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Biden’s words from last fall should ring a false note in the ears of Americans:
"For the unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death. For themselves, their family and the hospital they’ll soon overwhelm,"
Welp, that didn’t happen.
Not only did that not happen, but remember when Biden ran on the campaign pledge that he would not mandate the vaccine?
You know, when President elect Joe Biden said this: (video)
A reporter asked: “Should vaccines be mandatory”
“No, don’t think they should be made mandatory, I would not demand that they be made mandatory just like I do not believe that masks have to mandatory nationwide…”
So Biden lied. Just remember - this is the President.
MARCH 3, 2022
Biden’s Afghanistan Disaster Emboldened Putin
Weakness is provocative, and Joe Biden’s performance as commander-in-chief has been Exhibit A.
As Vladimir Putin’s war crimes — his indiscriminate shelling of neighborhoods and his missile attacks on high-rise apartment buildings — continue to pile up in gut-wrenching fashion, one thing becomes painfully clear: These many hundreds of dead Ukrainian men, women, and children would be alive today if Donald Trump were still president.
Democrats, of course, don’t want to hear it, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Putin was a relatively good little dictator during Trump’s four years in office, but he’s become a mass-murdering despot on Joe Biden’s watch.
Those are the facts. And facts, as John Adams said, are stubborn things.
Here’s another fact — one born out of centuries of observation all across the animal kingdom: Weakness is provocative. Great whites don’t attack killer whales. Lions don’t go after bull Cape buffaloes. Predators almost invariably go after the old and the weak. And so it is in geopolitics. Predators like Vladimir Putin don’t mess with leaders like Donald Trump. Instead, they bide their time and wait for an easier target.
U.S. Crude Oil Imports up 40.6% Under Biden Compared to Trump
FLASHBACK: Trump Says You'll Be Paying $7 or $8 For Gas Under Biden
Biden sends "20th hijacker of 9/11" back home: Mohammad Mani Ahmad al-Qahtani, the Saudi national dubbed the "20th hijacker of 9/11," has been released from Guantanamo Bay, where he has been detained for nearly two decades. He has been handed over to Saudi Arabia.
On Tuesday evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson condemned the sanctions that have been placed on Russia by the Biden Administration, saying that those who would be suffering the most would be middle class Americans, not Putin or Russia.
"You may have noticed that Joe Biden announced today a new front in his ongoing war against America's middle class," said Carlson.
He noted that Biden didn’t frame it in this way, but instead as a "moral victory" over Putin in Russia in the form of banning the import of Russian energy.
Carlson also noted that "every constituency loved it."
"The media agreed that Joe Biden had never seen more presidential. Democratic officials seem deeply relieved, for once they could talk about something other than COVID and the southern border. They'd rather be on offense than defense. Republican leaders, meanwhile, seemed happiest of all they barked like seals, finally a chance to sound tough and decisive without making CNN angry. Thank you, Joe Biden. We can all be John McCain now you rarely see unity like this and the city is divided as Washington," said Carlson.
"The unity was so heavy in fact, so delightful and intoxicating. That no one remember to ask the most basic question. Why exactly are we doing this? What's the point?" Carlson asked.
He said that if the reason was to bankrupt Putin, that wouldn’t work because he has markets for Russia’s oil in other countries. He also noted that Biden didn’t claim that the sanctions would end the war in Ukraine.
"So who exactly are these sanctions aimed at? Think about it. If you want to identify the target of a penalty consider who's going to suffer most from it. And in this case, the answer could not be clear. It’s middle income Americans," said Carlson.
"They're the ones who were crushed for two years under COVID restrictions. They're the ones who are about to be pummeled by shutting down more energy sources. Notice a theme here, the people in charge take the middle class above all, so it's not Vladimir Putin who's getting punished. It's American citizens. It's you," he added.
Carlson noted the rising prices of gasoline, which has in turn raised the prices of food, electricity, and anything that travels by land.
Following a clip of Biden during his Wednesday address announcing the ban of Russian energy imports, Carlson said "It takes something like that to tell a lie like the one you just heard at the end of by the statement, 'it's simply not true that my administration or policies are holding back domestic energy production.'"
"Oh, but it simply is true. It's demonstrably true. And everyone knows it. On his first day in office, Biden single handedly killed the Keystone XL Pipeline," said Carlson. "Then just days before Russia invaded Ukraine. Weirdly, Biden's administration shut down all new energy leases and permits on federal land that happened. Vladimir Putin did not do that. Joe Biden did it."
Carlson then played a clip of White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, noting that "Biden's publicist tried to explain that actually preventing domestic energy production which they have done is very different from holding back domestic energy production."
"Let me give you the facts here. Now when they say that, you know the lies are coming and indeed in this case, they arrived promptly. Because oil companies have not used all the permits they've received, Jen Psaki told us, that means this is their fault. They're not trying hard enough to produce energy they could but they don't want to," said Carlson.
"But wait a second, Jen Psaki, what if there's no oil or gas underneath the permanent land? In that case, energy producers would want permits for land where the energy is. Turns out they don't want dry wells, they want wells that flow. But they’re not getting it thanks to the green new deal lobby that completely controls this administration, they can't get those permits. And that's what's happening here," he added.
Carlson pressed those who doubt his statements to ask those who work in the energy business about Psaki’s comments.
"Jen Psaki just lied to you. They are all lying to you. You probably guessed that already, but you can't say it. Because if you wonder what these policies may be doing to your country or to your family, you are selfish and disloyal. In fact, you're unpatriotic, because real patriotism is caring about Ukraine first. And by the way, caring about Ukraine, means prolonging a bloody war in Ukraine until the entire country of Ukraine has been destroyed and millions of Ukrainians are refugees. We know we can do it because we did it in Iraq. We can do it in Ukraine. That's patriotism," Carlson concluded.
Biden Admin Denies Former World No. 1 Tennis Champ Novak Djokovic’s Access to Country Due to Vaccine Status — But Opened Border to 2 Million Unvaccinated Illegal Aliens in Last Year
By Julian Conradson
Published March 9, 2022 at 6:38pm
Watch this video, and look at the three congressmen that President Biden is referring to, and tell me this is something that would have been in the news for 4 weeks if Trump said it:
You can also click here to view this tweet on Twitter.
The three congressman you have here, two of them look like they really could and did play ball and the other one looks like he can bomb you.
Umm, did he really just say what I think he said???
I don't get it.
richwicks saysI don't get it.
Those two fellows are among those who jumped out of the Twin Towers on 9-11 rather than be burned to death. When those two French guys were filming the immediate aftermath of the planes hitting the towers, you could hear a body plopping into the ground about every minute or so.
Personally, I think 9/11 was a false flag - at minimum our government allowed it to happen, at maximum, they made it happen
President of the United States of Amnesia
After "Biden" finished his speech, he turned around and tried to shake hands with thin air and then wandered around looking confused..
Then, just as quickly as it started, the coverage vanished. While this was somewhat expected following the US departure, the media’s readiness to wash its hands of the whole affair after weeks of emotive appeals to stay the course was particularly jarring.
The salvo began in mid-August, when the White House recoiled in response to the Taliban takeover by freezing $9.4 billion of the Afghan central bank’s international reserves
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