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Doocy asked a perfectly legitimate question and Biden called him an SOB.
Also, this is just incredible, here Biden is almost exactly a year ago, I believe in the same room, saying he'd fire anyone who was rude or disrespectful.
If you ever work with me, and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise I will fire you on the spot.
On the spot! No if, ands, or buts!
Everybody, everybody, is entitled to be treated with dignity and decency! That's been missing in a big way the last four years.
Everybody, that is, unless they work for Fox News, I guess?
I'm looking forward to Biden explaining how this doesn't fall into the "ifs, ands, or buts" clause of his statement.
A Trip Down the Misinformation Memory Lane, brought to you by Joe Biden:
"I wouldn't demand it (the vaccine) to be mandatory but I would do everything in my power. It's like I don't think masks have to be made mandatory nationwide." (Pres. Candidate Biden, 2020)
"I feel confident by summer we’ll be well on our way towards herd immunity and increasing access." (Early 2021)
“You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations,” (July 21, 2021)
“For the unvaccinated, you’re looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families, and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.” (Fall, 2021)
Did Sleepy Joe just confuse retired Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer with his butler?
Watch as the perpetually confused Joe Biden ends the retirement event for Justice Breyer by handing his filthy mask to the elderly justice who sticks it in his pocket.
omicron did not "slam labor markets." covid policy did. and it was entirely avoidable.
el gato malo 5 min ago
CNBC would appear to wish to have us believe that the drop in jobs was caused by “the variant” as though this was some act of nature instead of an act of government.
it is not. this is a deeply misleading framing intended to obscure causality rather than reveal it. ...
we’re living though needless damage to no useful effect at.
this is NOT the virus.
it’s the predictable and unavoidable output of deeply stupid public health policy.
the damage since this began has been acute and severe. “2 weeks to flatten the curve” was, as many of us were screaming right from the beginning, the commencement of the nastiest economic hit to jobs and small business per unit time in US history and probably in global history. ...
it’s really very simple: places that locked down harder got no better outcomes on covid. but they got much, much worse outcomes on economic and societal damage.
this was all known and knowable.
the base prior for pandemics was to never, never do this. ...
at this stage of the game and with this much clear data at one’s disposal, it’s pretty absurd to still be trying to blame upon a virus that which’s fault lies with public health response.
As concerns grow about a global “vaccine apartheid,” watchdogs worry that the Biden administration is primed to favor profits over people.
Lee FangLee Fang
March 24 2021, 11:18 a.m.
A Faction of Karens
Biden is failing because his policies are designed to appease the hypochondriac wing of the Democratic Party rather than the median voter.
Biden's choice to help with his SCOTUS pick is a BLM board member, CRT promoter and defund-the-police supporter – NONE of which he mentioned when he announced her
Minyon Moore, 63, was tapped by Biden to help him pick the first black woman justice on the Supreme Court
She sits on the board of Black Lives Matter Global Foundation, which touts defunding the police
Biden has tried to distance himself of that movement
Moore is a close friend and promoter of Kimberle Crenshaw one of the founding architects of critical race theory
She has been a political consultant for Jesse Jackson, Kamala Harris, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden
She will suspend her political consulting and work with BLM whiles she advises on the top court pick
Regular gas reaches $6.21 a gallon in Los Angeles
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