commit it in order to then "catch" them and justify their budget.
But for BLM, they studiously look the other way and never prosecute...
The best way we can defend ourselves is to cut off their funding. We need to make a national movement out of this.
Local police deserve our funding and support, but the FBI deserves defunding and hard prison time for its upper management.